Transmutation News – December 2000

In Medicine For The Earth I have a chapter on experiencing heaven on earth. In my own life I had always seen them as separate. In my journeys I have learned that heaven and earth have always been one. It is illusion and misperception that creates any separation. As I wrote in A Fall to Grace it is our illusion that we are separate from Source that created a fall from grace. Realizing that we are all one and connected to all creation and our creator brings us back to a state of grace.

When I questioned the spirits on how to work with my illusions the advice I received was if you change your perception your reality will change. It’s all a matter of perception. I felt and still feel this is such a profound teaching, and I felt like I needed more guidance to find a path to bring and ground this teaching into my life. So I asked for more information. I was then told that to change my perception I must see the beauty in all things. I worked with this for awhile and found myself very challenged with this spiritual practice and once again asked for something simpler that I could begin with. I was told to work with being in a state of appreciation and gratefulness. This became my first step into my practice of learning to change my perception in order to shift my reality.

I am now back to trying to see the beauty in all people and in all things. It’s been fascinating for me to observe my process as I do this and what I bump up against.

As an example let’s take the political situation in the world. Those of you reading this web page live in many different countries around the world. We can all look at the political situation where we live and in different areas of the world. As we begin to look at the beauty in all things one area we can bump up against is not experiencing beauty because of? injustice. There might seem to be a lack of fairness on the planet right now. This could bring one to feeling anger, or depression, or a feeling of powerlessness. There is a threshold to cross with these feelings in order to experience the beauty in all things.

There is nothing wrong with feeling any of these emotions. Having and feeling emotions keeps us healthy. Our adverse emotions give us the impetus to create change. At some point it is time to let our emotions signal that it is time to change and move on from what we are feeling. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with feeling emotions, but hanging on to them and rationalizing why we should hang on to them is where some problems can occur.

For example, let’s look at a tree. I am sure that you have at some point seen trees growing in extremely adverse conditions. Trees growing out of rocks are one example. Trees growing in a grove where they block out each other’s light is another example.

When a tree can’t get it’s branches to the light it will grow around all kinds of blocks and obstacles in order to do so or it will die.

When we hold on to our emotions and don’t learn how to change our route to finding a path to the light there is no growth. Remember in the Transmutation News in October I asked you to visualize two beings that would represent your positive and negative thoughts, attitudes, and belief systems. The instructions I gave you were to watch who you feed throughout your day. When you are stuck in your anger about certain situations and you don’t use your emotions to create and propel change you keep feeding one being only. The being that supports life in you begins to starve. You get the point.

If you decide to begin a practice to see the beauty in all things you will find that as you look at the beauty in people and situations that cause you great distress you might get stuck in a range of emotions. Observe those emotions and honor your feelings. Where can you use these feelings to create change in your life and your perception? Try and go beyond these emotions at some point to go to the next level and look at the pure bright spirit that is connected with all people and all life. With this change in perception you will change your vibration. As you change your vibration the energy in your life will change. You will change and this will create change on the planet in a very unique fashion.

We can’t always change our outer world, but we can always change our inner world. By changing our inner world we change our perception. By changing our perception we change our reality. This is the spiritual practice I will encourage you to bring into your life and to the new millennium as we look at finding harmony within that will create harmony without. Begin to work with the above principle and I will give you more next month.

This month we enter into the season of winter. Winter prepares the ground for the new growth of the spring. When one looks at the earth during this time it seems that the earth is dormant. But if one looks deeper there is quite a lot going on. I would suggest that you do a meditation or journey to merge once again with the earth as I have described in previous months. Ask to merge with an area of earth in winter. Learn by becoming.

Notice how the earth receives and churns the necessary nurturance in order to support the new growth and life of the spring. Look at what you need to do in your life to nurture yourself during this time. We are not separate from nature but we are part of it. Become part of nature by changing your nature during this season to become in sync with the river of life.

On another note I have been continuing to work with groups in Santa Fe to work with learning how to reverse environmental pollution. There are two stages to the workshops I am teaching. One level is to begin to look at spiritual practices that we must bring into our lives to change ourselves which create change in our environment. The other is to work together in community to transmute deionized water infused with ammonium hydroxide. The work is going very well and we are getting consistent positive results.

I hope at some point you will be able to travel to Santa Fe and do some work where as a community we can learn from each other and you can bring what you have learned back to the communities you live in.

Now on to the final instructions to begin to create a human web of light. The Transmutation News in November gave instructions on how to tap into your own light. If you are reading this web site for the first time please go back to the previous month for the initial instructions.

The first meditation will be on the winter solstice to celebrate the return of the light. As you get in touch with your own light and shine it in your life you will change your vibration. As we gather our lights together and share it in the world we change the vibration of the planet. It’s crucial to stay focused on your intention.

I suggest that you add no prayers or words as you do this. Just simply shine and allow yourself to join with a planetary web of light that will reach out to touch all the dark places in the world.

For the winter solstice meditate and shine your light as the solstice begins where you live. As you do this the light will grow as it moves from country to country. The light will be passed around the globe. But let’s not stop there. Continue throughout the day and evening to shine. In this way we begin to link the web of light throughout the world by shining at the time of the solstice but we also keep this web alive throughout the day and night.

If you work with a group for meditations or journeying at important times of the year gather together as a group to bring in the solstice. Link hands and link your lights together as you let your own shine come through. Experience the light of your group linking with groups all over the world. Experience yourself merging into one giant web of light.

If you are working alone once again get into a quiet place and let your shine come through you. Experience yourself merging into one great community web of light that is shining around the world.

After this first meditation at the time of the solstice, I suggest we work with creating this web of light each full moon when the power of the full moon will magnify the light we send out. Each full moon keep working with shining your light and visualizing that you are connected to a global human web of light throughout the day and evening. And let’s keep it going every full moon. Imagine the healing and change in vibration that can take place in your own lives as well as on the planet.

A friend reminded me that children always shine. She is sharing this idea with friends who have children. Bring your children into this practice with you.

Remember all life is of the light. You are light, we all are light, we join together in a great circle and web of light.

The next transmutation news will appear after the new year. In honor of my dear friend Brooke who died recently. I would like to wish you the prayer that I would often hear her say: In this year may your life be filled with magic.

Transmutation News – November 2000

Last month I mentioned that I would be starting monthly meditations that would create a human web of light. I want to explain what I mean by this.

When I was researching different spiritual teachings for Medicine for the Earth I found the underlying principle of esoteric beliefs is that all life is made of light. As human beings with egos we often forget our true nature and we over identify with our personalities and bodies. We are light in bodies.

Alchemists did not literally change lead into gold. Rather they transmuted heavy leaded consciousness into gold light consciousness. Jesus in Matthew 5:30-20 challenges us not to hide our light under baskets. When mystics all over the world perform their miracles of healing they are seen to shine and become luminescent. Throughout Medicine for the Earth I write about the importance of the concept of light in all spiritual traditions.

We are light and we came here to shine. But most of us have forgotten our true nature as well as why we came here. A few years ago I was teaching a soul retrieval training in Santa Cruz, CA. I was teaching at a beautiful retreat center in the redwoods where the walk from the dining room to the meeting room was long. It had been raining for days and I found myself missing the night sky, as I knew it in Santa Fe. Living at 7000 feet with not much pollution in the air I can see the stars dancing in the night sky every evening.

One night after dinner I was walking to the meeting space alone. The rain had stopped and the clouds were moving out of the sky. I stopped and looked up and I could see one lone star. As I stood looking up at the sky I had a realization.

When a group of people gathers outside and looks up at the night sky no one gets particularly excited when there is only one star visible. But when an infinite number of stars dazzle us, people start to ooh and ah and take on the excitement of children seeing something beautiful for the first time. The complete awe of the night sky never fails to impact us.

Here on earth we are told at a very early age not to shine so brightly. If we shine too bright no one will love us. There can only be a few “stars” and it is not you. Does this sound familiar?

Why can there only be a few stars here on earth? I have never heard anyone say when looking up at the stars in the sky, “1 wish that star wouldn’t shine so brightly it is outshining other stars”. Why do we have that belief here?

It is our birthright to shine as brightly as we can. In this way we can reflect back the beauty of the night sky above us. We need to find our shine again so that we can light up the dark places of the world.

I propose that we begin on a monthly basis to create a human web of light where for a time we all just shine. This will not only bring light to places that need it right now, but it will heal us and help us remember our true nature which is light. It will also be quite healing to know that you are hooking up with thousands of others who are remembering that we are light. As we share this concept with others our web of light will grow which I know will have an impact on the earth and all life on it.

Remembering the formula intention + harmony + love + concentration + focus + union + imagination = transmutation we can begin to work on remembering our light and letting it shine forth.

You can begin to get in touch with your true nature which is light by putting on some relaxing soothing music and allow yourself to get into a quiet place. Take some deep breaths bringing you to a centered place where you will be able experience a state of harmony and love. Allow yourself to go inside holding the intention that you want to experience the light that shines within your being. This will bring you into a state of union with your creator or the power of the universe. Keep your focus and concentrate on your intention. Allow your imagination to help you feel and see your internal light. Give yourself permission to let your light shine fully through you. This light is always there and cannot be used up. The capacity to share your light and be filled by it yourself is endless. Your light cannot be destroyed or taken from you. You do not have to worry about becoming depleted, as the source of this light is always abundant.

Once you have had the experience of your abundant light and have let it shine through you once again use your breath and intention to take you out of the state you are in. Come back, open your eyes, feel your body, wiggle your toes, and know you are ready to connect with others who wish to shine to bring healing energy into the world.

Begin to practice with letting your light shine through you. And next practice breathing in light and breathing out light throughout the day. In next month’s web page I will give you more information on the monthly meditations. The first meditation will be on the winter solstice to celebrate the return of the light. Again I will give you more information next month.

The exercises I have been giving you on working with your negative states of consciousness as well as being grateful and showing appreciation for your life and all life on earth are essential practices to help us shine. Please don’t think of these monthly meditations as separate work from what we have been doing. Everything I am sharing with you works together. We can’t truly shine our light in the world unless we learn how to transmute the negativity we put out. We must be in a state of gratefulness and appreciation to bring light into the dark places in ourselves, our lives, and to the planet. So please continue the practices of the last few months.

Don’t forget in the dark what you learned in the light.

In May I gave you instructions on how to work with merging with the elements so that we learn about them by becoming them. Over the last few months we merged with earth, water, and air. This month we will merge with a force that gives off great light – fire.

As fire you might become a campfire, a fire burning in a fireplace to keep others warm, the flame on a candle burning, the fire in a volcano or in the core of the earth, or the fire of a beautiful sunrise or sunset.

Transmutation News – October 2000

I hope you had a good fall equinox celebration. One way that indigenous people stay in harmony with the rhythm of life is by honoring the change in seasons. As we are part of nature the change in seasons is going to have an impact on our energy, our food requirements, our mood, etc. Acknowledging the change in seasons helps us to adjust to the changes in a harmonious way.

Fall is my favorite season. I intentionally scheduled my first workshop on the material from Medicine For The Earth during the weekend of the fall equinox. The workshop went very well and I am excited about continuing the work.

In organizing the material I wanted to share during the weekend I broke the work down into two parts. I feel the most important part of the transmutation work is bringing in spiritual practices into our lives that move us into a state of harmony. As I have repeated many times on this web page harmony within will create harmony without. Typically the truth and what is most important is so simple.

The second part of the work is the ceremonies, which we perform to actually work with the transmutation of environmental pollution.

The personal work we must do ourselves. Yes, it is important to have community support as we incorporate spiritual practices into our lives. But ultimately no one can change our lives except ourselves. The ceremony work I think does have to be done in community. It is time in our evolution to work with groups to come together to heal our environment.

This month we continue with the spiritual practice of changing ourselves. The last couple of months I have given you suggestions of how to work with transmuting the thoughts and energy you send out into the universe. The words, thoughts and energy we send out ultimately end up showering back down on us. When we send out a lot of negativity we end up polluting our environment. Pollution doesn’t come just from what we physically put into the environment. The thoughts, words, and energy we infuse it with also impact the health of our environment.

Here is a visualization for you to work with:
Close your eyes and with your Imagination picture two beings. One being you will label positive thoughts, words, and energy. The other will represent your negative thoughts, words, and energy. For the next month throughout the day check in to see whom you are feeding. Notice who you are nurturing the most during your day.

If you really take this practice seriously you will notice what you are calling to yourself and your environment by whether you feed the positive or the negative more. Being on a spiritual path is like walking on the edge of a razor. Don’t judge yourself when you fall off, just get back on the path.

I hope you will continue the practice for more than just a month but ask yourself are you willing to commit to this for at least a month.

I have been informed by a friend that has begun taking orders for Medicine For The Earth: How To Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins.

During a recent journey my helping spirits asked me to begin monthly meditations for the purpose of forming a human web of light for global healing. I will give you more Information once I have an opportunity to organize this more.

Transmutation News – September 2000

As we are human it is natural for emotions to arise when things are going well in our life and when we are experiencing trouble. The important factor for us to look at in our work in transmutation is not getting rid of our feelings but being able to transform the energy around our feelings. In doing this we create an energy that can be used for personal and environmental healing.

Here is a very potent ritual for dealing with anger that rides on the exercise I gave you last month about thinking of something precious to you when you are angry.

Any pain that we feel is an indication, a flag that something is not right in our lives. Pain indicates that there is a disharmony. The first step is to acknowledge why you are angry. Where do you feel that disharmony is occurring that brings up your anger? Once you have looked at this and diagnosed the problem it is time to transmute your anger so that it doesn’t sit inside you creating illness or is not being sent outside you to the environment causing spiritual pollution.

Once you are ready for the transmutation work to occur go outside into nature and find something that seems precious to you—a beautiful rock, flower, leaf, etc. Make sure that this object is something that you would want to nurture and love and not harm. Sit with this life form from nature thinking about your anger. Do you want to send your anger to this precious life? Would you like to transmute your anger so as you hold this life form in your angry state you change the energy you are sending to love and light?

Through your intention ask that the energy that you are identifying as anger be transformed to an energy that embraces love and light. Allow the energy of your anger to change into a form embracing some nurturing, life giving energy that you would like to send to this most precious object you have found. Stay with this experience as long as you can until you feel that the energy has shifted and you have returned to a place of harmony.

In this harmonious state you can now work on the original situation that was causing you pain. You can now take action not from a place of anger but from a place of knowing that change needs to happen If you find yourself filled with anger again around the person or situation you are working with go out again and keep repeating the exercise as many times as will shift the emotion you are feeling.

Remember that the life form you found in nature that you feel is so precious is a reflection of the part of you that you feel is precious. As you would not want to direct an energy that would be harmful to your precious life form, you also don’t want to hold an energy that would be harmful to the precious part of you.

Our local Santa Fe newspaper has begun sharing the predictions of scientists that it is possible that Santa Fe will run out of water in the next decade and that there will be a continued drought for the next twenty five years. These articles have moved me to continue my journeying on the weather patterns not just in Santa Fe but also in the world. The weather is so extreme in so many locations around the world right now.

When I journeyed the key words that emerged for me is that this is a time of renewal. For so long humankind has not been acting in harmony with nature. Humankind has seen the earth as a way to fill our needs without giving anything back. As the energy of giving and receiving is out of balance the earth is renewing itself and no longer making itself so “human friendly”. In order for humans to survive there will need to be more attention put on the use of resources as they will not be unlimited. Natural disasters will force us to put our attention on the land and clean up what is happening instead of on collecting more material objects.

As you know I do not believe in doom and gloom prophecies and know that anything being shown that troubles me in a journey can be changed. So I continued my journey by asking how we can change this. I was told for myself that I was to continue doing the ceremonies that I do on my land to honor the earth, the other elements, and all life forms there. The singing and dancing I do on a regular basis giving thanks for all that the land provides me is a wonderful energy of giving thanks to the land that creates the power of reciprocation. This is just a first step and I will continue to ask for more.

In this same journey I was also encouraged to inspire journey groups around the world to do a journey together of looking at how the community can give back energy that would create the earth renewing itself where nurturance could be experienced by all concerned. Is there a gentler way that this process can continue? This is an issue that each community must look at as the spirit of the land in different places is responding to our behavior in different ways.

All life needs to be nurtured and given back to. The earth and the spirit of where you live are alive too.

A reader of this web page, Mark, after reading the section on entering into a place of appreciation when one fears losing something was inspired to write some haiku verses related to protecting Mother Earth. He generously agreed to have me print them here:


Each moment of thanks,
Sending ripples of healing:
Me to Earth to me.

Each moment of thanks,
Ripples joining with others:
We to earth to We.

Each moment of thanks,
Joys of sacred relations:
Help save what still is.

Transmutation News – August 2000

Recently a writer for a book was interviewing me. At the end of the interview she asked me if I felt that the ego had a place in spiritual work and if I thought one could or should get rid of the ego. She was wondering if we could operate in our lives without the ego.

As I have written in the past and as well as in my new book I feel that the ego is the part of us that perceives space and time. For example, the ego tells us how much we have to press the gas pedal to drive. It has a sense of how fast we are going. The spiritual side of us is not aware of speed limits. So yes we need the ego to live in our ordinary lives.

When doing spiritual healing work such as transmutation the ego can get in the way. It is the ego that perceives us separate from the rest of life. In transmutation we are going for union with all that is alive. One purpose of the shaman’s dances and songs is to help to move the ego out of the way so that the power of the universe can come through. One cannot be in union with the spirits, the divine, or the creator when one is fully in an egoic state of consciousness. It blocks the spiritual divine forces from being able to come through.

Krishnamurti used to say that the human mind is infinitely divisive. As we feel separate from others and divine forces we tend to think to survive that we must judge others and compete with others. This philosophy does not work when we are trying to transmute personal and environmental pollution.

Here is a very simple exercise that you can use when yourself moving into an angry or judgmental state:

Think of something very simple that is absolutely precious to you. It might be a baby animal, or a smell, taste, or feeling, or an image of a dew drop on a plant, or a dragonfly, or a bird you love, etc. Think of something that makes you smile and remember how precious life is. When you find what reminds you of the preciousness of life, bring this image, sound, smell, taste, into your awareness when you need help connecting you back to the truth that we are connected to all of life.

This month journey or meditate on other methods you can use to snap yourself out of an angry or judgmental state.

Transmutation News – July 2000

After months of negotiation with Random House I finally have a title for my new book. Random House did not like the title Let There Be Light. So instead the book is titled Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins. The division of Random House that will put out the book is Three Rivers Press and it will be out in January.

Random House took a big risk in taking on this book. Other publishers’ responses to my book proposal were, “This time she has gone too far.” I want the message to get out to the publishing industry that yes the public is interested in spiritual methods for healing the earth. When the book comes out I hope you will inform your communities about it. In this way we can spread the word and also open the door in the publishing world for authors who are writing on a similar topic.

As Santa Fe is still in a drought I have continued journeying on what I need to understand about working with the weather. I had a very interesting journey the other day on this. The spirits told me that when one lives in a mountainous area, it is the mountains that create the weather. I was told that the earth itself calls down certain weather. I was instructed to connect with the spirit of the mountain here as I pray for rain. Here is an application for the journey I asked you to do in merging with the earth. You might find that one way to affect changes in weather is through your connection with the earth itself


On Saturday June 24 our transmutation group performed another long distance experiment with water infused with ammonium hydroxide. We got better results than with our previous work. We were able to change the pH from 11.5 to 10 in about half an hour. This indicates a 30% change in the nature of the water.

This time when I worked I only journeyed. Previously I had been working outside using rattling and toning. In the journey I used transfiguring into the divine forces I work with as well as visualizing the water releasing the ammonium hydroxide. Vic, the physicist we are working with, shared with me after the work that when ammonium has a catalyst some of its ions can transmute to nitrogen gas, which can be released. The nitrogen being released is not a toxic substance. I have to do more journeying on what effect my own visualization process had to do with the results. But it is an interesting new addition to the transfiguration I had been doing.

Once again the key is not what happened to the water, but what happened to all of us engaged in the process. Once again the participants in the work all reported an extreme change in consciousness by embodying the divine forces that made the work successful. The point of the exercise being as we change our own consciousness our outer environment will change.

I did receive a write up of journeys from one journey circle about their journeys to merge with the earth. It was interesting to note that most of the group merged with the earth first by going through water.

I wonder how your journey or meditation went as you merged with air. People who wrote in about merging with air described their journeys to be very pleasurable. Most people did not want to come back from this journey.

This month I suggest you move on to merging with water. You might become a teardrop going down someone’s cheek, or the great ocean, or a drop of dew on a flower. Once again let the creativity of your journeys lead you into a form of water you can become so you can truly understand the element of water which supports all of life.

Don’t forget that water is outside of you as well as in you. You might wish to add to your spiritual work a journey or meditation to understand the nature of water inside you.

Transmutation News – June 2000

During the month of May there were many forest fires in New Mexico. As the national news only spoke about the fire in Los Alamos. many people don’t know there were six forest fires burning at the same time in different parts of the state. The attention was put on Los Alamos for obvious reasons—it is the location of a lab containing tremendous amounts of nuclear material Also all around Los Alamos nuclear waste has been dumped for the last forty years.

The fear of radiation sent many people fleeing Northern New Mexico. There is a true biological drive to survive so I understand the desire to seek safety. But I ask, where in the world is a safe place right now?

The only safe place is inside you. Obviously if a fire is moving towards a house there is the need for evacuation. But then there is the issue of perceived future danger. Our first reaction when we think we are in danger is to run. It is important for us to sit still and allow true clear guidance to emerge from the silence. True wisdom and guidance does not come from chaos.

Back in the 1970’s there was a prediction that there was going to be a huge earthquake in Los Angeles. Freeways were full of people trying to escape. A group of Tibetan Buddhist monks flew into Los Angeles to sit and pray for the land. The message they left is when a disaster is predicted stay put and put your prayers and energy to the land.

Recently scientists are admitting that when the rains of the summer flood the Colorado River coming into New Mexico, radioactivity from all the nuclear waste stored in the canyons will enter the water. This will go through New Mexico, Texas as well as Southern California.

One can take a stance of fear around this or one can move into a place of power. Ancient and modem day mystics have transmuted toxic substances. If even one person could and can do this it means we also have the power to do this. I have already mentioned the formula for transmutation that I put together from all my research. But I feel it is appropriate to mention it here again:

Intention + Love + Union + Concentration + Focus + Imagination + Harmony =Transmutation

My own helping spirits have shared with me that when we fear losing something whether it be a house, job, relationship, our health, etc., move into a place of deep appreciation for what you fear losing. A regular practice of giving thanks and entering into a deep state of appreciation for your life and all you have is one of the keys to transmutation.

Last month I asked you to meditate or journey to merge with the earth. What did you learn about the need for the continual movement of molecules for a healing earth? What did you learn about what earth needs for nurturance?

If you didn’t get this information, go back and do this exercise again. It is crucial to understand how the movement of energy creates a healthy earth and what nurtures it. This is not only important in understanding the earth you walk upon, but it relates to your own health as you are earth too.

This month continue your merging practice to learn about the air. As I instructed last month do not talk to the air—rather become air. Learn by becoming this essential element for life. And remember air is outside of us as well as inside.

As air you might become the mighty wind or you might be the quiet stillness of the air on a perfect summer day, or you might be a gentle breeze moving through the grass or trees, or the great gust surfing through the landscape. Use your imagination.

These merging exercises should be done more than once. Each time you merge with an element you will learn more.

I would love to answer questions about what I have written about transmutation so far. Also, I would love to hear your experiences from the exercises.

I know it is hard to believe, but I am not on e-mail. If you are willing to work with the archaic system of “snail mail” I will post on the next month’s web page answers to your questions and share your experiences.

You can write to me at:
Sandra Ingerman
P.O. Box 4757
Santa Fe. New Mexico 87502

Let’s not forget to honor the change of season to summer this month.

Transmutation News – May 2000

I have found one of the keys to the success of our work with the transmutation of the water has been merging with the water either before or as we worked.

In previous web pages I have written that I feel that much of the illness we suffer today is a direct result of how we have become separated from nature. The elements earth, water, air, and fire are not only around us, but we are made up of these elements too. I have found it to be beneficial to bring into your spiritual practice a way of merging with the elements. This practice is not to try to speak to or communicate with an element, although this practice is important too, rather it is learning by becoming and being the element you are working with.

If you are trained in the practice of shamanic journeying, you would journey with the intention to merge with an element. If you are not trained in this spiritual practice you would want to do a meditation with the same intention. I would suggest putting on some music which is relaxing to you. As you listen to the music make sure that you are breathing, allowing yourself to move into a deep meditative state. When you feel that you are in a deep state, hold an intention that you want to experience a particular element by becoming it.

This month I suggest that you work with the element of earth. As we are in the season of spring the earth is teaming with life. As you become the earth you will experience the frost of winter being dissolved creating an incredible vitality that will amaze you as you experience it. You might choose to merge with the soil in your garden or where you live, or the earth of a desert, tropical beach, or rain forest. Use your imagination. Feel how the earth is being fed by the sun and the moisture and the movement of life in this season.

We all know that the earth is alive. And as you feel it’s life force you will experience this concept on a much deeper level.

For the month of May just concentrate on learning about the life force of earth by merging with it. Next month I will lead you through the next element to work with.

Our transmutation group performed our next experiment with water. We wanted to try working long distance where this time all the group members were in different locations. Once again we found that we were able to change the pH in a similar way as when a group worked together long distance. We have not been able to change the water as significantly long distance as when the group has been working in the same room with the water. But it did change. Obviously more work needs to be done.

I feel perfecting our long distance technique is important as when we move into working with nuclear waste we would want to work long distance for obvious reasons.

I scheduled two workshops on transmutation this fall, which filled immediately. I will be scheduling more workshops for 2001. As soon as I come up with some dates I will let you know.

Transmutation News – April 2000

Happy spring! I hope you will take some time and revel in the changes that nature is delighting us with. Spring is a great time to plant the seeds we wish to come to fruition this summer.

In February I was teaching a two week intensive workshop on shamanic methods in Portland, Oregon through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. There were seventy five people in the workshop, and I felt it was a perfect opportunity to take the experimentation with polluted water one step further.

Vic, the physicist we have been consulting with, made up a batch of water with ammonium hydroxide in Colorado. He made up the water two hours before our group intended on working with it. He kept testing the pH of the water to see if the pH would change on its own. It did not.

Our group spent the day preparing for the work. We did journeys to merge with water. We also did a journey to experience the process of dismemberment/transfiguration as I describe in my new book to embody divine forces which could transmute the water.

When our session began in the evening we used drumming, rattling, dancing and singing to help us change our state of consciousness. We proceeded with toning to provide the space where we could embody the divine and the helping spirits. Some people just prayed for divine intervention but most of the group worked with embodying a spiritual force.

Due to the time difference in Colorado, we only had a short time to work. We knew the address of the water, but no one, including myself had ever been to the location. This was the next step in our experimentation process. Could change happen to the water, without us having any knowledge about the location except an address? We were able to change the pH from 11 to 10 in our short period of working, which from a scientific view would be considered unexplainable.

At some point I plan on moving our experimentation to the next level, working on bodies of water versus bowls of water and also extending our work to include other elements. The point of my new book Let There Be Light is that we can reverse all environmental pollution through the use of spiritual methods. But first it is important to see what works in a controlled situation and then we will be ready for the next step.

Last month, on this web page, I posted a formula I have developed for transmutation to occur. I hope you had some time to work with this. It is important for me to stress that what is crucial is not trying to change the pollution in the environment without changing ourselves first. Finding harmony inside of ourselves will naturally effect our outer world without trying to force a change to occur. Therefore, the key is bringing spiritual practices into your life twenty four hours a day, three hundred sixty five days a year. You will not experience harmony outside of yourself until you have a deep sense of harmony inside. I know I keep repeating this point, but it is the key to changing the world we live in.

Pollution signifies energy that is stuck as vital energy is always moving. During this powerful season of the year put out a strong intention that you wish your energy to be aligned with the healthy moving vibration of the earth and all the elements. Ask that the veils between the worlds be lifted so you can align with the pure unpolluted vibration of the earth. State your intention at the beginning of each day. Notice if this brings more harmony into your life.

Review the formula I wrote about last month and keep journeying and meditating on it. Come up with some spiritual practices that you can work with which will help you embody this formula.

Transmutation News – March 2000

Last month I wrote about the experiment we did with transmuting chemically polluted water in Santa Fe. We went one step further with this work, and we tried to replicate our results working long distance. I was to make up a batch of water with ammonium hydroxide at a certain hour, Diana, Gail, and Kate would journey and then perform a ceremony to embody the divine to change the PH of tile water. I had told them where in my house I was going to place the bowl of water. About a minute before I was to make up the water an idea came to make up two bowls of water and place one bowl in a room where Diana, Gail, and Kate would have no knowledge of this water.
I was concerned about not focusing on the water while they were doing their work. The universe provided help with this. As soon as I placed the bowl of water in my house, my phone rang. The call coming in was a business call which demanded my full attention. The call lasted as long as the ceremony in Colorado was taking place.
The results we got were not as dramatic as the results when we worked at my house together, but we did get good results. The PH went from 11 to a 9.5 in the bowl of water placed in my kitchen. The fascinating piece is that the PH in the bowl that no one knew existed except me, showed no change. So this was quite interesting.
This month we will continue our experimentation with the long distance work and we will switch the process where the water is made up in Colorado, and I will work with a group to attempt to transmute it.
In our work so far we found singing to be essential to keeping the focus of our intention as well as helping us remain in a state of union with divine forces. We each used our shamamic power songs to prepare ourselves for getting into an altered state and then we used to toning to keep us in a state of union.

I wanted to add a little more information about ammonium hydroxide as I was informed that I have not given all the correct information in last month’s web page. Ammonium hydroxide does not come from just decaying vegetable matter. It is also a byproduct of human or animal wastes. This is a very common contaminant that makes soil very alkaline arid water undrinkable. It has a distinctive odor and foul taste, so that creatures will naturally not drink it. It does have the capability to break down cell walls in the digestive tract, but the odds of some one drinking a high enough concentration are low. The key here is that the water is no longer usable when the ammonium is present.
Ammonium hydroxide makes fatty acids more soluble in water. This can make other pollutants such as petroleum products water soluble. This process increases the danger of petroleum in the environment by enabling it to spread faster. Therefore, ammonium hydroxide is a contaminate in itself and also harmful in terms of its affect on some other contaminants.
The paper strips we used are ph test strips that are much more sensitive than litmus paper.

After reading stories of the miracle of transmutation in the Bible, the Kabalah, and those authored by Egyptians, Taoists, Yogis, alchemists, shamans, and modern—day mystics, I found the elements they all shared. The following formula naturally evolved: intention + love + harmony + union + focus + concentration + imagination = transmutation. This formula is a hologram whose components all work together, and are inseparable from the whole.
You can begin meditating or journeying on this formula and notice if you are inspired in your work and life by it.