Transmutation News – June 2021

I have found myself reflecting on a topic that has so many layers to it. Over the past few years I have written multiple columns where the core of the teaching was how ancient cultures sung their unique cultural song of creation. This teaching taught how singing the song of creation helped the shaman, healers, the community dismember illness as well as what else needed to be dissolved. Songs were then sung to re-weave harmony and balance. The singing actually acts as a true incantation of having the power to dismember, dissolve, discreate, dissolve, and destroy. And then the song of creation was used to remember, to create, reweave, nurture, and to sing rebirth back into the community again.

So those of you who have been reading my column over the years, you have read about my complete fascination with how ancient cultures have used singing the song of creation to dissolve what needs to be dismembered and then next to sing the song of creation to remember the health, balance, and harmony that needs to be reweaved back into the web of life, back into the collective, back into the community, or back into the client.

So the song of creation was really important to shamanic cultures because the song of creation is what gave values and a roadmap of a way of life to the people. And as you know in most of my books I’ve shared about writing your own creation story especially about how much love went into your creation. There is nothing more life changing then to absorb in all your cells the unconditional love that went in creating you.

So the question that comes up for me is around songs and around the power of songs. If shamans and shamanic cultures use songs and chants with so much power to create magic and healing or to create dismemberment of what needed to be destroyed that means songs have the power to create or destroy. This led me to thinking about the songs that we sing to ourselves throughout the day. What are we creating through our music?

I listen to the songs I still love to dance to and, when I listen to the words of what I’m dancing to I really start to wonder what is being created in the collective by the vibration of these words being sung over and over and over again. You are not newcomers to my work so I don’t think that I have to explain this.

My question and what I am reflecting on is how are we using music today for creating a better life for ourselves, for the web of life, and for the planet?

It’s an interesting question to ponder. it’s an interesting issue to journey on and reflect on as we move into the solstice which is another time of change of cycles on the planet. Summer and winter are strong seasons of creation and dismemberment.

June 20 we welcome in the solstice, another change in cycles in our Earth and in our lives.

Summer is a really strong season of growth and creation and this could be a very powerful time to be disciplined about the words that you use throughout the day and your daydreams that you allow yourself to loop over. But also reflect on the words of the songs that you’re listening to and the songs that you’re singing. Ask yourself what are you creating?

In the Southern Hemisphere you might want to reflect on the songs that you’re singing and do they dismember what needs to be dismembered and destroyed out of your life and out of the collective?

I believe that this will be interesting and revealing practice that will bring new ways of being into your life and in the world during the changing times as we move into the solstice.


More people are waking up to the need for a different way of life. And a different way of life incorporates how we operate physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And there’s so much that we can change by just focusing on our spiritual practices that we do when we don’t even know that we’re doing them.  Because every word, every thought, every day dream that you have is part of your spiritual practice so you’re constantly doing spiritual work when you are out in the world, driving, on public transportation. You are constantly performing spiritual practices.

In thinking about words, thoughts, daydreams, singing creation songs, bringing in unconditional love reflect on what I’ve written. Perform journey work, or meditate, or spend some time in nature and feel if this feels true to you and then make some decisions on how you will change your daily behavior.

When we sing our own songs we build our own path and move forward.

The full moon is on June 24.  Let’s bring in the spiritual practice of how we use sound as part of our monthly ceremony of creating a human web of light. Om contains all mantras and is the original primal sound of the creator.  Work with sounds, songs, humming. Do what you feel supports the deepest part of  shining your radiant light into the world during this time.

If you’re a new reader to the Transmutation News please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

I wish everybody a beautiful solstice, and I ask that all of us in our global circle sing a song of love on the solstice to life, to the web of life, to everyone in our circle, and to everything that is alive on this planet and to the Earth and all the elements.

As we greet the solstice here is an audio recording where I lead our circle to an altar room where we can do our work for years to come. Listen and you will love it:


I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are!

In the meantime, there are a couple of online Evergreen courses that I had taught live and now you can do the courses self paced. There are multiple courses but here are two you might be interested in.

Check out Healing with Spiritual Light

The Transmutation News is based on my book Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins. I taught this work all over the globe with miraculous results and people receiving powerful tools to transform And create the energies and ride the waves with grace and ease like times we are in now.

As I was reaching my elder years I contacted Sounds True and asked them if they would film a live course with me teaching it so people would always have access to this incredibly powerful and uplifting work.

And Sounds True said yes. We titled the course Healing with Spiritual Light. The feedback I have received from this course is spectacular.

If you’d like to experience the power of these teachings for yourself, Sounds True is offering as a FREE introduction the first session of Healing with Spiritual Light.

To register for the 8 – week Healing with Spiritual Light workshop click on:

I hope you will join us for this 8-week life-changing course Healing with Spiritual Light!

Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing with Sandra Ingerman (Evergreen)

Through a practice called shamanic journeying, you can seek and receive guidance and healing for yourself and others from divine compassionate spirits in the unseen realms.

If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits.In the intro call I give a very detailed lecture on healing from shamanic perspective including power loss, soul loss, intrusions, and possession.

So just the free intro call has a wealth of information.

If you prefer to skip the free introduction and buy the course the link to do is:

I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on

And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light, The Book of Ceremony and my other books are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!

Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is   We also have a section for online courses:

I know all of you are familiar with the work of Alberto Villoldo. But some of you might not know that his wife Marcela Lobos is a well-known shaman in Chile. She has made a huge contribution to the world of shamanism with her work. She is an incredibly compassionate woman. And I truly support her and the work she is bringing into the world.

In Awakening Your Inner Shaman: A Women’s Hero’s Quest Marcela reveals the maps offered by the shamanic Medicine Wheel and the hero’s journey to awaken your inner wisdom. She shares a compass to live a remarkable life, not because of material or outer success, but to cultivate presence and courage in the face of personal challenges and societal unrest. Her story, from growing up in a war-torn country to being initiated by the shamans of the Andes and becoming a teacher and a medicine woman, offers a flesh-and-bones context for each step of the archetypal journey to Self. Also, with her examples about other people crossing the veils from ordinary to extraordinary, Marcela invites you to a new level of openness to perceive the mystical world beyond appearances.

Mara Bishop’s  new book Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys is available now. For more information about Mara please visit

With 365 unique journey topics that can be used in any order, or as meditations, Shamanism for Every Day offers an invaluable guide to anyone searching for daily wisdom, spiritual insights and connection to the sacred.

Mara is a truly gifted shamanic practitioner and teacher listed on She has a true gift of sight. I love her work and how she communicates.

Dr. Margaret holds a PhD in psychology and she is a relationship expert, noted public speaker, workshop leader, educator, consultant, and artist. She has appeared on many radio and TV shows, including the Oprah show. Her work has helped thousands of people change their lives!

Over the years I have had email contact with Margaret who is one of the most compassionate people I have met. She has helped so many work through trauma using her inner Bonding Process. And now she is off on her own teaching her own new webinar.

Margaret wrote an ebook that speaks to such issues as:

  • You could confidently trust your intuition and make clear decisions without second guessing yourself
  • A multitude of opportunities and synchronistic events just find their way to you
  • You only allow people in your field who love and adore you and treat you in the most loving and respectful way possible
  • You feel supported in all areas of your life so no matter what happens you know something better is in the works for you.

What if all of your relationships in your life could be madly in love with you?

How amazing would this feel!?

There are four main mistakes Dr. Margaret sees people making that keep them from falling madly in love with themselves.

This is why she wrote an e-book called The 4 Mistakes That Block Self-Love and Relationships.

Click here to access this ebook.

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – September 2018

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Thank you for your generous feedback on the August Transmutation News. It spoke deeply to many readers.

I also want to thank everyone for your support of my two new books The Book of Ceremony and The Hidden Worlds (co-written with Katherine Wood).

I had the amazing opportunity to speak to a group in Syria who were reaching out for spiritual tools to regain a sense of hope in the midst of living in constant war. People all over the world are really turning to spiritual tools as not much makes sense to our rational minds. And it is time to embrace spiritual practices that can help shine a light on ways to do the inner work needed as our way of life is being dismembered.

Working with the practice of transfiguration and healing with spiritual light is a powerful contribution to healing our lives and helping the planet. For when we transfigure, we become a true presence of light which heals and transforms everything within and without.

But transfiguration, although it can manifest miraculous healings, is typically not enough to work with alone. For unless we change our lifestyle, actions, behaviors, how we use words, and focus on the energy of the thoughts and daydreams we feed the collective with, then our efforts will be stunted.  For it is not enough to radiate light unless we raise our own physical vibration to match the state of unity, light, and love.

We have forgotten that we are interconnected and interdependent with all of life. This is being reflected back to us by the environment and a lot of unbalanced behavior.

This might sound obvious to many of you, but unfortunately so many are still waiting for a miracle. And as I teach so strongly in the Medicine for the Earth trainings, we must engage in miraculous work by engaging the elements of intention + love + union + harmony + concentration + focus + imagination.

In addition to all the spiritual work we perform we must change our lifestyle to live in ways that support our environment. This is more difficult to do as in the modern world we are so used to our way of life.

On September 23 we honor the equinox as we move into autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. And in working with the changing seasons, I have been encouraging you to focus on how all changes in nature flow. There are not dramatic starts and stops. All cycles of change flow into each other.

The elements are great teachers in how to enter the flow of life. For earth, air, water, and fire are always moving, always cleansing, and then returning to phases of renewal.

When we honor a change in seasons, we also let go of what anchors us to unhealthy ways of thinking and to our past. The equinox is a time for cleansing, restating our intentions, committing to engage in deeper spiritual practices in a more disciplined way which leads us to a rebirth. It is time to honor ourselves, all of life, and our interconnectedness with nature.

To honor the equinox, I would love for us to focus on ceremonial work to release some of the negativity we are sending in the collective. For I am finding that as issues on the Earth heat up the spiritual community, it is also feeding a lot of energy of division and old ways of thinking. We all have pieces of the puzzle to share, and we need to be supportive of different spiritual viewpoints. Let us focus on creating a stronger collective together.  For that is how real change will happen. 

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Below are some suggestions for a ceremony you might choose to perform on the equinox. They are adapted out of Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life.

You want to design a ceremony to release an old thought form that emerges from old voices that challenge spiritual principles of working with unity, love, light, honor, and respect.  Always work with the spirit of love. You are taking a loving action toward yourself as well as our spiritual community when you release what binds you.   

If you feel you need more guidance on a ceremony to use, you can journey to a helping spirit to get a suggestion for a simple ceremony to perform. No matter how simple your ceremony is, you want to create it in a sacred way. This is where the power lies.

You can invite friends, loved ones, and people in your community to work in a ceremonial way together.  And you can imagine how much children love to engage in this work. 

Fire Ceremony

Fire is the great teacher of transformation and transmutation. Fire takes from us what needs to be released and transmutes the energy.

Make a tangible object that can be burned. You can create a talisman or power object that holds the power of your belief that you can release into the flames. You can find a stick as you walk in nature while focusing on what you wish to release. Take some yarn and unwind from your psyche your self-sabotaging belief while you wind its power onto the stick or create a talisman from burnable objects in nature. Take some time to make sure you have not just made a representation of your blocking belief or thought form.  Sing in, blow in, dance in, drum, or rattle in the power of the thought form into your talisman so it embodies the power of what you are releasing.

You can perform a fire ceremony in a fireplace or outdoors if it safe. If you are limited in safe ways to work with fire, you can use the flame of a candle. Write the belief you are releasing on a piece of paper and burn it in a bowl or in a sink.

You are working in partnership with the spirit of fire to transform the thought form that you are releasing. As you build the fire, share with it your intention.

Offer to the fire your talisman or even a thought form or blocking belief you have written down on a piece of paper. Focus on what you are going to release. Feel it in your body. Once you feel ready, release it into the flame. Release the talisman into the fire while giving thanks and gratitude to fire as it works in your behalf to consume and transform your belief into pure divine energy. Give an offering to the fire as it takes your blocking belief from you to be healed. I use cedar as an offering in the fire ceremonies I perform.

When your ceremony is complete, give thanks to the elements and helping spirts. This work marks an initiation and opens a new doorway for how you live your life.

Many of my clients and students use a sacred bowl at home to perform regular fire ceremonies as they continue to explore the obstacles to manifesting their dreams of a good life for oneself and for all life on Earth. 

Water Ceremony

Create a talisman out of objects you find in nature that you can release into the water. This talisman holds the power of the belief. You can create a little boat out of sticks and plants, letting your belief sail away into the realm of spirit. Give thanks to water as your belief is released and transformed.

A wonderful ceremony that a student of mine shared with me is working with dissolving paper. You can buy dissolving paper from the website Dissolving paper is completely safe for the environment and composts fully. You can cut up small pieces and draw images, symbols, or words that embrace beliefs and thought forms you are releasing. Heat up some water and place it in a bowl. Ceremoniously place the paper with your belief into the warm water and watch it completely dissolve. Bring the small bowl of water outside and feed the water to the earth. 

Bubble Ceremony

A ceremony that will fill you with a childlike state of joy is to go outside with a bottle of bubbles. Hold your intention and blow bubbles into the air unburdening yourself from negative thought forms. Give thanks to air as the wind carries your blocking belief to the creative forces of the universe where it is transformed into love and light. 

Burial Ceremony

Write something down or create something out of nature that you can bury into the earth. In this way you can perform a funeral for letting go of negative thought forms. Just remember to bury your belief with love. You are releasing what binds you while at the same time transforming the energy of the belief into love and light. 

Breaking Away Ceremony

Find a stick in nature and while holding it, focus on the self-sabotaging belief you wish to be unburdened from. Break the stick as you release your connection to this belief. This is a symbolic act of disconnecting from an unwanted energy. 

Journey for Dismembering a Thought Form

Bring your blocking belief, attitude, or thought patterns to a helping spirit and ask this spirit to dismember the thought form.

You might feel an immediate release and newly regained sense of freedom. There are times when more work needs to be done over time. I invite you to join me in raising your spiritual awareness and consciousness above the negative energies weighing us down. 

The full moon is September 25. Let us continue our work as we sink into the depth of our spiritual light that has so much potential to transform and heal ourselves, all in the web of light, and the Earth. Our light radiates and dances together uplifting and feeding all of life with strength, compassion, and love. We join together as we radiate luminescent light within and throughout the Earth.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.

Circling back to the August Transmutation News, I wrote about how we are taking on too many challenging energies flowing through the collective field of energy. What my helping spirits have showed me on a very cellular body feeling level is the difference of what happens when we fill ourselves with what we are in gratitude for, beautiful images, colors, fragrances, tastes, smells, and delightful sounds. When we are so filled with beauty, we can see beauty in our outer world. If not filled with rich and beautiful energies, we feel empty inside. And in that emptiness energies from the collective can flood in. Being filled with light, love, and beauty is our greatest protection as well as being a powerful contribution to all of life.

I join our circle in wishing everyone a deep and meaningful equinox celebration!!


Copyright 2018 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – June 2014

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The local and world news continues to get more disturbing as stories increase about violence, behavior based on greed, and inhumane treatment of others. These behaviors have always occurred. It is just that through modern communication we have more access to global news.

On the positive side the news is causing both local and global communities to voice their outrage about what is going on. And it is through communities of people standing together in unity and strength that we are seeing and will continue to see change happen. We cannot depend on individual leaders to create the kind of change needed to bring about a life filled with honor, respect, and equal treatment for all of life.

It is powerful to watch how people are gathering together in communities to help and support each other. It is sad that it has been trauma that brings people together in this way. But we are seeing growth and evolution as many people feel they can no longer live in isolation. A new vision about working with the feminine principle of cooperation and collaboration is emerging.

We continue to do our work together as a spiritual community using the practices I have shared with you. At first glance when reading over some of the practices they look so simple. Some people confuse what on a quick scan looks simple to a perception that the practices are for beginners. Many of us equate simple practices as for beginners and complex practices with advanced work.

This is really a misperception. Many people studying spiritual traditions don’t stick with the practices long enough and have persistence to reap the rewards. In the spiritual community there are perpetual seekers who keep looking for complex ceremonies and practices that on the outside look like they might be more powerful.

The key is to keep searching until you find a path that speaks to your soul. And once you find that path it is important to stay true to it, sink into the work, and not get distracted by other ways that look more powerful on the outside. All spiritual paths lead to the same ultimate outcome. The key is doing the work.

Most of us love to engage in shamanic healing ceremonies, and we experience a state of ecstasy in doing so. But unless we engage in the everyday empowerment of a shamanic way of life, the healing ceremonies we perform don’t have a true lasting effect.

Simple practices that are passed down through shamanic cultures are potent ways to create great transformation. But as you have discovered for yourself, in working with the material I share, they are multi-layered. There are times when you find yourself on an adventure where the path is full of joy and is easy and beautiful to walk on.

Then obstacles are put in your path. These obstacles might come from unworked material in your unconscious that reveals itself to be looked at, explored, and healed. The collective energies might not support your living a conscious way of life. You might find that the dynamics of the relationships with loved ones, family, friends, and co-workers pull you off your path leading you to question the work. The same might be true as you continue to engage with the collective energies of the planet that support giving up on dreams, staying in a trance state, and asks you to follow the norm.

I hear from many of you who continue to work with the practices I have shared reporting the benefits you have reaped from the work and also the challenges presented by staying on the path.

Perform simple ceremonies to release obstacles presenting themselves to you. When you find yourself giving up and feeling like creating a healthy way of life is not possible write your beliefs down on a piece of paper. Burn them in a sacred bowl that you can use for your spiritual work. Or think about releasing the power of a belief by breaking a stick while focusing on your intention to let it go. Make a small object out of natural materials empowered with a defeatist belief and send it adrift into a body of water. Buy a bottle of bubbles and blow any sabotaging thoughts and beliefs into the air.

As you release blocking beliefs into an element remember to transmute the energy you are letting go of into love and light. In this way you feed the elements, yourself, others, and all in the web of life with loving and light-filled energies.

A few weeks ago, I had a very powerful dream. In the dream I was attending a conference. The conference was not going so well, and the organizers asked me if I would wear my mask and costume of my spiritual teacher Isis and merge with her. They wanted Isis to share her wisdom in the group.

Well, the dream got very complex and was filled with rich symbolism. There is one part I wanted to share with you. I had dressed in the costume I wear when I merge with Isis. I was getting ready to go on stage. But I noticed I was wearing a sweater over my costume. I took off the sweater and noticed that there was another sweater under it. I kept taking off sweaters only to find that I was wearing many layers of sweaters.

I woke up with an understanding about the layers we have to keep removing to live from our divine nature. For Isis to me represents my inner divine light. But I could not really show my divine light in public because of the layers “of clothing” that I was wearing. This represented to me the thoughts, attitudes, beliefs we must continue to remove so that our divine light can shine forth in the world.

I journeyed and I put out a call into the unseen realms asking if there was a message to write about as we celebrate the solstice on June 21.

The message I clearly heard was, “Tear up the script!”

And then my spiritual teacher Isis appeared, and I asked her for more information. She brought me back to the power of the dreaming work we do together as we vision a new dream for the earth and all in the web of life.

Right now, in the world at large, the life we are living is based on a script that the collective has written.

Changing the script is certainly a work in progress. But we have to be diligent and continue to work on creating the life we want to see manifest. This takes discipline and persistence, as the dense collective energies are not aware of the power of the dream we are all creating together. For every daydream, thoughts we have, and words we speak create the world we live in. And as a society we do not focus on the power of the daydreams, our thoughts, and the words we are dreaming into being. The current dream no longer supports a state of health and well being.

Isis shared with me that it is important for all of us to take action to tear up the current script that we are playing out. I would like to encourage all of us to do this work together on the solstice.

Here are some suggestions:

  • If you feel inclined to do so, write out the current script of behaviors you would like to see an end to.
  • If you are too busy to write out an entire script, write down one or more words that describes what you would like to see released such as: hate, war, greed, or abuse.
  • Gather some art supplies together. You can use crayons or paint. Draw an image of what you would like to see released. For example, you can draw an image of oil polluting water.
  • Or you can use colors to draw or paint chaotic lines that represent energies that you no longer want to see manifest. Close your eyes and draw or paint while expressing energies to be released.

On the solstice, prepare the space you want to work in either indoors or outdoors. Welcome the helping compassionate spirits who witness and support your work. Create an altar with a candle and sacred objects such as flowers, special stones, crystals, or any objects from nature that call to you. You might want to wear something special that helps you to move from your daily ordinary consciousness to a spiritual state. You can play music, drum, rattle, and sing or chant.

Once you feel you are in the appropriate spiritual state that brings you into a greater awareness of the power of your spirit tear up the paper representing the collective script.

As an alternative you could empower a stick with the script of the present collective dream and break it. Or you can blow it into a natural object and release it into the water while focusing on destroying the current script. Of course, burning something in fire is a powerful way to work for the true nature of fire is to transmute and transform.

Use your imagination and tear up the current script of the collective dream.

As we all do this on the same day, we join our collective energies together to say “No” to living an abusive and unhealthy way of life.

Feel a space that opens in the collective field that you can fill with positive thoughts, words, and dreams. Fill the space with love.

Through writing, drawing, painting, or using a craft to create an object bring through the power of a new script, a new dream. Place this on your altar to be empowered by the collective energy of our community and the power of helping spirits and spiritual allies.

You can also sing and/or dance a new dream.

Make a commitment to continue your dreaming work. With full sensory awareness imagine the world you wish to live in. Step into the dream and live from it.

Know that your dreamwork does impact the physical world. For everything that is now manifested into physical form in your life and the world began as a thought in the unseen realms.

Engage with full sensory awareness, as you perceive the light of humans and all of life shining as brightly as the sun. It is not enough to mentally recognize the divine light of life. Project light onto all that you see.

Let go of the need to see immediate results. Your dream is now in the hands of spirit. Your role is to do the work.

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On the solstice, be a light and brighten up someone else’s life. Engage a stranger in friendly conversation and get them to smile. Notice how good this feels. As we can brighten up the life of others this energy becomes contagious. And this is one way we begin to change the collective script.

As we enter a new season it is important to harmonize with the energy of the earth. Performing a meditation or shamanic journey to merge with an element or all the elements is a way to do this.

You might be noticing that an element in your area is trying to get residents’ attention through drought, fires, flooding, earthquakes, or tornadoes.

Listen to some music or drumming and imagine merging with the earth where you live, or a fire burning, a flooding body of water, or strong winds. Learn about the element by becoming it. The information you receive will go beyond a rational understanding, but rather will impact you physically as you become one with the energy of another living being.

State a decree and give thanks to the element for harmonizing with you and returning to a state of balance. Experience the element you are merged with in its perfect balance and in a state of harmony.

When you have completed your meditation or journey align your heartbeat with the heartbeat of the earth.

The full moon is June 12. Let us continue to gather our energies in love and weave a web of light within and throughout the earth. Let’s deepen our work and focus on the dream we are dreaming into being experiencing a world filled with love, light, harmony, peace, equality, and abundance for all.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read “Creating a Human Web of Light” on the homepage for instructions of how you can join us during our full moon ceremony.

I join with all in our community to send blessings to you for a beautiful summer/winter solstice!

Transmutation News – August 2013

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In teaching my workshops I have really been stressing that there is a magic behind all the healing methods that shamans perform. I feel strongly that a lot of the potential of shamanic healing is being lost as practitioners today focus on the steps of a healing method rather than bringing through the healing energy and power behind the method.

Shamans have always reached expanded states of consciousness. These states of consciousness might have been reached through deep initiations created by elders in the community or through destiny itself. Expanded states of consciousness have been and still are reached through fasting, vision questing, and/or working with vision plants. Many shamans carry through the energy of ancestral spirits as they are taught shamanism through a family member. What is taught is far beyond the steps of ceremonies to perform. There is a transfer of ancestral energy that goes along with the teaching.

It was not through teachings of methods and ceremonies that creates the healing and transformation from the work. It is the energy behind the methods and the expanded energies that the shaman brought through – the formless energies.

We have been working together with formless energies as we go into the transfigured state. But I do find that many of us transfigure and attempt to work with formless energies without the required preparation work. I have written about this before.

But I bring it up again as I feel we are really limiting the power of the work that is possible and needed during these times. I surrender to the issue of timing and I surrender the outcome of the work. At the same time, I do believe we must start a practice of inquiry and ask ourselves if we are really going to the deep well of spirit that lies within each of us.

Do we just stop our activities for a short time and from a mental state say, “I am now a being of light radiating love and brilliance into the world?” Are we really moving into a state of expanded awareness where we can truly heal by our presence? Or is this principle simply a mental concept for us?

The paradox that we continue to dance is being able to function in the world while at the same diving deep into our spiritual work. We must move away from the superficial aspects of performing our spiritual ceremonies. We must become the state of being that naturally transforms.

We get so caught up in the day-to-day world many of us say I just don’t have time. We must find ways to make our spiritual work a priority. We must do this for ourselves, for all of life, and for the planet.

During this month take some time to reflect on, journey on, and meditate on ways that you can create time to move into a true expanded state of consciousness as you perform your work. You do not have to go on an extended vision quest or fast. And I am not suggesting that you ingest vision plants. But you do need to make some sacrifices as far as putting in some time to do the preparation work needed to shift from your ordinary consciousness filled with thoughts to a consciousness that opens the door into the realm of spirit that is filled with unlimited possibilities.

In past writings I have shared how taking some time to walk or sit in nature can open this doorway. Singing and dancing can do the same.

In many of the columns of The Transmutation News I encouraged you to work with learning about your own story of creation and exploring the nature of your creator – God, the goddess, Source, the power of the universe, etc. We must all find the name for the creator that fits into our personal beliefs.

The reason I keep stressing this practice is that we cannot fully merge with the divine if we have no feeling of what the divine is. This goes back to the issue of losing power of the practice if we are merging with something that has simply become a mental concept for us.

In the past exercises I have shared I have asked you to meditate on or journey on your personal story of creation. I have asked you to meet your creator and also to experience and absorb the unconditional love that went into your creation.

Many years ago, my dreamtime teacher Isis encouraged me to reflect on the question, “Would a loving creator program you with fear and scarcity or with joy and plenty?”

She asked me to imagine a seed in a garden programmed with fear. What grows?
Imagine a seed programmed with scarcity. What grows?
Imagine a seed programmed with joy and abundance. What grows?

For many of us our foundation is fear, and everything is built from that and grown out of fear.

When we can experience in all the cells of our being the love that went into our creation, we can then start to experience that we are programmed with love, joy, and all the knowledge to create health and abundance.

This month I would like to ask you to take this practice a little deeper.

Put on some music and ask to meet your creator. Experience the pure energy of creation without any form or trying to understand the how’s and why’s of creation. Just experience the energy of creation.

Then bring the energy through into the physical world. You can use some crayons and allow the energy to come through color. You can also dance and/or sing the energy into the world. You can work with any craft to bring through the energy. Cook something and let the energy transform your food.

We did something similar last month where I asked you to experience the energy of your ancestral line. This month I want you to experience the pure energy of creation itself.

When you can bring through this limitless and bountiful energy you will experience the magic of the energy behind the methods, techniques, and practices you work with.

Each month I encourage you to bridge spiritual practices into your day-to-day life so we can truly become the people who can make a difference in the world.

We must remember to acknowledge and honor ourselves for all we have been doing. We must acknowledge all that we have been through in life that has sculpted us into who we have become.

Let us join our hearts together and acknowledge the brilliant work we have been doing as a spiritual collective. We really have done extraordinary work on behalf of all of life and the planet.

Last month I announced that my book The Shaman’s Toolkit is available. I have been so focused on letting people know this is the same book as How to Thrive in Changing Times. I have not wanted my spiritual community to be disappointed in buying a book that they already have.

I do want to talk about the power of this book. For I am sure many of you have not read it.

I really love this book as it is filled with tools for keeping a state of hope as the world changes and life intensifies. It is filled with practices to help you transform your beliefs that might be outdated so you can create the world you wish to live in for yourself, for all of life, and for the earth.

I wrote this book for a non-shamanic community so that the language fits with all beliefs and the practices are easy to work with whether you have ever performed any spiritual practices or not.

As I wrote last month it is so important to remain in a state of hope and to learn how to project the best for yourself and the planet. Working spiritually is how we can all gather our energies together to create positive change.

If you have not read How to Thrive in Changing Times, I encourage you to read The Shaman’s Toolkit.

The full moon is August 20. Prepare and move out of your ordinary consciousness so that you can experience the boundless energy of divine light and love that resides within. You are divine light and love. Radiate that light throughout the web of light. Feed the earth within and without with light. Join with thousands who are doing the same.

If you are a new reader to the Transmutation News please visit “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage of this site to read the instructions for our full moon ceremony.

As I drive home from doing my errands, I pass a church that posts inspiration sayings outside.

I find that sometimes they post a saying that truly inspires me.

This month they posted:

If your day is hemmed with prayers, it is less likely to unravel.

Let us hem our days with prayers and with our spiritual work from the deepest place within.