Transmutation News – December 2021

We are speeding along and ending another year of extreme growth.

Many years ago, a very dear friend gifted me with a ficus bonsai as a gift. I was so excited to receive it and terrified at the same time as I am not good with plants. What would I do to a little tree that was over 20 years old?

Well Ficus (ficus our tree’s personal name) and I have had quite the long journey of learning how to live together and support each other’s growth. There have been times when I did not think Ficus would make it. There were times when Ficus did not think I would make it. But oh my to see the new growth in Ficus from just a few weeks ago is like I infused it with some super growing formula. And we have been together since before I got ill so it must be at least 7 years of life together.

I am sharing about my journey with Ficus as I see a similar process happening with so many right now. There is a learning curve of how to tend to oneself and others during this time of dismemberment and simultaneous rememberment. Mostly our minds are focused on what is broken and what is not working. And we do need to take actions now and in the future. But we must have the energy to deal with what is coming. And we need a period of growth to gather the energy for our continued journey that has no end until our soul decides it is time to go home.

When we move into a state of growth and take our place in this life, we must remember that we came here to be caretakers of the Earth.

We must step out of the dimension of division and constantly return to the divine spark that lives in all of us that is connected to the creative forces of the universe which are always shining the song of dismemberment and dissolution as well as the song of rememberment and new creations.

When we step into the dimension of recognizing that there is only oneness, love, light, and lessons for our spiritual growth we can be held by a state of inner peace within.

But we must let go of fear, self-hate, division, and hyper vigilance. We need to ground to the land and feel the land supporting us for that is the real support we need. We need the support of all the elements who have been here for billions of years and have been through and contributed to the storms of change that we have been going through since life began on this Earth.

Nothing changes until it changes within you. So this month attempt doing regular body scans and notice where your “feet” are standing on all levels. Are you feeling yourself standing on solid ground and supported by spiritual forces? Do you need to just rest and let go of doing anything? There has to be a period of rest before a e period of growth, or you won’t have the energy for the next stage of growth which can cause a level of physical suffering.

Just like Ficus had to learn how to live with my husband and myself, we have to learn new ways of living on this planet and with our fellow humans and nature beings. For our old way of life is simply gone. It does not exist anymore. And do you need time to grieve this before moving on?

Take some time this month and tune into yourself and tune out the media as well as social media. Use this month to learn about yourself and what your current needs are and make plans to have those needs met.

I still believe one of the reasons the Covid came here was to wake people up. People just started to enter their own bubbles. People are making choices some of these not loving, compassionate, or kind. But for now, we have to focus on the work we are doing and seeing what part of our Inner World, our soul, body, heart, and mind might need some tending to right now. Stay with the focus and growth will happen, and you won’t regret following where the river of life is taking you too.

If you know anything about the process of mitosis you can actually witness it happening in the organism we call humans. Humans are now splitting off into different cells. I wonder what worlds and new dimensions will be created by this cell division.

We celebrate the winter/summer solstice on December 21. This is a time of deep reflection and rest for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. And it is time for big growth in the Southern Hemisphere.

Whatever season you are entering into think about this as being a time for regeneration and healing.

In 2000 I started our full moon ceremony titled Creating A Human Web of Light. And years later I added a monthly healing for our global community. But I did fall short on this and only organized this for our circle a few times.

I felt that this winter/summer solstice is time to bring back using a specific transfiguration ceremony to support those in our global circle.

Sylvia Edwards helped me record a ceremony for us to perform together on the winter solstice.

To listen to the audio version of this recording click on:

Since the instructions are actually written up on my homepage I decided to include them here for those who will need the instructions translated. This is a powerful ceremony. We have used the GDV camera many times to record the results and we always get amazing images of what happens to people’s energy fields when they engage in the ceremony we will perform together on the solstice.

I am posting here a shortened version of what appears on the homepage under Instructions for our Monthly Ceremony: 

As we continue to do our transfiguration practice, we begin to heal those states of separation. We move into a higher state of consciousness, and we need to learn to surrender to the perfection of the universe.  And sometimes it is hard to do that and we need help in remembering our own divine light.

To help our worldwide community reading the Transmutation News I have decided to add a monthly healing circle to go along with creating a human web of light.

Here is what I suggest. If you would like to volunteer as a practitioner imagine yourself standing or sitting in a circle with other practitioners.  Remember the Transmutation News is translated into many different languages. We have a large global community working together.

Our intention is to experience our divine light and radiate it out to the inner circle.

We do not see suffering in our circle. We acknowledge the divine perfection in each person. So we do not lock people into a diagnosis of suffering rather we lift them up into their divinity.

Author and lecturer, Eric Pearl teaches, “In quantum physics if you change the behavior of one particle, another particle in a different location will instantaneously react whether inches or universes away.” Lower frequencies entrain or attune to higher frequencies not the other way around.

So back to the core principle of the Medicine for the Earth work, we change the world and heal others by who we become – by our presence and by the love and light we radiate.

We are not sending energy or trying to heal anyone. We are only allowing our divine light and love to spark the divine light of those asking for help.

Imagine yourself standing or sitting in a circle of practitioners. Do your transfiguration work and with your hands facing the inner circle radiate your divine light and love.

If you feel you need some help imagine yourself lying in a circle with people from around the world.

Your role is to absorb the light being shared by our practitioners. Think of a metaphor that might help you with absorbing divine light and love into every cell of your being.  I will give you a few examples with the hope that you will find a metaphor that works for you. You can think of a dry sponge that has been placed in water and soaks up moisture. You can think of flower that has been in rain for days or weeks and the sun shines and the flower soaks up the rays of the sun. Or maybe you can think of a flower that has been getting too much sun and it begins to rain and the flower soaks up the water nourishing it and giving it life.

Or think about a room where the curtains are closed, and the curtains are opened flooding the room with the light of the sun.

Allow the light of the outer circle to jumpstart your own radiance to flow through every cell of your body. This reconnects us to our divine perfection and our connection to the web of light. This heals those states of separation that create emotional and physical illness. And it reminds us that we all have the power and strength to rise to the challenges and opportunities that life brings to us.

And you can be in both roles at different points of the day or evening. You can be practitioner at one time and then lie in the middle of our circle at another.

And as we are working outside of time it does not matter when you do this work. It is not necessary to coordinate the times in which we all work.

The full moon is December 18. This month’s full moon is called the Cold Moon. So let’s warm each other hearts and souls by joining our spiritual presence and energies together to radiate our light with absolute focus and attention so that the entire Earth and web and life is uplifted.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News. please read Creating a Web of Light on the homepage.

It is remarkable and magnificent to me and everyone who knows about the Transmutation News that we have an amazing collection of people who take the time and energy to translate the monthly column so people all over the world can read it. And this has made a difference for this column. For you can really see the radiant energies coming from such a strong global community.

So please join me in thanking all our translators from your heart for the work they do every month is so intense. We have had translators come and go, but everyone put in a labor of love and you feel it.

Let’s send blessings to all our translators for sharing spiritual practices in their community making our community larger and stronger. With being strong links, we can do so much for ourselves, each other, and all in the web of life.

And none of this would be happening without Sylvia Edwards. For one she helps to keep me focused and sane! Not an easy job. And she adds so much beauty, love, and light into the column. Her heart is really in it to bring the column alive. Sylvia is a person on the planet who I can say truly does the work I teach and more every day of her life. And it shows by the extraordinary work she does in the world.

Sylvia Edwards
Petr Němčanský   – Czech
Caroline Bertrand – French
Catherine Meyer – French
Bea Salgado – French
Nanouk- French
Barbara Gramlich  – German
Astrid Johnen  – German
Nello Ceccon – Italian   
Flavia Cavallaro – Italian
Miha Masuda – Japanese
Ai Suzuki – Japanese
Els de Graaff – Nederlands
Sandra Koning – Nederlands 
Sofia Frazoa – Portuguese 
Tatiana Starikova – Russian
Ines Fermoso  – Spanish  
Lena Anderheim – Swedish   
Simin Uysal  – Turkish 

I wish you all a deep and meaningful solstice and a time of inner peace and love during this holiday season.


I am very excited to announce that the Chinese edition of Soul Retrieval has been renewed!!

Since this month’s column is long, I will forgo my own personal monthly announcements where I encourage to buy some for my inspirational books and CDs, listen to my amazing podcast with Renee Baribeau called the Shamans Cave, learn about my online courses you can sign up for now, and to learn about all the physical and online workshops the brilliant teachers I trained are teaching. You can learn about the workshops of a circle of brilliant global shamanic teachers on

As far as scheduling a physical workshop, trust me I am so eager to do this. But I have to be responsible and see where the Covid is going before I schedule a long-term training that might have to be interrupted.

I will be doing an opening session on the Gathering of Shamans which takes place December 3-5. This should be a fabulous event that I am looking forward to being part of. I love the lineup of teachers who all have a fresh perspective to share.

This live, interactive video gathering takes place via ZOOM and includes Dr. Alberto Villoldo, don Miguel Ruiz Jr, Linda Starwolf, and many other leading teachers and shamanic practitioners. This online weekend event is designed to invite you into a deep experience of your own true nature using time-honored shamanic practices.

Event Highlights:

  • ​INTERACTIVE workshops with leading shamanic teachers and healers
  • ​Video Replays for all sessions so you won’t miss a thing and can watch again as often as you like for up to six months
  • ​A special event app that allows you to connect with other attendees in real time

The Gathering of the Shamans started as an annual event in Sedona, Arizona, that always sells out months in advance. You can now experience the power of these interactive sessions without ever leaving your home, or budgeting for airfare and lodging!

Click here to learn more.

I hope you can join us for what is sure to be a magical weekend of shamanic exploration!

Add some ceremony and ritual to your life this December.  Join me, Sandra Ingerman for the Opening Ceremony of the 10th Annual IAM Solstice Symposium on December 20th at 11am (PST).  Presentations by shamanic wisdom keepers include: Deborah Koff-Chapin; Linda Fitch; Christina Pratt; Izthak Beery, and Louise Edington. 

This one-of-a-kind community event is a world-wide gathering. What make it extra special are the hundreds of earth tenders who build altars and hold space at their home. The Wind Clan Facebook group page is the central hub for presentations, sharing stories, and for supporting each other as the power of the fire grows over the course of 14 days. These sacred fires purify and strengthen the bond of community members.

Register Here:

Join us in this ceremony as we keep the sacred fire burning. For 14 consecutive days we will hold our lights (candles, battery-operated devices, wood-burning stoves, twinkle lights) and keep a special altar. There will also be two daily live events on the Wind Can Facebook page. (recording available).

A few years I was a presenter on a Sounds True summit on trauma. The summit host Jeffrey Rutstein impressed me with his skills and his knowledge of working with trauma. Sounds True is now offering a trauma certificate program with Jeffrey Rutstein.

Healing Trauma Certificate Program with Jeffrey Rutstein

Here is a link to experience link to the free teaching of a five free videos on the Opt In Page:

And here is the link if you wish to apply:

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – November 2021

If we lived a life where our inner spirit and body guided us in making decisions and judgements about life, we would all have quite the different life experience. But most of us are ruled by our minds and mental thoughts that loop throughout the day. And a lot of our mental thoughts create a tremendous amount of suffering for us.

You have probably developed your own tools to discreate some of the thoughts that end up creating more challenges for you. For our thoughts plus intention have a lot of power to manifest chaos for ourselves and the collective. One of the Medicine for the Earth teachings is “intention is seen by the brain as an action has taken place.”

It is important to rise above the negativity that we generate personally and what we absorb from the collective.

A tool I work all the time uses the powerful shamanic healing journey called dismemberment. But instead of setting an intention to ask for a full body dismemberment I ask to dismember my thought forms.

In shamanism dismemberment is a powerful initiation where the body and mind are left behind so that the initiate can feel his or her spiritual identity and merge with the Creator to remember that there is only oneness and unity. The body is torn apart by some force of nature whether it be a helping spirit or an element. And the bones and organs are cleaned. Any illness is left out and the initiate is vital and rejuvenated once again.

Dismemberment visions were considered a sign of a shaman and anyone who had a dismemberment dream or vision came back with very special psychic and healing gifts making them a perfect candidate to become a shaman.

Today many use dismemberment for healing. I wrote about dismemberment in most of my books. But if you are interested in learning more, I would suggest looking at the chapter on Dismemberment in Walking in Light.

I do perform dismemberment journeys for personal healing. But I also have developed a process with the assistance of a helping spirit who helps me take a negative thought form and dismember it until no part of it exists.

And then of course the key is focusing on a positive thought to fill up the space vacated by the dismembered thought form. It is all about intention. Set your initiation to dismember a thought form and observe what happens.

If you perform shamanic journeys a helping spirit can help.

Another very simple way I work is to use my imagination and see myself writing the thought form on a chalk board. Then I either use an eraser or white paint to discreate it. I find when I use this way of working that I have to keep putting on layers of paint again and again until my thought form is erased.

And then again it is important to fill up with love and light when you are done.

This month use your journey work, meditation time, or time in nature to develop your own tools for transmuting/transforming your negative thought forms.

This is a challenging time, and we want to express our feelings, and what we are thinking. That is our birthright. But you might notice always focusing on the negative changes your energy field that you inhabit, and it might not feel so good or a pleasant space to be in.

With spending a lot of time alone these days I try to create a pleasant environment in my Inner World. This ends up creating the energy field and dimension of reality I live in throughout the day.

In the U.S. November is when we celebrate Thanksgiving. The commitment to giving thanks is always appreciated. I feel that we have so much power to merge our unconditional love and light with people all over the world giving thanks on this day.

And we hold in our hearts those who are lonely, starving, and homeless. This is a tough time of year for so many who have no resources or community. Seeing them in their light and their strength is something we can all give even if we have no other way to offer help.

Due to the pandemic and losses this can be a real time of heartbreak. Let’s remember those who died and the loved ones left behind and hold them in our hearts as we perform our transfiguration practice.

The full moon is November 19. Let’s generate enough radiant light to hold all of us in this circle in unconditional love. As we do our preparation work for Creating a Human Web of Light, think about all the precious beings you want loved and protected right now.

Travel within to your divine light that knows no suffering, only love, and let that light fill all your cells and radiate it out throughout the collective holding all in the highest level of love.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the home page for instructions for our full moon ceremony,

This month Terry Morgan will be gifting us with an incredible offering. Terry is one of our brilliant teachers on and she is one of my assistants in my Shift Network classes. She is one of the most open hearted people I have met.  So enjoy this incredible offering Terry is giving us this month.

This is from Terry:

“Combining my shamanic practice and my love of the stars and astrology , I have been  gifted a deeper lens into our own astrological chart into a great depth using  journey practice. I call it our stars blueprint!

I found that if I journey into my own stars and planets ,I have received more wisdom than I ever thought possible!

I would like to offer to take you on a guided shamanic journey into your own SUN sign (the sign the sun was in at your birth) .

The sun holds our “life force” energy! And once we get to the Sun, my partner Robert Rand will support us with his live channeled music rather than my drum or rattles! We have found that his music played live, has a profound affect on the journey and supports the sun’s transmissions!”

Here is the link for this journey:

Also, if you are a new reader of the Transmutation News we started a Facebook page to inspire each other. It is only for positive and inspiring posts and is called Shamans are the Gardeners of Energy. The answer to the secret word to join is “Transfiguration”. 


Right now due to the Covid, and the massive airplane cancellations due to weather, lack of pilots, and staff Isis’ statement she made in the 1990s is definitely relevant right now. She said there would come a day when students could not afford to travel to workshops or travel would start to become impossible. Therefore in 2004 I began training wonderful teachers teaching all over the world. Please visit to look at the wealth of workshops you can take and are probably close to where you live.

I am waiting until I know if I can complete a Practitioner Training while we are still dealing with the Covid and the danger of retreat centers having to close. I am waiting to see how things proceed for the Practitioner Training I will teach at a physical retreat center. As you know I believe teaching advanced healing workshops online is unethical and dangerous. The internet is not a way to transmit the ancient healing practices that can be the difference of life or death in a client’s life.

But I am getting closer to booking a retreat center. So please watch for the dates!!!

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And of course please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops.

A reminder that Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on

I will be doing an opening session on the Gathering of Shamans which takes place December 3-5, 2021. This should be a fabulous event that I am looking forward to being part of. I love the lineup of teachers who all have a fresh perspective to share.

This live, interactive video gathering takes place via ZOOM and includes Dr. Alberto Villoldo, don Miguel Ruiz Jr, Linda Starwolf, and many other leading teachers and shamanic practitioners. This online weekend event is designed to invite you into a deep experience of your own true nature using time-honored shamanic practices.

Event Highlights:

  • ​INTERACTIVE workshops with leading shamanic teachers and healers
  • ​Video Replays for all sessions so you won’t miss a thing and can watch again as often as you like for up to six months
  • ​A special event app that allows you to connect with other attendees in real time

The Gathering of the Shamans started as an annual event in Sedona, Arizona, that always sells out months in advance. You can now experience the power of these interactive sessions without ever leaving your home, or budgeting for airfare and lodging!

Click here to learn more.

I hope you can join us for what is sure to be a magical weekend of shamanic exploration!

Karen Furr is one of the more experienced teachers listed on  And she is a good friend of mine and has been assisting me in my Shift Network courses for years. She is offering “Shamanism as a Spiritual Path: Moving from ‘Doing’ to ‘Being’ – a new year long gathering beginning in January 2022. In these 12 monthly gatherings, Karen will explore with the group different aspects of the shamanic path and how the shifts and changes we experience within move us into the deeper path of who we are as shamanic practitioners. For information, please visit or email Karen @  

In a fascinating hour with bestselling author and dream archeologist Robert Moss, you’ll discover how looking to your nighttime dreams and practicing what Robert calls shamanic lucid dreaming — dream journeying while awake — provide us with powerful tools for navigating our lives in a profoundly liberating, healing, and soul-led way.

You can register here for Experience Shamanic Lucid Dreaming to Find Your Soul Direction & Life Calling: Powerful Practices to Reclaim Vital Energy & Open to Greater Fulfillment, Joy & Purpose:

I have been buying crystals for my groups when we are performing certain ceremonies. I always buy my crystals from Billy Mason. I trust him. And he is such a kind and generous man!

Highly Energetic Jewelry, Healing Gemstones & Crystals individually handcrafted by Billy Mason: Custom Orders are welcome: website: email:  phone: 919-742-3945

Sounds True is putting on a what looks to be a very powerful summit. Jane Goodall will be the keynote speaker. And here are others you will be hearing from.

This  FREE 4-day online event is where you will hear from a once-in-a-generation gathering of celebrated speakers and luminaries, led by a voice that has been an undimming beacon of hope and kindness for the world for decades—Jane Goodall. 

Through inspiring stories and teachings, hands-on workshops, and illuminating conversations, we intend to bring hope back from its too-distant horizon.

Program teachers and speakers include:

  • Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, with an opening keynote and closing remarks
  • Craig Foster and Ross Frylinck of Academy Award–winning documentary My Octopus Teacher
  • Zolani Mahola, actress, storyteller, and lead singer of internationally acclaimed South African music group Freshlyground
  • Silvia Vasquez-Lavado, the first openly gay woman to complete the Seven Summits
  • Edith Eger, PhD, Holocaust survivor, bestselling author, and specialist in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Jack Kornfield, PhD, author, Buddhist practitioner, and Spirit Rock Meditation Center founding teacher
  • Tara Brach, PhD, psychologist, author, and teacher of meditation, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening
  • Bonnie Wan, partner and head of brand strategy at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
  • Corrina Gould, chair and spokesperson for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan

Plus many, many more! Register today and receive a full daily schedule for this free online event.


Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – October 2021

As a species on the planet so many have moved into a state of fear and anger when the truth of the matter is our spirit is burning so bright.

I have shared that I feel so much of the division is coming from the fact that we are restless. We are restless physically, emotionally, and mentally.  Our attention is focused on the outside world when this only brings us more suffering. For there is nothing we can do to shift the current state of the world.

What we are being asked of, is to go deep within where our spirit resides and brings to us a feeling of centeredness and solidity. When I tap into my ego, I fold into feeling like a small child who has no support around me and feels so insignificant in the magnitude of all that is happening right now.

I felt I was moving into the space of feeling so small and insignificant too much. It was good to identify that this is how my ego feels. But it is not a healthy or productive environmental  state to live in.

I started two practices that are practices of transmutation from the Medicine for the Earth work. Every feeling that brings fear or anger to me I imagine myself doing a shamanic extraction on myself, and I feel myself pulling out and pushing out the energetic state. For after all we are is energy. And that energy can be moved around. It can’t be destroyed. But I can do my transfiguration work and experience more light filling up the empty spaces where the spiritual blockages were in my body.

And every thought that passes through my mind I transmute to an energy of love. I imagine that energy filling me up and being shared with the collective. No matter how deep my anger is I can easily transmute it into love for I actually don’t feel I have the energy to carry anger around anymore.

These practices are so simple and I have integrated them into every second of my life. For there is a lot of time to reflect in the midst of all that is happening.

I really feel we are being backed into a corner while we are trying to dig our heels in deeper. We have to change. The world is changing, Nature is changing, our way of life is changing and we have to find ways to find the inner strength to walk a new path in life.

And we must take the time to stop and grieve all we lost on all levels including how we live our lives. People are running away. They are just trying to make believe everything is fine and nothing needs to change.

This is the issue. The pandemic and the climate changes and disasters are here for a reason. It is part of our journey to stop and reflect on what is being asked of us. We can’t run from the times we are living in.

And the only thing that will bring you the comfort and peace you so desire is to focus on your every minute-to-minute spiritual practices. They will keep you sane.

If you do your work, you will be astounded at where the current changes and the flow of life is now bringing you too. But you must accept that things won’t be “normal” again. You must grieve what you lost or the energy of grief could get stuck in your body causing another spiritual intrusion.

There are such amazing lessons for us and states of consciousness many of us are attaining by using this time as an opportunity to do a deep dive within. I have been writing about how we have been riding the surface waves of spiritual practices for 20 years!! And now we have no choice. If we want to walk our current journey with grace we must go within and follow our inner guidance, own everything we are projecting into the outer world, grieve, and enter into the flow of the river of life.

In times of deep challenges. we must:

Stay focused
Stay positive
Stay centered.

The full moon is October 20. Le’t drop into the brilliant light that fills our energetic field and be strong links to radiate this light into the collective field of energy. Let’s fill the Earth and all of life with our love and divine light.

If you are a new reader for the instructions for our full moon ceremony read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

Evelyn C. Rysdyk is an internationally recognized shamanic teacher and bestselling author whose titles include The Norse Shaman, Spirit Walking: A Course in Shamanic Power, A Spirit Walker’s Guide to Shamanic Tools, The Nepalese Shamanic Path with indigenous Nepali jhankri Bhola N. Banstola. Evelyn’s new book, Shamanic Creativity can be pre-ordered from bookstores, now.

Video intro:

Join Evelyn in this video for a guided ceremony of healing and deep connection with the Living Soil of our planet.   Enjoy this beautiful video that Evelyn made for us.

Also, if you are a new reader of the Transmutation News we started a Facebook page to inspire each other. It is only for positive and inspiring posts and is called Shamans are the Gardeners of Energy. The answer to the secret word to join is “Transfiguration”. 


There is still room to get into my Spiritual Immunity course taught by the Shift Network.

I know many of you are getting notices from Apple about the Transmutation App. I have found a team who is willing to help me update the Apple Transmutation App and create the Android version. It is such a gift to have this team be willing to work with me. Some of the original programming information is missing. But they feel they have enough to get around this issue. I am excited to have the Transmutation App available. I think the work is almost done.

In the 1990s Isis asked me to start training teachers. She said that it would become too hard to travel for people to be able to sign up for non local workshops. It took me some time to gather myself to start leading Teacher Trainings, but I did start in 2004.

Due to the Covid, and the massive airplane cancellations due to weather, lack of pilots, and staff, Isis’ statement is definitely relevant right now. I trained wonderful teachers teaching all over the world. Please visit to look at the wealth of workshops you can take and are probably close to where you live.

I am waiting until I know if I can complete a Practitioner Training while we are still dealing with the Covid and the danger of retreat centers having to close. I am waiting to see how things proceed for the Practitioner Training I will teach at a physical retreat center. As you know I believe teaching advanced healing workshops online is unethical and dangerous. The internet is not a way to transmit the ancient healing practices that can be the difference of life or death in a client’s life.

So I am journeying and watching carefully the trends of how retreat centers are operating. Stay tuned for my workshop will be small, and I know there will be a lot of interest. Make sure you are signed up on my email list for when I schedule, I will announce the training through a dedicated email.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And of course, please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops.

Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on   

My friend and colleague, Rev. Dr. AdaRA L. Walton, will speak again for The SHIFT NETWORK in Oct for their “Beyond The Veil” Summit. Her topic will contain a talk with a meditation sure to interest you! Her talk is: “The Full Spectrum You—Accessing Your Light.”

The Summit airs the week of Oct 11-15. While she has not been given a specific day and time as of yet, I’m announcing it for your calendars.

AdaRA’s website is:   You can reach her through Email there or by calling 505-221-6863. Thank you for supporting her.

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – September 2021

 Equinox ceremony

I want to start this month’s newsletter by letting everyone know I will be teaching Spiritual Immunity again over Zoom through the Shift Network. The intro call will be broadcast September 4 and the course will begin on September 28. This is the course I taught for the Shift Network when we just entered the Covid and the lock downs began. I will be sending out two dedicated emails to share more about the intro call and the course.

This course includes practices from Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light. It is a fabulous way to stay centered during these times when so much fear and angst is touching us on so many levels. This course teaches you how to remain empowered and how to find harmony in the midst of a challenging life journey.

We keep talking about the rapid changes happening in our lives and in the world. And we can all see that this process is heating up. There is a dynamic involving change that I would like to share with you.

Some of us are making huge and rapid changes from how we were living our lives. Do some scans of yourself on all levels to see how you are managing such fast shifts. For when you are living your life at a fast speed,  trying to change too much at once leads to feelings of deep grief. For our psyche needs time to integrate change.

When a big event happens in nature you can hear silence for days allowing for the integration process to happen.

We act like we are on speeding trains that come to an abrupt halt, and then we go into a form of shock that can lead to grief. In many ways our process is not always natural.

I have found in my own life that I have to slow down with everything I do right now. For so much of my body and soul is overexcited by so much inner and outer change. So I have to slow the movie down instead of trying to keep up. When we just try to keep up, we don’t always calculate the changes we are making which can unknowingly throw us back into the dark night of the soul.

So  the solution to this is to slow down. I have talked about this before. As time speeds up I purposely and intentionally start to move slower to give my psyche a chance to find harmony and move in an organic fashion.

On September 22, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are getting ready to greet my favorite season of the year – fall, a time to celebrate the cycle of death. In the Southern Hemisphere you are celebrating a time of new birth and those powerful new sprouts of spring that remind us of hope.

I was meditating on the upcoming equinox and was staying spiritually open to receive a message on what our journey/ceremony should be to welcome in the equinox.

I was told to perform a ceremony to lay down our weapons. This really struck a chord in me. For as you know the Transmutation News includes work, messages, and exercises from Medicine for the Earth. In order to really practice the spiritual work I outline in the Transmutation News, you do need to lay down your weapons which send our unprocessed energies to ourselves, our loved ones, all of Nature, and out into the collective.

The spiritual community seems to generally be against owning guns. But we still allow ourselves to get so triggered by the statements and actions of others. We are going around psychically shooting people down we don’t agree with.

I imagine most of us perform our transmutation work to shift the energies we are feeling from hate and judgement to unconditional love and light. When we do this, we are tapping into the universal power of unconditional love that can heal ourselves and environment. Don’t confuse unconditional love with personal love.

So we do pick up psychic weapons when we get triggered, and as I wrote about in How to Heal Toxic Thoughts we must work with our triggers so that we don’t shoot “the gun”.

For those of you who don’t read English I will write out the instructions that will be translated. And then for those of our community that would like to join in on our ceremony for the equinox the link is below. 

Please note: I got awkward at the end of our recording. It was like I did not know how to say goodbye and tell you how grateful I am for all of you. So words “got stuck” in my mouth.  I was simply trying to say goodbye, and say I love you.

You want to do your preparation work for performing ceremonies. There is a resource on how to prepare for ceremonial work on the homepage of the Transmutation News.

We want to move our ego out of the way so we can have a strong and divine connection with the spirits that can help us while we state our desire to the power of the universe.

If you are not watching the video of me leading the exercise listen to some spiritual music that allows you to enter the non-ordinary realms where healing and magic can happen.   I always recommend drumming and rattling for yourself while dancing and singing while you journey.

Experience yourself standing on a beautiful beach. The sand is pure white. The sky clear blue devoid of any clouds.

Feel the warmth of the sun under your feet and greet the sun, the ocean, the earth, the air, the moon, and the stars. Look around you at the purity of this place in nature. The ocean is beckoning to you and wants to greet you on this special day. Let her cool waters cleanse you and open your heart to the power of love.

Call on your helping spirits if you practice journeying. If you don’t journey you can call on a divine figure who helps you find peace. With the aid of the helping spirits ask for help in metaphorically laying down your weapons. What weapons do you hide in your psyche? What do they look like? How do you psychically cut down others, yourself, send out messages of hate and judgement?

Use your imagination in this work to see and feel the weapons you are holding. You might not physically own a gun. But our thoughts can act just like gun shots. So we have to stop judging those who hurt others with weapons, as we have our own weapons.

Stay in the journey until you experience the elements unburdening you from the weapons you are holding.

It is time to step into our true spiritual power. The Covid brought a message that we are just not taking seriously.

We called in change. And here we are. But let’s find our own sense of inner peace during these times. You have a choice. You always have a choice to choose love or violence.

The full moon is September 20 and is the harvest moon. Let’s harvest love and light and connect fully to the web of life. If we connect fully to the web of life, we will feel the support we are looking for. Everything becomes so clear and obvious when we are one with our internal light. We are at peace. And we want to greet the full moon from a place of inner peace.

Perform your preparation work, listen to some mind-expanding spiritual music, or go out into nature and perform your transfiguration work allowing any blocks to your light shining strong dropping away.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read the instructions for our full moon ceremony on the homepage- Creating A Human Web of Light. The same link that brought you to how to prepare for ceremonial work will take you to the instructions for our full moon ceremony.

Before we move onto announcements I wanted to let those of you know who follow me on social media that I have gone off Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I hope to occasionally post an inspirational message on my Friends page, my Authors page, and Shamans are Gardeners of Energy. But being on Facebook for work 7 days a week since 2015 no longer seems healthy or adds to the quality of my spiritual life and practice. It just became too stressful to answer so many posts from my workshops for so many years and unfortunately impacted my health. I want to devote my life to my practice and not just responding to FB questions. We have brilliant teachers on to learn from.

I love that we have Shamans are Gardeners of Energy. I do look at the page from time to time and the posts are akin to singing love songs to the collective. The energy just radiates to all of life.

We are looking for a new French translator to help with the French translations. If you can help us out, please contact Sylvia Edwards at

Join me in wishing our global circle a wondrous equinox!

Next month Evelyn Rysdyk will be sharing a ceremony with us. Evelyn’s work is so creative and brilliant. She is one of our most experienced teachers on She has an incredible sense of humor and is a fabulous storyteller.

Evelyn is an internationally recognized shamanic teacher and bestselling author whose titles include The Norse Shaman, Spirit Walking: A Course in Shamanic Power, A Spirit Walker’s Guide to Shamanic Tools, The Nepalese Shamanic Path with indigenous Nepali jhankri Bhola N. Banstola. Evelyn’s new book, Shamanic Creativity can be pre-ordered from bookstores, now.

Please note: Evelyn is teaching a new training:

The Hidden Folk are unique spirits that stand between the human world and natural world who support nature’s strength. Evelyn Rysdyk will share how to step back into partnership with these spirits in a FREE webinar on Sept 23rd, The Hidden Folk: 3 Essential Keys to Renewing the Soul of Nature and You!


I know many of you are getting notices from Apple about the Transmutation App. I have found a team who is willing to help me update the Apple Transmutation App and create the Android version. It is such a gift to have this team be willing to work with me. Some of the original programming information is missing. But they feel they have enough to get around this issue. I am excited if it works to have the Transmutation App available.

In the 1990s Isis asked me to start training teachers. She said that it would become too hard to travel for people to be able to sign up for non-local workshops. It took me some time to gather myself to start leading Teacher Trainings, but I did start in 2004.

Due to the Covid, and the massive airplane cancellations due to weather, lack of pilots, and staff, Isis’ statement is definitely relevant right now. I trained wonderful teachers teaching all over the world. Please visit to look at the wealth of workshops you can take and are probably close to where you live.

I am waiting until I know if I can complete a Practitioner Training while we are still dealing with the Covid and the danger of retreat centers having to close. I am waiting to see how things proceed for the Practitioner Training I will teach at a physical retreat center. As you know I believe teaching advanced healing workshops online is unethical and dangerous. The internet is not a way to transmit the ancient healing practices that can be the difference of life or death in a client’s life.

Advanced Healing Trainings of 6 or less people are being taught online by the teachers who I have trained as each person can get dedicated individual attention.

So I am journeying and watching carefully the trends of how retreat centers are operating. Stay tuned for my workshop will be small, and I know there will be a lot of interest. Make sure you are signed up on my email list for when I schedule, I will announce the training through a dedicated email.

The training will basically include 3 five-day workshops teaching Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light, Extraction, Psychopomp work, and Soul Retrieval. Graduates who show proficiency in the work over time can be listed on as a shamanic practitioner.  And from that group I will pick those who show a gift for teaching and will invite them into a Teacher Training.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And of course, please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops.

And Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on

I delighted to let you know that The Book of Ceremony is now published in Dutch!  It is published by A3 boeken.

Here is the link where you can buy it:

With both of these next workshops listed below the introduction calls are over. But you can register for both courses in September. Click on the links to find out more information.

Discover the healing power, joy, and magic of living a life guided by synchronicity, as you learn to recognize Kairos moments — when the world speaks to you in signs and symbols to help you grow, thrive, and manifest.

You can register here for Discover Kairomancy: The Art of Navigating Life Through Synchronicity: Recognizing Signs & Symbols From Your Dreams & the Universe for a Happy, Healthy, Fulfilling Life with renowned dream archeologist and bestselling author Robert Moss:

The effectiveness of Tension Releasing Exercises, or TRE, relies on your primitive reflexes to reveal where trauma is residing in your body — and then “shakes” it out.

On Saturday, August 14, bodyworker and TRE expert Steve Haines will share how harnessing the power of your reflexes can release trauma and neutralize your own fear-based patterns while calming your nervous system and easing your body back into a state of balance.

You can register here for Discover the Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®): How Primitive Reflexes Shake You Out of Fight-or-Flight Patterns & Into Your Natural Joyous State:

Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained  are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is  We also have a section for online courses:

PLEASE NOTE: Many of the teachers on are now offering physical workshops at retreat centers and in nature. And many practitioners are seeing people in person again. So please check out for a wealth of different workshops you might be interested in.

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – August 2021

I have exciting news to start with! I am so delighted and beyond grateful that Sylvia Edwards, our webmaster, converted my old HTML website to a new  The site is nothing less than stunning and exquisite. Please join me in welcoming the new I am finally stepping into the 21st century thanks to Sylvia Edwards. And I had a wonderful support person Aimee transforming the 20 years of Transmutation News into blogs. Thank you Aimee!

Please join me in going to view

We are seeing so many changes on the planet and in the collective consciousness. There are a lot of people still stuck in illusions of life that keep us separated from each other and the web of life. But in the spiritual world we are making progress. Some are disappointed in how much progress is being made. I find myself feeling the same disappointment except when I reflect on my own lengthy process of personal healing. In our culture we want immediate change. And we know in nature change can happen so quickly. And in some ways consciousness in the spiritual community is changing rapidly. Meanwhile some people are getting more lost in the illusion and the energies of division and fear. Change in nature happens in its own perfect timing – a teaching we must surrender to.

I already have shared that I was surprised to feel a shift in my energy and a shift in the spiritual community after we experienced some big astrological transits this winter. I was cynical about feeling much of a change in consciousness for it felt like we were so entrenched in too many illusions.

But I did start to notice a softening inside myself starting to happen. It felt like the hardness of my shell that had developed through all my traumas, as we’ve all gone through in life, just created different emotional and mental states that kept me from my highest spiritual identity.

I actually started to notice a change in my own spiritual consciousness many months before we went through all the transits.  I just started to talk to my students about feeling like it was time to stop talking about my teachings and to actually do more transmissions and emanating love and light. But I didn’t really know exactly how to put this into action. In all my years of teaching I have definitely allowed love and light to flow through me. But this is while I am busy lecturing and leading experiential journeys in my workshops. I wasn’t exactly sure how to put into motion just emanating energies in my workshops or in my client sessions. And I continue working in the way that I have and always make sure that kind and loving thoughts are in my heart whenever I work with my students or clients.  

I let go of trying to force a way of teaching where I would be emanating higher universal energies. This work then and now still seems to be a combination of teaching and allowing myself just to be love and beam light in the process.

The question about moving to transmitting energies came up for me years ago, and I am still finding my way by just allowing my own spiritual evolution to shift and change how I interact with the outside world. For me everything is a work in progress. If a different way of working is to come, I trust it will come in its own time. I have learned that as long as I stay in the flow of life my levels of trust take so many burdens of worry off my shoulders.

I remember so many years ago saying to my guardian spirit that I wanted to stay here long enough to see the end of the story. He responded to me “There is no end to the story.” So we just keep moving forward on our personal and collective journey.          

When we realize we are on our personal karmic journey we can let go of judgment of others as we have our own karma to live out.

This letting go of judgment and letting karma do its job is not punishment, rather cause and effect. We can drop the burden of how we perceive all that is wrong. It creates space to focus on what is right and allows our heart to soften and open more to emanate love and light and to understand our ultimate journey is one with the creator.

I found myself moving out of the energy of judgement in the last month. Something just naturally started to shift in me. And every time I start to judge myself or others, I make a choice to emanate love and light instead. This choice is becoming simply automatic for me and a way of life. I actually feel a soft light start to move through my body and judgement simply melting out me. I can’t quite explain the softness and yet power of the feeling. But it is like a moving very soft vibration.

If we take the time to find quiet so we are not so overstimulated we can meet some really beautiful parts of ourselves in our Inner World. But we need time and silence to really drop in to a state of peace that allows us to shift how we behave in the outer world.

I feel like right now we are all being called to do what we feel passionate about, do whatever practices and activities that feel like they feed our energy, transmit the higher energies our spirits choose to share with us, and if we follow the flow of the river of life then we can always trust where life is taking us and we don’t have to fight so hard.

We can’t push the river and in life we are all on our personal journey.

I want to thank Mara Bishop again for her wonderful offering she shared with us last month. In my haste to leave for a trip I did not share Mara’s website. So I want to give it to you now. Mara has a new book out that I have announced on the Transmutation News. Mara is listed on in North Carolina. She is brilliant practitioner and teacher. Her new book is titled Shamanism for Every Day.

This month Chetna Lawless is sharing some of her work with us. Chetna is a good friend of mine. We have been through a lot of adventures together. And Chetna was one of my assistants in teaching my Teacher Training in Scotland. She is very experienced with her work and emanates true unconditional love. Chetna lives in the UK and her website is

Here is the link for her video for this month’s Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy:

Chetna called it a ceremony for “The Golden Harvest in Your Inner Garden”.


The full moon is August 22. Let us bring together our highest selves and with passion and energy radiate the light we know that can transmute the toxins and negative states of consciousness in our collective. But we must have patience when we work on this larger scale and keep up our work.

Perform your preparation work and appreciate yourself and all the Earth, wind, sun, moon, stars, and waters provide for you. Yes, they move in extreme ways sometimes creating huge climatic obstacles in our life. But they are life itself.

Appreciate yourself, the elements, and our circle. Experience your deep inner shine and let it radiate within and throughout the Earth. Let you heart open to unconditional love and let that energy flow from you. And imagine all our light and love weaving together like the beauty of the Northern Lights.

If you are new to reading the Transmutation News please read the instructions for our monthly full moon ceremony Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.


I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are!

In the meantime, there are a couple of online Evergreen courses that I had taught live and now you can do the courses self-paced. There are multiple courses but here are two you might be interested in.


The Transmutation News is based on my book Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins. I taught this work all over the globe with miraculous results and people receiving powerful tools to transform and create the energies and ride the waves with grace and ease like times we are in now.

As I was reaching my elder years, I contacted Sounds True and asked them if they would film a live course with me teaching it so people would always have access to this incredibly powerful and uplifting work.

And Sounds True said yes. We titled the course Healing with Spiritual Light. The feedback I have received from this course is spectacular.

If you’d like to experience the power of these teachings for yourself, Sounds True is offering as a FREE introduction the first session of Healing with Spiritual Light.

To register for the 8 – week Healing with Spiritual Light workshop click on

I hope you will join us for this 8-week life-changing course Healing with Spiritual Light!

Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing with Sandra Ingerman (Evergreen)

Through a practice called shamanic journeying, you can seek and receive guidance and healing for yourself and others from divine compassionate spirits in the unseen realms.

If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits. In the intro call I give a very detailed lecture on healing from shamanic perspective including power loss, soul loss, intrusions, and possession.

So just the free intro call has a wealth of information.

If you prefer to skip the free introduction and buy the course the link to do is:

I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on

And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light, The Book of Ceremony and my other books are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!

Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is  We also have a section for online courses:

PLEASE NOTE: Many of the teachers on are now offering physical workshops at retreat centers and in nature. And many practitioners are seeing people in person again. So please check out for a wealth of different workshops you might be interested in.

Discover the healing power, joy, and magic of living a life guided by synchronicity, as you learn to recognize Kairos moments — when the world speaks to you in signs and symbols to help you grow, thrive, and manifest.

You can register here for Discover Kairomancy: The Art of Navigating Life Through Synchronicity: Recognizing Signs & Symbols From Your Dreams & the Universe for a Happy, Healthy, Fulfilling Life with renowned dream archeologist and bestselling author Robert Moss:

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – July 2021

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I am finally getting to take the sabbatical I have trying to take for years. I am taking July and August off to regenerate and spend time in nature. I am going off the internet for these two months completely.

I won’t be answering emails and I won’t be on Facebook at all. I know our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy will continue to inspire our circle, but also the positive energy we are creating is also impacting the collective at large.

For this month I am sharing a story I used to tell which is so inspirational and would take a deeper practice than most of us have to really put this teaching into action. 

Years ago, a student of mine told the most extraordinary story at a workshop. We are probably going back into the early 2000s. There’s an alternative bookstore in Santa Fe where a lot of locals love to go and browse books, divination cards, and all kinds of spiritual objects. So it is a place where people come to browse, but also gather to talk with like minded people.

One day there was a group of people gathered by the cash register. One of the ladies was a Tibetan nun who was radiating the most amazing love and had a smile that could brighten up anybody’s life no matter what was going on.

She is a well-known figure to many of us in Santa Fe. People in the bookstore knew that this nun had been tortured in a Chinese prison. And when she was re-released, she moved to Santa Fe where we have a good size Tibetan population.

Someone asked this beautiful soul how she could have so much light, love, joy flowing through her after all she had been through.

She responded by saying I started a repeating a mantra over and over all day long until it transformed me. She said:

“Thank you for everything
I have no complaints about anything.”

I always remember how this story touched Kate Vasha who was one of my friends and students who helped create the water experiments we performed in my Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light Trainings. I remember Kate walking around repeating these healing and forgiving words. She always had a twinkle in her eye when she did this. I know some of you still reading the Transmutation News from years ago remember Kate.

So what is your mantra for this month? What words can you string together from your heart that brings peace into your life?

We all strive for such peace.

One of the teachings I shared on our FB page Shamans are Gardens of Energy is that I always had this vision of shamanic practitioners stepping up to hold space and feed the collective with love and light. It would be like what we call a relay race, where everyone gets a chance to work and when needed, people can get a chance to rest.

I felt like having a Facebook page as Sylvia and I created is like having a relay race where people come on to inspire and those who need stay off the page to rest or be fed by the posts.

It is interesting for me to watch how there was an initial excitement but it is like a grand event where people are getting too tired. I wonder what would happen if we all took turns inspiring each other to keep finding new tools, new paths, news signs. We are in an exhausting time and it is important for those who can do their spiritual work to do it and those who need to rest to take time for dreaming a new dream where you will receive information on your next steps. Even the stunning photos of nature you post gives us all a place to rest.

The full moon is on July 24.  Let’s bring in the spiritual practice of how we use sound as part of our monthly ceremony of creating a human web of light. Om contains all mantras and is the original primal sound of the creator.  Work with sounds, songs, humming. Do what you feel supports the deepest part of shining your radiant light into the world during this time.

If you’re a new reader to the Transmutation News please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

This month one of our amazing teachers on will lead in a beautiful journey. Mara Bishop has been working with me since the early 1990s. Her work is brilliant. She is one of the best communicators I know and has a presence that is so grounding and you just feel safe with. I also appreciate that she dives deep with her students by teaching one on one.

I hope I gave a little picture of Mara. She is really such a beautiful soul and does deep work. She has been in some life initiations and she is now a Wise Woman.

Mara’s offering to us this month:

Wildflower Meadow Ceremony

In this ceremony we loosen our grip on who we think we are, so we can grow naturally into who we are meant to be.

Here is the YouTube link:


I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are!

In the meantime, there are a couple of online Evergreen courses that I had taught live and now you can do the courses self paced. There are multiple courses but here are two you might be interested in.

Check out Healing with Spiritual Light

The Transmutation News is based on my book Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins. I taught this work all over the globe with miraculous results and people receiving powerful tools to transform,  create the energies, and ride the waves with grace and ease like times we are in now.

As I was reaching my elder years, I contacted Sounds True and asked them if they would film a live course with me teaching it so people would always have access to this incredibly powerful and uplifting work.

And Sounds True said yes. We titled the course Healing with Spiritual Light. The feedback I have received from this course is spectacular.

To sign up for the free introductory class click

If you’d like to experience the power of these teachings for yourself, Sounds True is offering as a FREE introduction the first session of Healing with Spiritual Light.

To register for the 8 – week Healing with Spiritual Light workshop click on

I hope you will join us for this 8-week life-changing course Healing with Spiritual Light!

Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing with Sandra Ingerman (Evergreen)

Through a practice called shamanic journeying, you can seek and receive guidance and healing for yourself and others from divine compassionate spirits in the unseen realms.

If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits.In the intro call I give a very detailed lecture on healing from shamanic perspective including power loss, soul loss, intrusions, and possession.

So just the free intro call has a wealth of information.

If you prefer to skip the free introduction and buy the course the link to do is:

I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on

And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light, The Book of Ceremony and my other books are filled with tools to help us stay on the path! 

Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is   We also have a section for online courses:

Shamanic teacher and practitioner Jane Burns will help you discover how shamanic perspectives, shamanic journeying, and the transformative capabilities of mythic wisdom can help you open to betwixt and between times — and even accelerate their prescribed changes so they arrive more easily and quickly with the very insights you need to transcend your challenges.

You can register here for Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity With the Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism: Approach Life’s Betwixt & Between Times With Courage, Acceptance & Intention:

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – June 2021

I have found myself reflecting on a topic that has so many layers to it. Over the past few years I have written multiple columns where the core of the teaching was how ancient cultures sung their unique cultural song of creation. This teaching taught how singing the song of creation helped the shaman, healers, the community dismember illness as well as what else needed to be dissolved. Songs were then sung to re-weave harmony and balance. The singing actually acts as a true incantation of having the power to dismember, dissolve, discreate, dissolve, and destroy. And then the song of creation was used to remember, to create, reweave, nurture, and to sing rebirth back into the community again.

So those of you who have been reading my column over the years, you have read about my complete fascination with how ancient cultures have used singing the song of creation to dissolve what needs to be dismembered and then next to sing the song of creation to remember the health, balance, and harmony that needs to be reweaved back into the web of life, back into the collective, back into the community, or back into the client.

So the song of creation was really important to shamanic cultures because the song of creation is what gave values and a roadmap of a way of life to the people. And as you know in most of my books I’ve shared about writing your own creation story especially about how much love went into your creation. There is nothing more life changing then to absorb in all your cells the unconditional love that went in creating you.

So the question that comes up for me is around songs and around the power of songs. If shamans and shamanic cultures use songs and chants with so much power to create magic and healing or to create dismemberment of what needed to be destroyed that means songs have the power to create or destroy. This led me to thinking about the songs that we sing to ourselves throughout the day. What are we creating through our music?

I listen to the songs I still love to dance to and, when I listen to the words of what I’m dancing to I really start to wonder what is being created in the collective by the vibration of these words being sung over and over and over again. You are not newcomers to my work so I don’t think that I have to explain this.

My question and what I am reflecting on is how are we using music today for creating a better life for ourselves, for the web of life, and for the planet?

It’s an interesting question to ponder. it’s an interesting issue to journey on and reflect on as we move into the solstice which is another time of change of cycles on the planet. Summer and winter are strong seasons of creation and dismemberment.

June 20 we welcome in the solstice, another change in cycles in our Earth and in our lives.

Summer is a really strong season of growth and creation and this could be a very powerful time to be disciplined about the words that you use throughout the day and your daydreams that you allow yourself to loop over. But also reflect on the words of the songs that you’re listening to and the songs that you’re singing. Ask yourself what are you creating?

In the Southern Hemisphere you might want to reflect on the songs that you’re singing and do they dismember what needs to be dismembered and destroyed out of your life and out of the collective?

I believe that this will be interesting and revealing practice that will bring new ways of being into your life and in the world during the changing times as we move into the solstice.


More people are waking up to the need for a different way of life. And a different way of life incorporates how we operate physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And there’s so much that we can change by just focusing on our spiritual practices that we do when we don’t even know that we’re doing them.  Because every word, every thought, every day dream that you have is part of your spiritual practice so you’re constantly doing spiritual work when you are out in the world, driving, on public transportation. You are constantly performing spiritual practices.

In thinking about words, thoughts, daydreams, singing creation songs, bringing in unconditional love reflect on what I’ve written. Perform journey work, or meditate, or spend some time in nature and feel if this feels true to you and then make some decisions on how you will change your daily behavior.

When we sing our own songs we build our own path and move forward.

The full moon is on June 24.  Let’s bring in the spiritual practice of how we use sound as part of our monthly ceremony of creating a human web of light. Om contains all mantras and is the original primal sound of the creator.  Work with sounds, songs, humming. Do what you feel supports the deepest part of  shining your radiant light into the world during this time.

If you’re a new reader to the Transmutation News please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

I wish everybody a beautiful solstice, and I ask that all of us in our global circle sing a song of love on the solstice to life, to the web of life, to everyone in our circle, and to everything that is alive on this planet and to the Earth and all the elements.

As we greet the solstice here is an audio recording where I lead our circle to an altar room where we can do our work for years to come. Listen and you will love it:


I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are!

In the meantime, there are a couple of online Evergreen courses that I had taught live and now you can do the courses self paced. There are multiple courses but here are two you might be interested in.

Check out Healing with Spiritual Light

The Transmutation News is based on my book Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins. I taught this work all over the globe with miraculous results and people receiving powerful tools to transform And create the energies and ride the waves with grace and ease like times we are in now.

As I was reaching my elder years I contacted Sounds True and asked them if they would film a live course with me teaching it so people would always have access to this incredibly powerful and uplifting work.

And Sounds True said yes. We titled the course Healing with Spiritual Light. The feedback I have received from this course is spectacular.

If you’d like to experience the power of these teachings for yourself, Sounds True is offering as a FREE introduction the first session of Healing with Spiritual Light.

To register for the 8 – week Healing with Spiritual Light workshop click on:

I hope you will join us for this 8-week life-changing course Healing with Spiritual Light!

Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing with Sandra Ingerman (Evergreen)

Through a practice called shamanic journeying, you can seek and receive guidance and healing for yourself and others from divine compassionate spirits in the unseen realms.

If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits.In the intro call I give a very detailed lecture on healing from shamanic perspective including power loss, soul loss, intrusions, and possession.

So just the free intro call has a wealth of information.

If you prefer to skip the free introduction and buy the course the link to do is:

I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on

And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light, The Book of Ceremony and my other books are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!

Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is   We also have a section for online courses:

I know all of you are familiar with the work of Alberto Villoldo. But some of you might not know that his wife Marcela Lobos is a well-known shaman in Chile. She has made a huge contribution to the world of shamanism with her work. She is an incredibly compassionate woman. And I truly support her and the work she is bringing into the world.

In Awakening Your Inner Shaman: A Women’s Hero’s Quest Marcela reveals the maps offered by the shamanic Medicine Wheel and the hero’s journey to awaken your inner wisdom. She shares a compass to live a remarkable life, not because of material or outer success, but to cultivate presence and courage in the face of personal challenges and societal unrest. Her story, from growing up in a war-torn country to being initiated by the shamans of the Andes and becoming a teacher and a medicine woman, offers a flesh-and-bones context for each step of the archetypal journey to Self. Also, with her examples about other people crossing the veils from ordinary to extraordinary, Marcela invites you to a new level of openness to perceive the mystical world beyond appearances.

Mara Bishop’s  new book Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys is available now. For more information about Mara please visit

With 365 unique journey topics that can be used in any order, or as meditations, Shamanism for Every Day offers an invaluable guide to anyone searching for daily wisdom, spiritual insights and connection to the sacred.

Mara is a truly gifted shamanic practitioner and teacher listed on She has a true gift of sight. I love her work and how she communicates.

Dr. Margaret holds a PhD in psychology and she is a relationship expert, noted public speaker, workshop leader, educator, consultant, and artist. She has appeared on many radio and TV shows, including the Oprah show. Her work has helped thousands of people change their lives!

Over the years I have had email contact with Margaret who is one of the most compassionate people I have met. She has helped so many work through trauma using her inner Bonding Process. And now she is off on her own teaching her own new webinar.

Margaret wrote an ebook that speaks to such issues as:

  • You could confidently trust your intuition and make clear decisions without second guessing yourself
  • A multitude of opportunities and synchronistic events just find their way to you
  • You only allow people in your field who love and adore you and treat you in the most loving and respectful way possible
  • You feel supported in all areas of your life so no matter what happens you know something better is in the works for you.

What if all of your relationships in your life could be madly in love with you?

How amazing would this feel!?

There are four main mistakes Dr. Margaret sees people making that keep them from falling madly in love with themselves.

This is why she wrote an e-book called The 4 Mistakes That Block Self-Love and Relationships.

Click here to access this ebook.

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – May 2021

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Over the last months I have shared that I had been dealing with a problem with mold. I completed all kinds of treatments and definitely had success. But I remembered a really powerful story that I had forgotten about. And this is the work I have moved to now.

Back in the late 1980s through the 90’s I taught a lot of workshops on the East Coast. I had a very large following there. But my issue was that all the meeting rooms where I taught in and the room I stayed in were literally covered with black mold. It was like black mold was the wallpaper of the rooms.

This was before Integrative Medicine became popular. I had a doctor who specialized in unusual cases, especially environmental.  I talked to my doctor about my mold problem and how bad it was getting. When I would teach workshops my joints would get so stiff I could barely move or walk.

We talked about different treatment modalities. Again, back in those days it was not known how to deal with mold medically. Today I can’t have a conversation without mold coming up as part of it. It is such a pervasive issue these days.

So my doctor told me an incredibly inspirational story, and I was actually going to follow up on it. She had a couple of clients who had a similar extreme mold allergy as I did.  And like myself they could not change their circumstances.

So they found out about a church that I think it was in North Carolina. The treatment was to travel to this church to stay there for healing. And the healing was basically to heal your connection with the Father and Source. It was believed that all illness came from a disconnection from God, Source.

So what they would do with people who had a mold allergy is they would put you in one of those really really old trailers where every inch was covered in black mold. That was where you lived for the whole time that you were there, typically for weeks at a time.

And then during the day you would sit in church, and you would work out your issues with the Father. I do know that the two women who went with the mold allergy were completely healed by their time at the church.

I never went to the church. I can’t remember why.  I find this unusual because I’m so interested in healing. I would have loved to go witness their phenomenal work. There was no abuse. People were treated with love, and people healed while they were there.

So the reason I’m writing about this is because it falls into some of our belief systems. Because right now there are so many mysterious illnesses that people are dealing with on the planet. It is really quite extraordinary. Either there are no answers or there are very famous doctors just talking theory, but don’t really have a lot to back it up with.

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We are entering new times in many ways.  We have moved into a time where consciousness is changing. In this time our bodies are changing too. What kind of trauma do our bodies go through when we are evolving spiritually and shape shifting into different beings? That in itself is an interesting question to consider.

I want us to understand that although every illness has many layers to it there are physical, emotional, and spiritual causes to every illness. But there are also more treatment options available to us then often times we realize. In my own case I also had to go out on my own in that the medical profession could not help me. In all the personal journey work I was doing to try to find the emotional cause of my issue I did discover during a deep time of grief when I had disconnected from myself and from Source. And my work has been to reconnect as I’ve been sharing about the importance of this time.

As we are in changing cycles, and again cycles change very slowly in nature, there is a lot inside of us that’s changing. We need to stay connected to ourselves, to the web of life, to our helping spirits, and to Source. With these reconnected energies we will stay in the flow while still getting our lessons but in a more graceful way.  All creatures are all connected. We tend to watch the web of life as if it is an image outside of us on TV. We actually have to be woven back into the web of life to be truly healthy.

During this month look at where you might have disconnected in unhealthy ways and where you need to reconnect again.  I want to refer you to my book The Book of Ceremony because it’s filled with incredible ceremonies that will help you reconnect to the people, places, and events that create a healthy environment in which to heal.

The full moon is May 26. Let’s really put our attention into re-connecting to our spiritual light, to our circle, to Source, to the web of life, and to the Earth.  And let’s flood beautiful loving and light filled energies throughout every part of this amazing planet.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation news, please read the instructions for our full moon ceremony Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

For this month’s recording I am using an audio recording that Karen Furr and I made together. Karen is a brilliant teacher listed on  and loves transfiguration work and leads a lot of groups.  In this program I give the entire history of transfiguration and how I got into the work. Then Karen leads us on a ceremony of transfiguration. The reason that I decided to work in this way is that Isis has been showing me that there are many different qualities of light. And in June, for the solstice, I would like to explore some of these different qualities of light in a journey or a ceremony. But I thought since many of you are new to this monthly column and new to the work of transfiguration that this would be a good way to bring you into the work so that you’ll be ready to jump in with the rest of our group in June.

Again, please note that this program we recorded is only audio.

Have a beautiful month celebrating healthy and joy filled connections.

Here is the link for transfiguration practice:

I want to say something about the Announcements. I started an announcement section to let you know about my workshops and when my books were coming out. That expanded to wanting to support some brilliant shamanic teachers. But I realize they are long and that most of you not interested just skip them.

I am writing this as the Announcement section is very long this month. There are classes and events that feel too precious to miss. And I don’t usually say that.

But in the future I will be limiting my announcements..



I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are!

In the meantime:

Check out Healing with Spiritual Light

The Transmutation News is based on my book Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins. I taught this work all over the globe with miraculous results and people receiving powerful tools to transform the energies and ride the waves with grace and ease like times we are in now.

As I was reaching my elder years I contacted Sounds True and asked them if they would film a live course with me teaching it so people would always have access to this incredibly powerful and uplifting work.

And Sounds True said yes. We titled the course Healing with Spiritual Light. The feedback I have received from this course is spectacular.

If you’d like to experience the power of these teachings for yourself, Sounds True is offering as a FREE introduction the first session of Healing with Spiritual Light.

To sign up for the free introductory class click on:

To register for the 8 – week Healing with Spiritual Light workshop click on:

I hope you will join us for this 8-week life-changing course Healing with Spiritual Light!


I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on


And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!


Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is   We also have a section for online courses:


Many years ago I introduced Quincy Vechi Davis to our community. He reached out to me as a rising Hip Hop musician to talk about creating peace through his songs and music. Many of you helped me me to support this young budding artist who brought love, light, and prayers for peace and nature into his music.Z

Quincy Vechi Davis is no longer a kid and has been producing amazing albums and doing some powerful networking. We even plan on creating an App together!  Watch for this news!

Please help to support this project.

Voices of the Ancient & Modern Mythology is a project bridging the teachings of wisdomkeepers with the younger generation. Growing up in the age of information where wisdom is hardest to find, we are meeting the youth where they are by offering music videos with empowering messages in the form of cutting-edge, modern music and dynamic visual storytelling. This is a way of introducing ideas to youth (typically high school and middle school students) in an engaging way, to be bridged with documentary segments of elder teachings, leading into talking circles and workshops for creative expression. For more info on the project please visit:

We are currently raising funds to begin this project and have a pending grant award that will match all contributions. Donations can be received through to our partner non-profit, Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media and Education (NAAME) for tax write-off purposes: PO Box 42671, Portland, Oregon 97242
Donations can also be made online. For more information please visit:


Margaret Paul has helped so may thousands with her Inner Bonding work. She is going out on her own and teaching a new online course.

Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, addiction, loneliness, or relationship troubles that is the result of shame and self-abandonment? Bestselling author and relationship expert Dr. Margaret Paul shares her powerful, life-changing process called Inner Bonding, designed for healing self-abandonment and learning to love and value yourself. Join her courseThe Power to Joyfully Love Your Life: The Revolutionary 8-Week Inner Bonding Process for Healing, Freedom, and Vibrant Love to begin your journey of inner healing.


Three Summits I am presenting on:

Join renowned authors, scientists, meditation teachers, artists, environmentalists, activists, indigenous elders and more…on this remarkable summit on Nature.

I’m excited to be speaking along with Paul Hawken, Jane Hirshfield, Dr. Dan Siegel, Spring Washam, Rick Hanson, David Abram, Chip Conley, Joan Halifax, Dacher Keltner, Michael Yellow Bird, Kriste Peoples, Lynne Twist, and many others.


I am excited to be participating in the upcoming Shamanic Dreamkeepers Summit, a free online event bringing together 30 extraordinary shamans, healers and mystics in conversation and ceremony over 4 days, all graciously sharing practical, actionable wisdom, tools, skills and practices to create transformation, change and healing in the world.

This summit is hosted by Linda Fitch and Renee Baribeau.

4 Days. 30 Extraordinary Dream Keepers. One life-changing experience. May 4-7, 2021.

You can see the full list of speakers and reserve your place for free online at


The Aquarian Wisdom Festival: Catalyzing Vast New Realities – Co-Creating Our Bright & Vibrant Future

I can tell you that Jocelyn Mercado, the host of this summit, is being a bit humble with her promotion. She told me everything being offered – workshops, healings, meditations, and the list goes on. So this is much more than Jocelyn is saying.

In the Aquarian Wisdom Festival, you are invited to gather with speakers, teachers, thought leaders, musicians, and artists who will illuminate our hearts & minds with paradigm-shifting perspectives from many diverse & multidimensional fields.

All topics included in the festival are specifically selected to guide attendees to live a passionate, fully awakened life.

Together in sacred space, we will hold workshops, lead experiential practices, and guide YOU, our beautiful global audience, into alternate realms …

Opening portals to other realities – So that together, we can optimally navigate this momentous paradigm shift and co-create a bright & vibrant future for our planet and all beings.

Click here to register for the Aquarian Wisdom Festival:


To all our tree lovers David Crow is giving what looks like to be a phenomenal workshop thought the Shift Network.

Tree Medicine for Increased Immunity & Emotional Wellbeing with David Crow

On Saturday, April 24, David Crow, renowned plant medicine pioneer, will shared practical ways to use tree medicine to cultivate inner peace and treat stress and anxiety, all while boosting your immune system. Although the intro call already aired there will be a replay which the Shift Network will email you about.

You can register here for Tree Medicine for Increased Immunity & Emotional Wellbeing: Discover Trees’ Healing Oils, Flowers & Barks as Potent Medicines for Your Body, Mind & Spirit:


Robert Peng is a renowned Chigong teacher. My husband and I had the gift of staying with Robert and his wife during two conferences Sounds True sponsored. I have to tell you he is the most genuine person I have met and is certainly the “real thing”. There is no way not to feel touched by his own initiation into the work.

Connect to Your Inner Joy Through Qigong’s Xi Breathing with Robert Peng. His live introduction would have passed. But the Shift Network is sending a recording to those who missed it.


A thrilling journey is beginning and you’re invited! On April 1, 2021, Bernadette King, the creator, author, and channel of the international best selling, award winning, and history making “Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck” launched the Kickstarter campaign for her new book, “Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals – The complete book of Animal Spirit Guides”.

Bernadette and I have become allies, and I am so thrilled to share her work!

Bernadette is well known for her animal advocacy and noted for always saying, “Do good for animals”.

By running her Kickstarter during April Bernadette is focused on inspiring folks to do more for the animal kingdom and hopes she’s leading by example by pledging $5,000.00 of the book’s profits in 2021 to animal charities who work to prevent animal cruelty.

Link to newsletter sign up –
Link to YouTube Channel –
Link to forums –

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – April 2021

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I remember when I was about seven years old, growing up in Brooklyn, I was quite disturbed by the level of inequality I witnessed. I could not understand why some people could have more than others. I could not understand why some people had food and some people didn’t. Why did one job pay so much more than another job when everybody had to put in the same hours?

So obviously I struggle with the issues that come up during our lives as we watch a world that is so overpopulated. There just is no equality. There are people who can get services, there are people who can’t, there are people who can get shelter and food, and some are starving and trying to find shelter. This includes all our precious nature beings.

There’s so much division going on right now, and I think everything has become so exponentially out of balance that those “in authority” take more measures to control our actions and behavior. At the same time, we want our own sovereignty and free will.

One of my brother’s friends was a real intellect, and we had these really deep philosophical conversations when I was seven, and he was probably 10 or 11. We were trying to solve all the problems in the world and discussing the issues of why everyone didn’t have equal resources.

I am bringing this up due to all the issues around people having so much that they don’t even know what to do with their wealth and resources and some people who are literally just trying to find a meal and a little bit of shelter. We are all compassionate people. I imagine you think about our social issues in a variety of ways.

This is not a new issue on Earth. It feels like the division on the planet right now is growing to amazing levels. We can actually watch and feel different dimensions of reality forming as divisions over climate, health, politics, race, spirituality, vaccines, and the list goes on and keeps growing.

I am not writing about this in this column to offer a true solution to heal the inequality issues that we’re facing. The example we can turn to right away is the vaccine and the vaccine is now splitting populations into multiple classifications. So, the division keeps growing.

So, what are the responses to this need of humans and all nature beings to have basic rights for freedom and resources. With so many people we are just not getting the help everyone needs. This issue does cause me to lose sleep to see children and parents struggling to find a way to just get through one more day. I have been there.  I have not experienced the traumas that people around the world have to face. But not having food and not knowing where my next shelter is going to be is something I faced a lot.  I do know how this wears you down emotionally.

And all the division on so many levels is wearing us all down emotionally to where we are reevaluating our beliefs, morals, philosophy, and our spiritual practices.

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On a physical level we can take action by donating to help others in need. We need to be the voice for the children of all living species who can’t talk about their need for food, for shelter, their needs for kindness, honor, and respect.  

We can do acts of kindness for others. On a spiritual level we can show honor and respect to everyone who needs some acknowledgement.

People constantly tell me this is not enough. But I have first-hand experience with this. When I had to panhandle to get money for food there was a big difference of how I felt if someone spit on me or if someone showed me kindness – even a smile or an inspiring and hopeful word.

Our attitude and spiritual behavior counts. It does make a difference.

People can’t keep saying kindness and love is not enough. It is food for the soul! And that love can keep someone’s light burning for quite a while, especially when it feels quite dim.

In Walking in Light, I shared a beautiful ceremony I love to do in workshops at retreat centers. But it is powerful to perform online too. I call this ceremony the Inner Chamber of Light.

In this journey you are met by loving faceless beings who bring you to an Inner Chamber of Light within the Earth. There are millions of people there repairing threads of the web of life. But they do this anonymously. No one can see anyone’s faces. It is a beautiful journey that shows it is not what you accumulated, how famous you are, or what you look like that makes a difference. The only important factor is how much love and light you are emanating throughout the web of life. And the key is not needing recognition- just doing what is right action.

For this month’s recorded ceremony, I am leading a different version of this ceremony. It is beautiful. It is a journey to observe all the people walking around the world uplifting everyone whether suffering or in joy just by being a presence of light and love.

I invite you to journey when you would like to experience this field of energy, we can create from anywhere that feeds every living being on this great Earth.

Here is the You Tube link.

We look forward to reading your experience with this journey on our new FB page Shamans Are Gardeners of Light. If you would like to join the Facebook page, the password is “Transfiguration”.

The full moon is April 27. Let’s step out of society’s expectations of us and engage our psychic powers contained within and allow our light to flow freely touching all of life and the Earth. This time on the planet calls for us to nourish the collective with unconditional love and divine light.

If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light on the home page to read the instructions for our full moon ceremony.


I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are! 

In the meantime:

  • I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on
  • Please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony are filled with tools to help us stay on the path! 

Due to the times we are living in, I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

  • During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is  We also have a section for online courses:
  •  The Sacred Science is re-releasing my course on the Power of Shamanic Journeying. This 7-week course is the perfect way to learn shamanic journeying, some of the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work, and ceremonies for personal and planetary healing. I can’t believe how much is packed into this course. It will give you tools to stay present, made good choices, learn how to receive spiritual guidance, transmute and transform negative states of consciousness in yourself and in our collective. 

The course begins March 29 and will have a very active Facebook page.

  • Many years ago, I introduced Quincy Davis to our community. He reached out to me as a rising Hip Hop musician to talk about creating peace through his songs and music. Many of you helped me to support this young budding artist who brought love, light, and prayers for peace and nature into his music.

Quincy is no longer a kid and has been producing amazing albums and doing some powerful networking. We even plan on creating an App together!  Watch for this news!

Please help to support this project.

  • Voices of the Ancient & Modern Mythology is a project bridging the teachings of wisdom keepers with the younger generation. Growing up in the age of information where wisdom is hardest to find, we are meeting the youth where they are by offering music videos with empowering messages in the form of cutting-edge, modern music and dynamic visual storytelling. This is a way of introducing ideas to youth (typically high school and middle school students) in an engaging way, to be bridged with documentary segments of elder teachings, leading into talking circles and workshops for creative expression. For more info on the project please visit:

    We are currently raising funds to begin this project and have a pending grant award that will match all contributions. Donations can be received through to our partner non-profit, Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media and Education (NAAME) for tax write-off purposes: PO Box 42671, Portland, Oregon 97242
    Donations can also be made online. For more information please visit:

I recently found a new friend in Santa Fe and she does fabulous work. I can’t wait to work with her.

  • Rev. AdaRA L. Walton will be teaching a new healing class for the new Santa Fe Institute of Mediumship & Spiritual Studies!
  • Her 4hr. class, “YESHUA* Inergetics Healing,” will be taught Fri & Sat April 23 & 24 from 4-6P MT for 2 hours each day. Cost-$125
  • There are NO prerequisites and NO prior training needed. All that’s needed is an open mind, heart and willingness to share/expand your consciousness!
  • A Free info class will be given Sat April 10. Please go to: and/or call 1-833-734-5770 for more info on this and other classes.
  • *(Yielding to the Energy Source Healing Us Always)

A thrilling journey is beginning, and you’re invited! On April 1, 2021, Bernadette King, the creator, author, and channel of the international best-selling, award winning, and history making “Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck” launches the Kickstarter campaign for her new book, “Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals – The complete book of Animal Spirit Guides”.

Bernadette and I have become allies, and I am so thrilled to share her work!

  • In 2019, Bernadette’s Kickstarter campaign for her Ark Animal Deck raised almost $50,000 and sold-out thousands of copies in less than a year. She is manifesting an even greater success for the new book. 
  • Bernadette is well known for her animal advocacy and noted for always saying, “Do good for animals”. Her own animal spirit guides asked her to hold the Kickstarter campaign during April because it’s “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” month. 
  • By running her Kickstarter during April Bernadette is focused on inspiring folks to do more for the animal kingdom and hopes she’s leading by example by pledging $5,000.00 of the book’s profits in 2021 to animal charities who work to prevent animal cruelty.
  • “Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals – The complete book of Animal Spirit Guides” is a groundbreaking work. It’s a 9×11, full-color compendium with 700 pages making it the most comprehensive book on this subject in the world.

Click the link and sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter campaign begins! Plus, you’ll get regular updates as well as free tips and tutorials!

Link to newsletter sign up –

Link to YouTube Channel –

Link to forums –

I am so excited about this book!!  And I hope you take the opportunity to read this gem!!

  • The Way of the Seabhean – An Irish Shamanic Path brings the ancient wisdom of the Irish female shaman, healer and seer – the woman who walks between the Worlds – to the mainstream. Amantha Murphy not only takes the reader through the three Worlds, but also our life’s journey around the Celtic Wheel, incorporating ancient stories of the Goddesses, as well as delving into rites of passage and women’s mysteries. Today, it is more important than ever to understand our place within ourselves and our interaction within the Great Weave. 

Order your copy today at or

  • Christina Pratt is a remarkable shamanic teacher. I am in awe of her clarity and power of communication, the mastery of the material she teaches, and how she really dives deep into doing the personal work needed to evolve to our personal best. In a fascinating hour with ancestral healing teacher and practitioner Christina Pratt, you will discover how to create a  rich working relationship with your loving, well ancestors supports you to fully engage with your life and can help ease difficult emotions and clear outdated beliefs.
  • You can register here for Open to the Living Love of Your Ancestors: Insights & Practices to Cultivate the Wisdom, Fulfillment & Sense of Belonging for a Life Well Lived


Transforming Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm: An Embodied Course on Stress Reduction with Michael Stone

  • Michael Stone is a friend and brilliant teacher. He is devoting his teachings to the issues we are dealing with now. Stress is a pandemic far greater than Covid. It’s also an opportunity to heal the personal and cultural wounding behind much of our suffering and develop new capacities for resilience, change and evolutionary growth. In this online embodied stress reduction course, we will learn how stress can support our ability to be with external circumstances in a way that allows us to grow exponentially, while expanding our capacity to meet the challenges of our time.

Mara Bishop is one of my favorite shamanic teachers and practitioners. Her compassion and her clarity of communication come together to create one amazing teacher, healer, and writer. So, I am happy to introduce you to Mara who is listed on

  • Mara wrote: Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys Citadel Press
  • Available March 30th from your local bookseller or Amazon
  • With 365 unique journey topics that can be used in any order, or as meditations, Shamanism for Every Day offers an invaluable guide to anyone searching for daily wisdom, spiritual insights and connection to the sacred.

“A beautiful and timely book… Mara Bishop so brilliantly inspires us to remain focused and keep up our spiritual work to be in service to ourselves, our loved ones, and all of life. Each daily practice reminds us that shamanism is a sacred way to living life. These practices are so needed right now to restore balance to the planet and to our own lives.”

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – March 2021

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I have been sharing that Isis is really encouraging us all to stay present right now. She keeps telling me that we will miss important clues and information that are critical to our survival if we focus too much on what might happen next.

Years ago, I shared a statement that I think is worth repeating. If you can’t digest life you can’t digest your food. If you look at the shelves in every pharmacy the most well stocked shelves are stomach remedies.

When we stay present, we can absorb smaller bits of life to digest. And that eases up on some of the pressure you might be experiencing. Life gets simpler and “more digestible” as we learn to stay present.

We welcome in the spring and fall equinox on March 20. It is amazing how one day just melts into another. Time keeps moving so quickly- another reason to stay present and try to absorb the beauty of life.

I recorded a ceremony for us to welcome in the equinox. The link is below. For those of you who don’t understand English I will write up the ceremony for you to do. I recorded a ceremony to The Cauldron of Light.

As I was looking for instructions that were already written I skimmed through my books The Shaman’s Toolkit and Walking in Light. Both of these books are filled with such timeless wisdom. The Shaman’s Toolkit was written for a non-shamanic audience. But yet it contains all the Medicine for the Earth practices I teach just without talking about shamanism. Walking in Light is a true summary of my work. I hope you will support my books!

The spirits showed me the Cauldron of Light ceremony many years ago. It is a neutral way to perform a fire ceremony. You can release to the light an old hurt, a disappointment, a trauma, a betrayal, you can write a letter to the universe and give it to the Cauldron of Light. You can state your desires. The intention I like to work with is letting go of an old plan and asking for help with bringing in the goodness of life.

Allow your intuition to reveal to you the states of consciousness that you would like to be healed. Call one of your helping spirit spirits to assist you in this work. And hold the intention to travel to a great Cauldron of Light.

What is your intention? Do you feel you have been betrayed by life? Who has disappointed you? Are there people you need to forgive? Do you need do you need to forgive yourself?

Explore events and life situations where you might have been disappointed and now need to find forgiveness in your heart. What energies would you like to clean up and transmute?

Did you harm anyone with your behavior or words? Do you need to forgive yourself? Self-forgiveness is extremely important in the times that we live in.

Allow your inner spirit and your helping spirits to reveal to you the inner states of consciousness that need to be examined, acknowledged, and released. This is an important time for cleansing. Look at connections to people who you need to release. Break your connection with collective energies that no longer serve you so that you are now free to ride a different wave.

Just hold your intention to travel to a great cauldron of divine light and your intention will bring you there. Acknowledge the connections you need to release, ties that need to be broken, the betrayals, disappointments, who you need to forgive, and collective energies that you need to let go of. Release them into the divine light that transmutes their power and energy into love.

You are now freed of energies that bind you to a denser energy of life. You are now free to ride a different wave. Return from this journey experiencing yourself lighter, unburdened, and free.

Dismember, discreate, uncreate, dissolve, destroy that which does not work for you anymore. This is a potent time to do cleansing work. During changing cycles, it is so important to purify and cleanse

Reweave a new plan into your inner landscape.

Please join me in holding our circle in love and light while we welcome in spring in the Northern Hemisphere and fall in the Southern Hemisphere.

We must not forget our full moon ceremony of Creating a Human Web of Light.

The full moon is March 28. Let’s step out of old bubbles that keep our psychic power contained and allow our light to flow freely touching all of life and the Earth. This time on the planet calls for us to nourish the collective with unconditional love and divine light.

If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light on the home page to read the instructions for our full moon ceremony

Happy Equinox!

Here is the link to watch the equinox ceremony to the Cauldron of Light:  


I am exploring teaching physical workshops again! I need to wait until people can travel again.

In the meantime:

  • I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on
  • Please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!  

  • Due to the times we are living in, I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

 During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is   We also have a section for online courses:

  • During Discover Your Mythic Edge for a Life of Magic, Courage & Fulfillment: Catalyze the Archetypes in Your Nighttime Dreams & Synchronistic Moments to Live Your ‘Biggest Story’ with best-selling author and dream shaman Robert Moss, you’ll learn how to tap into the transformative energies of the mythic characters and images that emerge in nighttime dreams and visions and can pop up in synchronistic moments in your waking life.

Register here to tap into the transformative energies of mythic archetypes in a guided journey with Raven, a Trickster and Creator, to seek wisdom and healing, and glimpse the past or future:


  • Field of Blessings: Ritual and Consciousness in the work of Buddhist Healers, by Ji Hyang Padma, describes the way that the healer’s field catalyzes personal and collective healing. It discusses the way that “biography becomes biology” through the chakras and endocrine system, and ways that ritual reconnects clients with an embodied wholeness.  And it looks at core ritual components of the healing process that can be identified across traditional cultures.
Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.