I have exciting news to start with! I am so delighted and beyond grateful that Sylvia Edwards, our webmaster, converted my old HTML website to a new www.sandraingerman.com. The site is nothing less than stunning and exquisite. Please join me in welcoming the new www.sandraingerman.com. I am finally stepping into the 21st century thanks to Sylvia Edwards. And I had a wonderful support person Aimee transforming the 20 years of Transmutation News into blogs. Thank you Aimee!
Please join me in going to view www.sandraingerman.com.
We are seeing so many changes on the planet and in the collective consciousness. There are a lot of people still stuck in illusions of life that keep us separated from each other and the web of life. But in the spiritual world we are making progress. Some are disappointed in how much progress is being made. I find myself feeling the same disappointment except when I reflect on my own lengthy process of personal healing. In our culture we want immediate change. And we know in nature change can happen so quickly. And in some ways consciousness in the spiritual community is changing rapidly. Meanwhile some people are getting more lost in the illusion and the energies of division and fear. Change in nature happens in its own perfect timing – a teaching we must surrender to.
I already have shared that I was surprised to feel a shift in my energy and a shift in the spiritual community after we experienced some big astrological transits this winter. I was cynical about feeling much of a change in consciousness for it felt like we were so entrenched in too many illusions.
But I did start to notice a softening inside myself starting to happen. It felt like the hardness of my shell that had developed through all my traumas, as we’ve all gone through in life, just created different emotional and mental states that kept me from my highest spiritual identity.
I actually started to notice a change in my own spiritual consciousness many months before we went through all the transits. I just started to talk to my students about feeling like it was time to stop talking about my teachings and to actually do more transmissions and emanating love and light. But I didn’t really know exactly how to put this into action. In all my years of teaching I have definitely allowed love and light to flow through me. But this is while I am busy lecturing and leading experiential journeys in my workshops. I wasn’t exactly sure how to put into motion just emanating energies in my workshops or in my client sessions. And I continue working in the way that I have and always make sure that kind and loving thoughts are in my heart whenever I work with my students or clients.
I let go of trying to force a way of teaching where I would be emanating higher universal energies. This work then and now still seems to be a combination of teaching and allowing myself just to be love and beam light in the process.
The question about moving to transmitting energies came up for me years ago, and I am still finding my way by just allowing my own spiritual evolution to shift and change how I interact with the outside world. For me everything is a work in progress. If a different way of working is to come, I trust it will come in its own time. I have learned that as long as I stay in the flow of life my levels of trust take so many burdens of worry off my shoulders.
I remember so many years ago saying to my guardian spirit that I wanted to stay here long enough to see the end of the story. He responded to me “There is no end to the story.” So we just keep moving forward on our personal and collective journey.
When we realize we are on our personal karmic journey we can let go of judgment of others as we have our own karma to live out.
This letting go of judgment and letting karma do its job is not punishment, rather cause and effect. We can drop the burden of how we perceive all that is wrong. It creates space to focus on what is right and allows our heart to soften and open more to emanate love and light and to understand our ultimate journey is one with the creator.
I found myself moving out of the energy of judgement in the last month. Something just naturally started to shift in me. And every time I start to judge myself or others, I make a choice to emanate love and light instead. This choice is becoming simply automatic for me and a way of life. I actually feel a soft light start to move through my body and judgement simply melting out me. I can’t quite explain the softness and yet power of the feeling. But it is like a moving very soft vibration.
If we take the time to find quiet so we are not so overstimulated we can meet some really beautiful parts of ourselves in our Inner World. But we need time and silence to really drop in to a state of peace that allows us to shift how we behave in the outer world.
I feel like right now we are all being called to do what we feel passionate about, do whatever practices and activities that feel like they feed our energy, transmit the higher energies our spirits choose to share with us, and if we follow the flow of the river of life then we can always trust where life is taking us and we don’t have to fight so hard.
We can’t push the river and in life we are all on our personal journey.
I want to thank Mara Bishop again for her wonderful offering she shared with us last month. In my haste to leave for a trip I did not share Mara’s website. So I want to give it to you now. Mara has a new book out that I have announced on the Transmutation News. Mara is listed on www.shamanicteachers.com in North Carolina. She is brilliant practitioner and teacher. Her new book is titled Shamanism for Every Day.
This month Chetna Lawless is sharing some of her work with us. Chetna is a good friend of mine. We have been through a lot of adventures together. And Chetna was one of my assistants in teaching my Teacher Training in Scotland. She is very experienced with her work and emanates true unconditional love. Chetna lives in the UK and her website is www.vision-voyages.com.
Here is the link for her video for this month’s Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy:
Chetna called it a ceremony for “The Golden Harvest in Your Inner Garden”.
The full moon is August 22. Let us bring together our highest selves and with passion and energy radiate the light we know that can transmute the toxins and negative states of consciousness in our collective. But we must have patience when we work on this larger scale and keep up our work.
Perform your preparation work and appreciate yourself and all the Earth, wind, sun, moon, stars, and waters provide for you. Yes, they move in extreme ways sometimes creating huge climatic obstacles in our life. But they are life itself.
Appreciate yourself, the elements, and our circle. Experience your deep inner shine and let it radiate within and throughout the Earth. Let you heart open to unconditional love and let that energy flow from you. And imagine all our light and love weaving together like the beauty of the Northern Lights.
If you are new to reading the Transmutation News please read the instructions for our monthly full moon ceremony Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.
I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are!
In the meantime, there are a couple of online Evergreen courses that I had taught live and now you can do the courses self-paced. There are multiple courses but here are two you might be interested in.
The Transmutation News is based on my book Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins. I taught this work all over the globe with miraculous results and people receiving powerful tools to transform and create the energies and ride the waves with grace and ease like times we are in now.
As I was reaching my elder years, I contacted Sounds True and asked them if they would film a live course with me teaching it so people would always have access to this incredibly powerful and uplifting work.
And Sounds True said yes. We titled the course Healing with Spiritual Light. The feedback I have received from this course is spectacular.
If you’d like to experience the power of these teachings for yourself, Sounds True is offering as a FREE introduction the first session of Healing with Spiritual Light.
To register for the 8 – week Healing with Spiritual Light workshop click on
I hope you will join us for this 8-week life-changing course Healing with Spiritual Light!
Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing with Sandra Ingerman (Evergreen)
Through a practice called shamanic journeying, you can seek and receive guidance and healing for yourself and others from divine compassionate spirits in the unseen realms.
If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits. In the intro call I give a very detailed lecture on healing from shamanic perspective including power loss, soul loss, intrusions, and possession.
So just the free intro call has a wealth of information.
If you prefer to skip the free introduction and buy the course the link to do is: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/sjcSI/ingerman/
I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on www.ShamansTV.com.
And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times. Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light, The Book of Ceremony and my other books are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!
Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.
During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is https://www.shamanicteachers.com/shamanic-circles/ We also have a section for online courses: https://www.shamanicteachers.com/online-telephone-workshops/
PLEASE NOTE: Many of the teachers on www.shamanicteachers.com are now offering physical workshops at retreat centers and in nature. And many practitioners are seeing people in person again. So please check out www.shamanicteachers.com for a wealth of different workshops you might be interested in.
Discover the healing power, joy, and magic of living a life guided by synchronicity, as you learn to recognize Kairos moments — when the world speaks to you in signs and symbols to help you grow, thrive, and manifest.
You can register here for Discover Kairomancy: The Art of Navigating Life Through Synchronicity: Recognizing Signs & Symbols From Your Dreams & the Universe for a Happy, Healthy, Fulfilling Life with renowned dream archeologist and bestselling author Robert Moss: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/dkSI/ingerman/
Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.