Transmutation News – August 2021

I have exciting news to start with! I am so delighted and beyond grateful that Sylvia Edwards, our webmaster, converted my old HTML website to a new  The site is nothing less than stunning and exquisite. Please join me in welcoming the new I am finally stepping into the 21st century thanks to Sylvia Edwards. And I had a wonderful support person Aimee transforming the 20 years of Transmutation News into blogs. Thank you Aimee!

Please join me in going to view

We are seeing so many changes on the planet and in the collective consciousness. There are a lot of people still stuck in illusions of life that keep us separated from each other and the web of life. But in the spiritual world we are making progress. Some are disappointed in how much progress is being made. I find myself feeling the same disappointment except when I reflect on my own lengthy process of personal healing. In our culture we want immediate change. And we know in nature change can happen so quickly. And in some ways consciousness in the spiritual community is changing rapidly. Meanwhile some people are getting more lost in the illusion and the energies of division and fear. Change in nature happens in its own perfect timing – a teaching we must surrender to.

I already have shared that I was surprised to feel a shift in my energy and a shift in the spiritual community after we experienced some big astrological transits this winter. I was cynical about feeling much of a change in consciousness for it felt like we were so entrenched in too many illusions.

But I did start to notice a softening inside myself starting to happen. It felt like the hardness of my shell that had developed through all my traumas, as we’ve all gone through in life, just created different emotional and mental states that kept me from my highest spiritual identity.

I actually started to notice a change in my own spiritual consciousness many months before we went through all the transits.  I just started to talk to my students about feeling like it was time to stop talking about my teachings and to actually do more transmissions and emanating love and light. But I didn’t really know exactly how to put this into action. In all my years of teaching I have definitely allowed love and light to flow through me. But this is while I am busy lecturing and leading experiential journeys in my workshops. I wasn’t exactly sure how to put into motion just emanating energies in my workshops or in my client sessions. And I continue working in the way that I have and always make sure that kind and loving thoughts are in my heart whenever I work with my students or clients.  

I let go of trying to force a way of teaching where I would be emanating higher universal energies. This work then and now still seems to be a combination of teaching and allowing myself just to be love and beam light in the process.

The question about moving to transmitting energies came up for me years ago, and I am still finding my way by just allowing my own spiritual evolution to shift and change how I interact with the outside world. For me everything is a work in progress. If a different way of working is to come, I trust it will come in its own time. I have learned that as long as I stay in the flow of life my levels of trust take so many burdens of worry off my shoulders.

I remember so many years ago saying to my guardian spirit that I wanted to stay here long enough to see the end of the story. He responded to me “There is no end to the story.” So we just keep moving forward on our personal and collective journey.          

When we realize we are on our personal karmic journey we can let go of judgment of others as we have our own karma to live out.

This letting go of judgment and letting karma do its job is not punishment, rather cause and effect. We can drop the burden of how we perceive all that is wrong. It creates space to focus on what is right and allows our heart to soften and open more to emanate love and light and to understand our ultimate journey is one with the creator.

I found myself moving out of the energy of judgement in the last month. Something just naturally started to shift in me. And every time I start to judge myself or others, I make a choice to emanate love and light instead. This choice is becoming simply automatic for me and a way of life. I actually feel a soft light start to move through my body and judgement simply melting out me. I can’t quite explain the softness and yet power of the feeling. But it is like a moving very soft vibration.

If we take the time to find quiet so we are not so overstimulated we can meet some really beautiful parts of ourselves in our Inner World. But we need time and silence to really drop in to a state of peace that allows us to shift how we behave in the outer world.

I feel like right now we are all being called to do what we feel passionate about, do whatever practices and activities that feel like they feed our energy, transmit the higher energies our spirits choose to share with us, and if we follow the flow of the river of life then we can always trust where life is taking us and we don’t have to fight so hard.

We can’t push the river and in life we are all on our personal journey.

I want to thank Mara Bishop again for her wonderful offering she shared with us last month. In my haste to leave for a trip I did not share Mara’s website. So I want to give it to you now. Mara has a new book out that I have announced on the Transmutation News. Mara is listed on in North Carolina. She is brilliant practitioner and teacher. Her new book is titled Shamanism for Every Day.

This month Chetna Lawless is sharing some of her work with us. Chetna is a good friend of mine. We have been through a lot of adventures together. And Chetna was one of my assistants in teaching my Teacher Training in Scotland. She is very experienced with her work and emanates true unconditional love. Chetna lives in the UK and her website is

Here is the link for her video for this month’s Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy:

Chetna called it a ceremony for “The Golden Harvest in Your Inner Garden”.


The full moon is August 22. Let us bring together our highest selves and with passion and energy radiate the light we know that can transmute the toxins and negative states of consciousness in our collective. But we must have patience when we work on this larger scale and keep up our work.

Perform your preparation work and appreciate yourself and all the Earth, wind, sun, moon, stars, and waters provide for you. Yes, they move in extreme ways sometimes creating huge climatic obstacles in our life. But they are life itself.

Appreciate yourself, the elements, and our circle. Experience your deep inner shine and let it radiate within and throughout the Earth. Let you heart open to unconditional love and let that energy flow from you. And imagine all our light and love weaving together like the beauty of the Northern Lights.

If you are new to reading the Transmutation News please read the instructions for our monthly full moon ceremony Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.


I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are!

In the meantime, there are a couple of online Evergreen courses that I had taught live and now you can do the courses self-paced. There are multiple courses but here are two you might be interested in.


The Transmutation News is based on my book Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins. I taught this work all over the globe with miraculous results and people receiving powerful tools to transform and create the energies and ride the waves with grace and ease like times we are in now.

As I was reaching my elder years, I contacted Sounds True and asked them if they would film a live course with me teaching it so people would always have access to this incredibly powerful and uplifting work.

And Sounds True said yes. We titled the course Healing with Spiritual Light. The feedback I have received from this course is spectacular.

If you’d like to experience the power of these teachings for yourself, Sounds True is offering as a FREE introduction the first session of Healing with Spiritual Light.

To register for the 8 – week Healing with Spiritual Light workshop click on

I hope you will join us for this 8-week life-changing course Healing with Spiritual Light!

Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing with Sandra Ingerman (Evergreen)

Through a practice called shamanic journeying, you can seek and receive guidance and healing for yourself and others from divine compassionate spirits in the unseen realms.

If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits. In the intro call I give a very detailed lecture on healing from shamanic perspective including power loss, soul loss, intrusions, and possession.

So just the free intro call has a wealth of information.

If you prefer to skip the free introduction and buy the course the link to do is:

I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on

And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light, The Book of Ceremony and my other books are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!

Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is  We also have a section for online courses:

PLEASE NOTE: Many of the teachers on are now offering physical workshops at retreat centers and in nature. And many practitioners are seeing people in person again. So please check out for a wealth of different workshops you might be interested in.

Discover the healing power, joy, and magic of living a life guided by synchronicity, as you learn to recognize Kairos moments — when the world speaks to you in signs and symbols to help you grow, thrive, and manifest.

You can register here for Discover Kairomancy: The Art of Navigating Life Through Synchronicity: Recognizing Signs & Symbols From Your Dreams & the Universe for a Happy, Healthy, Fulfilling Life with renowned dream archeologist and bestselling author Robert Moss:

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – February 2021

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I have been in an intense process of healing for close to 6 years now. I started getting shamanic healing work. And then went on to see many alternative practitioners. Everywhere I turned there were no solutions. I always knew that the true cure was inside of me just like I have been teaching on the Transmutation News for 20 years.

But in our culture whenever we start to feel ill we immediately look to others who might have a solution to what is impacting us instead of traveling deep inside to the inner reaches of our soul where our body can tell us exactly what is going on, what is out of balance, and what we need for our healing.

But some of us are very stubborn, like myself, and although I felt that the signs kept turning me within rather than without it was easier to look without for a solution. Then things changed naturally with my process. For five years in the deepest hours of the night, when shamans do their most powerful work, I journeyed and worked with my helping spirits. The work was to identify the issues in my past and present that were still haunting me causing my body to twist in pain.

I kept unwinding the pain out of my body for five years. The feeling was really incredible. I can say that this was a time of suffering for me, but the lessons were so amazing, and I learned so much about myself, others, life, the web of life, and the cycles of nature. The cycles of nature actually gave me my biggest clues of how to find my healing.

I went even deeper during December and really focused on trying to create as much quiet around me as possible. It was very difficult as people are used to emailing me and asking me how I am doing as well as asking for help from me. But I really needed complete silence. I needed to find a way to get off of Facebook and off of email. I can say I didn’t do it in the most graceful way, but I did it and I got the quiet that I needed.

As soon as I got the quiet that I needed my body and helping spirits started talking to me nonstop leading me step-by-step to where I needed to go. I really needed to let go of my past. My past had become one of my burdens that was too heavy to carry me forward. Most of my past I just literally forgot. Issues that had molded into my personality no longer served me and were holding me back. I performed a lot of releasing ceremonies.

I found that the key in my healing was to look at my past, not holding onto it, and also being willing to step away from it. When I was able to step away, I found myself walking off trail. And I can honestly say that I can’t even see my way back to my old way of being. It feels like I am stepping into a new life. But I cannot engage in that new life until I fully step away from my past and say goodbye to it.

I am sharing this with you because we are moving slowly into a new paradigm, but we can’t take our past with us. There is no way to step into a life of freedom and a life filled with love and light while carrying bitterness on our shoulders and being burdened by our past betrayals and hurts.

Imagine climbing a mountain, and when the path gets too steep you have to drop heavy supplies. Once you get to the top you can’t believe you were willing to carry so much stuff with you for so long. You could have enjoyed the journey and the scenery if you were not so weighed down.

I had five years to work with this. I know that many of you have been very focused on working on all levels spiritually emotionally and physically. If you are excited about the new opportunities, we have coming the only way to step into a new dimension of reality is by releasing your past burdens that are keeping you held in an old bubble.

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The full moon is February 27. Let’s step out of old bubbles that keep our psychic power contained and allow our light to flow freely touching all of life and the Earth.

If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light on the home page to read the instructions for our full moon ceremony.

I hope you all enjoy the ceremony I recorded for you this month. Those of you new to this newsletter, I am now recording a journey or ceremony each month. And we have a new inspirational Facebook page Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy. If you would like to join the password is “Transfiguration”.

Here is the link for this month’s beautiful ceremony. Thank you, Sylvia Edwards, for recording the video for us. Join us!!


I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on

And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times.  Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!

Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.

During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is  We also have a section for online courses:

Starting February 2, I will be teaching a course Shamanic Journeys into Nature: Connect Deeply with Nature Spirits to Expand Consciousness & Your Sense of Belonging to the Web of Life.

A couple of years ago I taught my all-time favorite online course to teach. This was a course on building strong relationships with nature. I decided to teach the course again. I will be teaching the course differently this time. Last time we mostly focused on emanating love and light with groups of nature beings.

This course will focus on learning from nature beings and the elements about how we can live and work together in community, how we are all interconnected and how we are caretakers of the Earth, simple ways we can make changes to create harmony between humans and nature.  

For more information, go to:  

Unconditional Living: Balancing our Warrior and Goddess Energies

An online healing journey with HeatherAsh Amara author of Warrior Goddess Training andThe Seven Secrets of Happy and Healthy Relationships (co-authored with don Miguel Ruiz Jr.)

11 am PST Saturday, February 13th

Register at

In many traditional cultures our deepest healing happens when we harmonize our inner masculine and feminine. HeatherAsh, author of the bestselling book Warrior Goddess Training, calls these two qualities your warrior and goddess energies. In this 45-minute journey we will explore the impact of deficiencies or excesses of warrior and goddess energies, and the importance for all genders to embody and integrate these two foundational essences.

Drawing on her extensive background in European shamanic traditions and Toltec wisdom, HeatherAsh will share insights and meditations on both the warrior and goddess energies and how you can heal, balance, and align yourself to holistically integrate clarity, unconditional love, faith, and creative expression in all your relationships.

Everyone is welcome!

Register at

Everyone who registers will receive a free downloadable meditation and be entered into a drawing for a personally autographed copy of Warrior Goddess Training and a gift from HeatherAsh’s collection.


We are experiencing critical times for humanity and every living being on Earth.
Crisis, in Chinese, is the same word that opportunity. In these times of profound changes, we are all called to shine forth, unapologetically, our fullest potential, our authentic and creative souls, to start trailblazing new paths.

I would like to share the words of a Spanish poet, Antonio Machado, who can inspire us to find our direction forward:

Walker, there is no path,
The path is made by walking.
Are you ready to start walking?

Join this unprecedented bilingual Summit in English and Spanish, created with the intention to build bridges so we can all be possible

This conference is created by the courageous soul Mar Guerrero (literally in Spanish the Sea Warrior), who is the founder of Almakhemy.

In this extraordinary and timely event, you will hear from 40 speakers — including me — who have been specifically chosen to inspire you in these critical times of transformation and opportunity to embrace your fullest potential. They will bring together ancestral wisdom and modern techniques to inspire you the courage to be yourself. Shamanism, Astrology, Coaching, Dreamwork, Martial Arts, Dance… to ignite your own fire!


Nurturing together the Heart of a Universal Revolution
It begins on January 21st! Click here to register, free.

The People’s Inauguration: 10 Days to Activate Revolutionary Love
A 10-day online transformation

The story of America is one of continuous labor, and the fight to create a more just and loving society isn’t over.

Valarie Kaur, renowned civil rights activist, author, and founder of the Revolutionary Love Project invites you to The People’s Inauguration—a free, 10-day online journey to help us reckon with all we have lost and point us toward a vision of the society we can build together, grounded in love.

Snow Raven contains rhythms and tones for transformation through shamanic journeying as co-created by Laini Risto and Janet Elizabeth Gale.   Listen to the invocation and set intention, then allow the Snow Raven to weave magic and wisdom through you as you journey through the realms of understanding and alchemy.  Snow Raven is available through most streaming platforms and download services and also at:

Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – November 2020

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Obviously I wrote the November Transmutation News before the election in the United States, so I am sure there are all kinds of emotions flying around inside you as well as our collective.

No matter if you are happy or angry about the results the Medicine for the Earth work is a way of life that is unconditional and the practices and ceremonies continue whether we are happy or angry.

Ceremonies are a sacred act and are the shaman’s vehicle of change. We don’t stop doing the work.

The Transmutation News has been through different phases over the years. Originally the idea for a monthly column was seeded by Bob Edgar’s encouragement. Bob was the husband of Carol Proudfoot Edgar who was a brilliant shamanic teacher. She still is as she works with her local community. I became part of their website

At the time I had self-published a visionary novel A Fall to Grace. Each month I included an excerpt of wisdom from one of the helping spirits talking, and I suggested a journey to go with the teaching. I hand wrote each column and faxed it to Bob who typed it up.

Then in 2000 the monthly column was transformed to Medicine for the Earth. I wrote on the Medicine for the Earth work and was quite prolific. I had some monthly columns that were 5 to 10 pages with no announcements. Times were different then.

I also began our monthly ceremony, The Human Web of Light. The first year a Buddhist monk wrote me a letter saying that his monastery joined us each month. I received a letter from a pastor saying they wrote a song for the transfiguration ceremony, and they sang it and joined us each month.

It has been a rich experience for me to share the work with so many people from all different walks of life and backgrounds.

As the needs of our collective changed people no longer wish to read long blogs and newsletters. I also have less to share. The Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work are simple practices and ceremonies that immerse us in divine light, unconditional love, and Nature.

These practices and ceremonies although simple, take a lifetime to master in order to get the miraculous results possible. Levels of focus and concentration are needed that are beyond the scope of what people in our culture are trained to be able to hold. And performing ceremonies and your daily work cannot depend on the outer conditions of your life or the world. Mastery demands unconditional love in the midst of trauma and dissolution.

So there is not new material for me to write about except to remind you and inspire you to keep up the work.

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In this regards The Transmutation News is going through another phase of change.

I will continue to write The Transmutation News in the format we have now. And the columns are so generously translated into many languages.

To add to the offering each month I will prerecord either a journey for us to do together or a guided ceremony. Sylvia Edwards has agreed to record the offerings on Zoom and a link will be posted.

After time goes by, I will invite teachers listed on to record an offering. Their work is brilliant, and I want to introduce them to you. So at some point we will rotate. But I will do most of the recordings.

To be clear there will be one recorded journey or ceremony per month.

Then, the exciting news is Sylvia and I started a new Facebook page just for our global circle. The Facebook page name is Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy. If you have been reading the column you know this became my favorite teaching The Ancient Ones shared with me.

If you want to join, click on this link:

There is a question to join. The answer is “Transfiguration”.

This Facebook group is only open to people on my email list who have been in this circle. You can join the Facebook group now and I will participate in the discussions starting December 21 on the Solstice.

The focus of this new Facebook page Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy is to flood the collective and Nature with reverence, prayer, unconditional love, and light. Light is the highest frequency we can work with.

If your post does not reflect a positive attitude, honor, and reverence it will be removed. What will happen to our circle if we immerse ourselves in the same consciousness we want to live? Do you want to get lost in the noise or experience another choice; another way to live our lives?

I am very excited that we have a format to do some powerful work together and share it!

The full moon is November 30. Let’s concentrate and focus, after some good preparation work, on perceiving ourselves as a bright star in the night sky flooding the Earth and all of life with unconditional love and divine light.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.

November is when Thanksgiving is celebrated in America. Let’s use the power of gratitude in the United States and add to that energy for the good of all of life.

Transmutation News – August 2020

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For so many years now I have been writing about the shadow side of the shamanic community riding surface waves. When riding surface waves, we learn how to tread water well.

But do we end up missing a valuable part of the initiation and the journey to come home to our true selves when we don’t allow ourselves to sink under the surface waves? Although we live in the unknown, we prefer an unknown that does not involve sinking into the darkness of life – an initiation commonly called the Dark Night of the Soul.

But this is where we learn to talk to our soul. This is where we shed our former identity to see the beauty, gifts, and strengths of our inner landscape. And when we find this we step into a glory of love and light that we never experienced on this Earth. But it takes being willing to make a journey that is in an unearthly territory that we all walk through when we get ill, lose something important to us, experience grief, dissolution, a lack of faith, and so on.

In the modern western world, many of us called in transformative energies during this time. We said we wanted to transform. How we tried to do this was by discovering practices that make us feel peaceful and raise our endorphins to make us feel good. But this might not have been the best decision to make. For this keeps us swimming in the surface waves of change.

When you ask for transformation in shamanism you ask to enter into The Dark Night of the Soul. This is such an amazing territory that sounds scary as once there you are stripped of your identity and everything you think you know.

But what a rich journey that in the taking away that which no longer serves your identity leads you to finding your true identity, power, strength, inner light and love. For you are a true reflection of the creative forces of the universe, and this is what you will discover as you traverse the territory called the Dark Night of the Soul. You will discover aspects of unconditional love and experience a light you did not know existed.

In this initiation you die to your ego while alive, being reborn into a being who is self-sufficient in all your needs.

I really believe that when one learns how to traverse The Dark Night of the Soul you learn how to ride out any wave life brings with power and strength. You become a presence of unconditional love and light beyond what you have experienced to this point.

If you would like to learn about this territory and learn how to walk it you can register for my new course The Dark Night of the Soul as a Portal to the Shaman’s Light.

You can register here:

I have left Facebook for a while. I just needed a break. But I will be back to work with participants in my new course.

Before I left, I read this beautiful poem by Jack Wyrd who posted it on the Facebook page for The Shamans Cave. Jack gave me permission to share this with all of you.

Blessings of the Dragonfly

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Exuviae are the remains of animals which must shed their skin in order to grow. The dragonfly is such an animal. It spends its first two years as an aquatic nymph. Swimming and breathing water, never touching the air. But once they have found all they need in the wet world below the waves – they crawl up into the air. There, they are unable to breath, unable to see. They trust they most go towards the light, into the unknown. There, helpless, they burst out of their back and unfurl their wings.

This is a summer thing. As they drink air into their lungs for the first time, they must lay in the sun drying their wings and hardening their shell. They don’t know what to expect, but they know they must. They don’t let fear stop them; they only know it is right. As they rise up, dragons of the sky, they leave their old exuviae behind. They don’t look back, they just fly.

It is summer, time for transformations under the Sun. May you be like the dragonfly, trusting enough to make the transformations you must and flying free as you were meant to be. May you embody the beautiful blessings of the dragonfly.

Exuviae is latin. It is pronounced ig-zoo’-vee-ee

Jack Wyrd practices and teaches core shamanism and hosts monthly community journey circles in the Bangor, Maine area. He has an upcoming spiritual folklore book, tentatively titled Maine’s Rarest Creatures: a Field Guide to Mythological and Legendary Creatures and Beings of New England and Adjacent Canada, it will be published in June 2021 by Down East Books. You can check out Jack’s page on FB.

The full moon is August 3. Let’s drop into the depths of our spiritual light that is reaching for us. Meet the reach with your own light. Join with the radiant light of our global community, and let it build a healthy field of energy for all of life.

If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please read the instructions for our full moon ceremony in Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.

Transmutation News – July 2020

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I have found myself really drawing inward and just feeling a need to be quiet during these times. All the turbulence we are seeing is all part of the dissolution of life as we know it.

Protesting is so important to express our cries for justice, fairness, equality, and kindness. I had my years of being a passionate protester. My health no longer supports that kind of action in the world.

But I fully believe in the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work. Shamanism provides every tool and all the guidance we need to find our flow, what we are called to do and change, and the importance of keeping up our ceremonies.

We are all being pushed to the wall to do our spiritual work and focus on it completely.

I am spending as much time as possible in silence, holding space for the collective, and doing the spiritual work I have been teaching over the decades. I am amazed at the deep levels of silence I am being called to.

What does break my heart is to see the division in the spiritual community growing. I have actually been talking about this division for forty years, and I am watching the limits of the division stretch so much there might not be a point of return. We might simply dissolve into different dimensions of how we see and live spiritual work. There are so many different perspectives on life when you look out of the eyes of Spirit while so many are still looking out of the eyes of ego.

I choose to stay on the path that brings me to the levels of consciousness I have been reaching for with my ceremonial and transfiguration work.

With the last few online courses I taught for the Shift Network I really did step out of some unhealthy fields of energy, and I am building new radiant fields to step into with my practices.

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About a year ago I invited our circle to share inspirational stories. Here is one that Nancy shared with me. I asked her permission to share it with you. I love the part about “you got the story wrong……”

“Dear Sandra,

The drumming group, met via zoom last night and I had a lovely journey that I wanted to share with you. It seemed to continue from an image I received late last year of standing, looking into a huge wave that had paused before breaking, and being told to look through the wave.

This journey began with a large group of people – I think representing all people – laying on our backs on the ground. “Yes, the wave has hit,” I was told. We were not hurt, just flattened and our bodies were arranged geometrically (It reminded me of the pattern of synchronized swimmers, or the June Tailor Dancers viewed from above in their formations). Slowly, we settled into the ground beneath us until our chests were at ground level.

As we lay there, the water began to move gently around us, to soothe us. The sun shone down on us to warm us and nourish us. I began to see a sprout growing out from my heart and thought it was a message of us each having something new that would emerge but was told to be patient.

Over the next few minutes. sprouts began to emerge from our finger and toes, mouths and throats, foreheads and bellies. Though they were very small, every person knew that some were fruit trees and other conifers, some were vegetables and others flowers, and still other grasses and clovers… Each sprout carried its own fulfillment and would in time grow and ripen.

Then the message came. “You have the story wrong. You think that you were placed in The Garden, and then you were forced to leave it behind. You ARE the Garden. From your being emerges the flourishing of the Earth. You are the soil through which creation brings forth new life. Earth sustains you all.

It was an amazing experience of deeper connection with the Earth and All Living Beings than I have ever had before.  I knew that you would enjoy hearing about it.

As I do ceremonies of honorable closure, I am lifted by witnessing the beauty and blessing of each life as it lifts from Earth to return to the Source of Light and Life. I have begun adding at the end of the ritual an expression of deep gratitude to all the living beings who are willing to remain here during these difficult times. I am so grateful that you remain with us. Your presence here is wondrous encouragement and wisdom.” 

The full moon is July 5. This is a time where we can really contribute to healing our collective and bringing light into the darkness. But the work will not be successful if you work from your mind versus the deepest reaches of your soul and spirit. Please do your preparation work to move your ego out of the way. Your spirit is pure radiant light with the power to transform everything your light touches. So, shine your light within and throughout this great Earth!

If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please read Creating a Human Web of Light as well as How to Prepare for Ceremonial Work on the homepage.


Transmutation News – June 2018

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The Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light Training in Estes Park, Colorado was truly marvelous. Everyone really embraced the work. The film crew present became part of our circle, and they participated in journeys and ceremonies when they could. We had some beautiful healings that occurred due to the work including some amazing remote healings for people whose names were under the altar.

And the most exciting part for me is that participants went home and many immediately started sharing transfiguration ceremonies in their communities and even teaching their children the work.

The true excitement for me in teaching right now is to see how participants in both my residential workshops and online courses are bringing the Medicine for the Earth and other shamanic practices into their families, workplaces, and into their communities. And I know many of you are doing this too. And I am so grateful to all of you sharing this profound work.

Dean Radin wrote a fabulous book Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe. It is phenomenal for a scientist to offer a vision of a scientifically informed magic and explains why it will play a key role in exploring the frontiers of science. And he includes shamanism in his discussion.

Shamanism does offer amazing keys to healing the issues we are facing on the planet. And again, it depends on if we take the incentive and opportunity to become the work.

Recently I received a message in the dream, “healing comes through you, not to you”. When I woke up, I remembered that this is the same message Florence Scovel Shinn shared in her teachings where she taught that “creation comes through you, not to you”.

This message ties in with some interesting conversations I have been having with other shamanic teachers. For it is so clear that the Western world is stepping into the path of shamanism in the opposite flow of how this would occur in an indigenous culture.

And after all the conversations I have been having I realized that this is what I have been so passionately sharing in all my workshops and books where I speak to the difference of “curing” and “healing”.

I don’t want to over romanticize shamanic cultures. As humans we do not always behave in ethical or responsible ways. Our ego and personality must continue to be worked with to keep us focused on bringing our gifts into communities. This includes people living in indigenous communities.

But children in shamanic cultures were acknowledged for the gifts and strengths they contributed to their communities, were taught how to speak with all the beings in nature, how to perform gratitude practices no matter what is happening in the outer world, and to use discipline with their words, thoughts, and daydreams as blessings instead of focusing on using this powerful energy to curse oneself and all in the web of life.

Then once they entered puberty, elders would oversee life threatening initiations where the initiates would then have to rely on their spiritual strength to carry them through. This helped them to evolve into a responsible adult who contributed to the strength of the community.

It was then that community members were introduced to the path of the shaman.

In the Western world we tend to enter into the path of the shaman before we are grounded in how to be a strong dreamer who knows how to work with words, thoughts, daydreams, and energy to help create a healthy collective. We are stepping into the world of the shaman without having the knowledge of how to create pristine sacred space and communicate with the spirt that lives in all things.

Clients show up for shamanic healings expecting an instantaneous and magical cure without having the tools for doing their inner work that leads to long term healing instead of a quick fix.

Everything that we are all dealing with in life could be dealt with if we did our inner work and understood that it is by working within your inner world that builds the invisible form of substance necessary to manifest our greatest desires for ourselves and all of life. 

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The full moon is June 28. Let us truly immerse ourselves and merge with the shimmering web of light. Don’t separate yourself from the web of life. Become the web of life. You are the web of light. Radiate your divine light as you go deeper into your experience and “BE” the web of light.

We radiate our light together perceiving all in its in divine perfection. This work is strong and powerful and does create change. Go deeper with your transfiguration work on the full moon.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please visit Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

We join together to celebrate the solstice on June 21. We welcome in summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

We remember that the solstice is not a separate event. For there has been a flow of energetic change and changes in the quality of light that led up the solstice. The solstice marks a change that we are part of. It is always good to do a merging journey with the land where you live on the solstice to experience how you are changing with the change in seasons.

It is important to tune into your body and feel how the changes in nature are impacting your own nature and being fully aware of the shifts in the texture of the land, the smell of the wind, the sounds of the birds and other nature beings who live in your area, and the changes in the plants and trees. You can even taste the change in the air.

For thousands of years people have universally been watching and experiencing the changing signs in nature to inform them of their behavior in how to prepare for the change in season. It is always best when your body is the barometer of change instead of focusing on the calendar.

Whether you are welcoming in summer or winter this is a great time to see ourselves as gardeners and caretakers of this great Earth.

Find organic and compostable materials and make a little container that holds a prayer for yourself, the web of life, and the Earth. Plant your prayers into the earth where you live. Energetically this seed prayer will grow as you nurture it with your love and light. What we feed grows!!

I join our circle in wishing everyone a beautiful solstice!!


Copyright Sandra Ingerman 2018. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – January 2018

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It is remarkable how fast time is accelerating as we once again join our spiritual heartbeat together to wish our community a healthy and more balanced and harmonious New Year!

A teacher and healer I so respect shared with me, that using numerology, in 2018 we move into the tarot archetype of the High Priestess.  What an image and feeling to hold knowing the divine feminine will be stepping in to hold us and also to guide us in making changes. As most of us know the divine feminine can manifest in so many ways holding us in compassionate love but can also be a fierce teacher in helping navigate the times we are facing.

I am going to address the issues that people sent in. But I can say most of the issues people have been sending me have to do with the issue of losing hope.

I have been writing the Transmutation News since 2000 and have been addressing this issue over 18 years. But what I am finding is that so many people are to trying focus on how we can think our way through the challenges we are now facing.

As you know I work with the Egyptian goddess Isis for guidance on designing my workshops and also for what seeds to plant in my writing. She has been very strong over the years of asking us not to make long term predictions for our future is based on our present. As we change our present, we change the future.  Due to the strength of this message, I typically start every January Transmutation News off with Isis’ message as New Year’s is when many people seek out predictions for the year.

Recently Isis’ message has changed. And through my dreams I am being introduced to new compassionate spirits.

Isis and the new very ancient compassionate spirits, I am now meeting, are sharing the same message with me. They are telling me that due to the planetary initiation we are ALL going through together it is important to teach people how to strengthen their spirit.

Living a healthy life means integrating practices that nurture and strengthen all aspects of body, mind, and spirit. But in the Western world more focus is put on strengthening the body and mind. We are allowing ourselves to be distracted by nurturing our rational minds by reading, watching videos, reading Facebook posts, etc. I know I do encourage you to read books, sign up for workshops, and summits.

But the key is what do you do with this information. Do you just nurture your mind with it and feel like you are healing and evolving because you now have more information? Or are you finding ways to incorporate spiritual practices in your life that move this information from a rational understanding into your body and cells to wake up the fire, passion, innate wisdom, and strength of inner spirit? Are you taking new inspirations of what you learn to the deepest level possible? Are you allowing the destabilizing energies and forces right now to shift you into a new evolution of consciousness?

The spiritual practices we engage in help us to surrender to the natural flow and process of death and rebirth. They are not separate processes, and they are a flow. Life is a flow.

The initiation we are going through is a classic shamanic initiation where one cannot “think” their way through or “power through” with big physical muscles. People in shamanic initiations who tried to think their way through or power through died.

Initiations are so dangerous and put us in so much peril we cannot think our way out. And physical strength does not help either. Initiations wear you down to a place where your mind gives up in complete despair with no road map out of the challenge you are facing. Your body gives in too as you are too worn down to continue. Next the initiate now has the opportunity to let their inner fire awaken and surrender to the true strength of inner spiritual power that knows no obstacles, pain, or suffering on any level.

It is the key to moving through planetary challenges before humans destroy what is left to life on this great Earth.

I do not publicly broadcast all the initiations I have been through. I write about my Near Death Experiences but frankly they pale to the true initiations that I have been through where everything my mind and ego thinks is important for my survival dissolves leaving me on my knees without a roadmap, a light, but just lost in the darkness. So far in my 65 years of initiations my inner spirit has carried me even when it looked like I could not muster enough strength to make it through.

So, I am not writing from a place of inexperience. All the challenges spiritual teachers and practitioners are going through today are intentionally being created by the divine within and without to awaken our inner spirit. We can do this. But it is not easy. It will not take a minute, because it involves a deepening. Your spiritual muscles only grow strong by swimming in the deepest and darkest waters of your inner shadow.

If you want to be in true service, if you have lost hope, if you are despair, if you are worn down, that is the point of the exercise. Go deeper!! Find your spiritual strength. By doing this you will not have to find inspiration from outside sources, or ask about how to find hope, or how you can be in service. And don’t try too hard. Swimming in the deep dark waters is more of a passive swimming process that trying to muster all your mental and physical strength. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but if you try too hard you are staying in shallow waters instead of being courageous enough to sink to the depths that propel you back into the light. 

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One way shamans work with the issues we are facing is by performing ceremonial work. Of course, bringing the sacred into every moment of your life is the true key to discovering the true power of this ancient practice that was gifted to humans by the compassionate spirits tens of thousands of years ago to help us survive.

The way many are practicing shamanism and other spiritual practices today will not bring us to closer to the divine, health, or the light as we still resist sinking into the darkest waters possible. So, as I said inner and outer forces are forcing us to do so.

Ceremonial work opens a doorway into both the shadow/dark and light places that reflect back our nature so we can see and transform the dark spaces within which translates to creating a healthier life. This work is crucial as it creates a detoxication process that leads to a cleansing leaving us reborn, filled with spiritual power, and light. It is how we attune to our nature and how we grow, evolve, transform and heal.

There are no rational solutions that will solve our planetary issues. Go deeper! Write the words down on a piece of paper – Go deeper. Put this phrase up everywhere you can see it. Don’t try to go deeper, set your intention, don’t resist the deep dark waters, don’t resist the dissolution, learn to ride the waves and flow. And most of all know we are doing this together. No one can save another, but we can cheer each other on, hold the space, and pray.

If you are wondering what to do and have lost hope – go deeper with your spiritual work. And when you feel you have reached the deepest depths possible there are always deeper depths to go through. Trust yourself!! Don’t give your trust or authority away to others. Trust yourself. And as I wrote in the December 2017 Transmutation News explore deeper ways to love yourself and care for yourself. For as you do this you will go deeper.

Here is a guided journey/meditation I have been leading to deepen your cellular experience with the organism we call the web of life. If you want to be in service but don’t have the ability to go out and be a social activist, be a spiritual activist by watching and feeling the vibration of every word, thought, and daydream that you are feeding our organism, the web of life.

Imagine traveling into your body and experiencing a shimmering web connecting your cells, organs, and body parts. The silk like threads of the web are so finely tuned like those on an exquisite string instrument. Let the frequency of your favorite words vibrate throughout this inner web. Notice how it feels. Let a joyful thought vibrate through this web and observe how it impacts your cells.

Now feel, notice, tune in with your spiritual heart to how every word you utter, thought, daydream impacts your own cells, organs, and body parts.

Expand your practice and include every microscopic to enormous living being that we share this Earth with. They are part of this one organism we call the web of life.

If you are confused about what action to take to be in service, perform this exercise every day, and you will have no question about what action to take to be a light of hope and positive change maker in the world.  You will have no questions about the discordant energy in the world. 

Katharine wrote in to let me know we will experience 2 supermoons in January 2018.  Katharine shared that The Moon is linked with the number 18. In the Tarot the 18th archetypal card is the Moon Card. And this card is known to be part of moving through an initiation or test by being presented with choices. The test is to make new healthier choices instead of repeating old unhealthy patterns and ways of dealing with conflict. There are guardians guarding the gates to deeper mysteries preventing entrance to those not ready due to continuing to make unhealthy decisions and choices.  

We start the 18th year of the 21st century with a Super Full Moon on the 1st day of January, the 2nd in a set of 3 Super Moons.  And end the month with a Super Blue Moon and lunar eclipse on January 31.

Katharine asked me to to share the opportunities we have to let our imaginations take seriously the mythic import of the signs of the times we are in and how to wisely use the energy of The Moon to draw us in the direction of our highest reason for existence.

She asked me write about how to connect with The Moon using its nature to move water thus moving ourselves and the world in a good way.

What I can say is we are water beings living on a water planet. The moon’s power impacts both our inner and outer tides. For me the issue is all about flow. Flow is the new word I am focusing on for my own healing.

I do all my physical and spiritual exercises while gently letting my body rock as I sink into nature’s flow- whether it is the flow of water, flow of air, flow of sunlight, or flow of death and rebirth as part of the nature’s cycles. I flow like the trees that do not resist the winds of change. The moon moves us in ways that are beyond words. Words have become a distraction preventing us from going deeper. As I shared, they tend to bring us up to the surface waves.

So, my advice is to journey or meditate on spiritual practices to bring into your life that cellularly attune to the flow of your inner elements and how your ebb and flow is impacted by the changing phases of the moon.

As we are dealing with these powerful full moons please GO DEEP with your spiritual work before connecting into the pristine collective that we have been creating with our full moon ceremony. Do the work that shamans have done for thousands of years. They do not see with their tangible eyes. They use their non-ordinary eyes to gaze into the unseen to reweave disharmonious energies. Travel within, experience your inner divine light, and let it shine. Our radiant light flows within our circle and then with the power of the full moon, as our partner, our light and loving energies become exponential nurturing all of life. Let’s transfigure as if our life depended on it because it does! Open all your ordinary and non-ordinary senses and dream a good dream for all of life. Again, our survival depends on the work you are doing!

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read: Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

I know many of you do not read the announcements, and I understand this. I write the Transmutation News as a way to keep you all inspired to keep going deeper. The announcements are for those who are looking for books, summits, and workshops to plant seeds that they can now nourish their inner landscape inspiring us to raise our consciousness and GO DEEPER. For those of you who do not read the announcements scroll through to the last announcement from Damini Celebre. She has created a brilliant project we can all participate in to welcome in the New Year!

May welcoming in the New Year inspire you to strengthen and deepen your spiritual practices so that all life might live!


Copyright 2018 Sandra Ingerman.  All rights reserved

A Message of Love

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A Message of Love For Our Global Community From Sandra Ingerman:

I know so many of you are feeling stunned, shocked, in deep grief, angry, fear, and even embarrassed by the election results.

Some of you are satisfied with the election results.

It is natural for there to be a wide range of feelings in such a large community.

I also know many of you are feeling neutral as you have made a choice long ago not to get the focused on the outside world but rather to concentrate on your inner world and perform your spiritual work to be a radiate love and Light into the world.

Please express all you are feeling right now. Get it out and breathe deeply.

Over the years we have watched the fear and dissatisfaction of a lot of the population in the US and also around the world. And what people who only have focused on the outer world as their reflection of happiness have been saying they are unhappy, disappointed, and dissatisfied with how decisions are being made that effect their life.

So they turn to the old hero/heroine myths – someone out there will rescue me and make my life better. This has been going on for cycle upon cycle throughout humanity. For in reality no one can make our life better so everyone is going to be disappointed until they wake up to the truth of who each of us is and do the work we came here to do.

We did come here at this time intentionally to do our work. We have to stand up and do it. Once you have grieved you must stand up and connect more deeply with the spiritual community and recognize who you are and what you came here to do.

The “snooze button” by mass consciousness has been pushed too many times now. And the wakeup will not be gentle, and it will be very loud. And the Earth will be talking loudly in a way where everyone will hear. Right now, the collective trance is so dense.

Many years ago I was sitting on my couch daydreaming and watching the birds outside my living room window.

Isis came to me while I was in an altered state and gave me a message to share with every student I made contact with through my writing or through my workshops. I have shared this message with you many times, and it is time for a reminder.

She said that there will be many waves we can all choose to ride. She was adamant that if we already received the wakeup call and were not caught up in the dense collective trance, we did not have to ride the wave and go down with those who were still fast asleep.

Isis said that there were other waves to ride that were of a higher frequency and that there were multiple realities we would all be living at the same time. That is where the teaching that our perception creates our reality is so key for us to work with.

The shadow side of our culture is now exposed on many levels – and this is being shown in all countries around the world. The shadow had to come up to be acknowledged and healed. We all know how dysfunctional family systems get when there are secrets that are hidden. The shadow is now showing itself in such a profound way that it cannot be ignored or buried.

Part of the shadow is how money is seen as more important than honoring life, all living beings, and the Earth.

When I was living in Brooklyn, I demonstrated against the Viet Nam War. I had friends and loved ones who were being enlisted to fight. And I wanted to see this unjust war end. I got to experience the hardships of protesting in places where people were not open to hear any anti-establishment messages. I got to experience being gassed and having cans thrown out of windows on my head.

I was young, and I was so struck that by the fact that I had no power to change a cause I was so passionate about. I sunk into a deep depression. I felt the only way to heal myself was to go on a news fast, which I did. I did not even know who the President of the U.S. was for many years.

I slowly came out of this, grew “thicker skin” and could embrace politics and not lose my sanity over all that I watched continue that I did not believe in.

When I was directed by my helping spirits to write about and teach the Medicine for the Earth work it was such a healing for me. For I had a place where I could put my energy that kept me feeling inspired. And I devoted my life and teaching to how we can use spiritual methods to heal the environment, all of life, and the collective.

I would ponder on if I could blend being a political activist with the Medicine for the Earth work. For after all Gandhi did both, and I do not have to explain to any of you what a positive force he was in the world.

But I knew that I could not do both and stay healthy. Some people can be political activists and work spiritually at the same time. It works for them and they can maintain their health on all levels. And some people only want to be political activists and put down spiritual work as “woo woo” work.

And then there is a large population of us who focus on the spiritual practices that have helped to create positive change for thousands of years. And that is what I have been sharing each month on the Transmutation News – practices that we can focus on that make a difference and give us the knowledge that we have power to create change. As always, the timing factor is an issue for, we don’t know when dramatic positive shifts will occur. Our only role is to stay focused on the work.

When we focus on the work, we ride a different wave then the dense collective. It does not mean that we do not grieve what we see going on in how life is being dishonored. But if we express and work through our emotions and focus our energies on working in the invisible realms to spin a new tapestry that will one day replace the tapestry that is being dismembered, we do make a huge difference. As I repeat again and again, we were born to dream a new dream into being.

But the new dream manifests when the dismemberment is complete. And none of us are privy to the knowledge on the timing.

Please let us hold each other in deep love right now during this time of shock, grief, and fear.

Since being a teenager I have woke up to election results that brought me to a place of true grief. I am 63 now. We will get through this. We have before. I woke up this morning before I heard the election results to the birds singing. Connect with nature and let nature be a healing force for you right now.

Don’t send hate to others – PLEASE. This only creates more hate and boomerangs back to us and those we love.

Grieve, express, and remember our outer world is truly not ruled by a few authority figures. Our outer world will change in positive ways by the work each and every one of us stand up to do.

I encourage you to do a news fast. Be with yourself and others and process how you are feeling. And make a plan to be the architect of your inner world and do the spiritual work you were called to Earth to do.

I will write more as the days go by and this initiation continues to bring us to our knees.

For now let your inner spirit hold you and carry you through.

I send you much love! Sandra


Transmutation News – April 2015

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The focus of the Transmutation News has always been on been on engaging in spiritual practices to raise consciousness in your own life and to be a healing presence on the planet. 

But as you know I also teach and write about classic shamanic healing work. I still perform soul retrievals, power animal retrievals, extraction and psychopomp work. I love working with the classic form of shamanic ceremonies. If you are new to shamanic work, you can read the article on the homepage titled “Abstract on Shamanism”. In this article I give a very brief summary on how shamans perceive the spiritual cause of emotional and physical illness.

I continue to perform and teach classic shamanic healing ceremonies. And as you know I also focus on bridging the transfiguration work into my work with clients and in my teachings. For I do believe that we can truly heal and transform personal and planetary issues working with spiritual light. 

Recently I recorded an interview with Nicholas Breeze Wood, the editor of Sacred Hoop. Sacred Hoop is a wonderful magazine on shamanism. And Nick publishes many thought provoking and educational articles on the practice of shamanism. 

My interview with Nicholas appears in the newest issue of Sacred Hoop #87. 

You can learn more about Sacred Hoop at 

One of the issues Nick raised while we were talking was his sadness/frustration that shamanic practitioners are not working with the helping spirits in a way where we can allow them to intervene in our world to help with the problems we are facing.

The issue brought me to reflecting on the difference between “intervention” and “manipulation”. For until we have engaged in daily spiritual practices to look through the eyes of spirit and carve away our ego, we can fall prey to egoic desires for asking for spiritual intervention that is not for our own highest good or for the good of the planet. 

And this month I encourage you to journey or meditate and try to get some understanding of the difference between “intervention” and “manipulation”. 

I do agree with Nick that the practice of shamanism has so much more potential to heal than we are tapping into. I think part of the issue is that people are surfing too many different teachings so that the skill level is not being developed to bring through the true miraculous power of the work. I have talked about how many are surfing spiritual teachings in many issues of this column. 

Developing skill with your work is a key to bringing through more power and healing. But I also think developing a sense of spiritual maturity to know how to engage with the helping spirits is a key to letting more healing power flow from the invisible realms into the tangible realms.

I do not have all the answers. I am simply bringing awareness to the question and encourage you to explore the issue of deepening your level of skill to bring through the helping spirits in a way where they can intervene in positive ways as we face so many personal and global challenges. 

The same week I recorded this interview with Nick I recorded a bonus program for the Shift Network. 

And in this interview, I also spoke about the classic causes of emotional and physical as diagnosed by shamans with the assistance of their helping spirits. And again, I spoke about the power of the practice of transfiguration and how we can heal with spiritual light.

The focus of this interview was on how powerful working with shamanic healing can be whether or not the client is present or if the work is performed long distance.

I shared just a few case studies that show the power of long-distance work. Here are some of the case studies I shared. 

I once worked with a client long distance. I did not know him personally. He contacted me and asked for my help. He was dealing with severe depression. When I journeyed, my power animal said this man needed a power animal retrieval. But instead of sending him a power animal my helping spirit sent him Tree as a guardian spirit. In the practice of shamanism people can have trees as guardian spirits so the term power animal and guardian spirit is used interchangeably depending on what “nature being” appears to restore lost power.

After the journey I shared with my client that I sent him Tree. Upon the healing his depression lifted, and he developed a beautiful and healing relationship with Tree.

I once was asked to work on behalf of little girl who had been kidnapped, found, but returned to her family very traumatized. She had stopped talking. 

I journeyed in the Middle World to get permission from the little girl to work for her. As she was not verbal, I could not talk to her on the phone, so I obtained permission to work on her through performing a journey.

My power animal had me blow her returned soul essence that she lost into a crystal. We wrapped it up in beautiful cloth. He also gave me the words to speak into a recorder that had a metaphorical healing story to help her feel protected and safe again. It was a beautiful healing story he gave me to share. I sent her (via Fed Ex) the crystal and the recording. I told her to hold the crystal and feel the light, love, and joy return to her again. 

I stayed in touch with her parents for months. The child’s progress was slow. But the parents told me how she would never be separated from the crystal and that she played the recording over and over again all day long. She would hide the recording when she was not listening to it so no one would take it away from her.

Her healing was slow and gradual, but the long-distance work provided her with great benefit.

And the last story I wanted to share was an example of the power of long-distance transfiguration work. A group of us were at a workshop in Santa Fe at Sunrise Springs Retreat Center. We were planning to perform a transfiguration ceremony on behalf of water. Shortly before the gathering I was contacted by Mark who lived in Findhorn, Scotland. He asked me if a group would do some long-distance work on his philodendron. He sent me a photo of the plant, and I placed it on our altar in the middle of our circle. He had attached a device to the philodendron so he could measure its activity. Mark did not know exactly when the group would be working. 

As a group we did not try to heal the water on our altar or try to send healing to the philodendron. We transfigured into our divine light and radiated that light while focusing on the divine health and perfection of everything on our altar.

We worked at about 9 PM in Santa Fe. And when Mark checked the readings of the device attached to the philodendron the plant became so alive energetically at the same time, we were working in Santa Fe which was in the middle of the night in Scotland.

You can see the results of the recorded activity of the philodendron by clicking on “GDV Camera Results” on the homepage. Look at Findhorn Remote Plant Experiment Results. 

These are three stories out of many hundreds of amazing case studies I collected from my own work and also those of shamanic practitioners I trained.

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As you know I do teach about the difference of “healing” and “curing”. I write about this in most of my books as well as in my most recent book Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life.  For with most cases the client has to do a great deal of personal work in order to see long term results after receiving a healing performed by a shamanic practitioner.

The helping spirits can help us to intervene to heal the issues that people, other nature beings, and the planet are experiencing. But we must be willing to dive deeply into our spiritual work so that we gain the emotional maturity to know what kind of help to ask for and to open the veils between the worlds so that the amazing and unlimited power of the universe can flow through. 

I am so impressed by the stunning stories and case studies my current students are sharing with me. They are bridging shamanic work into working with children, relationships, family life, business, organizations and community. I am feeling deeply inspired by the people who are truly working in partnership with the helping spirits to make a difference. 

The full moon (which is also an eclipse) is April 4. Let us be a vessel of light and love that shines from within and through the invisible realms. Perform your transfiguration practice while also giving thanks to your helping spirits for dropping their form so you can both merge formless energies together. May the energies of light, love, and oneness radiating from all worlds weave together to form a web of light within and throughout the Earth. Miracles are possible. We need to focus and do the work that allows the invisible threads to be spun from the invisible into the visible to weave a new fabric of reality that embraces love, light, peace, equality, and honor and respect for all that is alive including the elements that sustain us. 

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage for instructions to our full moon ceremony.

Inspiring story to share this month:

From Judi:

I was asked by a group of women, to lead a meditation night. I was reluctant at first, thinking I was unprepared and not worthy.

After some encouraging words I decided to try once. 

I spent a number of days meditating to create just the right meditation for them. When I felt satisfied that I was ready, I gave it a shot.

I had a successful group of eighteen women show up and afterwards they only had positive comments. During the month after the meditation, they would tell me how their lives had been shifted by that night. The time I spend in preparation also helps shift consciousness in me.

I did another one and from that experience I have been leading a meditation once a month for several women who tell me each meditation is better than the previous one.

Because of those meditation evenings I was asked to lead full moon drum circles and those also have been successful.

For my private work (I knew nothing of your trees) I used a Mimosa tree on my back hill that had lost its life force (beetles had infested the trunk). The birds still would sit in the leafless branches and sing so I didn’t remove the tree. I collected can lids with the tab. I added names to the lids, of people asking for prayers. With ribbons and colored plant ties I tied them to the tree branches. They are a constant reminder, as I look out the windows, of those needing help. Each day I release their needs via the element of wind so their needs can be taken to the Universe for manifestation. 

Thank you so much for your healing work and encouragement.


Copyright 2015 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – May 2014

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When we focus only on the seen and visible world it is so easy to fall off of our spiritual path. The collective and the conditioned mind is drawn and magnetized to the drama and trauma of what is occurring in the outer world.

It is a challenge to be so hypnotized by our conditioning. It can be a struggle for many to focus on the beauty that life has to offer instead of only perceiving the challenges.

I was taking a walk in my arroyo after a very intense day of work. I needed a way to de-stress and clear my mind. As I have written in past, columns the arroyo I walk in is filled with magic for me. Walking the same path for 18 years and feeling my feet connecting deeply with the earth is healing balm. And over the years I have received a wealth of omens and signs that have guided me on my path and also have reminded me of the power of the unseen and the magic of life.

I really do not know how I would stay centered if I did not have such a familiar place in nature to walk in. I can visit with my favorite trees that have become friends, gaze upon beautiful red crystalline rocks, and listen to the bird songs. This is not just a place for me to receive messages; it is also a place of comfort.

Santa Fe is in a drought. As we know every place on the planet is experiencing extreme changes in climate. And if we are to believe only the research the shifts will continue to intensify. I still believe we have the power to call in balance and shift the impact of human behavior on the planet.

As I was walking, I could not help but start to worry about the dryness and the fate of this land. I got lost in thinking about the future and how long I would get to enjoy walking in this amazing and beautiful landscape.

And then I brought myself back from feeding the challenge and hardship to appreciating all the gifts I receive from the land. I brought myself back into the present moment. I had to shift my perception to see the divine health of the land.

I have written about shifting our perception and seeing the divine health of all in the web of life and the earth. I find that there is a physical shift that I can feel as I do this. When I perceive the health of the land versus the struggle, I feel my third eye opening. And with my invisible sight all that I see shifts. It is like I have another set of eyes that see into the unseen rather than only what is visible to me. With this other set of eyes, I see the strength in the trees, the plants, and all that is alive. And by seeing through my third eye, I can change what I am projecting. It is quite amazing.

Over the last few months, I have felt myself surrender more to the divine Intelligence of Nature. I feel in all my cells that The Spirit of Santa Fe knows what she is doing. I trust how she is allowing the land to be sculpted and changed. I don’t understand on a rational level all that is occurring. But I have trust and faith in the process of evolution.

We do need to keep taking action to protect our environment. But we need to blend this with strengthening our spiritual work.

A key part of our spiritual work is to keep our focus on the beauty and divine strength and light of all that is alive.

Most of us continue to seesaw back and forth with being able to touch into the divine and then back into an egoic state of worry, fear, and anger.

Try using more of your invisible senses to shift your perception of what is happening for you and in the world. Maybe focusing on and opening your third eye as I do might be a way for you to project light onto the earth and the world.

For we know that the world is our projection. When you use your invisible sight to change the image of your projection you end up changing your life and all connected to the web of life.

As I was walking with my third eye opened, I also reflected on the conditioned mind. I wondered if future generations will have an easier time perceiving and projecting love and light. I feel we are working so hard to be vessels of love and light in the midst of challenge and change.

But will there truly be an evolution of consciousness when one day only perceiving the beauty and divine light and love is how people go about their day? With an expanded sense of perception, I can absolutely see this way of living coming to fruition.

For now, we do our work and go back and forth between experiencing the divine and then getting caught up in a dual state where we also only see the struggle and move into states of fear, anger, and grief.

I am working with a friend to design an app. I am testing the first version of it, and I have a device programmed so that I receive an alert every two hours. The alert is the sound of bells. And when I hear the bells ring my task is to stop what I am doing and reflect on what I am thinking about.

There are times in my day when I love hearing the sound of the bells. And there are times when I yell at my device and feel like throwing it against the wall. When I am lost in the stress of my day, I don’t want to stop and reflect on my state of consciousness.

I can say with confidence that I respond to this constant alert in a more positive way then I might have done many years ago. I can truly see that the focus on my spiritual practices has brought me to a more conscious way of living life. And I want to be reminded that I need to reframe my thoughts and my feelings to feed the energies of light and love. Those are the energies I want to see grow in my own life, the rest of life, and in the earth. And you have to feed the energies that you want to see grow.

I also notice that even when I am irritated (to put this mildly) by the alert if I have a word, phrase, or photo that is uplifting that I can immediately look at my irritation lasts for only a few seconds. Having visual prompts around me does really work to change my train of thought.

Please consider carrying with you, words, phrases, or a photo that can help shift your consciousness. This is important to do throughout the day. For if we cannot shift our awareness and consciousness during stressful times then we need to ask ourselves what benefit will come from our spiritual work.

We cannot spend part of the day emanating love and light and then shift into anger due to the stresses that naturally occur as we work, run errands, and travel to and from places throughout the day. We cannot maintain a spiritual state only when it is convenient for us to do so.

It is important to find ways to keep your practice consistent. I find that having something I can look at essential in keeping me focused on my spiritual work.

Find something that you can carry with you that reminds you and inspires you to radiate love and light instead of frustration and self-sabotaging and self-defeating thoughts.

Notice how your practice strengthens and does become more consistent as you learn how to shift the words you use and your thoughts in a way that will lead you to a positive outcome.

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Part of our spiritual practice needs to include creating regular ceremonies to cleanse from the dense collective energies. In the December 2012 Transmutation News, I suggested that we cleanse ourselves and the collective by placing dense states of consciousness into a cauldron of light.

There is a tremendous amount of fear, anger, and frustration in the collective. We add to these collective energies by feeding the collective with our negative energy. And we are also impacted by the collective energy we are part of.

This month take some time to meditate or journey on a ceremony you can perform to cleanse yourself of any energies that do not serve you or the collective.

You can use an element that calls to you to work with. If air calls to you then you can light some incense and cleanse yourself of anything that needs to be released. Remember to transmute with intention what energies you release into love and light.

If fire calls to you release energies that no longer serve you into the flames of a fire built in a fireplace. Or you can focus on the flame of a candle and let fire transmute the energies needed to be transformed. You can also meditate or journey and perform a fire ceremony to cleanse yourself in the non-ordinary realms.

You can use water to cleanse yourself of energies that need to be transformed and with intention transmute those energies that flow into the water into love and light.

Burying what you need to release into the earth, while transmuting the energy, is another way you can work. The earth will compost those energies into fertile ground when you work with the earth with honor and respect.

The next step would be to meditate or perform a shamanic journey to cleanse the dense collective energies that need to be transmuted and transformed. As we do this together as a global community, we create a clear space in the ethers for positive change to occur. And we can breathe easier on all levels.

Make a decision to perform such cleansing ceremonies on a regular basis. Just like we physically cleanse ourselves we must keep up a spiritual cleansing process too. Notice how such a ceremony supports the ease of your spiritual work. It is hard to keep up spiritual practices while you are clogged up with compromising energies.

The full moon is May 14. Start by spiritually cleansing yourself. Do some work to prepare yourself to support the depth of your transfiguration practice. Working on a superficial fashion does not contribute to the health of the web of life. Find a time to transfigure when you can let go of the demands of your life and leave your ordinary concerns behind.

You might listen to some music that heightens your consciousness. Some people find dancing or singing helpful to support a deep spiritual state. Find the way that works for you.

Transfigure and absorb the light of the divine into all your cells. Soak in the light. Radiate light so that it flows and shines within and throughout the earth. Feed the web of light with love. Let us continue to weave into being a radiant web of light.

If you are new to reading The Transmutation News please read “Creating a Human Web of Light” on the homepage.


Copyright 2014 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.