Transmutation News – September 2024

We made it through summer and winter depending on where you live on this great Earth. It has been intense. I know for me this entire year has been very intense as in the tarot I am in my Death year. I have lost so many friends and colleagues this year. I had to really work with my spirits as the psychopomp work I have done to help people cross over was more complex this year. I can only say this has been such an interesting period of my life. I am ready to greet fall and continue to release all within me that I need to psychopomp to Source too.


We are greeting the season of fall or spring again depending on where you reside. And what a perfect time to really organize your life so that you are moving forward with your life and work in the right way and finding your own flow.


This particular time of year where we celebrate death and rebirth simultaneously is such a good time to look at what do you need to:



And then to:
Sing Rebirth


If you look at your life like a weaving this is a good time to pull out old threads of your life that need to go and start weaving in beautiful colors, textures, dreams so that is what you end up creating during the seasons allows you to let go of what needs to go back to the Earth while celebrating the new birth that is woven by your work.


I also like the metaphor of sweeping out your inner home and the home you live in. Sweeping out the old that needs to be composted in your life and bringing in new life to your inner landscape and to the home where you live. Physically sweeping your house can make a significant change to your psyche.


These simple ceremonies return our lives to balance. We often look for the most complicated ways to find ourselves in a true healthy flow with life. And finding flow and harmony should never be complicated as Nature finds its way easily in the flow of life. And if we are all Nature which we are why can’t we find the magical flow of Nature. We can. Perform your ceremonies and practices and keep them simple. Keep your life simple. And you might find you have more bounty of beauty and all you dream of in your life.


The equinox is September 22. Let’s imagine our circle performing ceremonies whose energy emerges into creating great beauty in the world.


The full moon is September 17 and is the Harvest Moon. Let’s gather our personal power together as a world community in our true desire to bring peace, light, love, and harmony back to how we live on our Earth. Earth is our home. And fighting over territory is not what our lives what meant to focus on. Let’s remember our purpose and drop the ego that separates us and remember the truth that we are all one light shining from our hearts as our spirit intended us to do. Let’s emanate our spiritual light throughout all of the web of life. Separation is an illusion. When we are fighting we are essentially just fighting with ourselves.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News below are links for instructions on how to prepare for a ceremony and then instructions for our monthly full moon ceremony Creating a Human Web of Light.


This link brings you to a powerful transfiguration ceremony.



Ines Fermosa has been translating the Transmutation News into Spanish as a volunteer for 20 years now!! Due to life’s circumstances Ines can no longer keep up the translations. I am asking if there is someone who is willing to volunteer to take over the Spanish translation, please contact Sylvia Edwards at


I only wish all shamanic practitioners had such commitment to the work as Ines has had. If we all held such a commitment to the work I don’t believe that we would be seeing the same challenges playing out on our planet right now.


It is something to think about as we enter a new season and meditate on our life and changes we need to make. How committed are you to do your spiritual, physical, and emotional work to really be a changemaker at a time where we really need everyone to stand up for all in the web of life.


Inspiration for the month from 2019:

“A few years ago I was show that ceremony creates energetic building blocks to move us closer to our dreams. One ceremony alone might not do it unless you are destined for a miracle.


It is like needing to create a landscape for building a new structure through energetic gardening and tending. Preparing the ground and then using ceremony to keep building energetic blocks that grow into a beautiful form and physical landscape over time.


Remember shamans are gardeners of energy so this is what they do. And they create these building blocks through singing incantations- singing certain vibrations that create new energetic forms.”


I send you all love and blessings during the time of this equinox. I love the fall equinox. So it is a huge time of celebration for me. Whether you are celebrating the time of fall or spring know that you are held in love by our circle.


I am working on final details for the Teacher Training and am excited to announce by the beginning of October a dedicated email will go out about applying for my new Two-Year Teacher Training. I am very excited to start the registration process as I love teaching this training. Sylvia and I are both excited and will be ready in October to send out information and applications. So keep practicing, seeing clients, and practicing your teaching skills!


Last September I had the pleasure to reconnect with Sounds True and record a new audio book that my editor called nothing less than phenomenal. The title is “Polishing the Path of the Soul”.

I was completely merged with my helping spirits and ended up sharing a powerful transmission of information plus a lot of journeys that are guided for all of you.

“Polishing the Path of the Soul” is a unique audio book that I created out of my online course (sponsored by The Shift Network) “The Dark Night of the Soul Leads to the Light of the Shaman”. I of course changed a lot, and I also added a bit from my Advanced Medicine for the Earth that I only taught to a small group once.

This is an extraordinary audio book is all I can say. You will be listening to me and also journeying. The audio book with lecture and journeys is 10+ hours.

Some wonderful people in our circle often contact me and ask how they can support me. It would really be kind if you are willing to write a review on Amazon for “Polishing the Path of the Soul”. I keep hearing how wonderful this recording is, and I know as I did it. If you do like it, you could help me a lot by leaving a review.

I wanted to let everyone know I am posting regularly inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in. I really don’t post on my Friends page anymore.


And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. “


I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.


It is important to me to know that I created these FB pages to give inspiration. Yes I do promote as I do have new books, audios, and courses to share about. But my reason for posting now is to help lift us all up in these challenging times. I don’t care how many people sign up for my FB pages. I am simply trying to keep our community inspired and moving forward with our work- those who want some inspiration.



Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page.


Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:


I encourage you to attend this free LIVE webinar with my friend, shamanic healer/teacher and author, Evelyn Rysdyk if you’re ready to embark on a journey of confidence, courage with the ability to live life with an authentic passion!  Her free event, 3 Essential Keys for Activating Your Sacred Feminine for Vitality, Connection and Fearlessness! is on September 20th. I have announced Evelyn’s courses a lot. She is really a brilliant teacher and takes people deep into the truth!!

Here is the link:


Explore Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero:


I had to honor to work with Elizabeth Jenkins, an anointed teacher of the Inka Nature Wisdom Tradition of the Q’ero people of South America. I really appreciate the depth of who she is. She started with the Q’ero when I started working with shamanism. She will guide you in an exploration of Andean cosmovision and the teachings and practices of the Q’ero people, which can help you discover who your nature parents are.


Elizabeth will explain why the Q’eros see this spiritual connection and the accompanying wisdom as essential for achieving wholeness, happiness, and fulfillment. Not having a real relationship with your nature parents leaves a feeling of disconnection and lack of inner resources.  


Her introductory call with the Shift Network is over. But you can learn about her course and register for it here:


A couple of years ago Sacred Science put on a docuseries called Healing Kitchen. I did promote the event and I could not believe how many of you wrote in how valuable this series was. It is really informative, deep, and not your usual docuseries on food. It was the first time people were sending in emails thanking me for making an announcement on this powerful series.


People are starting to take their health back into their own hands, and REAL medicines are beginning to emerge in the form of: healthy living, exercise, mindfulness and…


Wholesome, organic, consciously-created, plant-based FOOD!


For decades, people have written off medicinal food and simple kitchen remedies as being ineffective for anything serious… Well, we were WRONG.


The research is in and it looks like a natural helper for just about every disease (big and small) may exist in medicinal superfoods and healing herbs! We’re talking about cancer, Alzheimer’s, infertility, obesity, depression, auto-immune disorders – you name it.


And it’s all revealed in a stunning new documentary series called Healing Kitchen: Let Food be Thy Medicine:     This 9-part exploration of the world’s most promising medicinal foods and how they can be used to prevent and heal disease is a must-see and it’s absolutely FREE!


Healing Kitchen is going to put the power of optimal health back into your hands. Each episode is beautifully filmed and jam-packed with potent recipes and ancient remedies that will turn your kitchen into a personal sanctuary of natural wellness.

Click here to watch the trailer and sign up now! 

Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.






Transmutation News – August 2024

Back in the 1980’s I had a variety of helping spirits that taught me beautiful and potent lessons. They would come through for very short periods of time- just enough time to share a lesson with me. One of the helping spirits that came through for me then was the goddess Inanna. She stayed with me for months. When she did appear in my journey, the image and experience were always the same.

She showed herself walking through a very barren and desolate territory. The road was filled with dust. And there was no green around. The path was narrow and steep as Inanna walked through this territory with such amazing focus not looking right or left. She was walking up a steep hill with no end in sight.

Although she never spoke to me with words, I got the message she was trying to transmit to me. And the message was to keep my focus on my vision of where I was going. She instructed me to not look left or right. My vision was always to remain looking straight with 100% focus on where I was going and not allowing the challenging distractions to throw me off course. For the spiritual work is so important.

I feel like with all the planetary changes, we have to find the path that works for us. Some readers of this column are young, healthy, and vital and have the energy to be protesters like I was back in the 1960s. Some of you have the energy to enter into deep conflicts and find this is your way to be in service. And then there are some who are elders. Some elders are still out there fully in their passion doing their work of service. And some elders need to take on more of a traditional role of holding space for all that is going on.

For healing to happen we need multiple types of work happening. We need the socially active and we need those who can hold space for what is happening. I feel like that was the message of Innana.

Whatever role you choose if you are working from a place of love we can all settle in the role that we are physically capable of and that calls to our soul.

I see our international readers as a community and as a circle. We don’t know each other in the ordinary world. But we have been coming together for 25 years to work together in ways we are drawn to, especially using the Medicine for the Earth work.

If you can expand your vision and take in the possibility that thousands of people around the world are reading this column and choosing to join together to make a difference it will be “medicine” for our hearts right now.

One such circle member is a woman by the name of Maureen. And she shared a post on FB that really touched me. I asked her if I could share with our readers and community. Maureen was having a day where she was feeling how tough it was to live where she was living. The environment has made our living spaces more toxic and sometimes it is not possible for us to find the perfect place to live.

I was so moved by what Maureen wrote. I hope you feel the depth of feeling too.

Maureen’s post

“I was inspired to create a collage based on some insights I received the other night from my Guides. 
Without going into great length, my Guides were helping me work through some frustrations and related thoughts and feelings about a few things having to do with my life and where I live. They encouraged me to bloom where I am planted.  
Briefly, they were teaching me, helping me to recognize, that all the plants and flowers focus on expressing their divine essence, being their authentic selves, whether they grow in a field or forest, in a small patch of ground in someone’s yard, or in a pot adorning the steps or windowsills of a home. 
The potted plants, garden fruits and vegetables, and flowers don’t think about their relatives who grow up in an open field or forest, or somewhere else, wild, and free. They recognize their purpose is to express their divine essence, to provide their beauty, fragrance, and gifts to the world, – to be the best they can be – wherever they find themselves planted and growing. They have resilience and strength to even push through as they sprout in places which are not the first choice for growing plants, like the cracks of city sidewalks. 
This is part of what I was given to not only ponder, but to reflect upon and make my own inner adjustments, – learning from the beings of the plant kingdom the importance of being my authentic self and expressing my divine essence, offering my gifts and living my life in sacred service for the benefit of all beings, whether I live in a small pot (my little apartment) or have the opportunity to be replanted someplace else.
I choose to reframe my frustrations and be grateful for the gift of life, the opportunity to offer my life in service, and recognize that wherever I am planted doesn’t change that or hinder that, it’s an opportunity for me to bloom where I am planted.
As I make that inner shift, I come into balance within myself and with the world around me, and I come into coherence with the divine frequency.”


To end on a humorous note. Karine is one of our French translators. She was translating the July column where I wrote about slowing down to 3G versus 5G. As she was translating this passage she got a notification on her phone.

You can sign up for 5G and everything will go faster.

The universe can offer us some synchronicity and humor sometimes.


The full moon is August 19. Let’s gather our personal power together alone and as a world community in our true desire to bring peace, light, love, and harmony back to how we live on our Earth. Earth is our home. And fighting over territory is not what our lives what meant to focus on. Let’s remember our purpose and drop the ego that separates us and remember the truth that we are all one light shining from our hearts as our spirit intended us to do. Let’s emanate our spiritual light throughout all of the web of life.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News below are links for instructions on how to prepare for a ceremony and then instructions for our monthly full moon ceremony Creating a Human Web of Light.

This link brings you to a powerful transfiguration ceremony.

Inspiration for this month:

Rest is reconnecting to yourself. Once that is done everything flows easily.

I wish you all a beautiful August!!


Just so everyone knows in a couple of months I will be making an announcement about my new Two Year Teacher Training that will take place in 2025 and 2026 in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the Chi Center. Due to the level of interest the application will be quite intense.  I am excited about starting the application process in the next couple of months.

Last September I had the pleasure to reconnect with Sounds True and record a new audio book that my editor called nothing less than phenomenal. The title is “Polishing the Path of the Soul”.

I was completely merged with my helping spirits and ended up sharing a powerful transmission of information plus a lot of journeys that are guided for all of you.

“Polishing the Path of the Soul” is a unique audio book that I created out of my online course (sponsored by The Shift Network) “The Dark Night of the Soul Leads to the Light of the Shaman”. I of course changed a lot, and I also added a bit from my Advanced Medicine for the Earth that I only taught to a small group once.

This is an extraordinary audio book is all I can say. You will be listening to me and also journeying. The audio book with lecture and journeys is 10+ hours.

I wanted to let everyone know I am posting regularly inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in. I really don’t post on my Friends page anymore.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. “

I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.

It is important to me to know that I created these FB pages to give inspiration. Yes I do promote as I do have new books, audios, and courses to share about. But my reason for posting now is to help lift us all up in these challenging times. I don’t care how many people sign up for my FB pages. I am simply trying to keep our community inspired and moving forward with our work- those who want some inspiration.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:

Renee Baribeau and I are in our sixth year of our podcast The Shamans Cave. For a schedule of our shows visit Please note Renee and I are taking a break for a bit. But the archives of 6 years of shows are on

I did a wonderful interview with Caroline Carey in the UK. She is known for her beautiful work with Nature. You can check out my interview on her show Soul Purpose.

Here is the link,

Many years ago, when Sounds True was putting on Wake Up Festivals in Colorado, I had the honor of meeting Christine Stevens twice. We actually shared a cabin with some of the other presenters for two years in a row. And what I can tell you is Christine Stevens is so filled with life, joy, love, optimism. I really just love her. Please check out her intro call introducing her new course. 

Finding a Higher Purpose With Improvisational Native American-Style Flute: Shift Your Mind From Self-Judgment to a Creative Flow State for Deep Soul Expression with Christine Stevens 

Explore the depth and ease of improvisational flute playing — technically and soulfully (and even if you don’t own a flute) — to release inhibitions caused by self-criticism, shift into flow states, find your creative expression, and even unearth your higher purpose. 


An amazing mentor and teacher has entered into my life. Jacirendi Xakhar is a true shaman breathing so much life and love into everything she creates. She is an amazing artist. I have some of Jacirendi’s paintings which I treasure, and earrings and bags that I love.

Jacirendi has been creating medicine dolls. And she recently gifted me Alquimia (daughter of the Blue Lotus and of the Nile). Alquimia is not an inanimate being that I now have. Once she got grounded here in my home her presence took over the entire house. Last night I was lying in bed and smelled the herbs in her and felt her power emanating throughout my bedroom. And she is in a totally different part of my house where she can live with my amazing San Pedro and other plants.

Since Alquimia has been here I have changed. I naturally walk through my house bowing to all my plants everyday. This was some transmission I have received from Alquimia. And I look forward to how she guides me next.

Jacirendi is one who really explores the magic of bringing life into the art she creates. I love Jacirendi’s work and the depth of who she is.

I hope you will visit her website “Once in A Turquoise Blue Moon”

Kelley Harrell’s new book, From Elder to Ancestor, is an animistic celebration of eldering well as a life-long practice. We don’t age into elderhood; we initiate into it through strong relationship with Nature and each other. This book lays the groundwork of cultivating ethical relationship with ourselves, communities, and other-than-humans to leave the world better than we found it, and to become good Ancestors.

You can order the book from and learn more about Kelley’s work at

Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – July 2024

Throughout my life, I have carried this firm belief that when things break down in my house or car it is a metaphor for something going on in my life.

I found myself in a strange situation with my car. I don’t have a fancy car, but I have a reliable car and that is important to all of us. I bought my car in 2016 when I felt I needed a few more safety features. I have a Subaru.

It has been such a great vehicle for traveling, especially before the pandemic when I was driving more to trainings.

But every year my battery died. Woods and I would start looking at each other with accusatory looks of who left the door open, the lights, on, etc. This went on every year.

Finally, a couple of months ago we had to call AAA as we could not jump the battery on our own. And the AAA driver said “I see this all the time with older cars like yours that have Starlink”. I kept Starlink as I liked having the extra security if I needed help on a deserted road.

So, to make the longest story short it turns out that Subaru always knew there was an issue with older cars with Starlink. The reason is that the battery will keep searching for 3 G when the world has moved on to 5G, but older Subarus don’t know a different frequency is out there. So, it keeps looking for the older slower frequency that no longer exists. It was spending 24/7 looking for this slower frequency and the battery kept burning out once a year. Even when the car was off the battery was looking for 3 G.

This was startling information for me as Subaru was aware of the issue but never bothered to fill me in.

But I had to sit with the metaphor for I wonder if this is what I and others are experiencing.

In the shamanic community and the spiritual community, we keep talking about raising our frequency. In the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light trainings, I constantly teach about the need to work on our body and ego before stepping into higher frequencies. For if your body is not ready to hold that level of energy it will certainly burn out. So diet, exercise, keeping your nervous system strong, grounding, working on shadow states and old traumas, and making sure you do your spiritual preparation are all important to keep us healthy as we do our spiritual work and move into more evolved states of consciousness. It is also important to learn from Nature. Everything in life goes through growth cycles. We can learn how to pace ourselves in healthier ways by becoming one with Nature and its cycles and ever-changing phases.

Back in the early 1980’s I ate some psilocybin late at night at home. This was unusual for me as when I was on mushrooms I had to be with nature. I had to be with running rivers and sitting with trees all day long, or walking all night to the ocean and then sitting with it as the sun came up.

Anyway, my helping spirits started showing me how to put my hand through the wood of a door. There was a lesson they were trying to teach me. They shared with me that in order to be successful at this I had to learn how to slow down my frequency to a much slower level than I was vibrating at.

I did have the experience of my hand starting to move through the door. I stopped myself from going farther. But the lesson of slowing down my frequency always stuck with me.

So with my car, I sat with what was happening for a while, and I can see how I have been searching for a lower frequency to live at so I stay healthy but can still do all my powerful shamanic work. For what do we keep trying to raise our frequency for?

I obviously teach transfiguration which is working with the Creator’s light that was planted as a seed in us. And that light and energy has the ability to create just like Source did. And this is high-frequency work.

This leaves me pondering and finding myself excited to explore another level of working with shamanic energies and the energies of life.

My mother and I were/ are the slowest walkers you can imagine. Do we truly understand the unique speed that we need to feel safe and grounded on this Earth?

Most of the help I personally see people need is calming down their nervous system.  Is it that our nervous systems are struggling to keep up with the frequencies we are trying to attain? Are we burning out our body’s ability to survive? Is there more work we need to do? And what are the benefits of working with lower frequencies? And what perceptions do we have about lower frequencies?

The full moon is July 21 and is the Buck Moon. Can you step away from the chaos and challenges of the outside world so that you can let go of your ego, thoughts, let go of the form of your body, and allow your inner light that is as bright as the sun, moon, stars above us to shine as brightly as these amazing bodies of life remind us of the truth of who we are. The truth is you are that light too and can radiate that light within and throughout the Earth to every living being in the web of life. That is our service right now to radiate love and light and to bring back the feminine principle to the planet.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News below are links for instructions on how to prepare for a ceremony and then instructions for our monthly full moon ceremony Creating a Human Web of Light.

This link brings you to a powerful transfiguration ceremony.

This is an interesting inspiration I found in my journals:

“You can’t resist life because the force is too strong.”

It is true, isn’t it? We try but we get hurt. There was a recent inspiration on FB where someone shared how Buffalos face storms and get through them faster than trying to turn away from the storm. I feel that quote says something similar.


I wanted to let everyone know I am regularly posting inspirational posts on my Authors Page on Facebook  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check-in.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. “

I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.

It is important to me to know that I created these FB pages to give inspiration. Yes, I do promote as I do have new books, audios, and courses to share about. But my reason for posting now is to help lift us all up in these challenging times. I don’t care how many people sign up for my FB pages. I am simply trying to keep our community inspired and moving forward with our work- those who want some inspiration.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:

An exciting upcoming webinar:

I am delighted to announce a webinar hosted by Shamans Portal on July 17. The webinar will be sharing a roadmap and tools for working through initiations. It is based on a new audio that will coming out from Sounds True “Polishing the Path of the Soul” and some on my book Walking through Darkness.  This program will be very experiential. I am excited about sharing the work with the shamanic community.

From my heart, I invite you to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our sixth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and more passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.

For many years I have been sharing with you about a wonderful young hip-hop artist who puts messages of peace and healing in his music. I love his work and have donated money to help him on this project and others. We hope to come together to create an app for troubled and urban city kids and teenagers. I will record some shamanic ceremonies and journeys and then there will be a more appropriate person who will be my voice.

Quincy just released his new album, Rebelwise: Fully Loaded Altar:

Quincy shares:” Rebelwise project is about delivering “dope medicine” for modern times, and this project has many references to shamanism and other spiritual concepts, which may be an introduction for younger teen audiences, especially those into Hip-Hop.”

Many of you bought Quincy’s albums that I mentioned in the past. He really speaks to your kids, young relatives, and teens. I hope you share Quincy’s work.

In Explore Your Shamanically Guided “Dream Print: Experience Your Soul’s Guidance Through an African Dreamwork Approach with John Lockley, a fully initiated sangoma (or shaman) in the Xhosa lineage of South Africa, you’ll discover your unique dream print, enhancing your spiritual self-esteem as you begin identifying and embracing your personal path and calling. For more information click on this link:

This is a project I am really going to be supporting and helping to get out into the world. So the write-up is a bit long. But what Dasha Bond is doing for women and children in need is amazing.

What do bees have to do with shamanism, spirituality, and dealing with grief? Readers of the new book, 

Dreaming with Bees: Sacred Medicine from Beyond the Veil of Grief, from Brave Healer Productions, 

will quickly understand what all the buzz is about. In the book, lead author Dasha Allred Bond and 23 of her “bee sisters,” share their cathartic journeys through personal pain along with tools readers can use in their lives.

There are chapters on an adoptee’s journey from abandonment to belonging; a body-centered
practice for finding one’s soul besties; manifesting missing father love; and finding a way
through traumatic grief, to name a few. 

The “sister bees” are Jill “GiG” Austin, Batsheva, Christina Marta Beebe, Leah Benjamin, Maria Brannon, Kristin Clark, Emilie Collins, Kim Collins, Elizabeth DeVaughn, Leslie Garbis, Angelica Dunsavage, Kim Louise Eden, Lilly Emerson, Sonia Fernández LeBlanc, Jennifer Harvard, Jan Hatcher, Wendy House, Hope Kernea, Paula Martens, Dusty Rose Miller, Shelby Reardon, Lauren Russell, and Carrie Elizabeth Wilkerson.

Dasha’s connection with bees began before taking a trip to Mexico in 2021. She recalls, “Every night, I started dreaming about bees. They taught me how the sacred medicine of
Mother Mary is the same medicine as the bees and the healing hive. Every night for months, they came. During the day, I started noticing bee imagery everywhere, messages on walls about bees,
and actual live bees began flying into my field. Before I went to sleep at night, I felt their little energy bodies on my skin. I felt like my true shamanic path flew in on bees’ wings.”

The heart-centered call to write the Dreaming with Bees book itself came during a lucid dream. The bees advised that this was to be much more than a book. The stories written and shared would help kick-start fundraising for the nonprofit, Aluna Bridge, whose mission is to offer support and sanctuary to women and children requiring hospice care who are also without homes or are experiencing housing insecurities. In addition, donations will be made to nonprofits whose mission is to help protect and sustain our bee friends.

I will be donating to Dasha’s project. And once I have more information I will share how you can do that too if your heart feels drawn to helping.

You can pick up a copy of the book out on Amazon or directly from the website at the links below.

Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – June 2024

I have not had a chance to share about my One Year Practitioner Training at the Chi Center right outside of Santa Fe. 50 souls traveled from all over the country, some from Europe, Australia and even some from Japan. So we had the most interesting mix of people who bonded immediately. And then came the drums and the dancing and the incredible dance between humans, the spirits, the land, and each other. I can only say I was in true ecstasy and happy that I am back in person and connecting both with helping spirits and humans again in profound and meaningful ways. I can’t imagine teaching any other way anymore!

It’s been really interesting for me to get feedback on Walking Through Darkness. So many of you have read it now and are giving me feedback on the book. For some it has become like a lifeline. Finally, there are authors talking about walking through the darkness instead of immediately trying to turn everything into positivity and light.

The Medicine for the Earth work does focus on building an inner landscape that is so rich and beautiful that is what you see when you open your eyes and step into the world. Our perception creates our reality and when we get too dark that is what we see inside and outside of us.

But again, in life there are just certain truths where we can’t do a spiritual bypass. And when you have been deeply hurt in your life it is important to walk through that territory too. And that is how we get through to the other side where we can embrace beauty.

While walking through the darkness our ego is stripped. Until our ego is stripped we really can’t see the world of spirit that is so alive and vibrant every second no matter what is going on in and around us.

Our collective is in a deep initiation now. And it is the people whose egos are being stripped that are stepping into new states of evolution. It is beautiful to see. But some of us had to start with feeling the loss and feelings of betrayal that accompany a deep initiation before we could see that a true gift was being given to us. The gift is embracing life from another level of consciousness where we do feel fully empowered to live life in a good way despite the challenges.

That is the key. And when we do leave the dark night of the soul and the light welcomes us home, we have the tools to caretake the Earth and ourselves which of course is all one.

As we approach the summer/winter solstice on June 20 it is a time of celebrating the longest day of the year but mostly honoring the power of the sun which gives us life. As all times of changing phases these are wonderful and potent times to set your intention for the coming season and connecting with nature.

Some people like to perform ceremonies in nature at a park, beach, or even in your own backyard. This is where I perform my ceremonies on my land which I am literally woven into.

You can read the article I wrote on how to prepare for a ceremony. Preparation is key for all sacred spiritual work. Ceremony creates sacred reciprocity so there is a lot of flow of energy being transmitted between you and the creative forces of the universe.

This link brings you to a powerful transfiguration ceremony.

We are dealing with climate change. It is time to honor the sun for all the life it gives us. We can’t survive without the sun. In shamanic cultures Shamans performed ceremonies to make sure there was balance between humans and the climate and the land where they lived.

It is time to start honoring our sacred elements and sacred ceremonies and practices and then through reciprocity we might see some dramatic changes occur. You can dance your love for the sun, sing a song, light a candle in honor of its life-giving light. If safe you could do a fire ceremony and speak with the sun. You all know how to perform ceremonies where you ask the fire to take from you a pain or something burdening your path forward. Or asking the fire to carry your intentions of what you are passionate about creating to the creative forces of the universe.

Use your drums and rattles to connect spiritually with the forces of nature and make sure to honor the sun. Perform some of the inner work I have been suggesting, to work with the energy of the sun that lives inside of you to learn and obtain knowledge of how the changing phases of the sun inside and without are impacting you.

Always remember to thank the helping spirits and the elements for their participation in your ceremony and let them know you are done, and you are releasing them.

If you are new to performing ceremonies check out my book The Book of Ceremony published by Sounds True. I wrote this for our current days and issues we could use help creating ceremonies for.

The full moon is June 21. It is the Strawberry Moon. This is our time to drop all we are doing for the greater good of all of life and prepare to do our most sacred work of harmonizing our emanating brilliant spiritual light within and throughout the Earth. May our work add to all the beautiful work people are doing in all traditions around the world to pray for peace.

When we come home to our light we will always come home to a state of peace.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.

Here is an inspiration from my journal I wrote a few years ago:

If we have a field of energy what kind of field are you building for yourself? For the energy field of energy around you in itself will impact your life and how others respond to you. Are you filling your field with being courageous to state to yourself your positive attributes, and how you share and uplift other beings? Or are you filling yourself with self-sabotaging beliefs? Or are filling yourself and your field up with all that is wrong in your life and the world? I keep sharing that we carry the ‘medicine’ of our helping spirits. Well, we carry our own ‘medicine’ too. And you and all life are healed by the ‘medicine’ you carry.

We join together to wish everyone a blessed solstice!


I  wanted to let everyone know I am posting regularly inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. “

I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website page. Below is a link to that page.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:

Two upcoming webinars:

I am teaching a short webinar on shamanic journeying for the Theosophical Society on June 22. In our short time together I will teach how to journey to the Lower World, The Middle World, and the Upper World. People will leave with an introduction to the practice of direct revelation that they can utilize for the rest of your life.

I am delighted to teach a webinar hosted by Shamans Portal on July 17. The webinar will be on tools for working through initiations. It is based on my new book Walking Through Darkness and will be very experiential. I am excited about sharing the work with the shamanic community.

From my heart I invite you to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit  You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.

Years ago Judith Orloff would visit Santa Fe, and I got to know her. She is really a wonderful woman who really has a lot to teach about empathy.  Judith Orloff MD’s new book “The Genius of Empathy” she writes how empathy and being an empath has the transformative power to heal ourselves, strengthen our relationships, and help heal the world. Empathy is the medicine the world needs. More information at


I really love Suzanne Geismann’s work. I think she brings true magic into her work creating big transformations for people. I am a true fan!! She has a new book ‘The Awakened Way, Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life’

Combining practical tools with powerful evidence and real-world examples, The Awakened Way demonstrates how living a divinely guided life can help anyone.  Long-time seekers (or those just starting the journey) who are committed to living from a higher perspective will find answers in this book.  People deeply grieving the loss of a loved one and desperate to know they still exist will experience the beauty of hope.  Those feeling the weight of despair will gain deeper insight from which joy will start to emerge and become a way of life. The book provides a template for permanent personal transformation, guiding readers from an emptiness that can’t be filled to a fullness that can’t be contained!

The Awakened Way is a ‘how-to guide’ with practical tools, techniques, and evidence to help people lift out of the emotional & physical confines of their earthly circumstances and see life from their Soul’s perspective – where a sense of calm, objectivity and even JOY prevails!

Go to to learn how to pre-order the book and receive free gifts as Suzanne’s personal ‘thank you!’

John Lockley does such brilliant work teaching South African shamanism. He is so filled with love and so much knowledge on healing to share with you. He will be doing a intro call and lecture on his work for the Shift Network. Here is the link for more information.

When I wrote Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins I fell in love with the work of Neil Douglas-Klotz. I loved how he shared how the Aramaic word for good and evil is “ripe” and “unripe”. That really shifted my perception about almost everything.

I just learned Neil Douglas-Klotz is teaching for the Shift Network and I felt a true desire to let you know about his work. His work changed so much for me on how I saw life. I quoted him quite a bit in Medicine for the Earth. I think I was probably the first person to sign up for his course after the intro call. I clicked on the  link and I bought it immediately.

According to Neil Douglas-Klotz,PhD, internationally renowned for his 40 years of pioneering work on the Aramaic words of Jesus (or Yeshua)…

… understanding what Jesus truly exemplified and said, in Aramaic, can set you free and help you build trust in your larger self and your own heart, expand your perspectives, and bring more joy into life.

His introductory call is over but you can still sign up for his course. Click on this link for more information.

Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – May 2024

I have been on a number of podcasts speaking about Llyn Robert’s and my new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss.

There are some really deep lessons in this book about darkness, when to fight, surrender, or accept. And obviously some interviewers want to touch on these deeper and most relevant subjects. But I find myself moving every interview back to the first chapter I wrote on which has to do with empowering ourselves by using our intuition in making decisions about our health and life.

For how do you even begin to approach the deeper mysteries of life without first listening and speaking from your intuition and heart instead of your mind?

On one podcast I said I feel like when I go onto social media that I am at a Carnival like my parents took me to when I was young. I know I promote my books and audios a lot too! There are so many voices selling their work and making the promises everyone has to make in the world of promotion.

But the biggest mistake I have made in my most intense initiation of over 9 years now is not listening to my own body. I gave my power away to doctors, all kinds of healers, psychics, shamans, technological devices, supplements, and the list goes on.

I was so busy listening to others there was no way I could hear what my inner voice and what my body was asking for. And when I did start listening, I found my symptoms were starting to change. It has been really extraordinary of the omens and synchronicities starting to happen due to listening to my body.

I also found myself starting to question my own sanity as there were so many other people’s voices in my head – take this product, stop working, keep working, walk, don’t walk, exercise, don’t exercise, you’re not living right, blame, judgement. I got so much conflictual advice I started questioning my own sanity as I could not hear myself anymore. And my intuition has always been my strongest tool, and I just ignored it. Not being able to hear my voice left me feeling completely unanchored and unsupported. I had a lot of support, but none of it was the right kind.

I don’t have any regrets as it all led me to finally listening to myself and seeing the dark side of both the allopathic, functional, and spiritual world of medicine and healing. I feel like I can now hold my own working with all the teachings of the Medicine for the Earth work. I never stopped doing any of my practices. It was just that I did not give them the power to transform my issues. If I had fully dropped in like I did before I began this most recent initiation, I would be in a completely different place now.

There is so much fake news in every arena of the news and in the medical world. There are so many people who are sensitive and psychic and having a hard time maintaining their health on so many levels due the challenges we are going through personally and collectively.

The only way out is through. And the only way I know how to get through is listening to my own inner voice. It never steers me away from the truth and always brings me back to my deep connection to myself and to nature within and without. My intuition has led me through the most incredible challenges, some life threatening.

And now I need it more than ever. And I believe we all do.

There is a lot of chatter and noise from everyone who knows more than you right now. But only you know what is right for you! So trust yourself. I believe this is how we get through.

I feel that trusting our intuition is the first step before we can make a positive change and choice in our lives.

I find that some people’s inner spirit and intuition are leading them to connecting deeper to the Earth and the elements of nature by rewilding and creating natural landscapes for nature beings to live in harmony and love. There are people learning old ways of gardening and cooking and making healing foods. This is what their intuition is leading them towards. And then there are those whose intuition is leading them into jumping fully into politics and the environment and are becoming activists while holding a spiritual perspective. And we have our community that has the love for travel and feels this is the time to see the world.

When we were dealing with lockdowns all over the world an elder from the Santa Clara Pueblo in New Mexico would frequently call me and say, “Tell people to live a simple life.”. I think we all know what that means. And when we learn to trust our intuition, our intuition will always lead us to living a simpler life for this is where health lies.

It is interesting to watch the roles people are taking on as we find our authentic selves by using practices of deep inner listening.

You actually can’t make an error right now as everything happening for all of us is to help us grow!

Here is one of my inspirations that came to me in 2019:

“Ceremony creates energetic building blocks to move us closer to our dreams. One ceremony alone might not do it unless it is destined that it is your time for a miracle.

You have to create a landscape for building a new structure through energetic gardening and tending. Preparing the ground then using ceremony to keep building energetic blocks that grow into a beautiful form and physical landscape over time.

Remember shamans are gardeners of energy so this is what they do. And they create these building blocks through singing incantations — singing certain vibrations that create new energetic forms.”

The full moon is May 23. I know many of you spent the new moon and the solar eclipse in meditation and many of you transfiguring. Transfiguration creates the light behind the challenges. The light always calls us home to our authentic selves of a seed of the creative forces.

Allow yourself to fully drop into your divine light and absorb and ground yourself with the light flowing into each of your cells. Imagine a spark of light that is so shiny and put it in a place of your body that needs healing and let it grow.

And then let your light grow in a profound way that just its very presence travels through every cell of the planet too.

If you are new to our full moon ceremony Creating a Human Web of Light please read the instructions on the homepage.

I do have a lot of announcements this month due to sharing podcasts I have been on for promoting Walking Through Darkness as well as announcing projects of colleagues who I really love their work.

I started the Transmutation News to share knowledge with all of you, not for promotion. But I am also happy to be part of a community that supports each other’s work. So please don’t feel like you need to read announcements if you are not interested in other events.


I do have a lot of announcements this month. Some are old and some are new. I will move some of the older announcements out for this month, so the page is not so long.

I am teaching a short webinar on shamanic journeying for the Theosophical Society on June 22. In our short time together, I will teach how to journey to the Lower World, The Middle World, and the Upper World. People will leave with an introduction to the practice of direct revelation that they can utilize for the rest of your life.


I am delighted to teach a webinar hosted by Shamans Portal on July 17. The webinar will be on tools for working through initiations. It is based on my new book Walking Through Darkness and will be very experiential. I am excited about sharing the work with the shamanic community.


Links to check out:

My true passion is about uplifting our shamanic community. I know the challenges we are all facing. But  what I learned in going through my initiations is that it is important not to sit down in the dark but to keep moving forward.

To keep moving forward we need to be inspired to remember the beauty of nature and the gifts of being alive no matter how challenging it can be at times. And when we learn how to love ourselves and honor our self-worth our sense of purpose keeps moving us forward.

Being inspired isn’t ignoring the injustices of the world. By feeding on positive images, words, feelings we do more for our immune system and let go of inflammation then any medical advice will help you with.

There are now four FB pages that have inspiration for you.

A beautiful FB page is Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy. Here you will find photos and writings only to uplift and inspire. To join this FB group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. “


On my Author’s Page we have posting quotes and teachings from my work of over 43 years in teaching and practicing shamanism.

The link for this page

For my Instagram account it is @ingermansandra

Next most of you know that I train brilliant shamanic practitioners and teachers. And now we have a page where our practitioners and teachers can introduce themselves to you. They will share quotes, videos, articles, inspirations on this page.

Shamanic Teachers:

Shamanic Teachers:

And then as you know Renee Baribeau and I have a podcast titled the Shamans Cave. And we are posting clips of our shows and you can comment here.

The Shamans Cave:

Shaman’s Cave:

I hope that these resources will keep you working to your deepest levels and at the same time being blessed.


Please note I will be leading a Two-Year Teacher Training in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing in 2025 and 2026. I already have the dates held at the Chi Center. The course includes training teachers to teach students to journey, the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light Training, Extraction, Death and Dying and Soul Retrieval.

If you believe you are interested in this training, please start getting your prerequisites now! You need to have experience with all this work before being accepted into the training. We have no applications yet. I am just giving you information about an exciting future opportunity.

All prerequisites need to be taken with me or one of my trusted teachers on Teachers and practitioners are working in person or remotely. Practitioners are for you if you need healing and the teachers have all been instructed on teaching trainings.

Two teachers are specifically scheduling trainings to teach the prerequisites for my Teacher Training. Juniper Stokes Juniper’s email address is And also there is Garrett Jackson. Garrett’s email address is and his website is  Garrett will be giving some discounts on his courses. Juniper and Garrett are both amazing and bring new thoughts and perspectives to the work. I am excited for those of you who step into the work.


Wind Knots for Abundance & Prosperity: Navigating Change with Ancient Wisdom

This online workshop invites you on a transformative journey with Renee Baribeau, The Practical Shaman, to discover the powerful art of tying wind knots. Once a treasured secret amongst Lapp sailors and wind witches, who created these powerful talismans for guidance, favorable voyages and goal manifestation, wind knots remain in perfect timing for our era of global upheaval and profound imbalance.


Years ago, Judith Orloff would visit Santa Fe, and I got to know her. She is really a wonderful woman who really has a lot to teach about empathy.  Judith Orloff MD’s new book “The Genius of Empathy” she writes how empathy and being an empath has the transformative power to heal ourselves, strengthen our relationships, and help heal the world. Empathy is the medicine the world needs. More information at


I really love Suzanne Geismann’s work. I think she brings true magic into her work creating big transformations for people. I am a true fan!! She has a new book ‘The Awakened Way, Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life’

Combining practical tools with powerful evidence and real-world examples, The Awakened Way demonstrates how living a divinely guided life can help anyone.  Long-time seekers (or those just starting the journey) who are committed to living from a higher perspective will find answers in this book.  People deeply grieving the loss of a loved one and desperate to know they still exist will experience the beauty of hope.  Those feeling the weight of despair will gain deeper insight from which joy will start to emerge and become a way of life. The book provides a template for permanent personal transformation, guiding readers from an emptiness that can’t be filled to a fullness that can’t be contained!

The Awakened Way is a ‘how-to guide’ with practical tools, techniques, and evidence to help people lift out of the emotional & physical confines of their earthly circumstances and see life from their Soul’s perspective – where a sense of calm, objectivity and even JOY prevails!

Go to to learn how to pre-order the book and receive free gifts as Suzanne’s personal ‘thank you!’

And to add to the announcement I did a wonderful interview with Suzanne on her podcast for Walking Through Darkness. It is really a good interview!! You can watch it here:


“The Sacred Web” by Angell Deer is a transformative guide that invites you into the realm of Shamanic wisdom, guiding you in creating and nurturing your sacred shamanic space to mirror the depth of your spiritual journey. 

This book offers a deep dive into the essence of sacred spaces, providing practical advice on choosing locations, decorating with elemental symbols, and incorporating sacred objects to enhance your spiritual connection. 

Through inspirational examples, it serves as a short but wisdom-packed companion for those seeking personal growth, deeper spirituality, and a harmonious blend with the natural and spiritual worlds. 

With its blend of ancient wisdom and practical tips, “The Sacred Web” empowers readers to transform their living spaces into resonating sanctuaries of peace, meditation, and spiritual connection, fostering personal evolution and a deeper bond with the cosmos.

And I had a chance to be on Angell Deer’s podcast to speak about Walking Through Darkness. This is the first podcast I have been on where someone let me talk about my experience.

Angell Deer posts on some of my FB pages. And I always appreciate the wisdom he offers.

We agreed to do a podcast on my new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature- Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss.

Our interview together was right before the spring equinox so what a great time to share it with you.

Here are links if you would like to watch our interview.

Here is the YouTube Link

And here is the Podcast Link (the page has link to all podcast platform)


And one more podcast!  I had the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed by Valeria from Fit for Joy. We did the interview on Walking Through Darkness. Valeria has a lot of wisdom and I look forward to working with her in the future talking about some other topics as we both could see how deep we both go into the mysteries.

Here is a link to the interview:


The Shift Network is putting on some interesting certification courses for therapists who are looking to use psychedelics in their treatments. Back “in the day” MDMA was legal while I was a LMFT and still doing couple’s therapy. You did not need a certification to use it. MDMA was a substance anyone could get for any reason.

I did use it for some of my couples that were in therapy with me. The experiences did create some big breakthroughs, but I have always found that using psychedelics you need to do a lot of work to make practical all the beautiful experiences and guidance you receive. They can open doors but then you still have to do the hard work. That is my opinion that I have been sharing on psychedelic summits due to my ongoing experiences using them in my younger years.

But I realize that this is where therapy is going today, and I can see the benefit of working with someone trained to help integrate the experience.

So I agreed to promote this new Shift Network training:

Explore MDMA to Heal Relationships With Heart-to-Heart Communication: Introducing an 8-Month Training to Facilitate MDMA Sessions for Couples

A Free Video Event With Psychotherapist, Speaker & Author Jonathan Robinson, MA, MFT Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 5:30pm Pacific

Experience a groundbreaking approach to transforming relationships with MDMA-assisted therapeutic strategies, delivered safely over the internet.

This workshop has the potential to be beneficial for everyone, including therapists who want to learn how to use MDMA to help couples and want to add this modality to their healing toolkit once it becomes legal… couples who are having trouble in their relationship or are on the brink of divorce… couples who simply want to improve and refresh their relationship… or single folks who have had a few painful relationships and want to heal their wounds and learn new skills. Please note this training is for 30 weeks.

Please click on this link to learn more:

Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – April 2024

I know most of you feel significant changes in your life, work, and spiritual practices. Although many people I know don’t agree with me, I feel strongly that this world is a play, and we are actresses and actors in this play of life. We play a role for a while and then something happens, and we lose our part and a different role for us emerges. Or we make a conscious decision to remove our old costume and find a role that now suits our level of consciousness.

A metaphor seems to be emerging for me in weaving together conversations on social media, the news, and having deep conversations with others. It feels to me like on many levels the curtains have been closed for some of us. And we are in the wings examining new costumes with new colors and textures and exploring taking on a new part, a new role that reflects the huge changes we have made in consciousness.

I am working with people now who are facing the biggest decisions of their lives and if they will still be alive. I have so many students who are finding new avenues to share what they are learning in their spiritual practices such as creating stronger communities, helping people using spiritual practices who are dying, creating fire ceremonies in their communities to help people learn the power of letting go of a lot of the burdens we carry, and the list goes on.

We have a new generation of practitioners who are not only being trained by human teachers but also are getting amazing new healing information from helping spirits and from Nature itself. And they are stepping into new roles of service as with every new lesson we embrace we change the world around us.

My friend HeatherAsh Amara is truly a brilliant writer and teacher. Recently, in her substack column, she wrote an article about coming out of challenges. HeatherAsh’s land was deeply impacted by one of the biggest fires in the U.S. set by the fire service not paying attention to how high the winds were blowing. Some of the oldest and sacred rural areas of New Mexico were literally destroyed.

 HeatherAsh doesn’t write fluff. She deeply goes into what she is seeing from her perspective and practices and new ways of living we need to adopt as the world changes so rapidly.

In her column, she brings up the issue of spiritual bypass. She questions if only looking at the positive is a healthy way for us to live, and do we sweep under the rug things we can be doing to be in service.

Our perceptions do create our reality. This is one of the main teachings of the Medicine for the Earth work. It is to keep us positive so we can keep moving forward and not sit down in the dark. We can drown in negativity and start projecting it out into the world in very unhealthy ways. And so there is a big role for keeping positive and staying grateful for your life.

Many people today want to do something to help and there are endless ways. There are many of us who are elders who are taking the traditional role of doing deep inner work and preparing for our own death. This takes us into being a true healing presence in the world. Yes, being in meditation, taking walks in nature, and being in deep reflection, or finding inner peace all contribute to the health of the planet.

But are there more ways you can make a difference? HeatherAsh wrote out a list of some simple practices that you can add to the spiritual work you are doing if you are so disturbed by what you are observing in your community and in the world.

From HeatherAsh:

“Three actions every week, one local, one global, one self-care

Volunteer. Donate. Pick up groceries for a neighbor. Call your representatives. Make art. Replenish your inner battery. Reduce your use of the precious, and limited, resources of water, electricity, etc. Support a local business. Help send someone to school. Google “how can I help…” Lean into organizations that are on the ground in the areas you want to support. 

Set aside time each week/day/month to take action in your local community and your global community, AND to replenish yourself.

Drink lots of water, rest, and resource yourself. Find joy where you can. Don’t guilt, shame, or blame yourself or others. Let’s use creativity, intuition, compassion, fierce love, and tenderness as our guides.”

There was a period in my life when I was taking a sabbatical from my work. I wanted to make sandwiches for children at the Food Depot. I had called. I was so excited. I had my hair nets! They were happy to have a new volunteer. Unfortunately, I had a family emergency, and my life went in a different direction for a few beautiful and very challenging years.

But I still find ways to contribute outside of the shamanic work I do and it helps the community I live in which just feels like an act of sacred reciprocity to me.

There is an inner smile that we naturally experience when we reach out to help others.

HeatherAsh’s article is deep beyond my words here. Here is how she ends her writing:

“Remember, beloveds. Both, and. We can’t hide from the hurt and harm happening around us. And we also can’t allow ourselves to drown in our / other’s anger, fear, or struggles. We need to foster creativity and sustainable, willing action. We want to learn how to hold the long view AND take action in the short term. 

These are a few of the heartbreaking things. 

May our hearts break open to more fierce love, more wild compassion, and more willing action towards the local, and global, vision of equality, freedom, and happiness for ALL beings.”

To read her entire article here is a link:

These are a few of the heartbreaking things

By HeatherAsh Amara from Out of the Fire

Or here is a Google link:

The full moon is April 23. We celebrate the Pink Moon this month. Let’s drop our robes that hold the consciousness of separation and focus on oneness. You know the work you need to do for our ceremony Creating a Human Web of Light. Let’s fully connect as one loving light-filled energy that keeps circling within and throughout our great Earth.

If you are new reader of the Transmutation News, please read the instructions for Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

I am re-reading Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss. I will be re-reading it again and again. There is so much wisdom I want to really deepen my own experience with.

Recently I found an old folder of insights that I had a few years ago. I was actually working on a very small book to share these. Some of them are so profound that starting next month I will be weaving them into the Transmutation News.


I wanted to let everyone know I am posting regularly inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. “

I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.

My new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss, co-written with Llyn Roberts is out. Please support this book and let others know about it.  I am getting such beautiful feedback from so many of you finding any way to reach me to thank me and Llyn for writing this book.

May the teachings in this book help you walk wakefully as you find your way back home.

I was on Lex Talamo Silvie’s podcast to speak about Walking Through Darkness. The show is called Compassionate Coexistence project.

Here is what Lex posted for anyone who wants to read the story or watch the video.

Feature story:

Podcast Episode:–Initiations-and-Dark-Nights-of-the-Soul-with-Sandra-Ingerman-e2glfti/a-ab1jc00

My One Year Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training is full. And we have long waiting list so the application process is closed.

If you are interested in such a training taught by the teachers I trained please visit my website where there are a variety of workshops that teach the same material, I am teaching in my One Year Training.

Please note I will be leading a Two-Year Teacher Training in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing in 2025 and 2026. I already have the dates held at the Chi Center. The course includes teaching students to journey, the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light Training, Extraction, Death and Dying and Soul Retrieval.

If you believe you are interested in this training, please start getting your prerequisites now! You need to have experience with all the work listed above before being accepted into the training. The application process is not open yet.  I am just giving you information about an exciting future opportunity.

All prerequisites need to be taken with me or one of my trusted teachers on Teachers and practitioners are working in person or remotely. Practitioners are for you if you need healing and the teachers have all been instructed on teaching trainings.

Two teachers are specifically scheduling trainings to teach the prerequisites for my Teacher Training. Juniper Stokes Juniper’s email address is And also there is Garrett Jackson. Garrett’s email address is and his website is Garrett will be giving some discounts on his courses. Juniper and Garrett are both amazing and bring new thoughts and perspectives to the work. I am excited for those of you who step into the work.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:


From my heart I invite you to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.

June 23-28, 2024, three animal chaplains, Judy Ramsey, Rev. Sarah Bowen, and Amanda Ree, will teach Animal Mindfulness Training at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. This immersive retreat will provide an in-depth program of interspecies spirituality and connection, combined with healing practices from shamanic journeying, Ayurveda and meditation. Connect with animal wisdom and its practical application to your life. Registration is now open at

Bhola has recently published a book about his long-lineage shamanic tradition of Nepal titled: “Working with the Elemental Spirits: The Five Elements and Shamanism in Nepal”. Bhola has been a dear friend of mine and I know everyone who has worked with him has been touched by humility but extreme power and his heart’s desire to record the work of his people. I hope you will honor the work of Bhola Banstola who is changing lives of so many right now.

Bhola Banstola is a highly respected 27th generation lineage Dhami-Jhakri Shaman, dedicated to preserving the precious indigenous sacred rituals of Nepali Shamanism. He is internationally renowned, giving initiations and training in person worldwide, and has written this book to be suitable for all. It is packed with guidance to develop your powerful integration with Spirits of the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether. If you are thirsty for information, this extensive book is for you. If you are ready, this book can support and guide you on your path to working with a potent and authentic form of Shamanism.

Bhola has also organized annual pilgrimages to Nepal to meet and work with shamans of different traditions and lineages for several decades. If you are interested, this can be an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in Nepal in person 2024. All the details and dates are found at

The Gathering of the Shamans in Sedona, Arizona. May 3rd-5th, 2024.

Come and join my dear friends HeatherAsh Amara, Dr. Steven Farmer, Jose Stevens, and a host of other renowned shamanic practitioners at this year’s Gathering of the Shamans event in enchanting Sedona, AZ, from May 3rd to May 5th, 2024! Delve into transformative experiences such as fire walking, Shamanic breathwork, sacred drumming journeys, and a plethora of other transformative activities. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of Celtic shaman Rhona McCrimmon of Scotland, and the teachings of Incan shaman Jorge Delgado from Peru, both will be sharing insights from their rich lineages at this event. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to connect, learn, and awaken amidst the stunning backdrop of Sedona’s sacred landscape.

Learn more and register here:

Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – March 2024

The last couple of months some of you have been reaching out to me about the importance of what I have been sharing about living in the present and also in reflecting on your current connections and seeing who and what you need to disconnect from and what new connections need to be made.

When we connect in healthy ways to others and nature we end up collecting very valuable knowledge. And suddenly this has been very important to me. When walking out in nature and seeing a plant I don’t know I ask what kind of knowledge it has. For I have realized that everything that exists is not only alive but carries knowledge to be shared across species about how we can live on this planet connected fully to the web of life. There is so much knowledge to be gained right now.

As you know I am in love with the elements. And since the elements are the first beings who came onto the Earth imagine the knowledge that they must hold for us on living life in a good way.

All of this loops back to sacred reciprocity and community.

Of course, the first step is to examine the connection we have with ourselves and how to practice sacred reciprocity to give thanks to ourselves for being willing to keep moving forward and doing practices no matter what the outcome is. So much of spiritual work is letting go of outcomes as everything in this world is outside of time although we like to put time in convenient boundaries so we can make sense of the passing phases of life.

You really need to connect with yourself in a way where you feel empowered and are walking forward while trusting your intuition and knowing there is a higher power and order we just don’t understand at this time in our evolution. But our work brings us to a place of realizing that beyond the suffering we are experiencing ourselves and projecting out onto the world, we are actually truly blessed to have an earthly experience where our growth is challenged so deeply. Who will we become when we take charge of our destiny and join in love and kindness with others?

Coming back to the elements that gave us life. As I keep repeating, we are also earth, air, water, and fire. You might know a circle song that is sung around the world:

Earth my Body

Water my Blood

Air my Breath


Fire my Spirit

We are the elements and they are also outside of us as well giving us life but at the same time stripping away at our ego and parts of our life that no longer serve the larger earth community.

On March 19 we celebrate the equinox. The illusion of time is quickly passing into a new phase of life where in the Northern Hemisphere we get to see the bounty of the seeds we planted in the fall and winter and in the Southern Hemisphere it is time to prepare for letting go of the old and preparing for rest and renewal.

Isis gave me the suggestion of merging with the elements of Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Lightning, the Moon, the Stars, the Cosmos. Perform these journeys over the month of March and experience what knowledge you absorb from the elements within and without.

If you have never performed a merging journey, it is quite simple. Think of a form of an element you wish to merge with such as a raindrop, the mist, the sea, a pinecone, the land where you live, a flame in a match, a fire forest fire, the sun, the wind caressing your hair, a rock, the land that lightning has touched. I love to merge with ice.

Start with “May I step into your field of energy and learn from you by merging with you?” When you receive a yes as your answer gently imagine becoming this being you are learning about. So you are learning about the element by becoming it versus speaking to it.

You can also perform this as a meditation using some spiritual music to get you into a spiritual space. You can do this outside and experience the merging of all the elements coming together in harmony.

What knowledge can you gain by connecting with the elements in this way? And what can you learn about how the elements work together in perfect harmony? My body is asking for “intelligent” knowledge right now. And I am seeing everything in life as having knowledge to connect with right now. It feels like I am reconnecting to life by sending out strings or webs to nature and finding my spot in the web.

The full moon is March 25. It is the Worm Moon.  Wouldn’t it be fabulous to merge with the moon while transfiguring and adding our power to the power of the moon, stars, and cosmos to emanate light and love to every part of the Earth and all in the web of life. Do your preparation work so you can be in the right state of consciousness to leave this world behind and shine like the light of the moon bringing beauty everywhere to this great earth.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News you can find the instructions for our full moon ceremonies on the homepage.

By the way, I wrote a fabulous chapter on Earthworms in Speaking with Nature.

You have probably seen the joke going around Facebook. I have watched it circulate for years. There is a funny comic and two comic book people talking. “What do you think the future will bring?” The future will bring beauty and flowers.” Why do you think this?” “Because that is what I am planting”.

I had to paraphrase this as I don’t remember the exact wording. But as shamans are gardeners of energy we all get this.

Plant during the spring and fall what you want to see grow in the future when the timing is right for the germination of the seeds to blossom into the beauty we all dreamed of. And don’t forget to get rest, sun, and nurturance on all levels to feel fed by nature and by the elements of life.

Join me in wishing our global circle a beautiful equinox!

And I am delighted to announce we found new French translators. Please join me on thanking Laurence and Karine for bringing the Transmutation News to our French readers.


I wanted to let everyone know I am posting daily inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check it out.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. “

I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.

My new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss co-written with Llyn Roberts is out. Please support this book and let others know about it.  

May the teachings in this book help you walk wakefully as you find your way back home.

My One Year Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training is full. And we have a long waiting list.

If you are interested in such a training taught by the teachers I trained, please visit my website, where there are a variety of workshops that teach the same material I am teaching in my One-Year Training.

Please note I will be leading a Two-Year Teacher Training in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing in 2025 and 2026. I already have the dates held at the Chi Center. The course includes teaching students to journey, the Medicine for the Earth, and Healing with Spiritual Light Training, Extraction, Death and Dying, and Soul Retrieval.

If you believe you are interested in this training please start getting your prerequisites now! The prerequisites are the courses that are listed above. You need to have experience with all this work before being accepted into the training. We are not accepting applications yet. I am just giving you information about an exciting future opportunity.

All prerequisites need to be taken with me or one of my trusted teachers on Teachers and practitioners are working in person or remotely. Practitioners are for you if you need healing and the teachers have all been instructed on what to teach for teaching trainings.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page. Once there you will find all the past recordings with a description.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:

From my heart, I invite you to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and more passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.

Robert Moss has been teaching amazing workshops on working with dreams through the Shift Network. He did an intro call about his new workshop in Feb. But as the course is just starting you can still sign up for a couple of weeks.

Ancient dreaming practices for healing & transformation. Click on this link for more information:

Introducing “Made Prayer: An Artistic Spiritual Process” by Nate Long “Owl”. This book introduces the concept of enhancing and deepening our prayerful needs by making very intentional, tangible, and highly creative representations and symbols of our prayer. Through the use of shamanic tools and practices, the art created then becomes both a conduit for our intentions and a living spirit guiding and helping us with our needs. Now available on Amazon (

Link to Made Prayer Book web page: 

Relational Intimacy: The Magic and Mystery of Authentic Relating with Michael Stone
Online Tuesdays March 19th- April 30th 12:00 -1:30 pm PT

Relational Intimacy deepens our connection with ourselves, others, and nature through a trauma-informed somatic process. Recognize, integrate, and heal hidden wounds in our personal, ancestral, and collective selves. For more information go to 530.277.0937

Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – February 2024

Back in the early 2000’s Isis gave me a powerful message. She said that since I come from a tribal ancestry, I wait for everyone to keep up with me on our walks into a new way of living. I have heard this from other psychics who did readings for me. They all chastised me for doing this. But of course, I would never ignore a serious and important message Isis shared with me.

I have thought a lot about this during the time we are in. For I really do believe we are walking into a new way of life together. But I have also written that you can’t save a drowning person, or you will drown too.

So I ponder on Isis’ message but also feel that this is a time for us to walk as a spiritual community together. It does not mean that we try to save everyone during our walk. But we can inspire them by giving them words of power and cheering them on. There have always been friends and relatives praying for a loved one going through an initiation.

I do believe we are creating a new paradigm that is one of the positive sides of social media in being able to show support across the landscapes and seas of this Earth.

I do believe that we have incredible potential as we walk together. We have all gained so many tools during the last few years as our collective initiation really went to a new level of challenging us to let go of our past, let our ego be stripped, and put on our true garment that is the most brilliant divine light that even our eyes can’t gaze upon.

There is so much brilliant work that everyone has done in their own way by transforming yourself through a course you took, or reading an empowering book, listening to lectures of old and new wise ones, meditating, spending time in nature and relating, truly connecting with it, and giving offerings of thanks in sacred reciprocity.  And using direct revelation to allow your spirits to guide you and bring up the issues you must heal before going forward. Of course, many of you made big changes through your night dreams.

If you take some time to stop and reflect on where you started and where you are now you have to be in a state of awe of the deep work you have done. Will it change what is happening in the destruction of the collective – we know all the positive love that floods into the collective does create transformation but when is the question?

For us we can’t just focus on the dense side of the collective who has not been touched by the preciousness of every being living on this great Earth. But as we change we do step into a different dimension of reality and we don’t bring our worries with us. We bring with us what we love about life and the beauty and love that all of life came into here to experience.  

To continue a bit on this theme Isis spoke to me about “connections”. She asked me to look at the connections I have made and what connections I need to let go of. And many of you contacted me about how profound the practice of staying completely present and focusing on your present feelings has been for you.

When we do stay present in this way we do need to make new connections to our present. Life is about connections. We are awed by all the information of how tree roots make connections with each other and help each other in times of trouble. We are amazed at all the fascinating information coming out on how mushrooms create such important life-giving support underground.

Are our connections healthy in our lives right now? Do we need to establish new connections for our health? How connected are we to Source and to our inner Source? How connected are we to Earth, Wind, Fire, Water? How connected are we to our helping spirits and our spiritual ceremonies? How connected are we to the land we live on even if we live in a city? Do you perform simple daily rituals to connect to yourself, your helping spirits, your ancestors, and the land?

In the times we live in there is an understanding about the gut and brain connection. If you have stomach issues, they affect your brain. And this is the most popular medical information being shared today. We are looking at how disconnected we are on so many levels – our bodies, our spiritual practices, our connection between our mind, ego, heart, and our inner spirit and soul.

I believe if we examine our connections and what is unhealthy and the new connections to be made, we will step into a new state of health on all levels. For we are experiencing so much disconnection in ourselves and to the world at large forging new connections might just bring us back to a state of harmony.

On this next full moon February 24, let’s deepen our transfiguration practice so that we do feel we have a robe or a costume over our brilliant divine light that once removed brings a new dimension of reality of life. Perform your preparation work. Don’t forget that it is the state you are in that allows the light to be absorbed by you and emanated in a way that holds all of life in the web of life in light and love.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please visit Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage to learn about our full moon ceremonies.

Although I am delighted about returning to in-person teaching in 2024, I also have a workshop I would like to teach online. When I teach my own workshops online through Sylvia Edwards hosting me, I only advertise through dedicated emails. If you would like to sign up for future courses, you have a better chance of getting in if you find out first through a dedicated email. If you are not signed up on my email list you might consider doing so.

Also Sabine our French translator is taking a sabbatical. So we are looking for another volunteer who is willing to translate the Transmutation News into French. If you are willing to help out to bring the column our French readers, please email Sylvia Edwards at

And please join me in thanking Sabine for her time and commitment and in wishing her all the best!


I wanted to let everyone know I am posting daily inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. “

I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.

My new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss co-written with Llyn Roberts will be coming out in February 13, but is now ready to preorder on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You could do me a favor by ordering off of my website under Books and Audio Programs.

Also Llyn Roberts and I will be doing a book release webinar through East West Books where if you register you will receive a free copy of our new book. The event will take place February 13, 2024.

In this release event for our new book, together, Llyn Roberts and I share how you can transform and grow through your greatest challenges, no matter what they are. Inspired by teachings from the land, the sky, the sea, and the spiritual world their sensitive and empowering guidance will help you open to your spiritual light.

Here is an imbedded link:

Walking through Darkness

Here’s the full URL:

FYI – for people who have already purchased a book, when they receive the book from the event, they can just gift it to a friend on their own.

May the teachings in this book help you walk wakefully as you find your way back home.

My One Year Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training is full. And we have a long waiting list.

If you are interested in such a training taught by the teachers I trained please visit my website where there are a variety of workshops that teach the same material, I am teaching in my One-Year Training.

And if you are looking for a shamanic practitioner or teacher that I have trained, refer to, and believe in please visit Teachers and practitioners are working in person or remotely.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy webpage. Below is a link to that page. Once there, you will find all the past recordings with a description.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:

From my heart I invite you to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.

This new Etsy shop has two shamanic resources to help you enter the new year with greater intentions and more meaningful rituals: a year-end reflection and intention-setting workbook, and a moon medicine guidebook with monthly lunar calendar sheets. Use the code SHAMANICGIFTS to save 50% through the end of February. Juniper Stokes, one of our brilliant practitioner and teachers on is stepping out and giving it a go on Etsy. Juniper is such a beautiful soul and creates amazing products. Please check out her site on Etsy!! You will be supporting a wonderful shamanic teacher getting her “magic” out into the world.


Bonus Program: Journeying to Heal the Wounds of the Feminine with Sandra Ingerman

In this guided process, I will take you on an inner shamanic journey to work with your guides to surface, understand, and heal key aspects of your feminine qualities as a soul.  All of us have wounds from the last era around this dimension of our soul and I will invoke Isis to help in the healing of your female incarnations and/or feminine qualities.  I will lead this in a way that allows you to take the journey whenever you need it to work with another layer arising for healing.

This session will be a bonus for a larger course on Mary Magdeline that I will not be teaching. The intro call for this course was on November 21. But you can still sign up.

You can register here for Walking the Path of the Magdalene:

Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – January 2024

Welcome to the 25th year of the Transmutation News! What a journey we have been on together! And the adventure never stops.

The river of life continues to flow, and new phases of life will be experienced and new opportunities to grow and evolve will continue to be reflected back to us. Time is an illusion so there is not a clear start or magic that occurs because we step into a New Year. We just continue to move forward.

So many choices to make among the turbulent waves so many are navigating right now. There are more wars being waged on the planet since 1945. The division grows as the spiritual community attempts to emanate love and light. But the spiritual community has become fractured. I have always seen division in shamanism, but now we are seeing shamanic teachers saying I am the only one who knows what shamanism is. Only study with me.

So division has taken hold in our most sacred spaces. And if there is one thing we are all being called to do, it is to be a role model that we are all a reflection of Source, and we all came here to add our energetic signature and love to the web of life. For we are all one.

It is always an interesting exercise to watch our process as we judge. If there is truly only oneness then we must travel within to meet the same parts of ourselves we are projecting out to be healed as we face the ego’s illusion of separateness.

This is big work. As I have shared before Isis asks me to stay in the present second to second, to process my feelings and take them deeper into my Inner World to be transformed so that I am free of the aspects that keep me from moving to new levels of awareness and perceptions about life.

Remember this foundational Medicine for the Earth teaching – Our perception creates our reality.

What are you perceiving right now and what do you need to transmute and transform as the river of life moves through the turbulence bringing you to a place of beauty, awe, and wonder if you change your words, thoughts, and daydreams and your negative projections?

I actually can go on and on, but I feel this is the work we are being called to do. For our ego is literally tearing reality as we know it apart. Maybe this is a good thing. But the one thing we know about Initiations is they are to tear and strip the ego down. I wonder how far we have to go to finally surrender to the power of spirit.

I invite you to join me in allowing our ego to be stripped and to remember the beauty our soul and spirit came here to express. There is more than one dimension of reality. And we can step through to a life of honoring the elements and the Earth that give us life. As we do this sacred reciprocity returns as I wrote about in the December Transmutation News. And we all enter a new, beautiful world together.

We all have some big choices and decisions to make right now. Journey to your soul and ask it for help and why it chose to be born during this time. What did you come here to do and experience? Your soul knows. Trust the information you receive and allow your divine spirit to help you manifest that next step into a new life.

The full moon is January 25. Remembering there is no separation but only one how can you deepen your transfiguration practice for our full moon ceremony Creating a Web of Light so that we are one spirit flooding all with love and light that knows how to heal. We put on robes to play a part in life. I for one am joining with others to create a new play of life.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

Personally, I feel the greatest act I can take right now is holding space. I know when I have been in any time of trouble the greatest support, I have received is people holding space for me. If you are a good space holder, join me. It is a gift we can give the world right now.

I emanate love, light, and send blessings to all of you as we move forward as a loving community in the year to come. Join me in wishing our sacred community all the best as this New Year encourages us to go even deeper with our sacred work.


There is still some time to sign up for my Four Week Course on shamanic journeying hosted by by the Shift Network. We will journey to the Lower World, Middle World, and Upper World and have our last session on Transfiguration. Every time I teach a journeying course through the Shift Network my spirits change the teaching a bit to help people travel just a little deeper into the unseen realms as they can perceive where people in the modern-day world are getting stuck, or that they are missing wisdom about shamanic journeying and direct revelation.

The course is titled: Shamanic Journeying for Healing: Traverse Worlds to Connect with Helping Spirits & Nature Beings for Hope, Healing & Guidance.   

To find out more information and to register please click on here:

My new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss, co-written with Llyn Roberts will be coming out in February but is now ready to preorder on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You could do me a favor by ordering off of my website under Books and Audio Programs.

I have been through quite the 9-year journey and did not give up. I kept teaching, presenting on summits, working on clients, helping people on FB, and the list goes on. If you like my work and find it meaningful, I ask you to reach into your heart and if you feel called to join me in helping people walk through the dark night of the soul, please consider buying my book and maybe one or more for a friend. It is filled with so many tools for the times we are in.

May the teachings in this book help you walk wakefully as you find your way back home.

“Every one of us experiences periods of pain and loss in our life—dark nights of the soul. This is a groundless territory where one feels directionless and devoid of tools, with no sense of how to take the next step. In ancient times, elders guided their communities through life’s initiations and challenges, paths we must all take to transform and grow. In Walking through Darkness, legendary shamanic experts Sandra Ingerman and Llyn Roberts help us forge a pathway through the dark—as we embrace nature as our guide and healer. Sandra and Llyn share metaphorical stories that engage animals, plants, trees, and other aspects of nature. Through the feminine process of circular joint storytelling, they weave the rich tales of their own experiences alongside wisdom that they have gathered for years from their own studies, as well as from healers around the globe. Through teachings from the land, the sky, the sea, and the spiritual world, this sensitive and empowering guide opens us to our spiritual light so that we can face our greatest challenges with courage and love—no matter what they are.”

My One Year Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training is full. And we have a waiting list. If something changes and spots open due to dropouts I will let people know that there might be some spaces open. We do have a committed group. But I never know what the future holds.

If interested in such a training taught by the teachers I trained, please visit my website where there are a variety of workshops that teach the same material I am teaching in the One-Year Training.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. 

Please remember to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit  You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.

And if you are looking for a shamanic practitioner or teacher that I have trained, refer to, and believe in please visit Teachers and practitioners are available to work in person or remotely.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page. On the link below, you will find all the past recordings with a description.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:


Anna Dorian from The Dreaming Otter is a wonderful healer, gifted spiritual teacher, and old friend of mine.  On January 27-28, she’s offering an orientation for a small-cohort, year-long online training for healers in full-time practice.  The training weaves in helping spirits, advanced energy healing practices, and several guest teachers.  Anna creates magical experiences for her students that are truly special – you can learn more at:


the training is intentionally very small (6-8 students), meets twice a month for a year, and will spend 5 full months learning extraction and soul retrieval. 

I so love Lisa Bonnice. I have been a presenter on the Shift Network Ancestral Summit hosted by Lisa Bonnice. She is also my host on my Shift Network trainings. We have the most interesting conversations and her book holds some incredible wisdom for us to read and reflect on. Lisa is host of The Shift Network’s annual Ancestral Healing and Beyond the Veil Summits, is proud to announce the publication of her newest book, Castle GateCastle Gate is the true saga of a family whose dreams of finding their fortunes in the bountiful coal mines of Castle Gate, Utah, during the Prohibition era explode in one of the most devastating mine disasters in American history. Is their presence there just bad luck, or is it due to a generational curse dating back to their ancestors’ involvement in a witchcraft trial in the 1600s? Based on genealogical research, Castle Gate tells the ancestral healing story of a family destroyed by a documented curse which has been wreaking havoc all over the world, for centuries. Sandra Ingerman was instrumental in the discovery and healing of this curse. You can support Lisa’s work by visiting her website at to order either the ebook or paperback version.

People often think that living a life filled with miracles is difficult, or even impossible. My friends Marci Shimoff and Lisa Nichols (best-selling authors of Chicken Soup for the Soul books and featured teachers in The Secret), show you how simple it can be to live in the “Miracle Zone” in the free ebook, The 4 Biggest Mistakes That Keep You From Living a Miraculous Life. 

Learn the proven formula to reverse these 4 unconscious mistakes so you can start living your life in the Miracle Zone even when life is challenging.

Written by 2 New York Times Best-Selling Authors, International Happiness Expert, Marci Shimoff and Motivational Expert, Lisa Nichols.

Download The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make That Keep Them From Living a Miraculous Life. This is a a free ebook to inspire you!

Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – December 2023

Over the years I have reached out to so many practitioners and doctors to get help for a disorder I have been dealing with. I got so filled with information and no treatments ever worked for me.

One night Isis came to me and said the issue of why I am not healing is that my past has moved into my present. She said no matter how bad things were for me in my past I have to let them go, as I can’t heal while I am still carrying my past around with me. And she said this is also true of my ongoing work with her to learn about multiple dimensions and how you can travel between them. She said you can’t do that while carrying your past.

Isis shared that I must move into the present now completely. Well, that is great advice. But staying present to every moment has not been one of my greatest gifts. But I am doing it. I want to follow the beauty of Isis’ advice as she is leading me on a new path.

What I am doing is taking even a minute to just tune into how I am feeling right now. And what I am finding is suddenly I can hear my body talking to me and instructing me on what it needs. I am also learning how to set stronger boundaries based on what my body needs.

I have written in earlier columns about learning how to listen to your inner voice. And if there was ever a time to listen to your inner voice the time is now for too many reasons to list.

Nature brings us into the present. Finding a meditation or breathing practice can bring you into the present as well as shamanic journeying of course. I am just taking time out of my day and stopping and asking my body what it has to share, what emotions am I swallowing, and who I am blaming for all my troubles. Finding the time to just tune in and letting go of the blame and judgment and moving exactly into the present moment is where I believe our greatest healing lies.

I wrote about trusting your intuition in my book that I co-wrote with Llyn Roberts. It is titled Walking Through Darkness: A Nature Based Path of Navigation Suffering and Loss. It is being published by Sterling. It will be released in February, but it is available to pre-order now. I will add this to my announcements.

As you know I hold strongly to my opinion that the elements give us life, and we must find ways to thank them for all they give to us. We experience the heartbeat of love, food, being immersed in beauty for the Earth and how do we thank her? We love feeling the wind caress us. Such an ancient being that brings us the air we need to breathe. It makes us laugh when we are sad. And it carries us along. The sun gives us all the energy we need. And we love the sun and feeling its warmth on our body and face and how it just can melt troubles and pain away from us, transmuting all energies into love and light. And our precious sea who gave birth to us, we love you so much for the life you bring to us, we love your beauty, we love the song of different bodies of water. We give thanks to you for all you do for us. Lightning turns anything it touches into holy ground and helps clear negative energy from us and the land.

When we begin to ask the question of how I give love back to you for all you give me to heal and for me to thrive in life we begin to understand that this is the most sacred foundational shamanic principle of sacred reciprocity.

I have written in past columns how I contemplate on how the elements might be our creator gods and goddesses.

But how do we thank them for all they give us? You know the answer. So why are we so surprised about climate change? What would happen if we joined together every morning – every living being giving thanks upon awakening…

I love watching birds high up in a tree greeting sunrise and then as the sun is setting taking in that last bit of warmth with their faces gazing upon the sun.

All living beings live in sacred reciprocity.

What happened to humans? How are you performing sacred reciprocity in your own life? Do you find yourself being around people who you always give to? Is it time to receive something in return even if it is not from the same person? That is how sacred reciprocity works. When you live a life of honor, harmony, and balance the offering of thanks that comes back to you might come from an unexpected person or situation.

Sacred reciprocity is about a balanced exchange of energy. And in our culture to reciprocate usually means to pay for something. What if we took money out of the mix and looked at other ways to exchange energies as a way of offering love and thanks?

For the month of December which we all treat as a sacred time – a time of going within to deepen and nurture your inner landscape. Reflect on giving thanks from the heart in balance. If you are a person who tends to take more than you give back, you might want to try giving some offerings of thanks on the solstice. If you over-give, focus on receiving and absorbing from nature and what gifts are being offered to you by others. Watch what changes happen in your life as you do this. The elements, all of nature, the sky beings, people, and so on.

Really focus on your relationships with everything in life. And always remember to give thanks but from the heart. We give a lot of superficial thank you’s in this culture. I actually believe “thank you” should be removed from how we speak, as it does not mean much these days if the words just roll off of your tongue and there is no passion or true emotion being expressed. Use your creativity to imagine what a gift coming back to you or being given would look like.

The solstice is on December 21, and is a special time to do this kind of work. Whether you are celebrating winter or summer make it a season of giving offerings of heartfelt thanks and making sure to balance that out with absorbing all the goodness you receive from your practice of sacred reciprocity.

I also wanted to share that the Facebook page Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy is really growing in such a beautiful way to be fed if you are feeling that you need to feed on some positive expressions of love and the beauty of nature.

There are so many personal and collective challenges in life I love having that page to return to during the day and remembering what the beauty of life is about. If you would like to join it is a private group. The password is “transfiguration”. The name of the group is Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy.

The full moon is December 26. We are in such deep turmoil on the planet. And I know everyone holds different communities impacted close to their hearts. So please do prepare in the most sacred of ways leaving your mind and ego at the door so you can fully take off the robes of your body and be in a state of awe of the blinding light that lives within.

And with that light absorb all you need for yourself and then join our circle in emanating that light into every part of the Earth stimulating sparkly light touching all in the web of life.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.

Join me as we wish all of our circle and their loved ones a safe and beautiful time as we end this year and leave behind what keeps us from staying in the present where the messages of help that are being given are so ever-present, if we just stop and listen.

I want to thank our translators for the effort they put into bringing the Transmutation News to so many countries. Let us with true unconditional love in our hearts thank them for the time and energy they put in so people around the world can be inspired by what is shared in the Transmutation News.

We are going into our 25th year!!

None of this would be happening without Sylvia Edwards. For one she helps to keep me focused and sane! Not an easy job. And she adds so much beauty, love, and light to the column. Her heart is really in it to bring the column alive. Sylvia is a person on the planet who I can say truly does the work I teach and more, every day of her life. And it shows by the extraordinary work she does in the world.

Sylvia Edwards and
Our Current Translators

Veronika Kucharská – Czech 
Alexandra Brabcova  – Czech
Layla Morgan Wilde- Finnish
Sabine Menon – French
Barbara Gramlich  – German
Astrid Johnen  – German
Nello Ceccon – Italian
Flavia Cavallaro – Italian 
Els de Graaff – Nederlands
Sandra Koning – Nederlands
Cristina Ferreira – Portuguese
Tatiana Starikova – Russian
Ines Fermoso  – Spanish
Lena Anderheim – Swedish
Simin Uysal  – Turkish 

I will see you as we step into a New Year filled with opportunities to grow, deepen our self-love, experience how brilliant our light is, and to be a hollow bone and share love, beauty, and light all over the world!


My new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss co-written with Llyn Roberts will be coming out in February but is now ready to preorder on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You could do me a favor by ordering off of my website under Books and Audio Programs.

I have been through quite the 9-year journey and did not give up. I kept teaching, presenting on summits, working on clients, helping people on FB, and the list goes on. If you like my work and find it meaningful, I ask you to reach into your heart and if you feel called to join me in helping people walk through the dark night of the soul, please consider buying my book and maybe one or more for a friend. It is filled with so many tools for the times we are in.

May the teachings in this book help you walk wakefully as you find your way back home.

Every one of us experiences periods of pain and loss in our life—dark nights of the soul. This is a groundless territory where one feels directionless and devoid of tools, with no sense of how to take the next step. In ancient times, elders guided their communities through life’s initiations and challenges, paths we must all take to transform and grow. In Walking through Darkness, legendary shamanic experts Sandra Ingerman and Llyn Roberts help us forge a pathway through the dark—as we embrace nature as our guide and healer. Sandra and Llyn share metaphorical stories that engage animals, plants, trees, and other aspects of nature. Through the feminine process of circular joint storytelling, they weave the rich tales of their own experiences alongside wisdom that they have gathered for years from their own studies, as well as from healers around the globe. Through teachings from the land, the sky, the sea, and the spiritual world, this sensitive and empowering guide opens us to our spiritual light so that we can face our greatest challenges with courage and love—no matter what they are. 

My One Year Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training will take place at the Chi Center beginning in April 2024. We have been flooded with applications. But since we said the cutoff for applications is December 15 you still have a chance to get on a waiting list. In my experience, many people drop out and I can get most of my waiting list in, especially in the world we live in today.
For questions, more information, and an application, please email Sylvia Edwards at Please include your full name and email address.

Please note: That due to my age and health, this is the last Advanced Practitioner Training I will be teaching. But you will always be able to find a shamanic teacher trained by me and trusted by me on

Please remember to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and more passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit  You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.

And if you are looking for a shamanic practitioner or teacher that I have trained, refer to, and believe in please visit Teachers and practitioners are working in person or remotely.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page. Once there you will find all the past recordings with a description.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:


I have been announcing Quincy Davis’ hip hop music since he was just a kid. He brings so much love and magic into his work. Quincy and I are actually working on an app to help urban youth be introduced to simple empowering shamanic practices. Quincy’s work continues to evolve. He just released:

Quincy Davis – Warrior Feat. Desirae Harp

Thanks for your support of Quincy’s work!!

I have been getting some incredible healing help through Elizabeth Jenkins and her connection with the Q’ero Indians of Peru. As I have been teaching shamanism as direct revelation for 43 years. Elizabeth has been working with the Q’ero in the Andes for 30 years.

Here are a couple of ways to get to know the Q’ero wisdom and their powerful connection to the elements which is the foundation for some of their teaching.
The INKAS are coming! Join us for this rare opportunity to meet the Q’ero Indians of Peru, inheritors of the magnificent wisdom tradition that built Machu Pikchu. Global warming and the threat of extractive mining on their sacred mountain have called them down from their villages to share ancestral practices of Nature communion–a remedy to the discord of our human and nature relationship!  WIRAQOCHA FOUNDATION AND SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY COLLABORATE TO OFFER FIVE OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE.


JANUARY 2024 The Global Paqo School provides the unique opportunity for year-long study with 12 Q’ero Masters (6 men and 6 women) via direct Quechua to English translation. Guided by these world-renowned Paqos, we learn their authentic traditions on how to build the Misha (Mesa) or “Inka power bundle” to perform their powerful healing techniques through communion with the living energies of Nature. Learn to become a human bridge to Nature from the “Last Inka Ayllu in Peru”. Become part of the Global Paqo Family, supporting the Q’ero in Hatun Q’eros since 1996. Applications for 2024 are being accepted now at:

African Soul Safari’s in 2024 to reconnect to your Dreams & Ancestors 

Learn indigenous African medicine technology from John Lockley, an authentic South African Shaman (sangoma). 

John will host Dreams & Tracking in the Kalahari Retreats in Feb/March in Botswana; and Leopard Warrior Trails in May in South Africa. He will be joined by Bushman elders in the Kalahari and participants will have an opportunity to learn animal communication, interspecies dialogue, and the ancient art of tracking. 

John is the author of Leopard Warrior, A journey into the African Teachings of Ancestry, Instinct and Dreams; published by Sounds True. 

For more information and bookings see

On Saturday, November 18, Suzanne Giesemann shared how you can merge with the love and joy of the reading field by cultivating a soul-to-soul state of consciousness that allows clear and accurate guidance from other realms… and from which you can best serve others. You can still register for her course and get a recording of the intro call.

You can register here for Communicate Soul-to-Soul With the Spirit World: The Key to Accessing Your Innate Mediumship Skills & a Life of Love & Joy:

And there is still time to sign up for this year’s Gathering of the Shamans 2023, a sacred confluence of timeless wisdom and transformative experiences happening from December 1-3. 🌀 

As one of this year’s speakers, I am honored to share amidst a community of spiritual seekers and revered shamans, healers, and teachers. This event is a rare opportunity to delve into the mystical realms of shamanic practices, to heal, to transform, and to connect with the ancient energies that govern the natural world. 🌿

For more information and to sign up please click on this link:

Journeying to Heal the Wounds of the Feminine with Sandra Ingerman:

In this guided process, one of the most respected modern teachers of shamanism will take you on an inner shamanic journey to work with your guides to surface, understand, and heal key aspects of your feminine qualities as a soul.  All of us have wounds from the last era around this dimension of our soul and Sandra will invoke her own guide Isis to help in the healing of your female incarnations and/or feminine qualities.  She will lead this in a way that allows you to take the journey whenever you need it to work with another layer arising for healing.

This session will be a bonus for a larger course on Mary Magdeline that I will not be teaching. The intro call for this course was on November 21. But you can still sign up.

You can register here for Walking the Path of the Magdalene:

Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.