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Polishing the Path of the Soul (Audio book)

Polishing the Path of the Soul (Audio book)

“In the depths of darkness, we often find our truest light,” teaches Sandra Ingerman, “not by escaping our shadows, but by walking through them with courage, purpose, and love.”

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Walking through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss

Walking through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss

May the teachings in this book help you walk wakefully as you find your way back home.

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The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life

The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life

Sandra Ingerman offers a practical and inspired guide for creating ceremonies infused with meaning, joy, and sacred light. Here she shares essential instruction for ceremonies that invoke the power of your intention, the support of family and community, and the aid of the spirit world. Features guidance for adapting traditional wisdom to create ceremonies for modern practitioners—including rites of passage, sacred marriages, connecting with ancestors, creating Prayer Trees, and many more.

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The Hidden Worlds

The Hidden Worlds

Were those people in Isaiah's dream the same people from school? Popular soccer star Magda? George, who he'd never heard speak because he always left classes for special services help? Angry Rose, the girl who was always in trouble for fighting? And why were there dead birds and fish everywhere?

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Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of a Shamanic Life

Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of a Shamanic Life

A shaman can serve as a healer, storyteller, and a keeper of wisdom―but most of all, teaches Sandra Ingerman, "Shamans radiate a light that uplifts everybody. In our culture, we tend to focus on methods and forget that the greatest way we can offer healing to the world is to become a vessel of love." With Walking in Light, this renowned teacher offers a complete guide for living in a shamanic way―empowered by purpose, focus, and a deep connection to the spiritual dimensions.

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Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self

Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self

Sandra Ingerman describes results of combining soul retrieval with contemporary psychological concepts in this visionary work that revives the ancient shamanic tradition of soul retrieval for healing emotional and physical illness. The revised and updated edition includes a new afterword by the author.

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Shamanic Journeying: A Beginners Guide

Shamanic Journeying: A Beginners Guide

Shamanic Journeying is the inner art of traveling to the "invisible worlds" beyond ordinary reality to retrieve information for change in any area of your life - from spirituality and health to work and relationships.  In this book, Sandra Ingerman draws from over 20 years experience as a student and teacher of shamanism to share the core insights of this transformative practice.

Note: This book does not come with a CD. Drumming tracks can be downloaded from

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Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins

Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins

From cross-cultural legends recounting shamanic cures to the biblical accounts of the parting of the Red Sea and Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes, many spiritual traditions are rich in stories about seemingly inexplicable transformations of the natural world. The ancient healing art of transmutation, in which toxic substances are transformed into "safe" substances, is mentioned in all the world's great spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and Taoism. And while many have tapped this body of work to heal the self, it has yet to be used to heal our environment.

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Awakening to the Spirit World:  The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation

Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation

**Winner of the Gold Independent Publishers Award in 2011**
**Winner of the 2011 COVR Visionary Award in Shamanic Books**

The word “shaman” means “the one who sees in the dark.” To practice shamanism is to open your vision to a world that is hidden from normal view so that you may enter the deeper reality of the unseen universe. With Awakening to the Spirit World, teachers Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman join a circle of renowned Western shamanic elders to present a comprehensive manual on the oldest and most reliable human technology for accessing the realms of spirit.

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Speaking with Nature

Speaking with Nature

***Winner of the 2015 Gold Nautilus Award!***

Nature and the Earth are conscious. They speak to us through our dreams, intuition, and deep longings. By opening our minds, hearts, and senses we can consciously awaken to the magic of the wild, the rhythms of nature, and the profound feminine wisdom of the Earth. We can connect with nature spirits who have deep compassion and love for us, offering their guidance and support as we each make our journey through life.

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The Shaman’s Toolkit: Ancient Tools for Shaping the Life and World You Want to Live In

The Shaman’s Toolkit: Ancient Tools for Shaping the Life and World You Want to Live In

According to Sandra Ingerman and thousands of years of shamans before her, it is not what we do but who we are and what we are willing to become that affects our happiness, the health of our communities, and ultimately the planet itself.  The Shaman's Toolkit teaches us how to root out the beliefs that are limiting us, how to heal our inner lives and become the people we most want to be, and how to utilize ancient shamanic principles of manifestation to help shape the world we want to live in. This is shamanism with a kind of social change agenda. It's about having the happiest and most fulfilling life possible and becoming a truly effective world citizen and change maker. (This book was originally published in 2010 as How to Thrive in Changing Times.)

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How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation

How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation

Sandra Ingerman presents a profound method of healing that is based on ancient principles in How to Heal Toxic Thoughts.  We all need to learn how to work with the negative thoughts that arise as we react to other people and the conditions of the world. For these thoughts have power to effect our personal health, the health of others and the planet. Sandra gives pragmatic tools that teach how to deal with our anger, fear, frustration, and feelings of hopelessness. The book examines how to appropriately process and transform the energy behind problematic thoughts and emotions. The book also addresses how to protect yourself in a hostile environment.

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Welcome Home:  Following Your Soul’s Journey Home

Welcome Home: Following Your Soul’s Journey Home

This book is the second part of Soul Retrieval.  Sandra focuses on life after healing.  After we have worked with what happened to us in the past, it is now time for us to see that we have new options to create a positive present and future.  Sandra shows some steps to walk down this new path.

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A Fall to Grace

A Fall to Grace

Follow the spiritual journey of C Alexandra as a stress-related illness catapults her into worlds beyond space and time. Here teachers in animal and human form help her remember who she truly is and how to bring harmony, balance, and meaning back into her life. This allegorical soul journey will appeal to enthusiasts of ancient shamanic traditions as well as readers seeking to embrace every inch of their humanity.

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“Healing the Heart: A Randomized Pilot Study of a Spiritual Retreat for Depression in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients”.

“Healing the Heart: A Randomized Pilot Study of a Spiritual Retreat for Depression in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients”.

Authors: Sandra Ingerman, Sara L. Warber, et al.

Published in Explore July/August 2011, Vol 7, No.4

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Healing Your Thoughts (previously Transmutation App) for IOS and Android devices by Sandra Ingerman

Healing Your Thoughts (previously Transmutation App) for IOS and Android devices by Sandra Ingerman

July, 2022
Healing Your Thoughts App (previously called the Transmutation App) has been upgraded to a compatible version for the Android and IOS platforms and is now available. Healing Your Thoughts works the same as the previous Transmutation App.

Healing Your Thoughts improves your state of health and well being by assisting you to transform your negative thoughts that arise throughout the day. It is important to break the habit of dropping into defeatist thoughts and attitudes and learn how to stop yourself from entering into a negative loop that blocks you from achieving your desired outcomes.

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Shamanic Visioning: Connecting with Spirit to Transform Your Inner and Outer Worlds

Shamanic Visioning: Connecting with Spirit to Transform Your Inner and Outer Worlds

Everything is alive, everything has a spirit - and wisdom to share. Shamans throughout history have known that we all have the capacity to connect with plants, animals, natural forces, and helping spirits for guidance and healing. With Shamanic Visioning, Sandra Ingerman presents a complete audio training course in powerful techniques for tapping into the boundless creative energy of the unseen world. Join this renowned teacher for more than seven hours of instruction and insight as you learn to open yourself to the world of spirit, access reservoirs of healing energy for yourself and others, and empower yourself to fulfill the highest vision of your life.

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Soul Journeys (Audio CD)

Soul Journeys (Audio CD)

In the practice of shamanic journeying, rhythm fuses with intent to carry us into the unseen worlds for wisdom, healing, and insight. With Soul Journeys, Sandra Ingerman presents a unique collection of musical journeys made to transport you into an expanded state of perception.

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Shamanic Visioning Music: Taiko Drum Journeys

Shamanic Visioning Music: Taiko Drum Journeys

A drum that speaks with the voice of thunder—and sends its rousing call deep into the unseen world. This is the taiko drum, which has echoed for centuries across the mountains and forests of Japan, providing generations of listeners with a powerful link to spirit.

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The Spirit of Healing: Shamanic Journey Music

The Spirit of Healing: Shamanic Journey Music

On The Spirit of Healing, renowned teacher Sandra Ingerman joins shamanic trance drummer Byron Metcalf to present scientifically enhanced music to help you easily access an altered state and connect to the spirit world.

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The Beginners Guide to Shamanic Journeying – Beginners Series

The Beginners Guide to Shamanic Journeying – Beginners Series

Shamanic journeying is the inner art of traveling to the "invisible worlds" beyond ordinary reality to retrieve information for change in any area of our lives—from spirituality and health to work and relationships.

Please note: Drumming tracks can be downloaded from

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Shamanic Meditations: Guided Journeys for Insight, Vision, and Healing

Shamanic Meditations: Guided Journeys for Insight, Vision, and Healing

The first meditators in history were the shamans whose practices for contemplation and connecting with the divine are echoed in virtually every spiritual tradition today. On Shamanic Meditations, Sandra Ingerman invites you to return to the source of human spirituality―and experience for yourself the enduring power of these ancient practices for healing, guidance, and awakening.  With seven guided meditations―called “journeys” in the shamanic tradition―from a renowned author and teacher, this two-hour program features an overview of shamanic principles, guided practices for finding your “spirit teachers” and “power animals,” the shamanic initiation into oneness, and more.

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Meeting Your Power Animal or Guardian Spirit

Meeting Your Power Animal or Guardian Spirit

History's first meditators were the shamans, whose practices for contemplation and connecting with the divine are echoed in virtually every spiritual tradition today. Sandra Ingerman invites you to return to the source of human spirituality—and experience for yourself the enduring power of these ancient practices for healing, guidance, and awakening. Here, she leads a guided meditation—called a "journey" in the shamanic tradition—for finding your spirit teachers and power animals.

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The Soul Retrieval Journey: Seeing in the Dark

The Soul Retrieval Journey: Seeing in the Dark

This lecture by Sandra Ingerman includes a general discussion on shamanism, illness from a shamanic perspective as well as a talk on the information in Soul Retrieval and Welcome Home.

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Miracles for the Earth

Miracles for the Earth

Is it possible to create miracles using the power of your intentions? On Miracles for the Earth, Sandra Ingerman teaches a traditional seven-step process known as "shapeshifting" (or transfiguration) that has actually been demonstrated to purify water and soil in the physical environment.

Combining shamanic principles for merging with your pure essence with the tools of modern science, this internationally respected shamanic practitioner demonstrates how to harness your spiritual power to generate changes in your own health, in your relationships, and in the natural surroundings where you live. Includes many guided visualizations, rituals, and chants.

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Shamanic Transfiguration

Shamanic Transfiguration

The shamanic principle of shape-shifting is intended to be effected outward as well as inward. Its principles have even been demonstrated to purify water and soil in the physical environment. In this session, Sandra Ingerman demonstrates how to merge shamanic principles and those of modern science to generate positive changes in your natural surroundings, your relationships with all sentient beings, and in your own health and well-being.

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Listen with Your Heart: Sandra Ingerman on Shamanism, Healing and Nature

Listen with Your Heart: Sandra Ingerman on Shamanism, Healing and Nature

"Those interested in various methods of healing will garner a wealth of understanding about Shamanism and what this ancient art can do for personal and planetary healing. They will also gain much insight into some of the subtle realms of perception the shaman experiences and how these can be developed in oneself.
As people attempt to cope with their own and planetary illness--trying to find joy, peace and happiness along the way---Ingerman’s message will strike a deep and resonant chord. Her sincerity and straightforward approach should have special appeal for those who have experienced subtle states of perception as well as those who are interested in finding spiritual solutions to personal and planetary illness.“

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