Using the Elements to Receive Guidance
Working with the elements in nature is a great way to help us listen to the deep calling of our soul. Nature can move us into a trance state where our rational mind quiets down and we can listen to the deep guidance rising from within.
Sitting by running water such as a river, stream, waterfall can help you be transported away from the ordinary allowing your inner wisdom to rise up. Watching the waves in the ocean creates a state of opening so you can listen to the messages of your soul.
Finding a place on the earth where you can look out into the distance can take you away from daily thoughts and allow inner guidance to be heard.
Sitting in the breezes or winds of summer – just listening – allowing your ordinary thoughts to fly away and be replaced by your inner voice can provide guidance for you right now.
Building a campfire in a campground and gazing into the fire is an old way of moving into a deep trance where your own spirit can fill you with guidance needed to create your next steps in life. Or watching the flame of a candle can do the same.
Copyright © 2009 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.