Transfiguration Ceremony
Here is a transcript of a transfiguration ceremony I led for 400 people in Santa Fe in February of 2015. Please feel to use this ceremony among your friends, loved ones, and in your local community. You can use it as it is or make changes as you are guided to keep the ceremony relevant to the group you are working with.
We are spirit, if we allow our spiritual light to shine through, we become a healing presence.
Take a few deep breaths…….We do this for every living being and the Earth itself. (I whistled and rattled to begin and then started drumming.)
Take a few deep breaths and let your thoughts drift away.
As you breathe, place your hands on your heart, feel and get in touch with your heartbeat.
With our heartbeat let’s connect with the heartbeat of everyone in the room who have gathered together in behalf of all of life and the Earth.
Let us connect our heartbeat to the heartbeat of the spirit of the land where we are gathered and the helping ancestors who have loved this land so much and join in with us in our work. Connect with the heartbeat of Mother Earth.
We are body mind and spirit. When you let go of the body and your daily thoughts, your mind, who you are beyond your skin is spiritual light. Before we were born and just a little tiny light looking down on this great earth, we were excited about this incredible adventure of being born into a body and being spirit that can manifest spirit into form just like creator and the creative forces of the universe.
I invite you to travel inside to your inner world just imaging traveling within….. and experience your light. Our light is like the beauty of the night sky, our light is like a star, star light. Stars do not try to shine, they radiate through you, effortlessly and they don’t say I think I am only going to shine just on this one place on the earth. They do not send their light, they just shine.
Our light is like the sun……our spirit is like the sun that shines above us feeding all of life with the energy to thrive, unconditionally never asking for anything in return so you might choose to experience your own inner sunlight. Our light is like the flame of life, all of life.
Travel within yourself into your Inner World and experience yourself merging with a star or the sun or experiencing a flame and let that light radiate through you, absorb it into every single cell of your being like a flower that absorbs the sun or a flower, plant or tree that absorbs the rain and soak it in………………………………..
And now allow that light, it is an allowing process, without effort, let that light radiate through you, throughout this place let’s connect our lights together………………………….. Now experience that light radiating within and throughout this entire Earth touching all of life and when you feel like that light is radiating within and throughout the Earth. I invite you to stand with your hands, palms facing our Earth (I use a photo of the Earth for the group to focus on)…….and as you stand allow that light to effortlessly radiate through you while we tone together the sound of creation………….(For people who do not know how to tone I gave examples of Om or just singing a vowel and letting it flow into other vowels- o ah ooh eee) whatever comes through you………………………….(group toning)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(3 -4 chimes of chimes to signal it is time to stop toning and then the drumming faded out – I had people drumming with me so I could do the chimes while they faded out the drum. You could just stop the drumming and do some kind of bells or Tibetan bowl or other sound to signal the end of the toning.)
Take a few deep breaths and be aware of yourself, take a few deep breaths. While it is important to come back and be grounded it is important not to disconnect from our light because we are light. As you still feel that light radiating through you, experience your body, and the preciousness of being in a body. It is such a gift to be here in a body and to live on this Earth.
Imagine deep roots going down into the earth, grounding you. As you do this feel yourself coming back feeling fully present. Feel your heartbeat still connected to the heartbeat of all life. We do this work for ourselves and we do it on behalf of the web of life and the earth itself. We can all be a presence of healing and create positive change for all of life and the planet
Ended ceremony and thanked everyone for coming.