Transmutation News – August 2015

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Over the years, one focus of the work I have been teaching and writing about is transfiguration. For when we experience our own divine light and the light of Source we move into a place of unity and oneness. And as you know light and love are healing forces that can transform all the challenges we face physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Radiating unconditional love and light transforms the planet.

I have been encouraging you to do whatever shamanic journeying work or meditation work that helps you create a cellular understanding of unconditional love, oneness, and divine light so that you are not just working from a cerebral place. For until we experience these states as part of ourselves the force of love and light cannot truly shine through us in a way that creates true healing. 

Recently in a journey I performed I was taken into my inner garden. I have been leading you in exercises to travel within into your Inner World to experience it and cultivate your inner landscape as you would a beautiful and healthy garden. I have led you into inspecting the texture and quality of your soil and how it feels and smells. I have encouraged you to be diligent about the seeds you have been planting through your thoughts, words, and daydreams that lead to the personal and collective dream we are all dreaming into being.

In my journey I was guided to connect with the heartbeat of the earth in my inner garden and the heartbeat of the Earth. And then I was encouraged by my helping spirit Isis to deepen my work. She acknowledged that through my writing and teaching I invite people to connect their heartbeat with the heartbeat of the Earth.

But Isis shared with me that in my own life and for many who hear or read these words there is a tendency to think about this on a rational level. For it sounds so good and healing to connect one’s heartbeat with the heartbeat of the Earth. But for the healing and connection to happen again this must become a cellular experience instead of a mental concept. 

Isis then went on to say that when I personally connect my heartbeat with the heartbeat of the Earth, I have been doing it on somewhat of a superficial level. For she explained that just as Source is eternal the Earth is an ancient being. 

It is believed that the Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old. It is also believed that the universe is approximately 14 billion years old. In my journey she instructed me to connect my heartbeat to the primordial heartbeat of the Earth not just the heartbeat of the Earth that I conceptualize feeling in present time. 

And she went on to say that when I/we connect with the primordial heartbeat of the Earth then we can truly experience our connection with all in the web of life that is also connected to such an ancient energy and force that emanates the desire for life and the will to live. We can connect with an energy that is so ancient and strong which physically puts us in touch with our primordial wisdom that already knows how to guide us in our personal lives and through the changing times we are living in.

And as I have been recently writing about then we have to stop asking questions and simply listen. For this ancient primordial force has deep wisdom to share with us if we choose to listen. And all life on this Earth is guided in how to survive by this ancient primordial force. 

During the month of August travel into your inner garden/inner landscape and continue the work you have been doing to cultivate a deep and rich inner garden. If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News you can click on “Huffington Post Links” and read the article I wrote titled “How to Cultivate a Rich Inner Garden”. 

Inspect your inner garden and make sure you have followed through on your commitment to nurture the soil and be conscious about the seeds you have been planting through your thoughts, words, and daydreams. 

And once you have spent some time in your inner garden lie on the earth. And allow your heartbeat to first connect with what you feel to be the present heartbeat of the Earth. But keep going deeper. With intention ask to connect to the primordial and ancient heartbeat that began as the Earth was formed.

And as you feel your connection with the primordial heartbeat of the Earth allow yourself to connect with your primordial heartbeat. For you are connected to life since the beginning of time.

Feel this ancient quality of life beating through you and the Earth. Allow yourself to open up and listen and feel the deep wisdom that is being shared with you.

You are born from the Earth. You are connected to and one with a living breathing organism that is 4.6 billion years old. How does this shift your perspective? 

This process of course is not a one-time journey or meditation. This is a practice for you to continue on a regular basis.

You can also physically go out and lie down on the earth and do the same. It is always wonderful to lie on the earth and fully connect with her heartbeat and healing. But go beyond present time and connect fully with the ancient and primordial heartbeat of the Earth.

Notice how you feel changed and different as you do this. And continue to listen to messages that come through all your senses to help guide you in your life to be in service to the planet at this time.

The full moon is August 29.  Transfigure and experience oneness with Source and your divine light. As you are also a body, connect your heartbeat to the primordial heartbeat of the Earth. And let us join together in love for life and radiate unconditional love and light throughout the Earth to feed the light of the planet and all of life. Do this while you merge with the ancientness of the Earth. 

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please visit “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage for instructions for our full moon ceremony.

A Update About Inspiring Stories:

As most of you know last winter, I invited readers of the Transmutation News to share some inspiring stories about how the practices I have been sharing in the monthly column have changed their lives. Each month I have been sharing one or two stories.

I still have a few more stories I can add to the Transmutation News. Some of the stories that people so generously sent to me are very personal and are not quite appropriate to share in the column. Some stories are long and need editing. 

I am trying to lighten my workload a bit so editing stories is not something I want to take on right now. But I will work on some stories I have in my file to share in future columns of the Transmutation News. 

I am very grateful to all of you who did send me stories last winter. I know it took time to write them up, and I appreciate your generosity of spirit. 

Transmutation News – May 2015

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We all know the power of spiritual work. And we really do not need proof of the power. Just the fact that the practice of shamanism has survived for tens of thousands says all we need to know. For the power of the healing results keeps the work alive and thriving. 

As there is a resurgence of shamanism in the West many of the people interested in exploring shamanic work do find learning about the results of the work helps them to open to the invisible realms. As we know through social conditioning most people in the Western world shut the doors to the invisible realm of spirit that we were so connected to as children. As people are searching for meaning in life today and ways to improve their health and well-being people are opening up to the possibility of working with the practice of shamanism. But many are still nervous about the practice for they were so conditioned to believe the world of helping spirits does not exist. We were so brainwashed into focusing all of our energy on the tangible realms and following the rules of society. It is sad as we could have strengthened society by supporting people in tapping into their spiritual guidance and helping to add to the collective strength of the whole. The good news is that people are waking up to this understanding now. 

Since I started teaching Medicine for the Earth, I have conducted different experiments with my groups to show how powerful the practice of transfiguration is for personal and planetary healing. I wrote about our beginning experiments in Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins. In our beginning experiments we worked with placing ammonium hydroxide in de-ionized water and tracking the change in pH.

We then moved onto working with the GDV camera that was created by Konstantin Korotkov. The GDV camera records the stimulation of photons and electron emission from people or objects placed on the glass of the camera. The software can manipulate that data to show chakra and auric fields in people and energy emitted from objects. It records emission and flow of energy in people and objects. 

Sylvia Edwards has been using the GDV camera to measure results of the transfiguration work we practice at my workshops. We have witnessed numerous miraculous healings in these workshops! And at the same time, it has been wonderful to have a way to show people the power of the work through having before and after photos available to view. 

Just as a reminder with the transfiguration work no healing energies are sent. We as the practitioners transfigure into our divine light – who we are beyond our body and skin. And we perceive everyone and all substances we focus on in their divine light and perfection. 

The practice of transfiguration uses the feminine principle of we create change by our presence and who we become versus what we do.

During a teleconferencing session I taught for the Shift Network I decided to work with Sylvia to design a remote experiment using transfiguration.

Sylvia rented a hotel room in the Boulder, Colorado area. She used the GDV camera to measure the auric field of volunteers who showed up to the hotel. And she also bought a variety of foods at the store to test. Some of the foods she bought most likely had GMO ingredients in them. 

Then many hundreds of participants from around the world in my teleconferencing course transfigured and also focused on all the people and substances in the hotel room in their divine perfection and light. So again, we did not send healing. We just perceived everything in the hotel room in divine light. The group had the name of the hotel, address, and the room number. 

Sylvia listened on headphones as I guided the group in our transfiguration ceremony. None of the volunteers in the room knew what was happening in the ceremony. They were just instructed to absorb light. Sylvia took before and after photos of the people and substances present in the room.

To read a report and see the incredible photos please click on: 

Then click on “Remote Transfiguration Experiment Report”. There are also incredible photos from other workshops that you can also view.

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It was so exciting to work with an international group remotely. This inspired all of us and hopefully will inspire you to work on environmental issues using the practice of transfiguration. 

Llyn Roberts and I wrote a new book that is being released on May 2. It is really a beautiful book and the presales of the book have been quite impressive. The book is titled Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth. 

One of the issues we speak about is how so many of us focus on the nature beings that the Western world talks about in popular culture. We speak about trees, plants, eagles, hawks, bear, dolphins, whales, elephants, and so on. And of course, we are in love with those beings recognized by the collective. 

But there are so many nature beings who contribute to the health and vitality of the web of life that we do not recognize in our conversations about nature – plankton, microbes, snails, earthworms, slugs, etc. 

I thought this month we can become attentive to recognizing all beings in the web of life that include those we talk about often in our communities and those beings who rarely are recognized but are essential for the continuation and health of all of life. Think about a nature being that is not talked about in popular culture. Connect with it through a journey or meditation and witness how it contributes to the health and well being of the web of life. Perform a short ceremony to honor this living being. 

Here is an excerpt from Speaking with Nature to inspire you:

Speaking with Nature Excerpt

Chapter 6 

Banana Slug and Earthworm 

Banana Slug 


Imagine strolling on a mossy trail in a dense, wet forest. You breathe in the freshly scented air, rich in oxygen and negative ions. It is springtime in the rain forest. Everything is green and flowing and blooming. 

Seeming to walk with you on the lush and sopping trail, moving so slowly that you barely see it move at all, is a small, plump snail-like creature with no shell. Of the countless nature beings I live with in the Hoh River Valley, the Banana Slug is a prolific and intriguing presence. 

Why are Banana Slugs called Banana Slugs? The skin of a Banana Slug is colored yellow with brown spots, like the casing of a ripe banana. . . . 

Soft, fleshy, and fragile, the Banana Slug has no protective shell like its snail cousin. 

Does Slug mirror our underbelly? 

The divine feminine knows there is power in being vulnerable. Does this tiny being cause us to bristle because it hints at those parts of us that we deny or conceal? The sensual, sensitive aspects of the sacred feminine are still something many of us hide as well as hide from. . . . 

How do we honor Banana Slug medicine, touch back into tactile Earthiness? One way is to learn from young children who love to lie on the grass gazing up at clouds and stars, run through summer downpours, and squish mud between their toes. The simple, sensual explorations that occupy healthy youngsters signal a hearty connection with body and the Earth. These kids are in touch. . . . 

Spirit and body are inseparable. We are also one with our planet’s body. Touch is innate to who we are and how we know self, and world. Banana Slug suggests we get back in touch, with each other and the Earth. 

Banana Slugs are vital to the decomposition of plants and spread seeds and spores across the forest floor. They are also amazingly sentient. Come to Slug with malice, and it retracts and plays dead. Speak in a soothing tone, and this fellow being may lift its head and turn to look at you. Chatting with Banana Slugs can make me weep. 

Life would take a different spin if we also hugged the land like trusting and tender Slugs, who appear happy to be in their bodies here on Earth. The unguarded Banana Slug freely shares her deep feminine teachings: “Remember the sensual, and the power of little.” 


Banana Slug wisdom tells us to get back in touch and empower the small. 

Think on tiny aspects that largely impact your life in a positive way right now. Envision and appreciate these. Give energy to the little. 

Open your heart and senses and see how alive the small makes you feel. 

Remember little Banana Slug who is what it is and does what it does, nourishing and seeding the Earth despite the killing fields of cut forests all around. 

Throughout all, meek and wise Banana Slug encourages: “Stay simple and in touch. You and I, we are just enough.” 




There is a quadrant of our garden that does not support the growth of much plant life. . . . We have consulted with many landscapers to examine the soil in this quadrant of our garden, for something in the chemical makeup must have changed to go from supporting many plants to only sustaining the very hardy. The issues seem to be beyond water. 

I believe the issue is that the soil has become so hardened in this area by minerals and drought that the only solution is to bring in an army of earthworms. 

Earthworms are tube shaped, segmented, hermaphrodites–each individual carries both male and female organs. They are both blind and deaf, but their skin is covered in cells that allow them to taste the soil and sense light and dark. Earthworms live in soil, burrowing themselves into various levels, naturally allowing oxygen to get in, which is beneficial for plant growth. They take leaves, leftover food, and anything they are able to decompose and turn it into fertilizer. They breathe through their skin and have five sets of double hearts in segments that are close to their head. . . . 

There is such a weaving of mystery in creation, and we often miss the magic of how each and every creature in the web of life serves a role in creating, maintaining, and sustaining life. All in the web of life has something vital to share in creating a healthy earth garden. All life is interdependent on other life-forms. 

Every acre of well-cultivated land contains up to half a ton of thriving microorganisms, not to mention up to a ton of earthworms. The earthworms create a ton of castings that are essential for the health of the soil, nurturing it with much needed nutrients that promote healthy plant growth. The mucus that the earthworms produce along with the castings promotes the growth of helpful bacteria and fungi. 

Use your imagination to leave your ordinary life behind and take a journey with me into the world of the earthworm and the gift of its life. 

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a rich and fertile garden. As you examine the soil you are led to the small life-forms that are the tenders of the soil. 

Using your invisible senses notice how microorganisms built the soil, but nature’s true tiller of the soil is Earthworm. Observe how these blind small beings are powerful diggers and earthmovers, capable of burrowing down as deep as fifteen feet. Watch as they force air through tunnels as they move. Experience amazement at how as they burrow, they aerate the soil, mix up the soil, break down clumps, and bury stones. Watch as they carry down leaves and other organic matter, while others bring nutrients and humus to the topsoil. Earthworms cannot live without enormous amounts of decaying organic matter. 

Return to your ordinary awareness with a sense of gratitude for how earthworms create healthy soil that supports the growth of food that sustains us. 

We often judge the importance of the role of a person or a nature being. We tend to compare the power of life-forms based on their size and how colorful and loud they are. Llyn reminds us to honor and to acknowledge the power of small. 

When you honor the small beings, who are so vital to life, you start to let go of your judgments and comparisons. You can without judgment tune in to yourself and acknowledge the gifts that you personally contribute to the web of life. And in doing so you feel on a cellular level that you are enough. 


As you go about your day notice the people who you meet who are in service to the community and to the planet who do not need any acknowledgment. Honor the power of anonymity while doing your spiritual work and your practices on behalf of all of life. 

Speaking with Nature by Sandra Ingerman, M.A., and Llyn Roberts © 2015 Bear & Company. Printed with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International.

The full moon is May 3. During the full moon let us honor all of life – the beings we do not usually think about, those who are always in our conscious awareness. Let us wake up to the beauty and wonder of all that is alive.

Perform some deep preparation work to move your ordinary consciousness out of the way. Step back from your daily thoughts and concerns. Perform a ceremony to travel within to experience your divine light – your inner flame of life, your inner starlight, your inner sunlight. Shine and radiate that light as you focus on all that is alive and our great Earth. Touch the Earth and all of life with your love and radiance. We join our love and light together as a global community to weave a radiant web of light into reality. 

If you are new to reading the Transmutation News please visit “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage. 

Due to the wealth of information in this month’s column I will wait to continue sharing inspirational stories from our community until June. 


Copyright 2015 Sandra Ingerman.  All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – October 2014

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This month I am sharing some simple practices to help you shift from working with practices as mental concepts to enlivening your body on a cellular level. As we make this shift, we become more cohesive as a global community as we engage in our daily spiritual work. We will create a more tangible light filled energy that will manifest in the collective field.

We have been working together performing daily practices that come from the Medicine for the Earth work. And I know from the correspondence I continue to receive that many of you have experienced positive results from doing the work. At the same time the challenges and turmoil we face in the world keep increasing.  I know that we need some fuel to remain inspired, focused, and deeply engaged in our spiritual work. We must not be brought down by the denser collective energies. So, I did journey to ask for guidance on how we might deepen our work together. And I did receive some guidance on how we can add fuel to our work together. 

One night in September I was watching the national news. Watching or reading the news is certainly one way to get lost in a denser field of energy! President Obama was giving a speech to the public. I do not remember what world challenge he was responding to. But I was so shocked and surprised to hear him say that as we watch the news it looks like the world is falling apart. And then for the next few days a newscaster on the nightly news started each night’s broadcast with, “As we watch the world fall apart….” Then the news program would continue with reporting challenging news stories.

Well of course due to all that is happening in the world we can choose to perceive that all is falling apart. And last month and in past Transmutation News I have asked you to look at the turmoil as an initiation. For the world as it is operating right now simply does not support life. Therefore, the fabric of reality is unraveling.

You can think about it as a layer of skin that is shedding. You can reframe your thoughts about this time on the planet as a snake that is shedding its skin. 

For years I have shared with you that my spiritual teacher Isis has encouraged us to not be brought down by the wave that much of humanity is riding. 

We are all aware that when one tries to save someone who is drowning the danger is drowning along with that person. The weight of the world’s challenges can simply bring us down.

We must choose another wave to surf. For on the waters of life different waves are being presented that we can ride. Choose wisely!

During my first journey in preparation for writing this month’s Transmutation News I was shown a beautiful image of an abundance of spiritual lightkeepers. These are helping compassionate spirits whose only role is to hold beacons of light that not only keep the world lit but also light the way for spiritual practitioners to follow. 

Perform a series of meditations or shamanic journeys to establish a connection with these spiritual lightkeepers. These beings are so enthusiastic about keeping us inspired with our work. One or more of these helping spirits can be consulted with when you forget the truth of who you are and the power you have to create positive change in your own life and for all life on the planet. 

Listen to music that helps you heighten your state of consciousness and where you can expand out of an ordinary state of consciousness. Or listen to a track on a drumming or shamanic music CD. Of course, you can drum or rattle for yourself. 

Hold your intention to meet a spiritual lightkeeper. Ask to be shown how the collective of spiritual lightkeepers is providing light for the planet right now. Ask for advice on ways you can shift your perception to embrace a feeling and attitude of hope. Ask how you can feed the light of the earth and all of life. 

The wisdom and knowledge you gain through this experience will inspire you on many levels but also might inspire you to deepen your work as we perform our monthly ceremony to create a human web of light. 

Pick one word that embraces the power and energy you would like to see manifest in your life and for the planet. Choose just one word that holds deep meaning for you. Just some examples might be splendor, beauty, joy, wisdom, life, peace, love, gratitude, laughter, health, harmony, and so on. 

Remember that in the practice of shamanism, as well as in other spiritual traditions, words have the power to create our reality. Every word we speak creates a vibration that travels up into the universe and from the invisible worlds is then birthed into material form and into the world of substance.

We have been working with the power of words in our work together. But the key is to avoid working on a superficial level where you state words without the true feeling and power programmed in the word. For the deeper you can sink into the feeling sense of the word the more power you will have with your dreaming and creation practices. 

During this month only work with one word at a time. Pick one word and write it down. Place it on your altar. Your altar can be quite simple. You can place a cloth or small rug on a table or on the floor. Put a candle and some items that you collect from nature on your altar. As I have written in the past place objects that feel sacred to you on your altar. You can simply place a candle on a plate or cloth. 

Once you have chosen a word commit to focusing on this word throughout the day. Meditate on the qualities, colors, shape, sound, sensations that go with this word. Feel the color, sound, and sensations start to flow through your body and filling your cells. As you do this notice how the power and energy of this word replaces some of the challenging energies you are feeling and those from the collective field that need to be released. 

To add to this practice, play some music, close your eyes, and move the energy of this word. Dance it. Feel the sensations of this word moving through you.  Take out some paper and crayons or paints and draw and express the color and shape that this word embraces. Use your voice to chant or tone the sound quality of this word. 

By working in this way, you will absorb on a cellular level how to “feel” instead of “mentally comprehend” the power of creation and how to shift the energy in the collective through the use of your words. You have to get the physical sensation and your feeling sense engaged to fuel the creative power. You have to infuse your energetic field with the power of the word for it to have the impact to create a change in the collective field of energy. This is where the power of change lies. 

You can keep working with one word through the entire month. Or you might find that once you have incorporated the power of this word and your cells are filled with its power that you want to work with another word. But again, I encourage you to work with one word at a time to really get the true full sense of a word’s power.

To add to this practice, choose one simple thing about life that you fully appreciate. This might be the taste of your favorite fruit or other food. It might be your favorite image, color, fragrance, sound, or feeling. 

Throughout the day focus on this one thing that you so appreciate. Again, get the feeling into your body and your cells. Fill your energetic field with the feeling of gratitude and appreciation so that it truly radiates from within. 

If you choose a favorite food close your eyes when you eat it. Feel the texture of the food on your tongue and focus on the taste. Notice how it feels as you swallow and how the energy from this food travels through your body. Focus on the energy that comes through the color of this food. Smell the fragrance of this food and absorb it. Do you associate a sound with this food or a tone coming from its energy? Feel your emotion as you eat this food. 

From the above example you get the idea of how you can also work with your favorite color or image, sound in nature, or texture that feels so good to touch. You can choose a favorite smell in the air like how it smells after the rain or you might choose a fragrant flower. 

With each thing that you appreciate you want to wake up your sense of sight, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting. As you can enliven your senses with one simple thing that you appreciate your body awakens and fills with the power of how appreciation can completely shift your perception and also fill and shift the collective field of energy. But again, you must experience complete sensory awareness of what you appreciate to embrace and fuel the full power of change. You need to build an expansive positive field of energy. 

And the last practice I would like to ask you to add is to state a blessing for the world before you go to bed at night. If you engage fully in the practices of meeting a spiritual lightkeeper and embracing the sensory power of a word and what you are in appreciation for you should feel your vibration and frequency change. You should feel more expansive yet more solid at the same time. And with being in touch with a fuller range of spiritual energy you should feel a stronger tangible connection with our global community. So when you state your blessings for the world you should experience a resonance as the energy of your blessings connects with the energy of blessings of others in our community. 

The full moon, and also the total eclipse of the moon is on October 8. As you work with the practices I have shared in this month’s column, this will deepen your engagement in our full moon ceremony Creating A Human Web of Light. 

Take the time you need to prepare so that you shift out of your daily activities and thoughts and move the ordinary world out of the way. This is a time for you to commit to being in service to the planet and all of life.

Perform your transfiguration practice and radiate your light experiencing that light connecting with the light of our community. Imagine this light flowing within and throughout the earth touching every living being. Let us continue to weave a radiant and vibrant web of light throughout the earth.

If you are new to reading the Transmutation News, please read the instructions for our full moon ceremony by clicking on “Creating a Human Web of Light” on the homepage.  

Please incorporate into your daily life the practices I have shared this month to infuse more power and energy into your work to help improve the quality of your life and to be in service to the planet.  


Copyright 2014 Sandra Ingerman.  All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – March 2014

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On a physical level, the state of the planet seems dire. Yet on a spiritual level, it is ripe for change.

I continue to watch in amazement how decisions are made that contribute to the devastation of our environment. I also watch as many people rely on scientific research to let them know what chemicals are safe to ingest. Environmental impact reports are funded by major corporations that will benefit financially from the projects being researched.

Many people choose to stay in a trance and simply do not make intelligent choices when it comes to taking care of their health. Does anyone need a statement from researchers to tell them that it is safe to drink water contaminated with chemicals or oil and food sprayed with pesticides?

One really has to wonder why people are not relying on their inner wisdom for answers instead of giving their power away to authorities who either are not sharing the truth or don’t know the long term effects of what we are putting into our environment.

I think people know what is happening, but feel paralyzed in knowing how to contribute to making positive changes. And of course, so many are overwhelmed by life that it is easier to stay in a trance and remain apathetic. Many think they can hide their head under the covers. We know different.

In West Virginia where water supplies were contaminated with chemicals there was quite the conflict going on. Researchers said the water was safe to drink. Many parents refused to let their children bathe in and drink this water. I say good for the parents for following their common sense!

A government official stated that he was dismayed to hear residents of West Virginia say that they were being used as lab rats. But really no one knows the long-term effects on the chemicals that are being put into the earth, our water, and the air.

We have to rely on our inner knowing and intuition. For frankly human beings have been acting against nature. And since we are part of nature and not separate from it there are consequences to the actions of the collective.

I am not sure what it takes for humanity to wake up to the fact that actions taken towards the environment are impacting every living being in the web of life as well as the earth itself.

Sometimes I find my faith in the collective of humanity lessening. At the same time my faith in spirit and in the spiritual community increases. For this is where hope lies. And without hope there is no reason to continue.

Until the collective wakes up to the consequences of human behavior we must strengthen and focus our spiritual work. For spiritual traditions through the ages have shown we can transmute toxins. And this is the foundation of the Medicine for the Earth work.

We must continue to perceive everything that exists as light. We must absorb the light of the sun as well as the light of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. We have tools to thrive during these times of apathy, greed, and ignorance of the collective choices being made that impact the earth which is our home.

We know that the divine can transmute and heal what needs healing. Through spiritual methods we can regain a sense of harmony and balance which will be reflected back to us.

We will most likely ride a different wave than people who only acknowledge the rational and ordinary realms of consciousness.

As I wrote last year our challenge is to stay focused on our spiritual work no matter what is happening in the outer world. We can no longer afford to straddle the path of ego and the path of spirit. The times we live in are requiring us to make a choice.

Although I am aware of all that is occurring in the environment, I refuse to give into a belief in lack and fear. I make a clear choice to continue my spiritual work to honor and respect nature and all in the web of life. I choose to believe in the power of spirit and will not give into the collective consciousness that is moving into fear. Fear creates the desire to control. And it is only spirit that is in control of our fate. I also continue my commitment to help strengthen the spiritual global community. For we do have the ability to create exponential change as we work together in unity.

We cannot operate out of fear and spirit at the same time.

Yes, we need to express our opinions in our communities and be a voice of reason when it comes to political decisions that affect the environment. And at the same time as a global community, we must stay focused together on our work. It is with our spiritual practices that the divine can emerge to change the world we live in. We must surrender to spirit and do our work. We must stay strong in our faith in the power of spirit. This is the only way to be a vessel of the divine, light, and love.

I still remember clearly how in the early 1990s I was watching a documentary on TV. The research was showing the level of extreme drought that would occur in many places on the earth. Living in Santa Fe, which is the high desert, I felt myself moving into a place of panic.

The next day I performed a shamanic journey, and I went to visit my spiritual teacher, Isis. I talked to her about my fear. She sternly said to me, “If you believe you will not have water then you will not have water.”

Isis shared this with me before I began working on the Medicine for the Earth work. At the time I was still writing my second book Welcome Home.

The message Isis shared with me led me to perform a series of journeys where I learned how our perception creates our reality. And this has been a core teaching of the Medicine for the Earth work.

In all circumstances, even amidst devastation and destruction, we can choose to perceive the light, beauty, and joy of life. It is in this state of heightened perception that the divine within and without can shine through. The divine can only come through when we open our hearts.

And we must remember that new life is born even as death and destruction occur.

In many of my books I have written about the spiritual community that gathered together in the 1960s to live in Findhorn, Scotland. They were intent on growing their own vegetables. But the soil was sand and did not support the growth of vegetables. When the nature spirits, The Hidden Folk, appeared and worked with the community in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration vegetables did grow. And they grew to miraculous sizes. This is a wonderful example of how we can work in partnership with nature spirits.

There are a wealth of stories that are shared in spiritual traditions about how the divine intervenes and helps out when people have done their inner personal work and are ready for change to occur.

I do believe as we strengthen and stay focused on our spiritual practices we open the veils between the visible and invisible so that the divine and the helping spirits can work with us in partnership to sustain life.

One morning in February I woke up with some thoughts swirling around. The changes we are living through are quite intense. There are the climatic changes and the increase in violence and political unrest. Many of my friends and colleagues are either recovering from severe illnesses or have passed over to the transcendent realms.

I woke up feeling and knowing that as a collective humanity is entering into the next phase of an initiation process. An initiation does create a death of an old way of living. And with all the intense change occurring I do not believe that we can sleep through this next phase of initiation.

The strength of our inner spirit will carry us through this next phase of initiation. Our body and mind do not have what it takes to power through the changes we are in. But our inner spirit does have what we need.

We must deeply connect with our inner spirit, our divine light. We cannot create a superficial connection where we only rationally grasp what divine light is.

As I have been encouraging you in the past months, please find ways to renew and freshen your transfiguration practice so that you are not working on a superficial level. Dive deep!

This same teaching holds true as we recognize the divine light in others. Often, we superficially use the phrase “everyone and all of life is divine light”. We want to go beyond a mental recognition.

Truly look through the eyes of spirit and perceive the bright light of the sun shining through all. This is what the true shamans, mystics, and healers did when they performed their miraculous healings. Truly see and recognize the light in all of life.

For those of you who do work with clients you can integrate the practice of transfiguration into your work. This is what I teach in the Healing with Spiritual Light portion of the Medicine for the Earth Training.

Sitting by your client in a transfigured state while truly perceiving them as a bright radiant light has created miraculous healing results. Dory, who does such powerful healing work, shared with me that with the results she sees she is not sure why more practitioners are not working in this way. When she works in this way she does sit in a transfigured state as long as she can maintain her concentration. For Dory this might end up being 45 minutes. She listens to meditative music such as “Wavepool” (by Robert Rand) that helps her maintain a transfigured state.

A reader of The Transmutation News wrote me and asked me to address the issue of depression. For she shared when she is depressed, she cannot experience her divine light.

I have a history of depression. And it has been my depression that led me onto a spiritual path. I did not seek traditional medical treatment. For myself I have found great success in working with my depression by deepening my spiritual practices. My depression has always led me to keep furthering my spiritual explorations and to where I am now in my growth, development, and evolution.

My changing emotional states fuels my creativity. When I do sink into a dark state, I do not fight it. I have learned just to ride out the wave. My mantra remains, “The only way out is through”.

I just accept what is. I also cannot experience my light during these times. But I do not believe my light is gone. I just cannot make contact with it. I have come to understand that this is a rich fertile time for me where something is gestating in the darkness. My creative fire keeps me moving.

So for those of you who do feel that you go through states of depression I do understand that during these times you cannot access your divine light. But please remember your light is still shining strongly through you. Nurture and take care of yourself as you are guided. As my mom used to say, “This too shall pass.” Stay with what is.

This does not mean you should not explore the root of your depression. And you should seek out medical and psychological treatment if you need it. I am just speaking to the issue of not being able to access one’s light when in the darkness.

My guardian spirit has shared with me some powerful teachings during my thirty years of working with him. He used to tell me, “Do not sit down in the darkness.” He would advise me to keep moving, and I would find myself standing back in the light. He would also say, “Do not to forget in the darkness what you learned in the light.”

Please remember that our spiritual community holds the space for all of us as we cycle in and out of phases of darkness and light. For whether or not you suffer from depression we all are all part of nature’s cycles. And in nature there are times of darkness and times of light.

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I am always inspired by the creativity of young adults.

Recently I received an email sharing a link to a video of a palindrome that was written by a 20-year-old. A palindrome is something written that reads the exact opposite, backwards and forwards. A video of this palindrome appears on You-Tube. The video is less than two minutes. If you have access to You Tube you will be amazed at what this young man created.

In February I watched a very inspirational story on “60 Minutes” which is a news program in the U.S.

The program was about a group of young adults who created an organization Free The Children: Children Helping Children. This is an international charity and educational partnership working both domestically and internationally to empower and enable youth to be agents of change.

The charity and youth movement was founded in 1995 by human rights advocate Craig Kielburger. Funded to a large extent by youth the motto is “children helping children”. The charity specializes in sustainable development in Ecuador, Ghana, Haiti, Kenya, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, India, and rural China.

The organization runs educational programs and campaigns in developed countries with the aim of empowering youth to become socially engaged.

In a time when the news mostly focuses on the violent behavior of our younger generation, learning about this group filled me with hope for the future. There are so many “children” now helping other children get an education and create a positive life.

To see the youth so dedicated to helping other youth is inspiring. And to see the impact they are having is exciting.

If you would like to learn more about their work please visit:

The full moon is March 16. Let us continue to deepen our spiritual work to weave a brilliant web of life within and throughout the earth. Let us continue our transfiguration work in behalf of all in our circle.

For a reminder on the healing work we can engage in on the full moon please read “Creating a Human Web of Light”. Many years ago I had added a transfiguration ceremony for all of us to engage in to strengthen our circle.

If you are a new reader of this column please do read “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage of this site.

For those in the Northern Hemisphere this has been a long and challenging winter for so many. In many places around the globe there have been colder than normal temperatures, flooding rains, and paralyzing snowstorms. And then for some of us there have been warmer than normal temperatures and extreme drought. The outer reflection of the collective state of disharmony is intensifying.

On March 20 we celebrate the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the fall equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.

Remember our outer world is a reflection of our inner landscape. To celebrate the equinox, reflect on what seeds you would like to plant and nourish. Whether you are celebrating the return of spring or fall these are both potent seasons for seeding our inner garden.

We can get so pulled out of ourselves and distracted by world events. Pull your attention back into yourself, your inner world, and inner landscape. Caretake your inner garden.

On the equinox journey or meditate to connect with The Spirit of the Land where you live. Listen for any messages that you might receive about aligning and harmonizing with the spirit of the land.

The change in seasons is a wonderful time to reflect on the changes we need to make in our lives to move into a state of balance and harmony and align with the one heartbeat of the earth.

Isis has shared with me that it is so important to feel fully nourished by life. Find some time to spend out in nature. Nature is our greatest healer!

I read a beautiful ancient Chinese proverb that someone shared on Facebook. I hope this will inspire you as together we welcome in the change of season.

“When there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person;
When there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house;
When there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation;
When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”

Together we send much love to all of you for a joyous equinox celebration!


Copyright 2014 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – January 2014

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Close your eyes and take a few deep cleansing breaths. Travel into your heart and start by breathing slowly with the intention to align your heartbeat with the heartbeat of the earth.

Feel your heart expand and give thanks for your life. With your breath radiate love and light throughout the earth, touching all of life.

Imagine yourself sitting with many thousands of others who read the Transmutation News. We are one unified circle.

And now join your heart with the heartbeat of our global community and together let us wish all a Happy New Year!!

Bring your awareness back to the room you are in and read on as we bring in a New Year filled with the possibility of expanded growth and change.

Time is not linear. Our mind tends to translate time in a straight line. But we are really spiraling through time. The New Year often inspires us to reflect on how we wish to change our lives.

One thing I have shared in the past is the caution about getting caught up in predictions for the New Year. I think that we tend to want to hear predictions for the year to come as a way to establish a sense of safety and a sense of control in our lives. Even if a prediction speaks to challenges we think if we know beforehand what might occur we can prepare.

One of the great teachings of the times we are living in is to expect the unexpected. For we have all seen changes and events that caught us in surprise. We live in a time where predictions can simply end up being another distraction from following our spiritual path.

We need to wake up each day knowing that we have the strength and inner knowledge to meet whatever the day brings. The day might bring us smooth waters to sail on and enjoy. Or we might find ourselves navigating through turbulence. It is all about accepting what is and using all of our tools to navigate the current waters we are in.

In the past few months I have been encouraging you to deepen your spiritual work and to truly reflect on the difference of doing your work through the eyes of spirit instead of ego. Sometimes we feel like we are engaged in spiritual practices without realizing our ego is still in control and not allowing the true strength of spirit to shine through.

This is a time in our lives where we must allow spirit to shine through us more and more. We need to stand tall and feel spirit flowing through us – above and below and to all the horizons.

What a feeling of beauty and strength accompanies such a flow. There is an unburdening of thoughts, distractions, and being caught in dense collective energies when we can do this. Allowing the light and love of spirit to flow through us is freedom.

As you continue to deepen your transfiguration practice allow your divine light to flow more throughout the day. Keep your heart in an expanded place. Don’t close down. Instead be a presence of love. I wrote about the wonderful benefits of the practice of transfiguration in December.

My absolute passion is to create communities that work with the principle of cooperation and collaboration. And I do believe it is the power of working in community that will create the changes needed in our times.

As I began writing the Transmutation News in 2000 I wrote that the stories our descendants will read will be about communities of people coming together to create a positive world to live in. These stories of how communities worked together will replace the old stories of how one hero or heroine stepped forth to save the world.

I believe that we have unlimited potential when we join in community to work with the power of focused intent. This means dropping the egoic desires and joining together in spirit with intention, concentration, focus, love, union, harmony, and imagination and be a force of change in the world.

First we need to raise our frequency by continuing our spiritual work and allowing spirit, love, and light to flow through us. When you do this you will notice yourself feeling lighter, stronger, and inspired. There is a new frequency that really needs to be brought through right now to lift the dense collective energies that have been fed by all of us.

And then we must change the vocabulary in our prayers and meditations from using the word “I” and replacing this with the word “we”.

We pray for……
We join our hearts together in behalf of…..
We see the divine light in others, a challenged part of the world, or the world at large.
We perceive the beauty of life.

Well, I can give endless examples, but you get the point. During this month of January I ask to you experiment with replacing your intentions from starting with “I” to “We”.

Use the word “we” as much as you can throughout the day. Let us work together as a community with the power of focused intent.

This still means that you have to do your personal work in order to be a healthy member of the community. You still want to work on what you wish to create. As you strengthen yourself you strengthen the community.

We are individuals having an experience of what it is like to be a human living in this world. On a spiritual level however, there is only unity consciousness. And it is in joining together in unity where we have tremendous potential to be a positive loving and healing force in the world.

I still hold a tremendous amount of hope. I still believe that a different dream can be created. Whether we will see the new dream manifest in our lifetime I do not know. But simply imagine the potential we have together if we truly focus our spiritual energies in complete union with no breaks or no weak links. Just imagine!

And as you continue to daydream you might notice that your daydreams do inform you of the personal work you need to do.

No matter how cold it is in your area, spend time in nature. For nature is the doorway that connects the visible and invisible realms. Nature teaches us how to lift the veils between the seen and unseen to perceive a new dream. There is so much to learn through the Divine Intelligence of Nature. Right now, many are caught up in how nature is reflecting a state of imbalance and disharmony within us. But when we lift the veils and step into the divine part of nature, we enter into the realm of the pure beauty of spirit manifested into form.

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There is also such a power that comes from working in anonymity. Often people confuse being leaders and changemakers with having to be public. We are part of an invisible community that works together with concentration and the power of focused intent to shift the energy in the web of life.

A few years ago I shared with you how to visit the Inner Chamber of Light. I would like to repeat this meditation this month to welcome in the New Year.

I once had a very powerful journey where I was shown the power of community working together. In my journey I was taken to a territory called the Inner Chamber of Light. Once there I was met by two faceless beings. The beings escorted me to what felt was my spiritual workstation. I could not see forms, but I was aware that there were thousands of others who were doing spiritual work together in this Inner Chamber of Light. There was no talking, discussing philosophies, or comparing spiritual practices and teachings. Everyone just did their work out of love for all of life. The power was tangible in this place. I was so touched and really understood how many people around the world are doing their work in silence without having to be seen, recognized, and acknowledged for what they are doing. The power of focus and concentration and working in unity is how we can gather as a global community to be a force of change and healing in the world.

It does not matter your education or what you do for work. We all can be a vessel of love and light together and work in unity.

In some of my workshops we perform a ceremony whereas a group we travel to the Inner Chamber of Light to find our personal spiritual workstation and also to experience the power of working anonymously. In this place you can feel on a cellular level the power of working in community with the power of focused intent.

You can try journeying to The Inner Chamber of Light if this work calls to you. You can perform this as a meditation while listening to some expansive music or you can listen to some drumming and do this as a shamanic journey. In my workshops we use the music CD “The Ultimate Om” by Jonathan Goldman to do this work.

Start by darkening the room you are in. Put something over your eyes. Even if you drum or rattle for yourself put a bandana or scarf over your eyes. I find that performing this journey in darkness adds to the power of being anonymous.

Set your intention to be led to the Inner Chamber of Light. Once there you will be met by two faceless beings. They will not talk to you. They will simply lead you to your spiritual workstation. Once there take a seat. Although words will not be spoken to you will sense and intuit instructions of what you should be doing to repair the web of life. You might find yourself sitting in silence while you work. You might get up and dance and move as you perform the work you feel guided to do. You might begin to tone or sing.

As you do your work sense the immense energy and connection with others working with focused intent. Know you are not alone in your work in behalf of life. Feel the hope and passion that guides your work.

Either when you hear the return beat of the drum or when you feel ready put out a telepathic message that you are ready to leave this chamber. The two guides who escorted you to your place will return to escort you to the entrance of the Chamber of Light. Once at the entrance return back to the room you are in.

Once you have returned reflect on your experience. Take a walk in the fresh air with a sense of regained hope.

As part of a community your piece of work ripples and creates changes in the web. Your unique gifts add to the entire world community. And even just simply sharing a smile with a stranger might heal a person beyond your wildest imagination.

The full moon is January 16. Let us take the time to feel ourselves truly connecting with the global community. With the power of focused intent let’s gather our spiritual energies together. Let us transfigure and experience our divine light weaving a beautiful and radiant web of light within and throughout the earth.

For those of you new to reading The Transmutation News please visit “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage.

Last month to end the year we thanked all the translators who volunteer and devote so much time to make the Transmutation News available to readers in many countries. We thanked Sylvia Edwards who volunteers her time to be the webmaster of this site.

I feel called for us to honor Bob Edgar. For Bob was the person who back in 1998 encouraged me to write a monthly column. He was the original webmaster who posted my column on Carol Proudfoot’s website Shamanic Visions. I started by writing a column sharing the teachings in A Fall to Grace. And then the column shifted to the Transmutation News.

I was not on the internet as the first years’ columns were posted. I would type the column and fax it to Bob. Wow! How things have changed.

Bob is retired now, but I want to bless him for all the brilliant work he has shared in the world.

There are times when my heart and spirit call me to support an organization whose work touches so many.

An organization I feel called to support is Two Circles – the American Indian Institute: Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth. The “Friends and Family 2013 Year End Letter” sent out in December was so powerful. I immediately jumped into action and asked if there was any way they could post the letter on their website so I could link to it.

To visit the homepage please visit: I hope you will feel called to donate to support their work. To make a donation online you will find a link “to make a donation” on the right side of the homepage. The link appears under “Friends and Family 2013 Letter”. And of course you can send a check.

The letter speaks to the many ceremonies led by Native American elders this year. There was even a delegation of four Kogi Elders (two men and two women) from La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia who found their way to the Weaving of Women’s Wisdom gathering held at Akwesasne Mohawk Territory in Upstate New York. Haudensaunee Clan Mothers called for this meeting. They shared the binding strength of the Mother Law – the inherent feminine authority in the natural human pattern of life’s vital flow derived from the celestial mother and carried forward over millennia in a continuous sisterhood of matrilineal clanship.

The letter is four pages long and was so beautifully written by Eric Noyes, the Executive Director. There is such a wealth of information to drink in. I was completely entranced by this letter.

Eric starts the letter off by writing:
“From my vantage point the great loom that provides the frame for the weaving is our cosmic position that, according to the Maya and many other calendar-keepers from South America, finds us at the end/beginning of another “long count” cycle of light (5,200 years), which marks a speeding up of humanity’s reawakening and our ascension to a higher spiritual consciousness. It is the time of a new beginning as is written in the stars for us to see each night.”

In communicating with Eric he wrote to me that he is convinced the ancient traditional ways are not lost. And the traditional teachings offer continuity to life.

‘The Elders say our Grandfather the Fire is still here; Older Brother Sun is still here; Our Mother the Earth and Grandmother Moon, still here for us. The Elders say we still have the responsibility for the generations yet to come, and that the ceremonies will give the strength that will be required for all of us to survive.”

We are grateful for the traditional ways. And I feel it is important to honor the elders who have lit the way for us in the past and continue to light our way for the future. The Two Circles group has been together for more than 40 years.

I hope you will read the letter posted and follow your heart in invisible and visible means of support.

Blessings to everyone for a joyous and deep meaningful New Year!!


Transmutation News – December 2013

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It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of 2013. This has been quite the year for so many. And I think we all feel how change and transitions are occurring on an exponential level.

The recent storms throughout the world devastated landscapes and life. We hold all who have been displaced and hurt with love. We hold those in the Philippines in our hearts and prayers. There have been other storms and stories of devastation and loss of life. We continue to hold all in light.

Last month I wrote about being on a spiritual path and allowing yourself to be guided by spirit instead of ego.

This month I would like to summarize some practices that will help to empower you during these changing times. I have been in communication with some people who feel so overwhelmed by current world events that they do not know or remember where to begin. I hope this column helps to reinspire all of you.

My helping spirits advice to all of you is this is a good time to settle into yourself and go beyond the surface of your spiritual practices. Creating a rich and fertile inner landscape will help to carry you through what life brings.

In the last month I received such a wealth of stories from clients and students about how the practice of transfiguration has created healing for them.

For new readers of the Transmutation New the practice of transfiguration is to travel within to who we are beyond our skin to experience our divine light and radiate that throughout our body and into the world.

One veteran reported to me that a regular practice of transfiguration healed his PTSD.

I have many reports of how a regular transfiguration practice has created miraculous physical healings for some of my students.

Some people have written to me how a daily practice of experiencing their divine light helped them to ride the waves of very challenging life events.

Others have written me that a transfiguration practice has been helpful to stay grounded and centered while being a witness and holding the space for others who had become ill or suffered from a catastrophic event.

And I have unfortunately lost some dear friends and students who died recently. As they increased their practice of experiencing their divine light, they ended up dying from a place of grace and ease.

The practice is a potent way to strengthen ourselves. As we experience our own divinity and perfection, we create a state within where our cells can communicate with each other and release the knowledge we were born with of how to heal ourselves.

As we transfigure and experience a state of oneness, instead of separation, we can find a calm and centered place inside in which we can ride both the smooth and turbulent waves as we travel through the river of life.

I want to encourage you to take time each day and settle into yourself. Put on some expansive music and allow your consciousness to expand into a state of oneness. Travel within yourself and experience your inner light. Your intention is to experience who you are beyond your skin. You want to experience who you are beyond your body and rational mind. You are a spiritual being.

Experience your light radiating like a star in the night sky. Find your inner starlight.

With the practice of transfiguration, you do not effort to send light to yourself, to another, or out into the world. Just as a star in the night sky you radiate light effortlessly with no intention of where this light should go. A star does not decide where it will send its light. It simply shines.

This state creates a radiance that is healing and uplifting for you. Your eyes will shine brightly again.

When you experience the world through the eyes of spirit and radiate light throughout the world, this light and the love of spirit lifts up the veils of darkness and nurtures all of life. The more you transfigure, you will find it easier to see through the eyes of spirit. If your practice is very inconsistent it is harder to create a spiritual flow. You end up bouncing back and forth between ego and spirit and this creates a feeling of being torn, as you perceive your life and the world around you.

Experiencing a spiritual state changes our perception. And our shift of perception changes our reality.

We have to train our minds to shift out of seeing only the negative and the challenges. When we perceive the world from our divinity, we learn how to perceive the gold and richness even with all the challenges and growth experiences.

When life seems dark and filled with grief and suffering there is another level of fertile ground that transforms suffering into beauty. As you focus on the beauty, your perception changes. As your perception changes so does your life. One way to shift perception is to return to the state of awe and wonder about life that you held as a child.

Remember back when you were a child to how everything seemed so new and fresh. This will assist in experiencing the beauty that life has to offer. By doing this you might notice your attitude towards what life brings you changes.

You do need to keep improving your attitude so that you stop reacting to everything that life brings to you. You do this by lifting the veil to experience the beauty of life no matter what is occurring in the outer world.

By doing this you move into a place of love, appreciation, and gratitude for your life. This always leads to a place of inner and outer transformation.

We can get so overwhelmed by all that is happening in the outer world. Go within and do your personal work. This can be added to whatever action you are called to take to help the earth and living beings.

The intensity of change on the planet is actually forcing us to do our personal work.

Here is a summary of some very simple practices we have worked with together over the years.

Carry a rock in your pocket or have some way of reminding yourself to stop what you are doing and ask yourself the question: “What am I thinking about right now?” You want to learn to stop the negative train of thought that leads away from your desired outcomes.

Surround yourself with nature images and photos of beings that are precious to you. You could carry photos of puppies, kittens, baby animals, an ocean, river, flower, tree, or rock, etc. Whatever energy you send out into the world also goes to all life forms you hold precious. For we all are all connected to one web of life.

You can shift your negative thinking with beautiful sounds such as birds singing, children laughing, etc.

You can write down and look at inspirational words such as hope, brilliance, radiance, awe, wonder, love, etc. When you look at these words your present state will shift.

You can also carry inspirational phrases with you for the same purpose.

Think about something you are grateful for. Remember simple things that you love about life such as the first time you ate ice cream, or saw snow, etc.

It is important for us to be diligent and observe the thoughts we loop throughout the day. For we need to learn how to replace our negative and sabotaging thoughts with thoughts that will lead to our desired outcome.

Our thoughts are made of words. And words are seeds. When we speak, we plant seeds that with nurturance will grow deep roots and strong plants. What plants do you want growing strong in your inner garden and this earth garden? Remember what you feed grows. Remember the Aramaic phrase of Abraq ad Habra (abracadabra) which translates to “I will create as I speak”.

Adding to shifting our perception, living a life filled with gratitude, being diligent about the thought and words we use, we must remember that we dream our life and the world into being with our imagination.

We must all learn how to focus our imagination together to envision the life and world we desire to live in. This takes using all of our senses and stepping in the dream and living from the dream as if we have manifested it now.

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We are always daydreaming. It is time for us to focus our imaginations on what we do what to create versus the chaos we are using our imaginations to dream into existence. And at the same time, we do not know what spirit and evolution is leading us towards. The paradox is to do our dreaming work while surrendering the outcome.

When you do find yourself reacting to others and to life make sure you express your feelings while at the same time transmuting and transforming the energy behind your emotions to light and love. Express don’t send. In this way we continue to feed the energy of love versus hate, suffering, and separation.

And please go outside and reconnect with nature as much as you can. It does not matter whether you live in an urban or rural environment. The earth is alive and has a spirit. Everything that exists on this planet is alive and has a spirit. It is time for us to reconnect with the spirit that lives in all things – this means all that is alive.

Connect with the heartbeat of the earth. Everyday give gratitude for your life and the earth, air, water, and the sun for providing all you need to thrive.

We have been doing all the practices I wrote about above for many years together.

For those of you new to the work the practices are written in my books Medicine for the Earth, How to Heal Toxic Thoughts, and The Shaman’s Toolkit (former title How to Thrive in Changing Times). And I teach all this work in “Shamanic Visioning” which is a 6 CD audio course produced by Sounds True.

As we move to celebrating the winter solstice it is important for us to move away from the commercial aspect of the holiday season. In past Transmutations News I wrote about creating a prayer tree in your home, at work, or in your community.

The times we live in call us to strengthen our communities. For when challenges occur it is good to live in a strong community. We have been seeing people coming together and planting community gardens. In times of catastrophe people in communities have been coming together to help each other rebuild their homes and businesses.

We can bring spiritual practices into our community. When I conducted the Medicine for the Earth Heart Study with the Integrative School of Medicine at the University of Michigan my group was positively affected by the work. When I reflect on the power of our time together people in the group were so touched by the love we created in our circle. Everyone knew how much each person cared about him or her and the success of their healing. I personally believe it was that love and support in the community that ended up creating the positive results we saw in the participants.

It would be wonderful to bring that kind of level of support into your family, your community at work, and the community in which you live.

You can make this very simple by finding a tree or bush that you can give thanks to for its willingness to carry prayers. Invite people to loosely tie-on ribbon or yarn (you do not want to choke the branches) that holds a prayer. You could set out a prayer bowl and invite people to put their prayers into a bowl. You would ask each person in your family, at work, or in your community to hold the intention that everyone’s prayers are answered. This will create a bond among people, which will have a positive impact on all. People will feel cared for and this strengthens the bond needed to be a true support for all in your community.

The full moon is December 17. We are a strong, loving, and supportive community. We gather our spiritual light to continue to weave a strong, potent, and radiant web of light within and throughout the earth.

For those of you new to reading the Transmutation News please visit “Creating a Human Web of Light” on the homepage for instructions of how to participate in our full moon ceremony.

The solstice is December 21. Let us celebrate together this change in season. We celebrate the winter solstice and the return of the light in the Northern Hemisphere and the return of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

I would like to ask you on the solstice to perform a meditation or journey to connect with the elements where you live. Connect with the earth, air, water, and the sun. Express your gratitude for the energy and life they provide. Ask how you can be in service at this time of change that the earth is going through.

Place prayers and blessings on an indoor or outdoor altar on behalf of the thousands of readers in our global community who work together with the practices I share on the Transmutation News. Let us create our prayer bowl and feed the health and life of our circle.

For myself I feel that as the world is changing so rapidly, I need some time to reflect on how I need to change my teachings to help people deepen their spiritual work.

This summer I received two new book contracts. One contract is with Sounds True to write a book based on what I teach in my audio course “Shamanic Visioning”.

I am taking the attitude with this book that this could be the last book I write on shamanism. It might not be, but this is the attitude I am writing with. I am taking a lot of time to reflect on how I wish to shift my prior teachings about shamanism and shamanic practices to take shamanism out of the box. I feel so strongly that the practice of shamanism will change and has unlimited potential to be a healing force on the planet. But the practice of shamanism has been put in a box as people in a modern-day world have tried to give it too much form. The power of the invisible can get lost with the focus on techniques. This is just my opinion.

The other book I have a contract for is a book I am co-authoring with Llyn Roberts. We are writing a beautiful book together on reconnecting with the feminine aspect of nature. This book is so fresh and different. There is nothing on the market like it. Inner Traditions will be publishing this book. I have loved working with Llyn on this project, and I excited about the book.

This is all to say that I only have two workshops scheduled in 2014. For I am taking this year to deepen my teachings through my writings and also to have the time needed to vision what I want to teach in the future.

Of course, it is my delight to continue writing the Transmutation News.

As we spiral towards a New Year and new opportunities for healing, growth, and evolution I would like to thank all who help in sharing the Transmutation News with readers from around the globe.

Let us give thanks and gratitude to Sylvia Edwards who is the webmaster of this site. She has such a generosity of spirit and has contributed so much to keeping the Transmutation News available. Blessings to you Sylvia for all the best that life has to offer!

And just imagine all the work it takes to translate all the words I write in the Transmutation News. Please let us give gratitude, send blessings, and radiate love and light to those who so generously give their time for translation:

Katalin Abrudan – Hungarian
Lena Anderheim – Swedish
Nello Ceccon – Italian
Ines Fermoso – Spanish
Sofia Frazoa – Portuguese
Dorota Goczal – Polish
Els de Graaff-van Meeteren – Dutch
Elena Eva and Rallou Gromitsari – Greek
Annie Idrissi – French
Miriam Kisssova and Jan Lenc – Slovakian
Irina Osechinsky – Russian
Eva Ruprechtsberger – German
Tea Thum – Finnish
Simin Uysal – Turkish

We join together to send blessings, give gratitude, and radiate love and light for all of us in our community as we deepen our spiritual work together which creates exponential changes in our own lives and in the world around us.

We wish all of you a joyous solstice!

Transmutation News – February 2013

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I know that so many of us experienced a variety of challenges in 2012. These challenges have led us to a state of expansion and growth. In challenging times, we open our hearts more which expands our ability to be in a state of compassion. We deepen who we are.

The challenges are initiations which facilitate our growth towards the light.

As I have written previously, my teacher Isis shares that our love for life will always light our path through both smooth and turbulent times.

Also, I have found that maintaining and feeding a state of hope is crucial to creating positive healing and transformation. Hope is a state of grace.

Some people who engage in spiritual practices believe they will be protected from the challenges of life. But life brings us situations to help us grow and evolve. Spiritual practices give us the tools to deal with what life brings for us.

When our body and mind get worn down by life’s circumstances, our spirit keeps shining and lighting the way. Our inner spirit has the strength to carry us through. The key is strengthening our connection with our inner spirit.

When we travel into the Inner Worlds and work with the shaman within, we find the initiations we go through take us to a place of surrender and moving from “will” to “WILL”. We then find ourselves living a spiritually driven life.

This leads us to experiencing our inner shaman. Our helping spirits can guide us, but they cannot do the work for us.

We must come from living from the heart and being moved through life by our heart and strong eye. Our strong eye is our sixth chakra also known as the third eye.

Shamans see from their hearts and strong eye.

It is also time for us to strengthen our bodies. For our body does carry our spirit. Our spirit does not carry our body.

Many people wonder if 2013 will be as difficult as 2012. It depends on what you choose – following the stream of ego or choosing spirit.

To develop your connection with your divine light, Source, and inner spirit make sure you keep up a regular transfiguration practice. The more you do this the stronger you will feel on a spiritual level. You will be able to surrender to your divine light and Source. You will feel like you are truly being carried by spirit through life.

For those of you who need help developing a transfiguration practice, here are my books and CDs where I teach transfiguration:

Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins
How to Thrive in Changing Times
Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation

Miracles for the Earth” – CD
Shamanic Meditations” – CD

The full moon is February 25. Let us together strengthen our connection to spirit and radiate our divine light throughout the earth and the web of life. Let us continue to weave a beautiful web of light strong, radiant, and vibrant into being.

If you are new to reading the Transmutation News, please visit “Creating A Human of Web of Light” on the homepage of this site.

Transmutation News – November 2012

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About ten years ago my spiritual teacher Isis asked me to share a message with all the groups I worked with. She said that those who received the spiritual wake up call do not need to ride the same wave as the collective who has been ignoring the messages. The message of course has been to wake up and live a more conscious life that respects yourself, the earth, and all of life.

Over the years I have repeated this message on some of the columns of the Transmutation News. For over the years we have been seeing the result of a way of life that only focuses on the material world and that dishonors nature.

In the October Transmutation News, I wrote about the need to hold the space while there is a death occurring of a way of life that no longer serves us. We do not need to condone the misbehavior of others who act against life. But we do need to be a vessel of love that can hold the space while consciousness is transforming.

This month I want to share with you some very practical steps I feel we need to take during this time of transition – the in-between time – as I wrote about last month.

Part of raising consciousness is looking at/observing/acknowledging what is not working in your life. As the outer world is a reflection of your inner state, it is best to work on yourself versus judging what is happening in the world.

Observe, don’t judge, what you feel needs to be changed in your life that will create a life for yourself filled with health and harmony. Acknowledge what needs to be changed.

This is a time where you need to acknowledge what needs to die in your life. We often only focus on the new that we want to create. This is great but we must also acknowledge what is dying, grieve for what we are letting go of, and honor what has been.

I think some of the chaos going on today is that we are not acknowledging and grieving for the life that is dying. Many of us are just focusing on trying to bring in the new.

And I think we have to acknowledge the depth of our feelings and grieve what we are saying good-bye to.

Without doing this I believe that the process of evolution becomes inauthentic on some level. For we must bring respect to what is dying and honor it.

Also, right before death there can be some chaotic energies that show themselves which need to be healed and transformed. The shadow is coming up strong as we heal the energies that need to be transformed as we shift into a new consciousness.

During this month reflect on one simple change you can make in your life that will assist in bringing your life back into balance after you acknowledge an aspect of your life that no longer serves you. There is a level of transparency that is happening as we can plainly observe what needs to be healed personally and in the collective.

Following the above instructions serves multiple purposes. For one we need to acknowledge all that is changing to be true to the process of change and growth. And second, and most important, the process helps you to reconnect with yourself.

And I do believe that reconnecting with ourselves is crucial to stay healthy and balanced. Only when we are connected to ourselves can we fully be present to what life brings to us and the daily choices and decisions we need to make. When we are not connected to our deep self and center, we might end up reacting to situations in an unconscious manner. We want to bring a level of awareness and consciousness to our choices and decisions and not just react blindly.

There are so many people who are still unconscious to the preciousness of life and the need to respect each other and the earth.

We are seeing the chaos that is happening on the planet as people continue to live a disharmonious way of life. Do you really need to stay connected to this level of chaos? Is keeping your energy tied and connected to such discordant and disharmonious energies serving you in any way?

If you feel you do not need to experience such a level of disharmony then with intention cut the cord with the collective that is bringing you into a denser field. Right now many of us are entrenched in a field of energy that we do not need to be tied to.

You can go out into nature and perform a ceremony to cut the ties to the field of energy that is not reflecting back to you the truth of who you are and the states of consciousness you have achieved. Cut the cord with the part inside of you that still feels connected to an old way of life.

You can simply break a stick signifying breaking a tie to the past and the collective field of disharmony.

You can perform a releasing ceremony into an element – earth, air, water, or fire as I wrote about in How to Thrive in Changing Times. Use your imagination and follow your own spiritual guidance on how to do this.

You can do a meditation or shamanic journey to ask for guidance from a helping spirit on how to cut the cord to the dense collective field and then cut the cord in your meditation or journey.

Once you have done all of this it is now time to open to new harmonious and evolved frequencies that support the consciousness you have been working towards.

And now you can truly hold the space for the rest of the collective and remove yourself from the chaos of change. You can now be a true vessel of unconditional love and light. Now you can ride a different wave.

I have obviously written the November Transmutation News before the election for President of the United States. Many of you reading this column do not live in the U.S. And I understand that many of you do not want to get involved in politics. I do want to say something about the election.

Before I do I want to acknowledge that as we are all part of a web of life we are connected and impacted on some level by everything happening on the planet. There are political, economic, and environmental issues that are occurring in all parts of the world. There is violent behavior all over the world. All of what is happening effects each of us.

I do want to say something about the election, and I will start the Announcement Section about this. For now, I want to continue speaking about living a spiritual way of life that reflects back to us our divine nature. For we do have choices to make about how to live our lives regardless of the outcome of this election or other world events.

We have a choice to make. Just like I asked you to cut the cords with the collective energies that do not serve you I also want to remind you that our perception creates our reality. This is a core teaching of the Medicine for the Earth work.

In the present and coming times, we need to choose how to shift our perception. We need to learn how to focus on the beauty that does exist in the world. There are so many levels of consciousness that are occurring at all times. We have to choose which level of consciousness we want to live from.

No matter what happens in the outer world we do have the opportunity to shift our level of consciousness. Mystics have been able to do this for thousands of years. Do you want to live from a consciousness where you feed the drama, or do you want to live from a consciousness that feeds the light, love, and beauty of this world?

The full moon is November 28. Let us join our hearts together and celebrate being part of a global community that has made the decision to ride a beautiful wave. Let us take some time to drum together in support of the earth and all of life.

Let us do our spiritual practices to continue to weave and strengthen the beautiful web of light that goes deep within and throughout the earth.

For those of you who are new to reading The Transmutation News you can read the instructions for our full moon ceremony on the homepage of this site by clicking on “Creating A Human Web of Light”.

Take small steps and make changes that lead you to living a life filled with meaning and passion. This is what life is about.

One morning I woke up with a knowing. And this is something to ponder during the days ahead. What if we never create anything? What if everything is already here and we simply wake up to the world we want to live in and step into that world?

This goes back to a core teaching of the Medicine for the Earth work that our perception creates our reality. What if we simply need to shift our perception to wake up and see the dream we have been dreaming as already here?

Then we can live from the dream instead of being an observer. Living from the dream is an important key to dreaming a new life into being.

Transmutation News – August 2012

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The intensity of the times calls for all of us to delve deeper into the spiritual spaces inside of ourselves. This month I would like to continue to work with the material in the July Transmutation News.

Our work together is not about what is happening in the outer world. Our work together is about deepening our inner world and working together from a rich and peaceful inner space.

The truth is that no matter what we lose in the outer world we are home inside ourselves. For we are divine light and immortal and that is an eternal truth. Spiritually there is nothing for us to lose. Our spirit/Self is a place of permanence and is unchanging. Our spiritual light is a place of complete stillness and center.

As so much is going on around us it is more important than ever to experience the place of stillness, center, and your true home within. For in this place, we have available to us permanent peace, incredible wealth and abundance on all levels, and the joy we are seeking.

The more we can touch into the place of true inner peace and stillness the more we can truly be a healing presence for our family, our community, the earth, and ourselves.

But when there is so much strife it is difficult for many of us to leave that level of worry and fear of disappointment, and loss. Our hearts break open in deep compassion as we witness what all of life is going through around us. In this state it becomes more challenging to touch into our true home, spirit, Self, divine light, stillness, and inner peace. But we must!!

It is important to find a time once a week and of course if you can a few times a week to really give yourself the time and space to do your spiritual work to experience stillness and inner peace.

Unless we can do this, we will always be creating from fear and desperation as I wrote about last month.

The void, the place of unpotentiated energy is empty yet full. The void is the place where all life is created from. And everything is created from stillness. For the stillness creates a vacuum that draws to it form.

When we can get “still” from the highest aspect of this term- deep inner stillness- that is the state from which we can draw to us what we wish to create.

As I wrote about last month many of us still create from a place of internal noise and that is not the appropriate state needed to draw to us what we desire. We have to first experience inner stillness and inner peace and open ourselves up to receive. And when we open ourselves up to receive, we have let go of the fear of disappointment that we will not be successful in manifesting our desire. The key is to open, be still, find inner peace, and receive. Letting go of the outcome is the key to the success of all spiritual work. It has always been this way and will always be. For the attachment to outcome destroys stillness and inner peace.

The following is an important point to remember: Whatever you fear losing is already lost, as you have lost those things in your imagination.

As my spiritual teacher Isis has shared over the years if you have already received the wake-up call about living life more consciously and with honor and respect you do not need to ride the same wave as those in the collective that still has not awoken from the dream that does not support life.

I do believe that this is the different dimension of reality that Isis has been talking about. For we do have a choice to rebuild our lives right now using the power of our imagination.

We must completely surrender to SELF, the earth, nature, and the universe. For as we can surrender, we build trust that everything is happening in divine order and that our inner light, inner knowing, will guide us through every change and challenge. And we must recognize that our challenges will be different than what many others are going through in the collective. Our challenges have to do with learning to trust and to let our guidance lead us to the life we do desire.

This month I want to ask you to find an hour at least once a week. If you can continue your work more than once a week that is great.

Do a meditation for one hour. Find a time of the day where you do not have to think about where you need to be or what you have to do after the meditation. You can do this first thing in the morning on a day off or even before you go to sleep.

Put on some nice expansive yet relaxing music. Make sure the music you choose has no words. The reason I am suggesting one hour is that this time frame will allow you to truly sink into a deep state. It will allow your brainwaves to slow down from a beta state, the thinking state, to a deeper theta state where there is no mind only sacred and holy spiritual space.

Set your intention to simply be still and experience your eternal Self. Set your intention to touch upon a state of inner peace and to receive whatever comes from being in this state.

At first you might find mind chatter continuing to loop in your head. But as you breathe very deeply and put your hands on your stomach or heart your brain will begin to calm. Continue to go deeper. And when you get to stillness and inner peace just experience this state. Don’t ask questions as you travel within and don’t try to connect with helping spirits, angels, etc.

Your only mission is to be. As you do this something will change. You might not be able to explain it to anyone, but you will get a new sense of “home” and of your Self. You will rest in yourself and your spiritual light.

Once you have this experience it will change you in ways that will change your life and the world around you.

Repeat this meditation again and again. When you can really go deep within and experience stillness and inner peace your perception will change. This shift in perception will ripple throughout the entire web of life.

Do this for yourself and for all of life on this great earth.

And on the full moon, which is August 1, repeat this meditation. Don’t “attempt” to radiate light throughout the web of light. Just “experience” your own light and the rest will happen without you trying to create any kind of change.

We must keep traveling deeper and deeper into our vast inner space to truly “be the change”.

Let us take this day of the full moon to hold the intention, “I am a vessel of love and light”. Experience being a vessel of love and light as you go about your daily activities.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage to learn the instructions for our monthly full moon ceremony.

I also am suggesting that we repeat an exercise we did together years ago. I want you to work with magnets to really understand the law of attraction.

If you have two magnets in your house use them. If not go out and buy two inexpensive magnets.

Every day hold the magnets so that the positive and negative pole pulls the magnets together. As you move into a place of stillness and learn to experience your inner void you pull to you the goodness of life and your desires.

The more you can get the energetic pull by working with the magnets the more you will get in your body the feeling of drawing and attracting to you what you desire.

Another key as I wrote earlier is letting go of the fear that you will be disappointed. Allow yourself to be open to receive the goodness of life. Let go of the actual outcome and instead open up to the gifts that the earth and the universe have to share with you right now.

Transmutation News – July 2011

If you ask any spiritual teacher or shaman for his or her assessment of what is going on today you will get the answer that human beings are so out of balance that everything around us is happening in extremes.

Getting back into balance is key to healing the planet and ourselves.

For years I have written that humans have become disconnected from nature causing emotional and physical illness as well as planetary problems.

We have become so dependent on science and technology that we have moved our energy into a mental/rational arena. We live in our thinking minds instead of in our bodies.

I have written about reconnecting once again with nature and the elements – earth, air, water, and fire all of which give us life. And together we have been working with connecting with the heart, wisdom, and light of the earth.

We are also the earth and all the elements. And it is time to stop trying to understand life. It is time to live life. We need to move away from being focused on concepts, theories, and the rational. For many of us have created too much separation between the mind and the body.

And many of us have separated our spiritual practices from our physical lives so that there is an imbalance in this area also. We meditate, do yoga, chi gung, journey into the invisible realms, etc. and then go about our day without connecting the spiritual power into our minute-to-minute lives.

It is time for us to fully embody earth wisdom. It is time to stop thinking about spiritual practices but live them. And to do this we must be embodied. We need to stop “going” to spiritual realities. Instead, we need to experience our spirit in every cell of our being.

The term I want to focus on this month is embodiment. Allow yourself to feel spiritual energies in your body. Drink water, eat food, breathe air, absorb the sun – absorb nurturance and life into every cell of your body.

Feel your intuition and your light pulsing through your body and flowing through you.

If you work with helping guardian spirits feel their spiritual power within you.

A Hopi friend of mine shared with me once that when the Hopi journey they take their bodies with them. Shamanism is not an out of body practice. For shamanic practices have always taught how to live a harmonious life connected with nature. You must be embodied to do this.

Don’t just let your mind travel when you do spiritual work rather make it a full body experience.

The planet is reflecting back our extreme imbalance and states of separation in all areas of our lives.

You are body, mind, and spirit and it time to reconnect with yourself again. You cannot connect with the deep earth wisdom or with nature until you reconnect with your own body.

Reflect on how you have been separating what you learn conceptually with bringing the knowledge into your body awareness. Reflect on whether you connect or if you separate your spiritual life from your body and physical life.

Take time and reflect and ask yourself how can I embody all I have learned? How can I embody spirit so each of my cells pulses with the light and the vitality of my inner spirit? How do I connect my heartbeat with the heartbeat of the earth? How do I embody my spirit?

The next step is to embody the answers and live them. You already know how to do this.

In this way we breathe spirit and light through our presence with each step we take in the world.

We become sacred ourselves and all life reflects our sacredness. We bless ourselves and all of life. And all that we bless blesses us in return.

Of utmost importance this is not a time to let your light go out or dissipate. We must all ride the waves of change and transition right now. And it is important to ride the waves with grace by keeping your inner light burning bright and shining through you. We must become a stronger presence in the world.

This is a time to really focus on your transfiguration practice as I wrote about in Medicine for the Earth and How to Thrive in Changing Times. And make sure you are embodying your light!

As we continue to experience so much change to the earth due to climate changes it is important for us to shift our perspective about what is happening. We also continue to see much deterioration happening on political and economic levels.

Over the years I have been writing about the change in consciousness and evolution that humans are going through. And at the same time as we use the principle of oneness this means that all of life- all species and the earth herself are going through a change and a death. It is important to remember that death is not an end but rather a transition and a rite of passage into something new.

All of life is part of a collective dream. As spiritual practitioners we must acknowledge how the current dream is dissolving and something new will be reborn that is beyond what we can consciously imagine.

I have been teaching and writing that when a person is diagnosed with an illness it is important to perceive the person in his/her divine light. For we want to feed the energy of divine perfection that creates healing rather than feeding the power of the illness. For what we give energy to we give life to.

We also must focus on the light of the earth. We need to surrender to the changes that are happening for we don’t know what will be born.

Yet at the same time it is important to create a path that beauty can flow from by continuing to vision a dream for the earth and all of life that embraces love, light, balance, harmony, beauty, peace, equality, and abundance.

There is nowhere that we can escape to for safety and comfort except by resting in our spirit and the spiritual practices we engage in.

The landscape of the earth is evolving and changing just like it has done throughout time. Land masses have changed over time and will continue to do so.

The destruction that we experience is hard on the people and animals who suffer loss of home and lives.

And at the same time we must recognize that the earth is evolving and changing into new landscapes just like human consciousness is evolving into a new landscape.

The key is to continue to perceive the earth in her spiritual aspect and divine spiritual light.

The key is for all of us to continue to build a beautiful and strong spiritual field of light with all the spiritual work we do together.

The full moon is July 15. Let us continue weaving a human web of light by embodying this light and shining our light pulsing together as we connect with our global spiritual community. Let us do this throughout the day and start to move this from a monthly practice to a daily practice.

If you are new reader of the Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light to read the instructions for our monthly ceremony.

In have given many practices to work with in the last few months. Make sure you are continuing the practices that call to you, that you feel passionate about. Make sure you are weaving the threads between the practices you continue to work with. We must strengthen our weaving through connecting all by living and embodying a spiritual life. In this way we embody a state of wholeness, power, balance, and light.