Although we continue with huge challenges due to our planetary dismemberment initiation, we can see some signs of rememberment happening.
During the fall is a time where what is needed is composted back to the Earth. And this aligns with a cycle of dismemberment.
In the time of winter people went quiet and had to process so much material about how our personal lives and collective are changing so suddenly.
Then comes the time of spring when the wind and insects carry the seeds to be planted for a new season of life.
And during the changing seasons earth, water, air, and fire nurtures the seeds so they may germinate. And during the spring and summer we get to witness new growth.
We are witnessing a lot of growth of people both in the spiritual community and people living ordinary lives who made a clear decision to change their life path or way of life.
I am reading articles, blogs, and emails of people choosing to quit their line of work, make changes to their quality of living, diet, and making changes to manage their stress levels. People are choosing to limit their time with people who are more like acquaintances than true friends. All kinds of choices to move into a healthier and more peaceful life are being explored. Some people are moving into very small communities as life in the cities is so chaotic. And small-town life provides some support and nurturance people don’t always get from living in a big city.
So good things are happening as people are starting to settle into a way of life that fits their personality and needs better. And this is so positive.
And with the number of people being public about how they are removing stress from their lives this is inspiring others to take some risks to make changes to their lives that create a state of passion for living and creating a state of peace.
On June 21 we honor the summer/winter solstice. For those of us welcoming in summer this is such a fertile time to explore what you wish to grow from within. For everything in the outer world is birthed from our inner world. As Florence Scovel Shinn taught, creation flows through us it does not come to us.
Do your creation work of setting an intention of what states you wish to grow inside of yourself. And use your shamanic and meditation practices to use all your senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting the life you wish to be living now – not in the future. And every day see yourself living fully in this world you created inside of yourself.
For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere welcoming in winter take some time to explore what you would like to let go of now in the way you live your life that creates space for you to do your inner world work. Remember that winter is the perfect time to let earth, water, air, and fire nurture seeds and help them to germinate. What do you want your body to start creating within that will germinate and be nurtured to manifest in a coming season?
It is important to remember that in shamanic cultures ceremonies were performed to align with the cycles of the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies. Shamans were so at one with nature and the cosmos they understood when to perform their work to get the best results.
This is something you might want to explore for yourself. Notice if you journey or watch for omens for when to perform a ceremony. And watch your results as different forces in nature support the wish, dream, prayer, healing, or guidance you are seeking.
The full moon is June 4. Take some time to do some merging journeys or meditations with the sun, the moon, the stars, and the galaxies. Get to see their behavior and their frequency. And when you do your transfiguration practice on this full moon see if you are missing the correct energy to fully move into a transfigured state. For you are either in oneness or in separation. You can’t be in both states at the same time.
Then notice if there are some changes you can make to your ceremony of transfiguration that raises your vibration and frequency to the sources of life around us. And Source is the ultimate giver of life. Make sure you have transfigured so that you are in true union with Source.
And when ready allow your inner light to nurture your cells for your work and life ahead. And allow that light to flow within and throughout the earth being aware that thousands of us are joining together to work in the same way.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please visit Creating a Human Web of Light to view the instructions of our full moon ceremony.
We will be starting the expanded Medicine for the Earth Training in June. We have a small group of dedicated practitioners in our circle. It is wonderful to work in a way where we can get to know each other. I heard many of you interested in the training did not have the prerequisite. I am so sorry to hear this.
But you all know me, and I will share with you what new things we learn. That is just who I am.
Join me in wishing our circle a beautiful solstice!
I have finally learned that there is a retreat center I can teach at. I am looking at teaching an advanced shamanic healing training in 2024!
In the meantime, I am still doing The Shamans Cave podcast with Renee Baribeau. We have so much fun doing this show, and we have had amazing feedback on how we are helping people ride out the waves of change we are in. We have listeners and viewers from all generations and from people all over the world. You can learn more and subscribe to our show by visiting ShamansTV.com.
There are teachers on www.shamanicteachers.com who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.
And during these times it is a good idea to get some shamanic healing work performed to give you the power and resilience we all need right now. There are brilliant practitioners working with clients remotely and in person listed on www.shamanicteachers.com also.
I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times. And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True and “Spiritual Immunity” produced by the Shift Network are my Medicine for the Earth and Spiritual Light trainings in an online format.
There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.
Please check out my books and audio programs and my Healing Your Thoughts app. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.
And due to my work of deepening my practices I am reading my book Medicine for the Earth again. Besides Soul Retrieval and The Book of Ceremony this is one of my powerful books. It is very esoteric it never reached a mainstream audience.
And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/991720834662313. The password is “Transfiguration”.
Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page. Once there, you will find all the past recordings with a description.
Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:
In The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living From Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder with shamanic teacher and practitioner Jane Burns, you will evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of the natural world and its mythical beings.
Jane’s intro call would have been in May. But you can still get a replay and sign up for the course in June. It does not start until mid June.
Jane is such a brilliant teacher of Celtic Shamanism. It is a gift she is teaching it again for The Shift Network.
For more information, please click on:
Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.