Transmutation News – June 2023

Although we continue with huge challenges due to our planetary dismemberment initiation, we can see some signs of rememberment happening.

During the fall is a time where what is needed is composted back to the Earth. And this aligns with a cycle of dismemberment.

In the time of winter people went quiet and had to process so much material about how our personal lives and collective are changing so suddenly.

Then comes the time of spring when the wind and insects carry the seeds to be planted for a new season of life.

And during the changing seasons earth, water, air, and fire nurtures the seeds so they may germinate. And during the spring and summer we get to witness new growth.

We are witnessing a lot of growth of people both in the spiritual community and people living ordinary lives who made a clear decision to change their life path or way of life.

I am reading articles, blogs, and emails of people choosing to quit their line of work, make changes to their quality of living, diet, and making changes to manage their stress levels. People are choosing to limit their time with people who are more like acquaintances than true friends. All kinds of choices to move into a healthier and more peaceful life are being explored. Some people are moving into very small communities as life in the cities is so chaotic. And small-town life provides some support and nurturance people don’t always get from living in a big city.

So good things are happening as people are starting to settle into a way of life that fits their personality and needs better. And this is so positive.

And with the number of people being public about how they are removing stress from their lives this is inspiring others to take some risks to make changes to their lives that create a state of passion for living and creating a state of peace.

On June 21 we honor the summer/winter solstice. For those of us welcoming in summer this is such a fertile time to explore what you wish to grow from within. For everything in the outer world is birthed from our inner world. As Florence Scovel Shinn taught, creation flows through us it does not come to us.

Do your creation work of setting an intention of what states you wish to grow inside of yourself. And use your shamanic and meditation practices to use all your senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting the life you wish to be living now – not in the future. And every day see yourself living fully in this world you created inside of yourself.

For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere welcoming in winter take some time to explore what you would like to let go of now in the way you live your life that creates space for you to do your inner world work. Remember that winter is the perfect time to let earth, water, air, and fire nurture seeds and help them to germinate. What do you want your body to start creating within that will germinate and be nurtured to manifest in a coming season?

It is important to remember that in shamanic cultures ceremonies were performed to align with the cycles of the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies. Shamans were so at one with nature and the cosmos they understood when to perform their work to get the best results.

This is something you might want to explore for yourself. Notice if you journey or watch for omens for when to perform a ceremony. And watch your results as different forces in nature support the wish, dream, prayer, healing, or guidance you are seeking.

The full moon is June 4. Take some time to do some merging journeys or meditations with the sun, the moon, the stars, and the galaxies. Get to see their behavior and their frequency. And when you do your transfiguration practice on this full moon see if you are missing the correct energy to fully move into a transfigured state. For you are either in oneness or in separation. You can’t be in both states at the same time.

Then notice if there are some changes you can make to your ceremony of transfiguration that raises your vibration and frequency to the sources of life around us. And Source is the ultimate giver of life. Make sure you have transfigured so that you are in true union with Source.

And when ready allow your inner light to nurture your cells for your work and life ahead. And allow that light to flow within and throughout the earth being aware that thousands of us are joining together to work in the same way.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please visit Creating a Human Web of Light to view the instructions of our full moon ceremony.

We will be starting the expanded Medicine for the Earth Training in June. We have a small group of dedicated practitioners in our circle. It is wonderful to work in a way where we can get to know each other. I heard many of you interested in the training did not have the prerequisite. I am so sorry to hear this.

But you all know me, and I will share with you what new things we learn. That is just who I am.

Join me in wishing our circle a beautiful solstice!


I have finally learned that there is a retreat center I can teach at. I am looking at teaching an advanced shamanic healing training in 2024!

In the meantime, I am still doing The Shamans Cave podcast with Renee Baribeau. We have so much fun doing this show, and we have had amazing feedback on how we are helping people ride out the waves of change we are in. We have listeners and viewers from all generations and from people all over the world. You can learn more and subscribe to our show by visiting

There are teachers on who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.

And during these times it is a good idea to get some shamanic healing work performed to give you the power and resilience we all need right now. There are brilliant practitioners working with clients remotely and in person listed on also.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times. And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True and “Spiritual Immunity” produced by the Shift Network are my Medicine for the Earth and Spiritual Light trainings in an online format.

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

Please check out my books and audio programs and my Healing Your Thoughts app. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And due to my work of deepening my practices I am reading my book Medicine for the Earth again. Besides Soul Retrieval and The Book of Ceremony this is one of my powerful books. It is very esoteric it never reached a mainstream audience.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. 

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page. Once there, you will find all the past recordings with a description.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:


In The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living From Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder with shamanic teacher and practitioner Jane Burns, you will evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of the natural world and its mythical beings.

Jane’s intro call would have been in May. But you can still get a replay and sign up for the course in June. It does not start until mid June.

Jane is such a brilliant teacher of Celtic Shamanism. It is a gift she is teaching it again for The Shift Network.

For more information, please click on:

Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – May 2023

May always seems like a soft and feminine month to me. I don’t know why but I always see it as a gentle month where I can feel more nurtured by nature and life itself.

When I was doing my research for Medicine for the Earth I researched miraculous shamanic healing stories, many of which I already knew. But my passion for the Medicine for the Earth work, I was birthing into the world, led me to so many extraordinary stories of healing. I basically researched stories of miracles, transmutation and transfiguration from every spiritual practice I could read about. And I found so much synchronicity with what I had been learning from my helping spirits over the years.

I was actually so excited about finding so many spiritual historical stories that backed up my work I felt I wanted to add quotes from every famous book I had read. I was so excited I added quotes from ancient traditions that were the same teachings I had learned in my own journeys.

I was extreme in my excitement in that I think I had over 200 quotes in my first draft of Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins. I was shocked when my editor, who was trained in shamanism, asked me to take out the majority of the quotes and speak from my own voice.

At the time it was the 1990s and I was so struck by reading so much material that matched exactly what I brought through during my two trips to Egypt in 1998 and 1999 and in my own journeys. Medicine for the Earth was started before my first trip to Egypt, and I finished the book after I brought a group to Egypt in 1999.

The hieroglyphs, pictographs, and the energy in the sacred temples and pyramids really inspired so much spiritual knowledge that all seemed to fall easily into putting pieces of the puzzle together.

So I was so excited to find books that reflected the teachings I learned through my time in Egypt and through my shamanic journeys. I really did not want to let go of the quotes as in some ways I felt they “proved” my work. I was still pretty young and had no mentors. Everything I wrote about and taught came through the power of direct revelation.

I did let go of the quotes and owned my voice. But I was truly inspired by the work of others including Manley Hall which led me into the practice of alchemy, the work of Neville who taught people the magic of the creative process, and that we have the same power of God, Source, the goddess, and so on. I also was influenced by the amazing stories of healing and the work of Jack Schwartz. Besides shamanic literature I turned to the Bible, the Kabbalah, Hindu teachings, Taoism, Buddhist teachings, and the list goes on.

Manley Hall’s book The Secrets of the Ages goes fully into the practice of alchemy which I have always been interested in.  The sun was worshiped for the light it shared on all levels. Manly Hall says the sun reflected the light of the invisible spiritual sun- the true source of light.

Caroline Casey adds that in alchemy, the Great Work is called the Operation of the Sun, which is the full cultivation of the human personality as a translucent vessel through which life can shine. The living gold of which the alchemists spoke is manifest in the radiant energy of the Sun. The Sun is our guiding light, reminding us we are incarnations of the gods. All the planets, god, and forces of our psyche reflect the sun.

The teaching that so many misunderstand about alchemy is that it is attributed to an ancient practice of literally turning lead into gold. But in truth, the belief in alchemy is that we all have this golden seed in us like the gold in the sun. And we have the power to always transmute heavy leaded consciousness into gold light consciousness.

And this was what alchemy was really about. In my book and in my trainings I teach people how the process of alchemy is so wedded in the practice of dismemberment just like we have been going through now.

Jacob Boehme, a seventeenth-century mystic defines the symbolism of the crucifixion as dismemberment. In his description, we see the theme of sacrificing the part of man that experiences himself as separate so that the universal consciousness may be liberated.

There are stories in every culture about dismemberment as a necessary process in clearing away and dissolving all the aspects of our humanness, or our earthly selves, that keep us from remembering our connection with the divine and Source from which we all came. This is essential to call forth the divine to heal the earth through transmutation.

We must remember our true nature as we call forth the true nature of life and purity from the natural world around us.

The two things that block us from believing we can create miracles are our perception of separateness and we don’t believe we can create miracles.

In alchemy, initiates had to show their amazing powers of how they moved from separation to oneness and could turn heavy leaded consciousness into gold light. The initiations were not easy and beyond what most of us would consider going through. So we are put into initiation processes by the power of the universe.

There was one initiate I heard about in one of Manley Hall’s lectures. I can’t remember the details, but the point is what matters. An initiate was placed under a temple bell that rang all day and all night. The initiate, with this bell 24/7, had to sit and learn how to find peace within no matter what was happening around him. That is an amazing story.

Imagine what kind of peace we could create in the world once we go through the hard initiations as we are doing now.

To leave you with a quote that I try to live my life by which Neville always shares, “The whole world is you pushed out.”

What part of you is pushed out into the world – one who holds love and peace in their heart no matter what is happening around them or a world of anger or fear?  We all have the choice of what world we want to live in. It is all about creating a beautiful landscape that is the true reflection of your beauty within and without.

The full moon is May 5. We might not have been through the depths of the initiations of the ancients, but we have all suffered loss and have learned how light can heal. Let’s do our sacred preparation work so you are working in a sacred temple inside of yourself. Imagine the power of the sun inspiring you to allow yourself to let go of what keeps you separate from Source and shine your own inner light within and absorb the nurturance of the light. And then when you are ready allow this light to flow freely within and throughout the Earth.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read the instructions for our full moon ceremonies in Creating A Human of Light on the homepage.

Please join me in welcoming Cristina Ferreira who is our new Portuguese translator. It is such a blessing to have someone who can help share the work with Portuguese speakers. It is a lot of work to translate the Transmutation News. So please help me in thanking Christina for the amazing work she is willing to do to help expand our community. We wish Cristina all the goodness that life has to offer.


You know how much I love working with Renee Baribeau in doing our Shamans Cave podcast together. When I first read Winds of Spirit I was so mesmerized by the work and I asked Renee if she wanted to partner with me in doing something together and hence The Shamans Cave was born.

Winds of Spirit: Ancient Wisdom Tools for Navigating Relationships, Health, and the Divine is now available on Audible. 

Winner of the 2018 Nautilus Award. Winds of Spirit is a practical guide to connect to powerful wind energies that navigate us toward authentic joy, power, and purpose. Experiential practices include wind breath, wind bath, wind knots, and more!

Bhola is a dear friend of mine. He is an amazing shaman from Nepal. Everyone who works with Bhola is awed by his kindness and compassion and of course his amazing sense of humor. Here is what he shared about his pilgrimage to Nepal in 2023.

LEARNING, EXPERIENTIAL PILGRIMAGE TO STUDY WITH THE SHAMANS IN NEPAL, 2023. We have exciting proposals – travel and study in Nepal suitable for all ages and tastes: exploration, learning, experiencing and receiving healing from the Dhami-Jhankri-shamans elders.

Each day of these experiential pilgrimages will offer new revelations and opportunities to explore the richness of Nepali culture and practice, presented in morning, afternoon, and night sessions with lunch and dinner breaks. All participants are encouraged to participate in ceremonies and the group cleansing and healing processes within the stipulated time and space. For an enhanced experience, all the presentations, discussions, and ceremonies in Nepali or any regional language will be translated into English and vice versa (interpreters simultaneously translate rituals and sacred songs as much as possible). As the Nepali shamans and elders have their rhythms and ways of working and sharing, there will be time to ask questions and get clarity.

As the spaces are limited, you will get more information on how to participate by emailing  You can find the daily itineraries by visiting his webpage

Tune into an interview I did for Blue Soul Summit, together with five other riveting speakers on Accessing our Life Force. Blue Soul Summit’s Season 5 talks with six visionaries from around the world to talk about the various ways we can not just access our life force, but ignite it and use it for more joy, peace, and health in our daily lives. This season includes Shaman, Teacher, Author & Speaker Sandra Ingerman, Lynne McTaggart, most known for her work and book called The Field and the Power of Eight groups, Chakra expert, teacher & Author Cyndi Dale, International Teacher of Meditation, Yoga & Chakras Swami Saradananda, Chief Phillip Scott who speaks about indigenous ways to bring harmony into your life and balance with all things, including nature and Japanese-born Issho Fujita, a Zen-Buddhist Priest who talks about stillness, meditation and his journey to enlightenment.

Register for free here:

I have let you know about the brilliant work of Margaret Paul in past issues of the Transmutation News. I really feel her work is brilliant. She is one of the most compassionate people I know. And her work has helped me a lot. To get a sense of her work Margaret Paul is sharing some of her ebooks. I chose this one for our circle.

The 6 Reasons Why Loving Yourself Is Essential for Inner Peace, Joy, and Loving Relationships

Learning to love yourself can change everything in your life. By reading this ebook, you’ll discover that much of the pain you’re experiencing in yourself and your relationships comes directly from a lack of self-love. 

Discover the 6 major reasons why loving yourself is so essential to living the joyful and fulfilling life you’ve always wanted, as well as simple action steps you can take now to start loving yourself. 

Written by Bestselling Author and Co-Creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® self-healing process, Dr. Margaret Paul.

This information will lead you to enroll in Dr. Margaret’s 8-week online course called Loving Yourself to Abundance, Freedom, and Vibrant Love: The Powerful 8-Module Inner Bonding Process for Healing Your Aloneness. 

I was interviewed by Angell Deer for his podcast. We spoke about the relevance of shamanism today. Here are the links if you wish to listen:

You can find the video recording at:

And the Podcast (on your favorite podcast platform) at:

I have finally learned that there is a retreat center I can teach at. I am looking at teaching an advanced shamanic healing training in 2024!

In the meantime, I am still doing The Shamans Cave podcast with Renee Baribeau. We have so much fun doing this show, and we have had amazing feedback on how we are helping people ride out the waves of change we are in. We have listeners and viewers from all generations and from people all over the world. You can learn more and subscribe to our show by visiting  

There are teachers on who are teaching in-person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and in-person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.

And during these times it is a good idea to get some shamanic healing work performed to give you the power and resilience we all need right now. There are brilliant practitioners working with clients remotely and in person listed on also.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can be purchased by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times. And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True and “Spiritual Immunity” produced by the Shift Network are my Medicine for the Earth and Spiritual Light trainings in an online format.

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

Please check out my books and audio programs and my Healing Your Thoughts app. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. And if you haven’t, check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And due to my work of deepening my practices, I am reading my book Medicine for the Earth again. Besides Soul Retrieval and The Book of Ceremony, this is one of my powerful books. It is very esoteric it never reached a mainstream audience.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to:  The password is “Transfiguration”. 

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page. Once there, you will find all the past recordings with a description.

Thank you Sylvia for gifting us with this list:

Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.


Transmutation News – April 2023

You don’t have to be an observer of life to experience how wild things are getting in our collective. I have always written about how life is in constant change. But in my lifetime, there seemed to be an order to how nature changed and how life changed in accordance with the laws of nature.

I remember when I first moved to Santa Fe in the 1980s, I could predict the weather like magic. We knew the first snow would start on or around October 31. Then we knew the winds would come in the spring and make everyone crazy with the constant dust and allergies. The snow always stopped in late spring. And then, of course, we had mud season to contend with.  Then our summer monsoons started every year like clockwork.

Look at where we are now. I am obviously using Santa Fe as an example. But there are no longer certain phases in nature or in life you can count on. It seems like everything happening is one of the first times we are seeing it, and it feels like the energy even in nature, is pure chaos with the craziest of storms and traumatic events, covering our entire planet.

I have written about the extreme and fast growth we are seeing in houseplants and trees and plants in nature. But to watch the huge snow, ice storms, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and floods, this must be getting your attention.

Nature is reflecting the incredibly chaotic state that people have moved to. The amount of division humans have moved to is simply insane. Humans have lost their minds. The fights going on about the virus, war, the climate, our culture, and our beliefs is beyond unhealthy and is against the laws of nature.

So are we getting a reflection of how crazy we have become watching nature’s behavior? It is all connected. And we are not in a good or balanced place.

What do we do, and how do we get back to some sense of normalcy? I write the Transmutation News for spiritual practitioners. I do not address obvious political and social actions we can take. I know everyone is working in ways they feel passionate about and donating time and energy to important projects to protect our environment.

I think it is important to review the practices that are part of the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work. I don’t want to write them all out here as I have written so many summaries of the Medicine for the Earth work over a hundred times during our twenty years together whenever we faced a big challenge.

What I did share below is a series of questions for you to reflect on. For every question I ask you to reflect on is the Medicine for the Earth work.

My book Medicine for the Earth: How to Transmute Personal and Environmental Toxins is a great resource. This book birthed this powerful work. It is quite esoteric, and the magic written in between the lines is quite extraordinary. This book, and Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self are seen as my most respected books.

Medicine for the Earth is such a strong book and the power of it almost took my life as I wrote it. But I loved the state it brought me to.

I did try and make the work more accessible in:

The Shamans Toolkit
How to Heal Toxic Thoughts
Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life. I wrote out the entire Medicine for the Earth Training in this book.

My app “How to Heal Your Thoughts” keeps you in the zone of the Medicine for the Earth work on a daily basis.

And then I have courses:

“Healing with Spiritual Light” is a film of a full Medicine for the Earth workshop I taught in Estes Park, Colorado

Spiritual Immunity is a course taught online through the Shift Network.

Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity:

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page. Once there, you will find all the past recordings with a description.

Thank you Sylvia for gifting us with this list:

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images, and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to:   The password is “Transfiguration”.

I fully believe in this work. But I never felt as a community we stepped into the full potential and depth of the work due to distractions in life. The discipline needed to see the miracles that are part of this work have to do with using focused concentration every day.

We need the discipline to bring intention, love, unity, concentration, focus, harmony, and imagination fully into our practice as this is the formula for creating miracles taught in the Medicine for the Earth work.

Do you feel completely at one with Source? Or do you need to perform the creation story journey again to see how much love went into your creation?  Has Source guided you to how you can create miracles like Source does?

What is the vibration emanating from your mouth through your words, thoughts, and daydreams? Do you use words to bless yourself or curse yourself and others?

How deep is your transfiguration work? And if it is not deep, why not?

Have you connected to your ancestors and descendants?

Do you remember all the practices and ceremonies that allow you to create your greatest dreams?

How alive are your invisible senses? If not engaged and completely enlivened what world are you living in?

If you engaged in the journey for the equinox of traveling to the mistress or master of daydreams did you really focus on where your work is lacking, and what changes did you make in your life after you performed this journey?

How connected are you to the spirit of the land where you live, the elements, and nature beings?

Are you following the roadmap of the omens you are being presented with daily?

What energies are feeding with your daily practices? Use your imagination to draw out the map you are living, based on what energies you are feeding. The energies you are feeding are creating the life you are living.

What energies are you absorbing from life? That is a good one to look at. For you know the consequences of absorbing poisonous energies.

You should be making a choice to do this work now. I am going to teach my own online course going over these principles, having ways to test them out, and really practice them from our highest place of light with each other. I am imagining I will teach this course in June.

The full moon is on April 6. Start with preparing your space where you perform our full moon ceremonies. Make sure you are diligent about preparing yourself by doing any spiritual activity that moves your ego out of the way so you can have a strong and direct contact with the divine within and without. And once ready, perform your transfiguration work remembering you are being joined by a circle of thousands. Make a decision to stand up in full equality with everyone else and emanate light and love from your deepest place of spirit.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light to read the instructions of how we work together as a circle.

Remember studying life is not living life and therefore has no magic. Really dive into the questions I posed in this newsletter and live your life and bring more magic into it.


I have finally learned that there is a retreat center I can teach at. I am looking at teaching an advanced shamanic healing training in 2024! I do limit the numbers of my in-person workshops. I will keep you informed when I am ready. But I will do minimal announcements to make sure I sign up those who are truly committed and waiting.

In the meantime, I am still doing The Shamans Cave podcast with Renee Baribeau. We have so much fun doing this show, and we have had amazing feedback on how we are helping people ride out the waves of change we are in. We have listeners and viewers from all generations and people from all over the world. You can learn more and subscribe to our show by visiting

There are teachers on who are teaching in-person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.

And during these times it is a good idea to get some shamanic healing work performed to give you the power and resilience we all need right now. There are brilliant practitioners working with clients remotely and in person listed on also.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can be bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times. And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True and “Spiritual Immunity” produced by the Shift Network are my Medicine for the Earth and Spiritual Light trainings in an online format.

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

Please check out my books and audio programs and my “Healing Your Thoughts” app. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony, you might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And due to my work of deepening my practices, I am reading my book Medicine for the Earth again. Besides Soul Retrieval and The Book of Ceremony this is one of my powerful books. It is very esoteric, so it never reached a mainstream audience.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to:  The password is “Transfiguration”.

Last month I announced Roel’s new workshop for the Shift Workshop. Roel Crabbe is a hugely popular teacher listed on And there is a reason for this. His presence, his work, and his connection to spirit are quite extraordinary. He will be teaching a new workshop on the Shift Network.

Roel has been studying with me for a long time, and I just love his sensitivity and how he brings through the magic from the spirit realms. I can remember being at workshops where I was not feeling well and Roel would sing these amazingly beautiful healing songs to me. There was no way I would not get healed listening to Roel’s songs.

His intro call is already done. But you can still sign up for the workshop using the link below. I am already signed up. I would not miss this one for any reason! I hope to see you there.

In Shamanic Journeying to Awaken Your Ancestral Lineage: Connect with Your Ancestors & Future Generations for Healing, Empowerment & Guidance with shamanic practitioner and teacher Roel Crabbé, you’ll receive healing and guidance from Ancestral Wisdom Keepers from both the past and the future during a powerful guided shamanic journey carried by Roel and his ancestral healing songs.

Register here:

Joanne Halverson is a long-term practitioner of shamanism, and she does beautiful work. This is what she is sharing her work now.

The two Coast Salish shamans who’ve mentored me for twenty-five years are from a matriarchal (woman/earth) centered culture: generous, strong, creative, and nurturing. These potent feminine healing traditions are soul mending. My work centers on passing on (with permission) their enthralling ancient shamanic traditions, and wisdom in academic settings and in my psycho-shamanic healing practice. I am offering individual and group shamanic trainings and mentorship and run an intense apprenticeship program for budding medicine women. When the weather warms, I run retreats on sacred Coast Salish land for individuals and groups. All gifts keep on giving so I am sharing a link to a free printable coloring book I created and donated to a climate activist therapist group. Feel free to share this page:

Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman.  All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – March 2023

Time is racing even faster, and we are spiraling into a new season. I think many parts of our life are starting to move at a pretty fast pace. I feel with all the challenges going on today with people’s health and climatic changes we are being pushed to walk a path of healing so that we can rise above some of what is occurring for us.

This year marks a year that I have dedicated to walking on my own path of healing. For 40 years I have created paths of healing for others to walk on. And now I am walking on my own. As I do this I am hearing from so many of you through emails, messages, FB, letters, that you are on an accelerated path of healing leading to rapid changes in your spiritual growth.

This means diving deep into those ancestral and personal traumas we are carrying in our bodies and letting them go. And many of you are doing this in stellar ways. I am so impressed.

Based on the correspondences I am getting many of us are dealing with immune and toxic issues from living in our environment. And I do believe the core of successful healing has to do with letting go of our burdens that are acting like toxic substances in our body. We need to do our Medicine for the Earth practices of transfiguration, watching the frequency of our words, thoughts, and daydreams.

If you want to know what is occurring in your life reflect on the frequency you are living in. Are you walking a path of suffering or a path of healing?

I have been exploring with Isis contracts I made to live a life of suffering. And through my journeys have remembered that when I was about 40 years old Isis taught me that I don’t have to suffer to grow in this lifetime. There are other paths to growth.

And I did move into a frequency of living life from a place of joy. But of course, as Nature has her changing phases and life is constant change I could not hold onto this frequency.

So I am exploring raising frequencies again as this was so key to the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work – the working with formless energies of high frequencies for transmutation and healing.

For me I have come to the realization that I have been cursing myself with my words, thoughts, and daydreams instead of blessing myself. This was a major realization as I keep looking for outside events that caused me harm. There were a lot. But I also have to face that how I talk and think is also blocking my path to healing.

I used to lead Medicine for the Earth reunions every year. And one year the group asked me if we could explore how to take the work deeper. I journeyed to Isis about this. She said the work does not need to go deeper. Transfiguration work is as high frequency as you can get. But she said the key is people have to LIVE the practices. We keep wanting more deeper practices without mastering the ones we learned.

For me connecting the dots to the next phase of my healing is letting go of the sacred ancestral contracts I have made about the need to live a life of suffering.  I also have to take my own spiritual work to a much higher frequency for true healing to happen. In coming to this realization, it gives me a path to walk on.

I wrote a post on Facebook about the rapid growth I am seeing in nature. Our apple tree budded all winter and now our crab apple tree started budding in freezing temperatures. Our house plants are acting like it is spring. After writing this post and talking about it on my podcast The Shamans Cave I received so much correspondence from people around the world seeing this same rapid growth.

I have a lot of thoughts and intuition on this. But I think what is important is for us to see, that although we are being very challenged by life, there is rapid growth happening from all the good work everyone is doing. And this will impact us on many different levels. We also can observe the strength Nature has to stand up and face challenges and then grow from them. By dropping into the inner strength we all have, we gain more tools as I don’t feel the universe is over trying to teach us better ways to live and behave.

I have been really focusing on how deeply I have continued all the Medicine for the Earth practices myself. They are my life and I do live them. But do I get distracted and find myself not focusing on the frequency of my words, thoughts, and daydreams. For whatever frequency I am communicating from, either to myself or others, is instantly manifesting. That is what the ancients have been trying to teach us.

So for this month you can journey or meditate just using the intention that you wish to meet the Mistress or Master of Dreams. And once there sit in a beautiful landscape in nature and with these kind, loving spirits talk about what you are creating from the frequencies you communicate with. What are you instantly manifesting into your life? And then discuss ways you can change this.

For the equinox Sylvia Edwards helped me to record a journey you can perform on the equinox or when it works for you to be clear and do the work with your full intention and heart. I can tell you this will change your life and the world in positive ways if everyone does the work. Because right now people are simply surfing the web and online courses but not really doing the work.

If you are not an English speaker just follow the written instructions above I shared for this journey.

Here is the link for the recording to join in our journey:

And just so you know I am thinking about doing my own online course on reviewing the Medicine for the Earth material to take it to a higher frequency in our lives. I won’t work through an organization. This is a private course I would put on. I will share more as I get more organized to make this happen.

The full moon is March 7. With all the tragedies we have been witnessing let’s commit to using concentration  and focus to fire up our transfiguration work and move into divine formless energies and from a higher frequency let’s allow our love and light to flow effortlessly with amazing grace reaching  all the areas on the Earth you want to support right now.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage for instructions to our full moon ceremonies.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page.  

Thank you Sylvia for gifting us with this list:

Please join with me in wishing everyone in our circle a glorious equinox and deep meaningful time of learning.

I am in such gratitude to Sofia who has been translating the Transmutation News into Portuguese for so many years now. But it is time for her to move on to new work. She really has translated for so many years bringing the work to people who speak Portuguese. Let’s join our hearts together to wish Sofia well and thank her for all she has done.

If anyone in our community is willing to continue the translation into Portuguese please contact Sylvia Edwards at

Please join me in giving thanks and gratitude for Layla Morgan Wilde’s generosity of spirit in now translating the Transmutation News into Finnish.


I have finally learned that there is a retreat center I can teach at. It is about 22 miles outside of Santa Fe and is the Qigong Center that Master Mingtong Gu started here. I visited the center when it first opened and it was not in shape for me to teach a residential workshop, but now it is set up for shamanic workshops. I am looking at teaching an advanced shamanic healing training in 2024!

In the meantime I am still doing The Shamans Cave podcast with Renee Baribeau. We have so much fun doing this show, and we have had amazing feedback on how we are helping people ride out the waves of change we are in. We have listeners and viewers from all generations and from people all over the world. You can learn more and subscribe to our show by visiting

There are teachers on who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.

And during these times it is a good idea to get some shamanic healing work performed to give you the power and resilience we all need right now. There are brilliant practitioners working with clients remotely and in person listed on also.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times. And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True and “Spiritual Immunity” produced by the Shift Network are my Medicine for the Earth and Spiritual Light trainings in an online format.

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

Please check out my books and audio programs and my Healing Your Thoughts app. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And due to my work of deepening my practices I am reading my book Medicine for the Earth again. Besides Soul Retrieval and The Book of Ceremony this is one of my powerful books. It is very esoteric so never reached a mainstream audience.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. 

Roel Crabbe is a hugely popular teacher listed on And there is a reason for this. His presence, his work, his connection to spirit is quite extraordinary. He will be teaching a new workshop on the Shift Network.

In Shamanic Journeying to Awaken Your Ancestral Lineage: Connect With Your Ancestors & Future Generations for Healing, Empowerment & Guidance with shamanic practitioner and teacher Roel Crabbé, you’ll receive healing and guidance from Ancestral Wisdom Keepers from both the past and the future during a powerful guided shamanic journey carried by Roel and his ancestral healing songs.

Register here:

Karen Furr is another brilliant teacher on who has assisted me all my Shift Network trainings. She has her own beautiful body of work that she is passionate about sharing.

Beginning March 18, 2023: Working with the Descendants. A nine-month opportunity to explore and learn from those who come after us. In hindsight, what worked in the times we are in that successfully moved us into the future, and how did we embrace the changes needed for all of life? How did their ancestors (us) manage to survive and eventually thrive? This group will meet for about two hours on the third Saturday of each month, from March through December, 9:00am Pacific time. For information and to register please contact Karen Furr at  More information is available on,, and

I am delighted to announce that Alida Birch, a friend and amazing teacher on and author of The Co-Creation Handbook: a Shamanic Guide to Manifesting a Better World & a More Joyful Life, is offering a free masterclass “The Shamanic Craft of Co-Creation: Discover 3 Core Practices to Guide You in Shaping a Life You Love with the Help of Wise Spirit Allies.” Drawing on ancient shamanic wisdom & contemporary practice, Alida leads us to discover our personal magic as we co-create in harmony with the Universal Powers. Here is the link to sign up:

Anne Morgan is a dear friend and has assisted me in a Five-Day Soul Retrieval training back in the 1990s.

Long shamanic practitioner and teacher Anne Barclay Morgan offers inspiration for life’s journey, and inspiration for a healing journey on the website Short videos offer sources of inspiration and practical insights gained from her psychology background, long time shamanic practice, and living a healing miracle from a stage 4 cancer diagnosis.  The website also offers short meditation videos of the ocean, and images from gratitude walks by the sea.  
You are most warmly invited to explore and share the website with clients, friends and family. With a dedicated Youtube channel, instagram and TikTok postings, it’s all free.

Susanne Geismann has been invited by Life Journeys to lead a cruise to Alaska in August. 
The response to her initial announcement was so positive in the first two days that she has doubled the number of berths available. 
Here is a link to the landing page for the cruise that you would use in any promotions:

Join world-renowned spiritual teachers Caroline Myss and Andrew Harvey for a FREE three-video teaching series on the psychological and spiritual implications of investigating those parts of yourself that you have buried, abandoned, or disavowed in their course The Journey to Know Yourself and Bring Light into the World. For more information you can listen to their three-video lecture on The Sacred Path of the Shadow.

Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – February 2023

I wrote a post on my four Facebook pages about what my perception is of the process we are in. We have started a global and a personal process of dismemberment. Dismemberment can take some time as everything that is ill and out of harmony is removed, making room for a new and bright state of consciousness to grow inside of you. This creates the state of evolution that many of us are moving closer to, and many are trying to achieve.

It is a powerful process of destroying and being unburdened from what is not working in your life, and in the case of our global dismemberment, what is not working in the world. This is a powerful initiation that completely changes us. We embrace new morals and values. We feel more connected to Source and light when the initiation is over.

After the initiation is over comes the rebirth while we are still alive. And this is where we do have new opportunities and potential as we walk through life with a different perception and consciousness about the illusion we get trapped in, and the truth of trusting Source within and without.

But in our case, at least for most of us, the rememberment has not begun. So this puts us in a waiting period and people in the Western world do not want to wait for anything. We tend to go for instant gratification and are a bit ADHD when we follow a spiritual path. How fast can I get spiritual enlightenment if I take this class?

Well in reality you are already in spiritual enlightenment. And you always have been. In the remembement process we are really being reborn into our true self which remembers we are always in union with source and can never be harmed.

The waiting period is uncomfortable for us. We want TO DO something to speed up the process. But there is nothing to do except use this time to enter into your Inner World and look at how much fear, anger, and trauma you hold. Find ways to release what is not needed through ceremony. We have our entire list of ceremonies we have performed together over the last two years.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page. Below is a link to that page on my website. Each ceremony has a description of what it is about.

Thank you Sylvia for gifting us with this list:

Allow yourself to dream about what you are moving forward to. Let your imagination go. Your imagination can take you to beautiful dimensions you can enter into, and find more of a place of unity and peace. Or your imagination can take you into the current nightmare we are living out.

So many have used this time to heal their past wounds so that their rebirth is eminent when the timing is right for the rememberment.  And the powers in the universe and the divine beings we work with as helping spirits make that choice.

Yes we are in a waiting time and an in between time. And we want to use the power of this time wisely. Journey, go to therapy, work with a shamanic practitioner listed on or choose a practitioner you know in your community.

The more we can release our burdens we create a nurturing inner world where we can plant new dreams for our rememberment.

 I received a download from the spirits of “make your time meaningful, and you will have a meaningful life”.

What are you walking towards in the New Year that brings your life meaning? What are you releasing so that you have the resilience to engage in life with a new consciousness as you transmute your inner suffering into inner light and peace?

We are impatient about being in a waiting period and not having direction on what to do next.

In a time of waiting, stay still, reflect, absorb the power of the sun and the elements. Work on yourself. And in time you won’t care you are in a waiting period as you realize you have entered into a beautiful flow of life.

The full moon is February 5. Create sacred space where you can be in silent reflection. You might want to drum, sing, dance, rattle to lift out of your humanness into a spiritual being filled with light. However you like to transfigure, do it with passion and a true desire to share and receive love. Emanate your light like the golden stars, moon, or sun. Allow every inch of the Earth to receive the light of our circle.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.


I have finally learned that there is a retreat center I can teach at. It is about 22 miles outside of Santa Fe and is the Qigong Center that Master Mingtong Gu started here. I visited the center when it first opened, and it was not in shape for me to teach a residential workshop. But I learned from Alberto Villoldo that Master Ming Tong created a perfect retreat center for the work that I teach. There is a fire circle and a labyrinth, and lots of nature to be in. So whenever my helping spirits give me the go ahead I hope to teach an advanced workshop on shamanic healing at the Chi Center in Santa Fe. I am looking at teaching an advanced shamanic healing training in 2024!

In the meantime, I am still doing The Shamans Cave podcast with Renee Baribeau. We have so much fun doing this show, and we have had amazing feedback on how we are helping people ride out the waves of change we are in. We have listeners and viewers from all generations and from people all over the world. You can learn more and subscribe to our show by visiting  

There are teachers on who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than they have seen in past workshops.

And during these times it is a good idea to get some shamanic healing work performed to give you the power and resilience we all need right now. There are brilliant practitioners working with clients remotely and in person listed on also.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times. And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True and “Spiritual Immunity” produced by the Shift Network are my Medicine for the Earth and Spiritual Light trainings in an online format.

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

Please check out my books and audio programs and my Healing Your Thoughts app. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. 

Chetna Lawless is a amazing person whose kindness has always touched me over the years of knowing her. She assisted me in my Teacher Training I taught in Scotland. Chetna is listed on  and does wonderful work. She has a new training coming up you might be interested in.

From February 3rd, Chetna Lawless is offering an advanced training in colour frequency healing: The Colour Athenaeum.  This course is a deep dive into transforming our personal and collective density into Light.   It is a rich, engaging 8-week live-online class, and includes a personal channelled Colour Ray chart. For more information go to her website:

Evelyn Rysdyk is back teaching another phenomenal course. I know those of you who have worked with Evelyn really love her teaching. The Hidden Folk are unique spirits that stand between our human world and the natural world who support nature’s strength. Evelyn Rysdyk will share how to step back into partnership with these spirits in a FREE webinar on February 23rd, The Hidden Folk: 3 Essential Keys to Renewing the Soul of Nature and You!  

To learn more, click on this link:

In Oracles of Night & Day: Decipher Signs & Symbols to Fill Your Life With Insight, Solutions & Magic with Robert Moss, the creator of Active Dreaming, a powerful synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism, you’ll learn to apply your dreams’ wisdom, guidance, and magic to your daily life — and rely on simple guidelines for recognizing and deciphering the synchronicities, signs, and symbols all around you in your waking life too.

You can RSVP for free here:

Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – January 2023

Welcome everyone to 2023!  We made it at least this far. What a crazy journey we are all on. And what all life is trying to do is to reconnect us to love, nurturance, Source within and without, honor and respect for ourselves and all of life.

In the last couple of months, I have been writing about practices I have been doing to return to a state of inner strength so I can keep going even deeper with my spiritual work. I find the veils between the worlds are pretty thin right now, and there is so much support for diving deep into what is driving us, what parts of our life we are running away from, and where do we want to run to or walk forward to. What state of consciousness do we really want to manifest?

I feel for myself I am traveling deeper into my inner psyche than I have ever done before. And I am finding so many surprises of how I had to learn how to cope with all the trauma in my life and the parts of myself I had to hide from myself and the world. There are places in my landscape I have never taken the time to travel to and just sit and ask what nurturance is needed for true health, what does my body need, how can my mind support my healing and creativity rather than just looping on old thoughts.

As some of us are moving out of our dismemberment we are learning how grow into the new beings we have become. And this takes time. So set your intention as you begin the New Year to move some of your adventures in the outer world to the inner world where you can discover hidden parts of yourself and ask them what they need to heal and to connect with your inner light and Source where you can obtain the ultimate protection and sources of nurturance for your healing.

Balancing out your time in focusing on your outer activities to find ways to stop your world briefly and travel inside to the place within where the treasure of you lies, but you might not have accessed your true power or strength that is waiting to move forward in the next step of your evolution.

As much suffering as there is during this time on Earth there is such magic in taking in the deep lessons the universe is trying to show us. But we are stubborn and resist. In truth the universe is only trying to help us find a place within where we love ourselves unconditionally and allow that love to be the energy that guides us in our behaviors and actions.

Watch how this state of pure inner love becomes your greatest healer.

As you know from the Medicine for the Earth work, I truly feel that the simpler practices of watching our thoughts and daydreams is critical for where we are right now. For if you open to new frequencies but you are holding onto and carrying the energy of your darkest thoughts and daydreams what results do you feel will come from this way of being in the world?

On Thanksgiving I decided to write a post on the power of words. I liked what flowed out of me and I will share an excerpt of my post here:

“Words are magic. And you have seen me share again and again that shamans are gardeners of energy. Shamans take the words and break the form down into what is the energy and frequency you are calling into your life with a word. For often we are unaware of what we are calling into our lives and the collective when we speak. Words are seeds that grow into plants. What plants are you are growing in your inner garden?

So I thought it could be interesting for you to explore the energy behind the words you use when you talk about giving thanks.

The easiest way to do this is to go outside in nature and imagine saying different words that embrace the energy of “gratitude” and “thank you” and experience for yourself the energy you are calling in, and try and absorb the energy into your cells like we do with absorbing light when we perform our transfiguration work.

Or you can perform a shamanic journey where you experience yourself in nature saying words out loud and watch the dance of energy the words create.

You should feel energized and nurtured by the words you speak. And then when we speak about gratitude it might have a deeper meaning for you.”

Start recording words you wish to bring into your daily vocabulary. These should be words that when you breath in the energy it should produce a state of calm, joy, wonder, inspiration, hope. Your words should always be a blessing and never a curse for you or anyone else.

Record words you wish to say in conversations during the day which call in the most beautiful energies to your life.

For me everything is about examining my flow, performing practices that get me more in tune with the river of life and the flow of life I wish to be in. It just feels good when we do this and miracles start to happen.

I recently typed two items into google I was looking for. Two completely different items that I needed actually miraculously appeared in the search bar showing me that when we are in the flow even google produces miracles for us.

Miracles do happen when we stay in the flow. How are you doing with your own flow? Are you getting calmer by quieting the endless chatter in your mind about all that is not going right? Are you surrendering to the loving power of the universe that can help you find your place back into the flow of life? How flexible are you being right now? How much are your control issues coming up? For right now we don’t have a lot of control over our lives as the tides of the waters are too strong to fight, and we have to go with where life is taking us versus stamping our feet on the ground and saying to the universe you cannot make me change.

These are rich questions to ask yourself as we step into a new year where we can have a wealth of personal miracles and create deeper connections with ourselves and the rest of life.

We are moving into places of true magic if we let go of our attachment to the dense collective in the 3 D world and allow ourselves to take a time out to do our personal work.

I have really enjoyed doing the monthly recordings for you for the last two years. We did have the blessing of a few of my teachers on share a ceremony with you. Now that we have two years of journeys and ceremonies, I have decided to take a little break. I might lead a ceremony on the equinox and solstice, but again we have so many resources for ceremonies. And when I feel called to, I will record a ceremony for you.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far in the Transmutation News. Below is a link to that page on my website. Once you click on the link, you will find all the past recordings with a description.

Thank you Sylvia for gifting us with this list:

We celebrate the first full moon of our new year on January 6. Please join me in using preparation work to get into a truly expanded state. Many people are writing to me that they are feeling their transfiguration work going deeper which is natural for those of us who have been practicing for awhile. But there is also a shift in energies that I feel is supporting our work right now. It seems like we are stepping more out of the 3D world with ongoing, continuous discipline and focus.

In shamanic cultures it was so important to work closely with the moon and the stars. It has always been understood the influence that they have on our lives. Let us take some time to celebrate the full moon which has the power join in with us to create a beautiful human web of light that travels within and throughout the earth weaving light and magic into the web of life. Experience the golden light of the moon, stars, and sun deep within the core of being and absorb some of that light for yourself and also let it emanate throughout the web of life.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.

I am delighted to announce that Alexandra Brabcova has stepped in to help with the translations of the Transmutation News into the Czech language. Please let us honor Alexandra who is so devoted to the work we are doing together and to help others learn the tools I share in my monthly column. Let us join our hearts together to give Alexandra blessings for her life and for the New Year. May she experience all the goodness life has to offer.

Please join me in wishing our light filled circle a year where you know the love and power of Source, trust divine timing, and experience the goodness of life!


I am feeling a bit schizophrenic about my schedule and life. I do need to time to regenerate. At the same time, I seem to be actively searching out a center for teaching a Two-Year Training in Advanced Healing.

For now, if you want to go further with your work, please work with one of the teachers I trained listed on They teach all the courses I teach as well as some of their own.

I am simply taking a break to regenerate. I have not taken time off to do this in 40 years!! It is very hard for me as my workshops are large and I am not sure how to do in person workshops with the Covid moving around so much. I know many teachers are teaching in person. I have not received a green light to yet. But I am missing teaching in person workshops so I will figure something out.

You can get amazing training so you can work in the world with clients and potentially be listed on my website But you need to be flexible about working with someone other than me.

The Healing Your Thoughts app is officially out, and you can purchase it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. I am getting fabulous feedback! I have been using the original app Transmutation since 2004 and now the updated app Healing Your Thoughts and it is something I count on to change my mood as I asked to be notified every two hours to stop and reflect on what I am thinking about and transmute any negativity I am focusing on. There is a one time fee of $1.99 and there is no sign in It is as simple as apps come!

There are teachers on who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times. And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True and “Spiritual Immunity” produced by the Shift Network are my Medicine for the Earth and Spiritual Light trainings in an online format.

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

On you can find shamanic practitioners from all over the world who trained with me who are doing remote healings right now. And many are working with people in person. And I have been training brilliant teachers since 2004, and you can find online workshops and in person workshops by visiting the website.

Please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. 

And of course Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee! Join us! Subscribe on And subscribe on You Tube! Our show had completely taken off on You Tube, Buzz Feed, and Apple. We are getting the most amazing feedback on our podcast! I can’t believe the emails we are getting. People so appreciate our wisdom, humor, experience especially during these times.

And if you have a topic you wish for us to address you can email I will receive your email and the topic is appropriate Renee and I will discuss it.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to meet Marci Shimoff the author of best selling books that teach about happiness, success, and unconditional love. Then she invited me to present a guided journey and the rest is history. I became a huge fan of the Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter, and Lisa Garr. I love their work, and I am happy to refer anyone to their Year Long Course in Miracles. I know a lot of people who signed up for their previous courses, and they loved the course.

To begin check out their ebook to get a sense if you would like to work with these extraordinary teachers and guides.

Live your life in The Miracle Zone! Step #1 – STOP these 4 unconscious mistakes that are keeping miracles from showing up in your life. Follow Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter, and Lisa Garr’s easy-to-follow steps in their new ebook.

Mirabai Starr is one of my favorite writers and teachers. She is tapped into an incredible well of wisdom and wants us to be tapped into our own wisdom also. As she says:

A caterpillar has to completely digest itself… dissolving entirely into a liquid state before it develops its beautiful new butterfly body. And even then, their wings are initially soft and droopy, which delays their ability to take flight.

Mirabai Starr, interspiritual teacher and innovative translator of the mystics, gently holds this as a metaphor for the human experience and the continual evolution of the soul.

This newsletter came out after Mirabai’s free introductory call. But you still have time to register for her workshop.

You can register here for The Holy Emergence of Your Everyday Mystic: Lean Into the Awkwardness of Transformation to Reveal Your Brilliant Butterfly Within:

I recently had the pleasure to be interviewed by Donald Altman.

Donald Altman, M.A., LPC, Psychology Today Practical Mindfulness Blog
International Speaker, Mindfulness Consultant & Trainer
Past Vice President, The Center for Mindful Eating

Coming Feb. 1, 2023: Travelers, a Mystical Odyssey of Hope, Healing and Renewal

Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – December 2022

I have found myself struggling to find a lot of words as I write and teach today. When I journey my spirits tell me this is a time of regeneration and healing after so much has happened around the world with the pandemic. Of course the issues facing us and the planet are formidable. And of course, Covid is still here.

But when I journey my helping spirits tell me it is a time of waiting. For the information on what action and movements to take are just not yet known. There is not a lot of information to get right now.

I was sharing with an acquaintance that I have felt like I have been focusing so much on all the wars going on that I have not looked at the war going on inside of me. For a key teaching in the Medicine for the Earth work is as above so below as within so without. Everything we are experiencing outside of ourselves is a reflection of our inner state.

I feel like I have been through some event like a war where there was a tremendous amount of fallout of almost like nuclear material. I was led to an article on Chernobyl. And the article shared how fast plants and trees grew back after the disaster. To look at some of the photos of forests today, although the land is still devastated, is quite extraordinary. The article shared how plants and trees can’t receive help from outside sources for healing as they stand in one place. So they have everything within they need to heal while they are standing. A plant can grow a stem longer reaching for the sun or send roots deeper into the earth. All kinds of inner movements are done to survive and thrive.

The key thing in looking at an area like Chernobyl is the need for rest, regeneration, and all the elements to feed it and bring it back to life.

I feel that although Covid is still here and our multiple planetary issues are just growing more destructive that we have been through somewhat of a war.

And I find I need more time for everything. I got overwhelmed working and helping so many that my body is drawing the line in the sand and saying this is the time to regenerate after depletion before any more work can go on.

I have read this same message from others so many times now through social media. Many of us are getting this is a real time to stop searching for answers and solutions. We need some solitude and silence to do this. We need to heal any depletion.

I am happy to be living in the Northern Hemisphere right now where we are moving into a time where we can merge with the phase of nature which is winter here. It is a time to go in and allow the seeds that will germinate in spring to be fed by the earth and the heat during this time.

And those of you in the Southern Hemisphere moving into springtime might discover a different phase of life that you might be focusing on. As we are nature we must become one with the phase of the seasons and the moon to find harmony in our lives.

Here are some exercises my guardian spirit gave me to focus on continuing to create a healing inner landscape filled with love to heal any depletion or overwhelm I am feeling:

Many years ago, I started to have sleeping issues. I still do. But at the time I would imagine myself going down into a cave and sleeping with one of my cuddly power animals. It worked. And I felt safe and secure. And I would absorb healing energies throughout the night. My guardian spirit has me doing this again now.

My guardian spirit reminded me that everything is energy. And when I work on my inner landscape I use a little bit too much form to get the healing frequencies I need. He said since I love colors so much I should work with them as they have so much healing energy to share. I really do love colors. Some colors are too beautiful and can make me faint.

He told me to imagine the energy of a color that feels healing to me to fill all my cells with it’s healing light.

Then I had to laugh at this last tool my guardian spirit gave me. He told me to work with my Healing Your Thoughts App more. He said I just reframe my thoughts when I hear the alert bells go off every two hours. But he said I need to read the word, blessing, phrase, photo, and take in the energy of the words, images, and colors. He said I really need to work with the app as it was intended.

This month, journey on some tools that can help you if you feel depleted or overwhelmed energetically from all going on in your mind so that your body can heal.

Our minds are going a bit out of control trying to find solutions to heal a world that is not working right now. The earth is fine. But human consciousness is struggling, and the division right now is so overwhelming.

If you work with practices like I just described you can heal the inner war inside of you.

For the winter/summer solstice on December 21 I would like to encourage us to let go of that which no serves us and is burdening us. We really don’t want to step into 2023 filled with burdens. It is time to let go of those old hurts and slough off all that does not allow in the goodness of life.

For this month’s ceremony we will perform a fire ceremony together to let go of what is preventing us from walking in the New Year ready for new experiences and lessons that are not impacted by any past hurts or traumas we are carrying.

If you would like to join in on this ceremony you can click on this link:  Stepping into the New Year Unburdened 

As we are working outside of time it does not matter when you join in. There is no time in the unseen realms.

In 1997 I wrote my visionary fiction A Fall To Grace. I self-published it which was not an easy thing to do at the time. The book sold well. I still have copies here I sell to the distributor New Leaf. And it is also on Smashwords. The book has sold well and was a cult classic among teenagers for awhile.

Anyway, a continuing theme in the book is my conversations with Lao Tze about the River of Life.

And before this column was named The Transmutation News it was called A Fall to Grace where I would share excerpts from the book. And then in 2000 the column became the Transmutation News.

If you have been following my work for awhile, you know the River of Life is the most common metaphor I use.

This month Isis told me to journey to swim in the Sea of Life. I have not experienced this yet for myself. But try it for yourself in a journey and see how it feels.

The full moon is December 8 Let’s join our vibrant high frequency spiritual light together to be a force of goodness and love in the world. Let’s perform our transfiguration ceremonies allowing ourselves to feel our light even deeper than before flowing within us and also within and throughout our beautiful planet Earth.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read “Creating a Human Web of Light’ on our homepage.

It is amazing to me how passionate and dedicated our translators are in bringing the Transmutation News to people in their countries to non-English speakers. It is a lot of work and some translators have left and some have been translating for close to 20 years.

We are looking for someone to help Veronika Kucharská translate the newsletter into Czech. If you would like to help please contact

And of course we have Sylvia Edwards who is my dearest friend and works with me and the translators closely to bring you the Transmutation News each month.

It is a true act of love and please join me in sending our translators and their families blessings for good health and abundance of all good things.

Here are our translators. Join me in seeing them all in their divine light as we give our gratitude to them.

Translators who contributed in 2022 and Webmaster:

Sylvia Edwards – our wonderful webmaster
Veronika Kucharská – Czech 
Petr Němčanský. – Czech  
Sabine Menon – French
Catherine Meyer –  French 
Barbara Gramlich  – German
Astrid Johnen  – German
Flavia Cavallaro – Italian 
Nello Ceccon – Italian
Miha Masuda – Japanese 
Ai Suzuki – Japanese 
Els de Graaff – Nederlands
Sandra Koning – Nederlands
Sofia Frazoa – Portuguese
Tatiana Starikova – Russian
Ines Fermoso  – Spanish
Lena Anderheim – Swedish
Simin Uysal  – Turkish 

And I want to thank all of you who read the Transmutation News and are inspired by it and either take it deep within you to be a presence of light and love in the world and/or share the work with others.

I join with our global community to wish you and your family a beautiful solstice!!

See you in the New Year!!!



I am feeling a bit schizophrenic about my schedule and life. I do need to time to regenerate. At the same time, I seem to be actively searching out a center for teaching a Two-Year Training in Advanced Healing.

For now  if you want to go further with your work please work with one of the teachers I trained listed on They teach all the courses I teach as well as some of their own.

I am simply taking a break to regenerate. I have not taken time off to do this in 40 years!! It is very hard for me as my workshops are large and I am not sure how to do in person workshops with the Covid moving around so much. I know many teachers are teaching in person. I have not received a green light to yet. But I am missing teaching in person workshops so I will figure something out. I see myself teaching in 2024.

You can get amazing training so you can work in the world with clients and potentially be listed on my website But you need to be flexible about working with someone other than me.

The Healing Your Thoughts app is officially out, and you can purchase it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. I am getting fabulous feedback! I have been using the original app Transmutation since 2004 and now the updated app Healing Your Thoughts and it is something I count on to change my mood as I asked to be notified every two hours to stop and reflect on what I am thinking about and transmute any negativity I am focusing on. There is a one time fee of $1.99 and there is no sign in It is as simple as apps come!

There are teachers on who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times.

And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True is a course that brings me the most feedback and how much it has changed people’s lives and ability to move with grace during these times. Sounds True keeps the cost really low for online classes.  SOUNDS TRUE SELLS THIS COURSE FOR $97!

And the Shift Network has a similar course I taught titled “Spiritual Immunity”. This course brought in thousands of participants who gained so much help. You will find this listed under my digital courses in The Training Page on the course homepage.

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

On you can find shamanic practitioners from all over the world who trained with me who are doing remote healings right now. And many are working with people in person. And I have been training brilliant teachers since 2004, and you can find online workshops and in person workshops by visiting the website.

Please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. I am back on this FB page. I had to leave FB for awhile just for a rest. But I began participating again.

And of course Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on And subscribe on You Tube! Our show had completely taken off on You Tube, Buzz Feed, and Apple. We are getting the most amazing feedback on our podcast! I can’t believe the emails we are getting. People so appreciate our wisdom, humor, experience especially during these times.

And if you have a topic you wish for us to address you can email I will receive your email and the topic is appropriate Renee and I will discuss it.

Recently I was on Dr. Tassel Faith’s show Metamorphosis: Experience A Quantum Leap. Tassel is a lovely practitioner and teacher. I really enjoyed doing the interview with her. Here is the link is you would like to listen

Join us at the Gathering of the Shamans, ONLINE, December 2-4, 2022- with Alberto Villoldo, PhD,, myself, don Jose Ruiz, HeatherAsh Amara, Linda Star Wolf, and many more! Visit this link to learn more and to register today. Last year this was really a stellar event and I know it will be this year too.

FREE 3-part SHAMANIC COURSE: “Awaken to your Shamanic Path” – with Roel Crabbe 

I have known Roel since 2004, and his work is powerful and speaks to your soul.  

He has just released a Free 3-part Online training: “Awaken to your Shamanic Path”, as an introduction series to his Shamanic Journey Course that he will be teaching live only once at the beginning of December.

These are 3 free 1-hour long sessions, focusing on Shamanic Empowerment, Shamanic Guidance and Shamanic healing. You can access the 3 sessions right away. 

> Free access here:

Years ago I had the amazing opportunity to spend time with John Lockley. His story of his journey to be initiated into shamanism is one of the more powerful stories I have read. He teaches about the true power of unconditional love. John is from South Africa and leads trips there and to Botswana. And I have heard from my students who joined John on one of his adventures how amazing it was. John does some powerful healing work too.

Dreams & Tracking Retreats in the Kalahari Desert in 2023 with African Shaman John Lockley

A vision Quest & Masterclass in African Shamanic Medicine

This retreat is a combination of ‘Dreams’, (inner tracking) working with ancestors, dreamtime & ceremony; and (outer) ‘Tracking’, working with animal communication, interspecies dialogue and the language of birds. 

For More info + Booking: Or visit

In 7 Keys to Navigate the Sea of Consciousness & Accelerate Your Innate Mediumship Skills with celebrated medium Suzanne Giesemann, you’ll build confidence in your mediumship skills with the power of an evidence-based system — and discover how it can help you communicate with deceased spirits and loved ones in order to navigate grief, gain closure, and rekindle a sense of peace… for yourself and others.

Register here:

How Do We Awaken from the Trance of Separation? Remember our Spiritual Identity? See All Beings as One?

In this groundbreaking book—Unity Begins Within: Spiritual Healing Meets the Four-Petaled Flower—Annie Fuller unites Spiritual Healing with the Four-Petaled Flower of Teotihuacan, Mexico, and envisions a new form of Medicine Wheel. This blend of Spiritual Healing with memoir, stories, experiential opportunities, and art creates the food spiritual seekers are hungry for—nourishment that dissolves the lens of separation and reveals Unity, which was there all along.

Copyright 2022 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – November 2022

My spirits are telling me that changes are coming quickly. They are already happening. So it is so important we find true balance inside of us so that we can weather the changes and not be taken out to sea.

I spoke about some of this on the Shamans Cave. All the summits, podcasts, free offerings, trainings have been to bring us to a stable place within where we could put our roots down into a spiritual practice that works for us and helps to keep us sane through all the changes we are experiencing.  

For me being able to consult with divine spirits from the unseen realms that have seen it all and can see where we are going is of upmost important to me. For when we are so stressed our minds can take control and all of a sudden we find ourselves feeling like we are out the flow of life and don’t know who to trust. Our minds start searching out of fear for solutions of how to live and stay healthy and safe.

But when we surrender to the spirits they can hold us in love, alleviate our fear, and give us practical suggestions on how to turn our lives around and stay centered, stable and safe. This is so important. And what an amazing tool shamanic journeying is to help keep us in a good flow and on a good path leading to positive change in our lives and in the collective.

And we have our ceremonies that bring our divine self into oneness with the creator of the universe or creative forces of the universe. And in doing this we create a strong link into the unseen where when we perform our ceremonies, we are so aligned with the true forces of life that can help weave our dreams into reality.

We have our Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work that keeps us living a spiritual life of watching our words, thoughts, daydreams and always exploring what they are manifesting for us and the planet. We have our practice of transfiguration which I don’t need to explain the amazing power and miracles this work brings into our lives. This is a way of working that I know will transcend former healing methods used in the past and present, and will be a way of working in non intrusive ways in the future.

From what I can see the people going the deepest in their spiritual work are those who are focusing on establishing a beautiful and alive connection with nature and are not so interested in the dramas we can’t prevent happening in the world right now. It is wonderful to see how many of my students and friends have moved from this crazy 3D world we are living in, into a beautiful dimension of life. They are doing this through their spiritual practices, living the work, and being a true part of nature.

My prediction that there will be more than one dimension of reality we can live in is coming true. You can read Walking in Light where I talk about this in detail at the end of the book. I am seeing people living in a dimension of fear and suffering and so many leaving this dimension and finding an exquisite dimension they stepped through by making spiritual practices a part of life.

We must live the work. In Medicine for the Earth  I quoted a Haitian proverb. The short version is: “Studying life is not living life and therefore has no magic.”

We have choices of what dimension of reality we want to live in and then build it by being one with nature and with all of life and with yourself. What you plant in your inner landscape is what ends up creating the world you are living in. Keep working on creating a beautiful landscape and watch the dimension of reality you live in change.

The full moon is November 8. Let’s join our spiritual energies together as a circle to emanate golden light throughout the planet. All of life responds to the presence of love and light. And with our transfiguration work we make the true changes in the unseen realms that manifest as reality in divine timing.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the home page to learn about our monthly full moon ceremony.

This month many celebrate Thanksgiving. As I write every year Thanksgiving should be how we experience every day of our life. Please join in with the collective to make the energy of gratitude stronger so it floods the collective too. All these acts in the unseen realms really manifest as a new reality in the coming times.

When I was writing Medicine for the Earth the Egyptian god Osiris came to me and told me an important part of the work was working with the power of words. You have all read about this practice in past newsletters and of course I teach this practice in all of my courses.

Words are magic. And when we can really explore the vibration and frequency of the words we use, we can bring positive energies into our life and into the web of life. Words can be a blessing or a curse. So we will look at this in this month’s journey. For those of you who are not English speakers you can simply ask a helping spirit to show you the frequencies that you plant into your inner landscape and the outer landscape with the words you use.

For our journey this month please click on:


Renee Baribeau and I are going to teach a very small workshop on divination. We are registering 30 people so we can have an intimate experience. All participants need to know how to journey. And the workshop will be on November 12 for 5 hours. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER CLICK ON:

 I wanted to let everyone know I am going to stop announcing that a workshop is coming soon. But if you want to go further with your work please work with one of the teachers I trained listed on They teach all the courses I teach as well as some of their own.

I am simply taking a break to regenerate. I have not taken time off to do this in 40 years!!

You can get amazing training so you can work in the world with clients and potentially be listed on my website But you need to be flexible about working with someone other than me.

The Healing Your Thoughts app is officially out, and you can purchase it on the Apple App Store  or Google Play Store. I am getting fabulous feedback! I have been using the original app Transmutation since 2004 and now the updated app  Healing Your Thoughts and it is something I count on to change my mood as I asked to be notified every two hours to stop and reflect on what I am thinking about and transmute any negativity I am focusing on. There is a one time fee of $1.99 and there is no sign in It is as simple as apps come!

There are teachers on who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times.

And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True is a course that brings me the most feedback and how much it has changed people’s lives and ability to move with grace during these times. Sounds True keeps the cost really low for online classes.  SOUNDS TRUE SELLS THIS COURSE FOR $97!

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

On you can find shamanic practitioners from all over the world who trained with me who are doing remote healings right now. And many are working with people in person. And I have been training brilliant teachers since 2004, and you can find online workshops and in person workshops by visiting the website.

Please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. I am back on this FB page. I had to leave FB for awhile just for a rest. But I began participating again.

And of course Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on And subscribe on You Tube! Our show had completely taken off on You Tube, Buzz Feed, and Apple. We are getting the most amazing feedback on our podcast! I can’t believe the emails we are getting. People so appreciate our wisdom, humor, experience especially during these times.

And if you have a topic you wish for us to address you can email I will receive your email and the topic is appropriate Renee and I will discuss it.

Join us at the Gathering of the Shamans, ONLINE, December 2-4, 2022 with Alberto Villoldo, PhD,, myself, don Jose Ruiz, HeatherAsh Amara, Linda Star Wolf, and many more! Visit this link to learn more and to register today. Last year this was really a stellar event and I know it will be this year too.

And in In Build Your Path to Radiant Health & Longevity With Huashan Qigong: Recycle Your Own Energy and Align Your Life With the 4 Forces of the Universe with author, philosopher, and martial artist Deng Ming-Dao, you will explore Bone Breathing, a standing meditation practice from Huashan Qigong — a wisdom and movement system that helps us achieve greater flexibility, strength, range of motion, circulation of Qi, a fully engaged mind, and a longer life.

Register here for Build Your Path to Radiant Health & Longevity With Huashan Qigong: Recycle Your Own Energy and Align Your Life With the 4 Forces of the Universe:

Copyright 2022 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – October 2022

We are all aware of the intense weather changes happening all over the world. Entire countries and states in the U.S. are experiencing devastating floods while some places on Earth are literally drying up. We have rivers all over the world that are now so dry you can walk through them.

Water seems to be trying to reach out to us to ask us to wake up to teachings on how to walk on this Earth with balance. For when the weather gets so out of balance it is a reflection of something happening inside the collective of humanity.

As you all know there are endless numbers of people who don’t believe in climate change and don’t want to participate in discussions, solutions, or take action at all.

The message I have shared for so many years now is that if we get up every day and thank earth, air, fire (as the sun) and water for our lives I know in my heart and soul that with the shamanic principle of reciprocity things can change quickly. For if we honor the elements they will honor us in return as has always been intended for our relationship with all nature beings.

We are not the only sentient beings on this planet although we act like we are. There are countries who are giving rivers the same rights as humans. Things are changing and people are realizing that we must form a harmonious balance with nature if we want to continue to survive as a race on Earth.

A few times now I have posted in the Transmutation News a dream I had about a river that had dried up but still had a song. I am posting it here for those of you who have not read about this most powerful dream.

Everything that exists on this planet sings and grieves. Every life form has a right to a life where food and shelter are available. And nature is truly our greatest teacher right now. If we would follow the signs of nature, we would know what to do to save ourselves and our planet. And a lot of it has to do with showing honor, love, respect, and showing kindness. It is really not that hard to go out into nature and sing to healthy nature beings and beings that can use some healing and love.

In all my courses I have taught since 2000 I still find it hard to integrate how many people have miraculous healings by working with transfiguration. This work has been around for so long and used by so many to light up the web of life and keep feeding the light of life.

Singing, dancing, transfiguration, performing honoring ceremonies for the living and the deceased are all ways to change the course of where the dramatic climatic changes are happening. But we need groups of people to go out and form local communities to do the work on the land where you live. It sounds so simple but has a power that has been shown for millennia.

The dream I had was about a river that had seemingly died, but as I walked by it, I could hear the river singing.

For those of you who never read the dream here it is:

Dream Dec 11. 2014

Early this morning I had the most extraordinary dream. The first part of the dream was very complex and deep, and I do not remember it. I know I was in an apartment in a city having a very deep discussion with others, and I think the topic might have been on death.

Anyway, the discussion had moved to a place where I knew it was time for me to leave. And I had come to the city as I wanted to buy light blue mascara. So I decided to move on with my mission.

I was walking through the streets of the city, and I came to a construction zone. There was a new development being built for commercial properties and stores.

A river had to be drained for the building projects to proceed. I know this sounds strange but this was a dream.

The next part of the dream will be with me forever. I walked along the drained river bed. The sand was still wet. It was not like where I live where I walk along arroyos which are dry river beds. The sand in this river was still very moist and wet.

As I walked the river started singing to me. The song was exquisite. And every new curve I came to in the river the song changed. I came to one part of the river where through the song symbols started appearing in the sand. I went back and forth the entire length of the river and kept listening to this beautiful song. The song remained constant depending on where I was on the river.

I was so touched and moved by the beauty of this song and that the river was still singing although the water had been drained.

I walked back to a group of construction workers. And there was one large Native American man with two very long braids. I thought to myself maybe he will listen to me. I told him my story that the river is singing. He looked at me, and when I started crying, he said he would walk with me and try to listen.

We walked to the river bank and started walking the length of the river. At first there was only silence. And then a song emerged. It was different than the one I heard when I was walking alone, but it was song. I asked him if he could hear it. At first he could not. And then the song got stronger and louder. He looked at me in amazement as he heard the song. And together we walked the length of the river listening to the river sing.

He went back to the group of other construction workers and said they had to stop the project for the river was alive and still singing. I left the group knowing they would stop the work.

And then I went on to buy my light blue mascara.

I woke up so touched by the dream and the song of the river! In the early 1970s I drowned in the ocean in Mazatlan and I experienced going through a tunnel and came into a light. I found myself in an extraordinary garden and sat a stone bench while I listened to most beautiful music that I will never be able to describe or have never heard in this earthly realm.

The song of the river was like that. Everything in life sings and the song is eternal.

For this month I thought we would do a transfiguration for the waters of the world like we used to in former times for readers of the Transmutation News.

If you can create an altar where you can place a small bowl or glass of water. Your altar turns your space into sacred space. If you wish to you can light a can burn some sacred herbs. Use a shamanic. Instrument or play a track of spiritual music you like that allows you to step out of your humanness into being a divine being which you are. Experience the power of your inner sunlight, starlight, or moonlight growing into a beautiful golden light that floods every cell of your body. And then let that light emanate out to a body of water where you are called to focus the light in order to honor it and see it in its divine perfection.

When you feel done you can drink a little bit of the water and then bring it to a body of water where you live. As the transfigured water filled with divine light makes it way to all the waters of the world.

We will do our ceremony this month where I will lead you in this exercise. So have your altar, water, and a shamanic instrument ready to use if you would like to sing and dance as we work together.

For those of you joining in on the ceremony I will also lead a transfiguration ceremony for our circle where we will have the chance to be both the client and practitioner.

It doesn’t matter when you join in for this ceremony as we are working outside of time and everyone will benefit from our work.

I did ramble a bit in the beginning but moved on. There are really two parts to the ceremony. And after recording with Sylvia, I realized that most of you might want to split up the ceremonies and do one at a time. You will see what I mean when listen.

Due to a health challenge my presentation this month will be audio vs. video. You can listen here:

And then we continue our work on the full moon on October 9 where we join our energies together to emanate light and love within and throughout the Earth. Join me in these ceremonies for they really have the power to create true change.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage to read the instructions of our full moon ceremonies.


I have had some unexpected back-to-back health issues that are showing me it is time to slow down a bit. I have been teaching too much, writing, working with clients. The back-to-back online workshops were hard on me. I need more engagement with my students. So I am taking a break until I can fully recover so I can teach into the future. I am in no way planning on stopping teaching. But I am human and need a break to care for my body.  

So I wanted to let everyone know I am going to stop announcing that a workshop is coming soon. But if you want to go further with your work, please work with one of the teachers I trained listed on They teach all the courses I teach as well as some of their own.

You can get amazing training so you can work in the world with clients and potentially be listed on my website But you need to be flexible about working with someone other than me.

I will teach again. I am simply taking the break my body is asking me to take.

Renee Baribeau and I are going to teach a very small workshop on divination. We are registering 30 people so we can have an intimate experience. All participants need to know how to journey. And the workshop will be on November 12 for 5 hours. For more information and to register click on:

The Healing Your Thoughts app is officially out, and you can purchase it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. I am getting fabulous feedback! I have been using the original app “Transmutation” since 2004 and now the updated app  “Healing Your Thoughts”  and it is something I count on to change my mood as I asked to be notified every two hours to stop and reflect on what I am thinking about and transmute any negativity I am focusing on. There is a one-time fee of $1.99 and there is no sign in It is as simple as apps come!

There are teachers on who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings. Due to the intimate size of the group participants are getting some of the best shamanic healing than have seen in past workshops.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Workshops page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times.

And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True is a course that brings me the most feedback and how much it has changed people’s lives and ability to move with grace during these times. Sounds True keeps the cost really low for online classes.  

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

On  you can find shamanic practitioners from all over the world who trained with me who are doing remote healings right now. And many are working with people in person. And I have been training brilliant teachers since 2004, and you can find online workshops and in person workshops by visiting the website.

Please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. I am back on this FB page. I had to leave FB for awhile just for a rest. But I began participating again.

And of course Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on And subscribe on You Tube! Our show had completely taken off on You Tube, Buzz Feed, and Apple. We are getting the most amazing feedback on our podcast! I can’t believe the emails we are getting. People so appreciate our wisdom, humor, experience especially during these times.

And if you have a topic you wish for us to address you can email I will receive your email and the topic is appropriate Renee and I will discuss it.

Evelyn Rysdyk who many of you know is teaching a new course. You feel ready to stand up for a future that is healthy and sustaining for your family and the planet. Yet, you may worry that you don’t have what it takes or that you just aren’t “enough” to influence our current situation. …and the scale of the problems we face may have you feeling anxious, helpless and hopeless. Renowned shamanic healer/teacher and author, Evelyn Rysdyk is launching a new FREE online event on October 13th, that can help!  Activating Your Shape-Shifting Self!  3 keys for a courageous, creative and powerful life!

Click on this link for more information:

A few years ago I did some really wonderful interviews on Michael Sandler’s podcast. We became friends and really supported each other. Now I learn he is teaching a brilliant course on the Shift Network.World-renowned automatic writing teacher Michael Sandler will share simple and elegant body-based exercises — sourced in the energy and the power of love — that can help you make the subtle adjustments you need to know for certain you’re successfully connecting with the other side.

You can register here for Am I Channeling or Just Making It Up?! Join a World-Renowned Automatic Writing Expert to Explore & Validate Making an Authentic Connection to the Other Side:

Body as Healer: Freedom From Chronic Pain

Dr. Peter Levine has been such a gift to this planet in teaching some of the most powerful ways to work through trauma using somatic therapy. I had the opportunity to present at a conference with him when I was first starting out my conference tours. And I learned so much from him and enjoyed getting to know him. I recommend his work to anyone working through pain issues.

  • A collection of Dr. Peter A. Levine, PhD’s life work in an interactive, online format (including six live Q&A sessions with Dr. Levine and six live sessions with one of his top practitioners)
  • Proven strategies to address various chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Guidance through somatic practices (accessible for all bodies) that address the root cause of chronic pain
  • Program Begins October 6

For more information click on:

Olivier Clerc translated many of my books into French. He is such a deep thinker and a man of true compassion.

Healing the Wounds of the Heart : 15 Obstacles to Forgiveness and How to Overcome Them, Olivier Clerc, Findhorn Press, December 2022.

Can everything be forgiven? Forgiving the small and average sufferings experienced throughout life is one thing. But what about bigger transgressions, like infidelity, abuse, or even large-scale offenses such as genocide? Showing that forgiveness is the healing of the heart’s wounds as well as the revival of love, Olivier Clerc looks at what prerequisites might be needed to enter into a process of forgiving and what the effects of doing so might be, for oneself as much as, if not more than, for the perpetrator. He identifies 15 obstacles to forgiveness–prejudices, confusions, false ideas, misunderstandings–and discusses where these perceptions and obstacles originate from, which keep many of us from taking the path to healing.

Drawing from his years of forgiveness work as well as from the Forgiveness Project, he shares inspiring testimonies and examples from both victims and perpetrators who have rebuilt their lives after trauma by walking the path of conscious forgiveness.

Copyright 2022 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

Transmutation News – September 2022

I have a wonderful friend who is going through one of those initiations that many of us are experiencing today. And she always brilliantly masters how to move through challenges. I love her teachings. Anna is one of the most innovative teachers and healers I have had the privilege to meet and get to know well. 

We sometimes have these wonderful supporting emails flying back and forth between both of us. In one of Anna’s recent emails she sent me a story that has touched my heart in a way I can’t even describe.

I recently shared the story in my Shift Network course on shamanic journeying as we are looking at how we can share our work with our communities. I felt this story is so profound I wanted to share it with you too.

Nature truly is our greatest teacher. I hope you are touched by this story and find others that you can hold “paws” with right now. Honestly since I started creating this global community in the late 1990s I feel we have been doing some form of this. And maybe we can find ways to deepen our practice.

From Anna:

“A thing I used to share in circles was about fire ants. They live their lives going about their ant business. And when a flood comes that would wipe out one ant, they all join ant ‘paws’ and form a raft of thousands….that can stay afloat for months, until the floodwaters cede and they find themselves on dry land. There they unlink ‘paws’ and form a new colony.”

Anna feels strongly that those of us walking an initiatory path can be like fire ants and we can hold hands until the floodwaters ease.

I personally love thinking about this, feeling this, imagining it, and being it!

Anna is seeing clients and starting some new, very innovative circles that I feel are such a gift to those wishing to work with a brilliant teacher who has come through so much, she can help us find ways to explore life in a deeper and meaningful way. I am sharing more about Anna’s work in the Announcement Section.

The full moon is on September 9. It is the powerful Harvest Moon. Let’s imagine ourselves holding hands as a one large global community that is like the ant raft that Anna speaks about. And from this place of sacred love and unity let’s shine our light as bright as the stars in the night sky. As we shine our light throughout and within the Earth we start to fill the cracks that are appearing in the collective with the pure light of Source within and Source without. We are a raft of light uplifting all of life until we find steady ground.

If you are new to this circle please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage for instructions for our full moon ceremonies.

The equinox is on September 22. Fall of course is the season I most celebrate. I love the crispness in the air, the change in colors in nature as the Earth prepares to receive the old life that plants and trees release to be composted into deep rich soil for when it is time to grow new life again. And in the Southern Hemisphere of course it is time to start honoring the Earth’s cycle where growth begins to show itself after a long rest during the winter. I know so many of you light up completely as spring approaches.

Watch how you feel during the change in seasons. For you are getting information on how to change your actions and behavior as life brings in a new season.

An old acquaintance of mine once shared a story with me about rituals performed in some Northern European traditions. And one of them that touched me was during certain times of the year, a ritual would be done of physically sweeping your house while focusing on sweeping out old dreams that did not manifest, emotions, traumas, negative thoughts, all the seeds that did not take. It seems like a powerful way to clear the space for a new time to come.

She spoke how in Northern Europe the rituals and ceremonies were focused around the change in seasons. In our work with shamanism in the West I find this to be true of most shamanic cultures.

In our journey for this month I will lead you on a journey to begin to unravel a weaving of your life plan – unraveling the threads that need to be let go and reweaving in some new plans and dreams for yourself and all of life.

To participate in this journey, click on: 

Please join as a loving community in wishing everyone a beautiful fall and spring equinox!


The Healing Your Thoughts app is officially out, and you can purchase it on the Apple App Store  or Google Play Store. I am getting fabulous feedback! I have been using the original app Transmutation since 2004 and now the updated app  Healing Your Thoughts and it is something I count on to change my mood as I asked to be notified every two hours to stop and reflect on what I am thinking about and transmute any negativity I am focusing on. There is a one time fee of $1.99 and there is no sign in. It is as simple as apps come!

I am still waiting until the spirits give me the go ahead to create an in person practitioner and Teacher Training. But there are resources for all of you to keep learning. I have once again engaged in the world and am doing some traveling again. So now my next step is finding a good retreat center for the in person trainings I would like to do. Right now, it is not easy to find one that fits my needs.

The reports I am hearing is that many are getting Covid from showing up to in person workshops. Some workshops everyone is getting Covid. So I am waiting a bit.

There are teachers on who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times.

And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True is a course that brings me the most feedback and how much it has changed people’s lives and ability to move with grace during these times.

There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.

On you can find shamanic practitioners from all over the world who trained with me who are doing remote healings right now. And many are working with people in person. And I have been training brilliant teachers since 2004, and you can find online workshops and in person workshops by visiting the website.

Please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. I am back on this FB page. I had to leave FB for awhile just for a rest. But I began participating again.

And of course, Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on And subscribe on You Tube! Our show had completely take off on You Tube, Buzz Feed, and Apple. We are getting the most amazing feedback on our podcast! I can’t believe the emails we are getting. People so appreciate our wisdom, humor, experience especially during these times.

And if you have a topic you wish for us to address you can email I will receive your email and the topic is appropriate Renee and I will discuss it.

Here is more about Anna’s work:

Anna has been teaching people how to connect with helping spirits and healing energies full time for 18 years, and she is a truly loving, joyful, and gifted being.  you can meet her at ‘the dreaming otter’, where she creates amazing, customized deep dives for sensitive and magical women navigating the intensity of our times.  her work is really unique – she’s brilliant at holding space, seeing and loving people as they are, and has an incredible gift for helping people live magical lives.

Many years ago I had the fun opportunity to present at Sounds True Wake Up Festival where I shared a cabin with some amazing teachers. Christine Stevens was one our roommates for the event. And she is such a bright light and put a smile on our faces everyday. She is just one of those wonderful people who makes you feel peppy and inspired.

On Saturday July 30, celebrated music therapist Christine Stevens shared how you can turn to the flute as a sacred sound-healing tool to help you deepen your spiritual journey — enhancing your connection with Nature, inspiring personal transformation, and so much more.

Although her intro call is over you can still sign up and listen to her talk and register for her class.

You can register here for Turn Your Flute Into a Sound-Healing Tool: Uplift Your Spirits & Experience More Joy:

If you are familiar with the work of Mirabai Starr you know she is probably one of the deepest woman I have met. I endorsed one of her books once, and it took me weeks to come back from the depth of her wisdom. I was changed by her writing. She teaches occasionally for the Shift Network and never disappoints.

In Navigate Your Divine Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Vibrant Human Holiness with interspiritual teacher and author Mirabai Starr, you’ll release outdated misconceptions about the spiritual path and celebrate a deeper connection with your sacred self — so you can experience the magnificence of your life.

Register here:

In Journey Across Time to Bring Healing to Your Younger Self: How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds & Reclaim Your Soul’s Calling with Robert Moss. People love Robert’s courses.

Register here:

Copyright 2022 Sandra Ingerman. All right reserved.