Over the years I have reached out to so many practitioners and doctors to get help for a disorder I have been dealing with. I got so filled with information and no treatments ever worked for me.
One night Isis came to me and said the issue of why I am not healing is that my past has moved into my present. She said no matter how bad things were for me in my past I have to let them go, as I can’t heal while I am still carrying my past around with me. And she said this is also true of my ongoing work with her to learn about multiple dimensions and how you can travel between them. She said you can’t do that while carrying your past.
Isis shared that I must move into the present now completely. Well, that is great advice. But staying present to every moment has not been one of my greatest gifts. But I am doing it. I want to follow the beauty of Isis’ advice as she is leading me on a new path.
What I am doing is taking even a minute to just tune into how I am feeling right now. And what I am finding is suddenly I can hear my body talking to me and instructing me on what it needs. I am also learning how to set stronger boundaries based on what my body needs.
I have written in earlier columns about learning how to listen to your inner voice. And if there was ever a time to listen to your inner voice the time is now for too many reasons to list.
Nature brings us into the present. Finding a meditation or breathing practice can bring you into the present as well as shamanic journeying of course. I am just taking time out of my day and stopping and asking my body what it has to share, what emotions am I swallowing, and who I am blaming for all my troubles. Finding the time to just tune in and letting go of the blame and judgment and moving exactly into the present moment is where I believe our greatest healing lies.
I wrote about trusting your intuition in my book that I co-wrote with Llyn Roberts. It is titled Walking Through Darkness: A Nature Based Path of Navigation Suffering and Loss. It is being published by Sterling. It will be released in February, but it is available to pre-order now. I will add this to my announcements.
As you know I hold strongly to my opinion that the elements give us life, and we must find ways to thank them for all they give to us. We experience the heartbeat of love, food, being immersed in beauty for the Earth and how do we thank her? We love feeling the wind caress us. Such an ancient being that brings us the air we need to breathe. It makes us laugh when we are sad. And it carries us along. The sun gives us all the energy we need. And we love the sun and feeling its warmth on our body and face and how it just can melt troubles and pain away from us, transmuting all energies into love and light. And our precious sea who gave birth to us, we love you so much for the life you bring to us, we love your beauty, we love the song of different bodies of water. We give thanks to you for all you do for us. Lightning turns anything it touches into holy ground and helps clear negative energy from us and the land.
When we begin to ask the question of how I give love back to you for all you give me to heal and for me to thrive in life we begin to understand that this is the most sacred foundational shamanic principle of sacred reciprocity.
I have written in past columns how I contemplate on how the elements might be our creator gods and goddesses.
But how do we thank them for all they give us? You know the answer. So why are we so surprised about climate change? What would happen if we joined together every morning – every living being giving thanks upon awakening…
I love watching birds high up in a tree greeting sunrise and then as the sun is setting taking in that last bit of warmth with their faces gazing upon the sun.
All living beings live in sacred reciprocity.
What happened to humans? How are you performing sacred reciprocity in your own life? Do you find yourself being around people who you always give to? Is it time to receive something in return even if it is not from the same person? That is how sacred reciprocity works. When you live a life of honor, harmony, and balance the offering of thanks that comes back to you might come from an unexpected person or situation.
Sacred reciprocity is about a balanced exchange of energy. And in our culture to reciprocate usually means to pay for something. What if we took money out of the mix and looked at other ways to exchange energies as a way of offering love and thanks?
For the month of December which we all treat as a sacred time – a time of going within to deepen and nurture your inner landscape. Reflect on giving thanks from the heart in balance. If you are a person who tends to take more than you give back, you might want to try giving some offerings of thanks on the solstice. If you over-give, focus on receiving and absorbing from nature and what gifts are being offered to you by others. Watch what changes happen in your life as you do this. The elements, all of nature, the sky beings, people, and so on.
Really focus on your relationships with everything in life. And always remember to give thanks but from the heart. We give a lot of superficial thank you’s in this culture. I actually believe “thank you” should be removed from how we speak, as it does not mean much these days if the words just roll off of your tongue and there is no passion or true emotion being expressed. Use your creativity to imagine what a gift coming back to you or being given would look like.
The solstice is on December 21, and is a special time to do this kind of work. Whether you are celebrating winter or summer make it a season of giving offerings of heartfelt thanks and making sure to balance that out with absorbing all the goodness you receive from your practice of sacred reciprocity.
I also wanted to share that the Facebook page Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy is really growing in such a beautiful way to be fed if you are feeling that you need to feed on some positive expressions of love and the beauty of nature.
There are so many personal and collective challenges in life I love having that page to return to during the day and remembering what the beauty of life is about. If you would like to join it is a private group. The password is “transfiguration”. The name of the group is Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy.
The full moon is December 26. We are in such deep turmoil on the planet. And I know everyone holds different communities impacted close to their hearts. So please do prepare in the most sacred of ways leaving your mind and ego at the door so you can fully take off the robes of your body and be in a state of awe of the blinding light that lives within.
And with that light absorb all you need for yourself and then join our circle in emanating that light into every part of the Earth stimulating sparkly light touching all in the web of life.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage.
Join me as we wish all of our circle and their loved ones a safe and beautiful time as we end this year and leave behind what keeps us from staying in the present where the messages of help that are being given are so ever-present, if we just stop and listen.
I want to thank our translators for the effort they put into bringing the Transmutation News to so many countries. Let us with true unconditional love in our hearts thank them for the time and energy they put in so people around the world can be inspired by what is shared in the Transmutation News.
We are going into our 25th year!!
None of this would be happening without Sylvia Edwards. For one she helps to keep me focused and sane! Not an easy job. And she adds so much beauty, love, and light to the column. Her heart is really in it to bring the column alive. Sylvia is a person on the planet who I can say truly does the work I teach and more, every day of her life. And it shows by the extraordinary work she does in the world.
Sylvia Edwards and
Our Current Translators
Veronika Kucharská – Czech
Alexandra Brabcova – Czech
Layla Morgan Wilde- Finnish
Sabine Menon – French
Barbara Gramlich – German
Astrid Johnen – German
Nello Ceccon – Italian
Flavia Cavallaro – Italian
Els de Graaff – Nederlands
Sandra Koning – Nederlands
Cristina Ferreira – Portuguese
Tatiana Starikova – Russian
Ines Fermoso – Spanish
Lena Anderheim – Swedish
Simin Uysal – Turkish
I will see you as we step into a New Year filled with opportunities to grow, deepen our self-love, experience how brilliant our light is, and to be a hollow bone and share love, beauty, and light all over the world!
My new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss co-written with Llyn Roberts will be coming out in February but is now ready to preorder on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You could do me a favor by ordering off of my website under Books and Audio Programs.
I have been through quite the 9-year journey and did not give up. I kept teaching, presenting on summits, working on clients, helping people on FB, and the list goes on. If you like my work and find it meaningful, I ask you to reach into your heart and if you feel called to join me in helping people walk through the dark night of the soul, please consider buying my book and maybe one or more for a friend. It is filled with so many tools for the times we are in.
May the teachings in this book help you walk wakefully as you find your way back home.
Every one of us experiences periods of pain and loss in our life—dark nights of the soul. This is a groundless territory where one feels directionless and devoid of tools, with no sense of how to take the next step. In ancient times, elders guided their communities through life’s initiations and challenges, paths we must all take to transform and grow. In Walking through Darkness, legendary shamanic experts Sandra Ingerman and Llyn Roberts help us forge a pathway through the dark—as we embrace nature as our guide and healer. Sandra and Llyn share metaphorical stories that engage animals, plants, trees, and other aspects of nature. Through the feminine process of circular joint storytelling, they weave the rich tales of their own experiences alongside wisdom that they have gathered for years from their own studies, as well as from healers around the globe. Through teachings from the land, the sky, the sea, and the spiritual world, this sensitive and empowering guide opens us to our spiritual light so that we can face our greatest challenges with courage and love—no matter what they are.
My One Year Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training will take place at the Chi Center beginning in April 2024. We have been flooded with applications. But since we said the cutoff for applications is December 15 you still have a chance to get on a waiting list. In my experience, many people drop out and I can get most of my waiting list in, especially in the world we live in today.
For questions, more information, and an application, please email Sylvia Edwards at info@sandraingerman.com. Please include your full name and email address.
Please note: That due to my age and health, this is the last Advanced Practitioner Training I will be teaching. But you will always be able to find a shamanic teacher trained by me and trusted by me on www.shamanicteachers.com.
Please remember to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and more passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit www.ShamansTV.com. You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.
And if you are looking for a shamanic practitioner or teacher that I have trained, refer to, and believe in please visit www.shamanicteachers.com. Teachers and practitioners are working in person or remotely.
Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page. Once there you will find all the past recordings with a description.
Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:
I have been announcing Quincy Davis’ hip hop music since he was just a kid. He brings so much love and magic into his work. Quincy and I are actually working on an app to help urban youth be introduced to simple empowering shamanic practices. Quincy’s work continues to evolve. He just released:
Quincy Davis – Warrior Feat. Desirae Harp
- Music Video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/m6C8DDrlR38
- Song streaming on all platforms: https://ffm.to/warrior7
- If people would like to support Quincy’s work, they can purchase the song here: https://quincydavis.bandcamp.com/track/warrior-feat-desirae-harp
Thanks for your support of Quincy’s work!!
I have been getting some incredible healing help through Elizabeth Jenkins and her connection with the Q’ero Indians of Peru. As I have been teaching shamanism as direct revelation for 43 years. Elizabeth has been working with the Q’ero in the Andes for 30 years.
Here are a couple of ways to get to know the Q’ero wisdom and their powerful connection to the elements which is the foundation for some of their teaching.
The INKAS are coming! Join us for this rare opportunity to meet the Q’ero Indians of Peru, inheritors of the magnificent wisdom tradition that built Machu Pikchu. Global warming and the threat of extractive mining on their sacred mountain have called them down from their villages to share ancestral practices of Nature communion–a remedy to the discord of our human and nature relationship! WIRAQOCHA FOUNDATION AND SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY COLLABORATE TO OFFER FIVE OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE.
JANUARY 2024 The Global Paqo School provides the unique opportunity for year-long study with 12 Q’ero Masters (6 men and 6 women) via direct Quechua to English translation. Guided by these world-renowned Paqos, we learn their authentic traditions on how to build the Misha (Mesa) or “Inka power bundle” to perform their powerful healing techniques through communion with the living energies of Nature. Learn to become a human bridge to Nature from the “Last Inka Ayllu in Peru”. Become part of the Global Paqo Family, supporting the Q’ero in Hatun Q’eros since 1996. Applications for 2024 are being accepted now at: https://Wiraqochafoundation.org/pages/global-paqo-school
African Soul Safari’s in 2024 to reconnect to your Dreams & Ancestors
Learn indigenous African medicine technology from John Lockley, an authentic South African Shaman (sangoma).
John will host Dreams & Tracking in the Kalahari Retreats in Feb/March in Botswana; and Leopard Warrior Trails in May in South Africa. He will be joined by Bushman elders in the Kalahari and participants will have an opportunity to learn animal communication, interspecies dialogue, and the ancient art of tracking.
John is the author of Leopard Warrior, A journey into the African Teachings of Ancestry, Instinct and Dreams; published by Sounds True.
For more information and bookings see https://www.johnlockley.com/events.
On Saturday, November 18, Suzanne Giesemann shared how you can merge with the love and joy of the reading field by cultivating a soul-to-soul state of consciousness that allows clear and accurate guidance from other realms… and from which you can best serve others. You can still register for her course and get a recording of the intro call.
You can register here for Communicate Soul-to-Soul With the Spirit World: The Key to Accessing Your Innate Mediumship Skills & a Life of Love & Joy: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/cssSI/ingerman/
And there is still time to sign up for this year’s Gathering of the Shamans 2023, a sacred confluence of timeless wisdom and transformative experiences happening from December 1-3. 🌀
As one of this year’s speakers, I am honored to share amidst a community of spiritual seekers and revered shamans, healers, and teachers. This event is a rare opportunity to delve into the mystical realms of shamanic practices, to heal, to transform, and to connect with the ancient energies that govern the natural world. 🌿
For more information and to sign up please click on this link:
Journeying to Heal the Wounds of the Feminine with Sandra Ingerman:
In this guided process, one of the most respected modern teachers of shamanism will take you on an inner shamanic journey to work with your guides to surface, understand, and heal key aspects of your feminine qualities as a soul. All of us have wounds from the last era around this dimension of our soul and Sandra will invoke her own guide Isis to help in the healing of your female incarnations and/or feminine qualities. She will lead this in a way that allows you to take the journey whenever you need it to work with another layer arising for healing.
This session will be a bonus for a larger course on Mary Magdeline that I will not be teaching. The intro call for this course was on November 21. But you can still sign up.
You can register here for Walking the Path of the Magdalene: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/wtpmSI/ingerman/
Copyright 2023 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.