Back in the 1980’s I had a variety of helping spirits that taught me beautiful and potent lessons. They would come through for very short periods of time- just enough time to share a lesson with me. One of the helping spirits that came through for me then was the goddess Inanna. She stayed with me for months. When she did appear in my journey, the image and experience were always the same.
She showed herself walking through a very barren and desolate territory. The road was filled with dust. And there was no green around. The path was narrow and steep as Inanna walked through this territory with such amazing focus not looking right or left. She was walking up a steep hill with no end in sight.
Although she never spoke to me with words, I got the message she was trying to transmit to me. And the message was to keep my focus on my vision of where I was going. She instructed me to not look left or right. My vision was always to remain looking straight with 100% focus on where I was going and not allowing the challenging distractions to throw me off course. For the spiritual work is so important.
I feel like with all the planetary changes, we have to find the path that works for us. Some readers of this column are young, healthy, and vital and have the energy to be protesters like I was back in the 1960s. Some of you have the energy to enter into deep conflicts and find this is your way to be in service. And then there are some who are elders. Some elders are still out there fully in their passion doing their work of service. And some elders need to take on more of a traditional role of holding space for all that is going on.
For healing to happen we need multiple types of work happening. We need the socially active and we need those who can hold space for what is happening. I feel like that was the message of Innana.
Whatever role you choose if you are working from a place of love we can all settle in the role that we are physically capable of and that calls to our soul.
I see our international readers as a community and as a circle. We don’t know each other in the ordinary world. But we have been coming together for 25 years to work together in ways we are drawn to, especially using the Medicine for the Earth work.
If you can expand your vision and take in the possibility that thousands of people around the world are reading this column and choosing to join together to make a difference it will be “medicine” for our hearts right now.
One such circle member is a woman by the name of Maureen. And she shared a post on FB that really touched me. I asked her if I could share with our readers and community. Maureen was having a day where she was feeling how tough it was to live where she was living. The environment has made our living spaces more toxic and sometimes it is not possible for us to find the perfect place to live.
I was so moved by what Maureen wrote. I hope you feel the depth of feeling too.
Maureen’s post
“I was inspired to create a collage based on some insights I received the other night from my Guides.
Without going into great length, my Guides were helping me work through some frustrations and related thoughts and feelings about a few things having to do with my life and where I live. They encouraged me to bloom where I am planted.
Briefly, they were teaching me, helping me to recognize, that all the plants and flowers focus on expressing their divine essence, being their authentic selves, whether they grow in a field or forest, in a small patch of ground in someone’s yard, or in a pot adorning the steps or windowsills of a home.
The potted plants, garden fruits and vegetables, and flowers don’t think about their relatives who grow up in an open field or forest, or somewhere else, wild, and free. They recognize their purpose is to express their divine essence, to provide their beauty, fragrance, and gifts to the world, – to be the best they can be – wherever they find themselves planted and growing. They have resilience and strength to even push through as they sprout in places which are not the first choice for growing plants, like the cracks of city sidewalks.
This is part of what I was given to not only ponder, but to reflect upon and make my own inner adjustments, – learning from the beings of the plant kingdom the importance of being my authentic self and expressing my divine essence, offering my gifts and living my life in sacred service for the benefit of all beings, whether I live in a small pot (my little apartment) or have the opportunity to be replanted someplace else.
I choose to reframe my frustrations and be grateful for the gift of life, the opportunity to offer my life in service, and recognize that wherever I am planted doesn’t change that or hinder that, it’s an opportunity for me to bloom where I am planted.
As I make that inner shift, I come into balance within myself and with the world around me, and I come into coherence with the divine frequency.”
To end on a humorous note. Karine is one of our French translators. She was translating the July column where I wrote about slowing down to 3G versus 5G. As she was translating this passage she got a notification on her phone.
You can sign up for 5G and everything will go faster.
The universe can offer us some synchronicity and humor sometimes.
The full moon is August 19. Let’s gather our personal power together alone and as a world community in our true desire to bring peace, light, love, and harmony back to how we live on our Earth. Earth is our home. And fighting over territory is not what our lives what meant to focus on. Let’s remember our purpose and drop the ego that separates us and remember the truth that we are all one light shining from our hearts as our spirit intended us to do. Let’s emanate our spiritual light throughout all of the web of life.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News below are links for instructions on how to prepare for a ceremony and then instructions for our monthly full moon ceremony Creating a Human Web of Light.
This link brings you to a powerful transfiguration ceremony.
Inspiration for this month:
Rest is reconnecting to yourself. Once that is done everything flows easily.
I wish you all a beautiful August!!
Just so everyone knows in a couple of months I will be making an announcement about my new Two Year Teacher Training that will take place in 2025 and 2026 in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the Chi Center. Due to the level of interest the application will be quite intense. I am excited about starting the application process in the next couple of months.
Last September I had the pleasure to reconnect with Sounds True and record a new audio book that my editor called nothing less than phenomenal. The title is “Polishing the Path of the Soul”.
I was completely merged with my helping spirits and ended up sharing a powerful transmission of information plus a lot of journeys that are guided for all of you.
“Polishing the Path of the Soul” is a unique audio book that I created out of my online course (sponsored by The Shift Network) “The Dark Night of the Soul Leads to the Light of the Shaman”. I of course changed a lot, and I also added a bit from my Advanced Medicine for the Earth that I only taught to a small group once.
This is an extraordinary audio book is all I can say. You will be listening to me and also journeying. The audio book with lecture and journeys is 10+ hours.
I wanted to let everyone know I am posting regularly inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SandraIngerman and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in. I really don’t post on my Friends page anymore.
And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/991720834662313. The password is “Transfiguration”. “
I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.
It is important to me to know that I created these FB pages to give inspiration. Yes I do promote as I do have new books, audios, and courses to share about. But my reason for posting now is to help lift us all up in these challenging times. I don’t care how many people sign up for my FB pages. I am simply trying to keep our community inspired and moving forward with our work- those who want some inspiration.
Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page.
Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:
Renee Baribeau and I are in our sixth year of our podcast The Shamans Cave. For a schedule of our shows visit ShamansTV.com. Please note Renee and I are taking a break for a bit. But the archives of 6 years of shows are on www.ShamansTV.com.
I did a wonderful interview with Caroline Carey in the UK. She is known for her beautiful work with Nature. You can check out my interview on her show Soul Purpose.
Here is the link, https://shows.acast.com/how-to-find-our-soul-purpose/episodes/sandra-ingerman-a-time-for-initiation-and-reclaiming-the-sou
Many years ago, when Sounds True was putting on Wake Up Festivals in Colorado, I had the honor of meeting Christine Stevens twice. We actually shared a cabin with some of the other presenters for two years in a row. And what I can tell you is Christine Stevens is so filled with life, joy, love, optimism. I really just love her. Please check out her intro call introducing her new course.
Finding a Higher Purpose With Improvisational Native American-Style Flute: Shift Your Mind From Self-Judgment to a Creative Flow State for Deep Soul Expression with Christine Stevens
Explore the depth and ease of improvisational flute playing — technically and soulfully (and even if you don’t own a flute) — to release inhibitions caused by self-criticism, shift into flow states, find your creative expression, and even unearth your higher purpose.
An amazing mentor and teacher has entered into my life. Jacirendi Xakhar is a true shaman breathing so much life and love into everything she creates. She is an amazing artist. I have some of Jacirendi’s paintings which I treasure, and earrings and bags that I love.
Jacirendi has been creating medicine dolls. And she recently gifted me Alquimia (daughter of the Blue Lotus and of the Nile). Alquimia is not an inanimate being that I now have. Once she got grounded here in my home her presence took over the entire house. Last night I was lying in bed and smelled the herbs in her and felt her power emanating throughout my bedroom. And she is in a totally different part of my house where she can live with my amazing San Pedro and other plants.
Since Alquimia has been here I have changed. I naturally walk through my house bowing to all my plants everyday. This was some transmission I have received from Alquimia. And I look forward to how she guides me next.
Jacirendi is one who really explores the magic of bringing life into the art she creates. I love Jacirendi’s work and the depth of who she is.
I hope you will visit her website “Once in A Turquoise Blue Moon”
Kelley Harrell’s new book, From Elder to Ancestor, is an animistic celebration of eldering well as a life-long practice. We don’t age into elderhood; we initiate into it through strong relationship with Nature and each other. This book lays the groundwork of cultivating ethical relationship with ourselves, communities, and other-than-humans to leave the world better than we found it, and to become good Ancestors.
You can order the book from https://www.innertraditions.com/books/from-elder-to-ancestor and learn more about Kelley’s work at soulintentarts.com.
Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.