We hold hands as a loving circle and walk forward in our true identity as Source, and with our soul having the knowledge of the roadmap of life.

We also together greet the 26th anniversary of the Transmutation News. It is amazing. We started in 2000 with Sylvia Edwards offering to set up a website for me. Before that a dear friend published my columns on a Fall to Grace. Bob Edgar put this newsletter up each month after I faxed him a handwritten copy, and it would appear on Carol Proudfoot Edgar’s website. So I have been writing this column for actually 28 years now.

And as I keep saying I have not written anything that is that much different in 28 years as we have been facing one challenge on Earth after another. But the point of our journey through life is to recognize we chose to be born at certain times to enter a certain play going on the planet. Our ego says, “No I never chose that”. But if you did not choose to be here, I wonder how you got here?

When I first began teaching Medicine for the Earth, I posed the question to participants that children being born now will have evolved to a place where they can survive on a planet filled with toxins just ready to be transmuted into pure light that feeds the Earth and all of life. I was reading articles about children born with more complex organs to handle toxins.

This prediction did not manifest at least in present times, as children are coming in already ill from the toxins passed down through their parents and ancestors.

But we know everything can be transmuted to light. The key is using intention + love + union + harmony + concentration + focus + and imagination.

If you need a review of this work, please look at my books Medicine for the Earth and Walking in Light.

The practice of transmutation takes a lot of commitment, practice, intention, and concentration. And if you are not willing to open and expand your imagination to dream bigger things than your ego can then I do not know how successful you will be. Your intention must be clear, and you must do all the work to prepare so that you are in a state of harmony and have filled all your cells with the light of your own Spirit.

If you do this work day in and day out and then minute to minute life will seem much different. You do this work as you breathe, eat, drink, speak, walk, work. This work is not something you do it is who you are and who you become in our big vast collective where many people are feeling insignificant and very small right now. And you need to know that this is not you and not true and it is time for you to stand in your strength and let your inner light shine and stay focused and not lose sight of your path. Never lose sight of your path so you don’t get lost or start following a path that does not lead to the destiny of your soul.

And the choices you make after you begin the New Year can lead you to a place and a way of life that might surprise you.

When I wrote my second book, Welcome Home I focused a lot on the power of community. And I wrote about inner city community gardens. Well in current news I read about one that is feeding over 3000 residents free food.

When communities come together to help each other magic does happen, and we remember the power, strength, and agency we have to help ourselves and others.

Performing the Medicine for the Earth practices and helping to support your community to help each other is the way I see that we make it through. And as Isis has been saying to me every day, “The ground below you is dissolving so keep moving”. And I am.

During this potent time, I invite you to join me on staying focused on the path of life that brings us to a life of harmony where we remember that Earth, Air, Water, and Fire (the Sun) bring us life. They love us and if we appreciate them with love everyday and thank them throughout the day for all the life they give us and bring us, we will move into a place of sacred reciprocity with Nature.

And once we have that we have everything.

The full moon is on January 13 of this year. January 13 is my birthday, and I am finally moving out of my Death year in the tarot which is a major year of rite of passage.

This year of possibilities has not even begun for all of us. We don’t know the beauty waiting for us when we walk through the darkness. Let’s honor our lives and the lives of all, by dropping that which keeps us from our divine presence- the light we were born with when we came into this world. If you are distracted find a ceremony, a prayer, a song, a dance to bring you into center aligned with your true identity which is Source. And let your light flow effortlessly through the dimensions of time and life and join with our community to lift our circle and all of life into a different evolution of consciousness where when we set our intention and do our work beautiful changes can happen. We allow our light to flow as deeply as possible within ourselves and the Earth touching all of life remembering how the river of life flows so effortlessly.

If you are new reader of the Transmutation News please read “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage of this site for directions for our monthly ceremony.

Welcome to 2025!!


I am teaching a seven-week course on Death as a Rite of Passage for the Shift Network starting January 7. This is a course I have been teaching since I started teaching shamanism. But I am leaving out teaching how to perform psychopomp work for this work is for advanced practitioners, and this is not an advanced course.

This is such a beautiful course for anyone who wishes to learn about death, how to meet with loved ones who have crossed over, finishing up unfinished business with those who have passed on, how to teach someone facing death how to meet a helping being, how to sit with someone who is dying while transfiguring, and ceremonies to honor the dying, whether those who died are humans, pets, trees, plants, other nature beings we love.

But it does require the need to have a good relationship with a helping spirit. I have a wonderful Evergreen class (which was once live and is now it is a recording) on the Ancient Practice of Shamanic Journeying. Whether you are looking at this course as a prerequisite for another shamanic course or for spiritual guidance during these amazing and challenging times it will give you a beautiful way to journey to the Lower World, Middle World, and Upper World and meet your helping spirits who can answer your questions and give you healing help.

Click here for more information on my upcoming training on Death as a Shamanic Rite of Passage:    

And for The Ancient Practice of Shamanic Journeying (Evergreen) please click on this link:  https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/apsjSI/ingerman/

I am delighted to let everyone know that my book Walking in Light is now available as an audio book. I love this book. It is a compilation of a lot of my work as well as having all that I teach in my course Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light.

I have not received a lot of reviews for my audiobook “Polishing the Path of the Soul”. But the ones I did get are so good I am doing the program again, and it is great. I was in such a deep spiritual place when I spent a week recording this audio book. I don’t remember a recording I ever did that went this deep or far or embraced so much of the energy of unconditional love!

I am still consistently posting inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SandraIngerman  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this for a year now and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/991720834662313. The password is “Transfiguration”. “

I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.

It is important to me to know that I created these FB pages to give inspiration. Yes I do promote as I do have new books, audios, and courses to share about. But my reason for posting now is to help lift us all up in these challenging times. I don’t care how many people sign up for my FB pages. I am simply trying to keep our community inspired and moving forward with our work- those who want some inspiration.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website. Below is a link to that page.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:


Renee Baribeau and I are excited to be back on The Shamans Cave. We are doing audio only. For more information please visit www.ShamansTV.com. We are having a wonderful time being back!

Do you want to invite more miracles into your life? My dear friends Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter, and Lisa Nichols have created a powerful free ebook, Manifest A Life of Miracles: 4 Steps to Living in the Miracle Zone.  Inside, you’ll discover simple yet life-changing steps to start living a miraculous life!  https://au384.isrefer.com/go/ebook/grace/ I have advertised Marci’s course before, and some of you signed up to the course and loved it. The ebook takes you to more info about the course.

Copyright 2025 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

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