I have not had a chance to share about my One Year Practitioner Training at the Chi Center right outside of Santa Fe. 50 souls traveled from all over the country, some from Europe, Australia and even some from Japan. So we had the most interesting mix of people who bonded immediately. And then came the drums and the dancing and the incredible dance between humans, the spirits, the land, and each other. I can only say I was in true ecstasy and happy that I am back in person and connecting both with helping spirits and humans again in profound and meaningful ways. I can’t imagine teaching any other way anymore!

It’s been really interesting for me to get feedback on Walking Through Darkness. So many of you have read it now and are giving me feedback on the book. For some it has become like a lifeline. Finally, there are authors talking about walking through the darkness instead of immediately trying to turn everything into positivity and light.

The Medicine for the Earth work does focus on building an inner landscape that is so rich and beautiful that is what you see when you open your eyes and step into the world. Our perception creates our reality and when we get too dark that is what we see inside and outside of us.

But again, in life there are just certain truths where we can’t do a spiritual bypass. And when you have been deeply hurt in your life it is important to walk through that territory too. And that is how we get through to the other side where we can embrace beauty.

While walking through the darkness our ego is stripped. Until our ego is stripped we really can’t see the world of spirit that is so alive and vibrant every second no matter what is going on in and around us.

Our collective is in a deep initiation now. And it is the people whose egos are being stripped that are stepping into new states of evolution. It is beautiful to see. But some of us had to start with feeling the loss and feelings of betrayal that accompany a deep initiation before we could see that a true gift was being given to us. The gift is embracing life from another level of consciousness where we do feel fully empowered to live life in a good way despite the challenges.

That is the key. And when we do leave the dark night of the soul and the light welcomes us home, we have the tools to caretake the Earth and ourselves which of course is all one.

As we approach the summer/winter solstice on June 20 it is a time of celebrating the longest day of the year but mostly honoring the power of the sun which gives us life. As all times of changing phases these are wonderful and potent times to set your intention for the coming season and connecting with nature.

Some people like to perform ceremonies in nature at a park, beach, or even in your own backyard. This is where I perform my ceremonies on my land which I am literally woven into.

You can read the article I wrote on how to prepare for a ceremony. Preparation is key for all sacred spiritual work. Ceremony creates sacred reciprocity so there is a lot of flow of energy being transmitted between you and the creative forces of the universe.


This link brings you to a powerful transfiguration ceremony.

We are dealing with climate change. It is time to honor the sun for all the life it gives us. We can’t survive without the sun. In shamanic cultures Shamans performed ceremonies to make sure there was balance between humans and the climate and the land where they lived.

It is time to start honoring our sacred elements and sacred ceremonies and practices and then through reciprocity we might see some dramatic changes occur. You can dance your love for the sun, sing a song, light a candle in honor of its life-giving light. If safe you could do a fire ceremony and speak with the sun. You all know how to perform ceremonies where you ask the fire to take from you a pain or something burdening your path forward. Or asking the fire to carry your intentions of what you are passionate about creating to the creative forces of the universe.

Use your drums and rattles to connect spiritually with the forces of nature and make sure to honor the sun. Perform some of the inner work I have been suggesting, to work with the energy of the sun that lives inside of you to learn and obtain knowledge of how the changing phases of the sun inside and without are impacting you.

Always remember to thank the helping spirits and the elements for their participation in your ceremony and let them know you are done, and you are releasing them.

If you are new to performing ceremonies check out my book The Book of Ceremony published by Sounds True. I wrote this for our current days and issues we could use help creating ceremonies for.

The full moon is June 21. It is the Strawberry Moon. This is our time to drop all we are doing for the greater good of all of life and prepare to do our most sacred work of harmonizing our emanating brilliant spiritual light within and throughout the Earth. May our work add to all the beautiful work people are doing in all traditions around the world to pray for peace.

When we come home to our light we will always come home to a state of peace.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.

Here is an inspiration from my journal I wrote a few years ago:

If we have a field of energy what kind of field are you building for yourself? For the energy field of energy around you in itself will impact your life and how others respond to you. Are you filling your field with being courageous to state to yourself your positive attributes, and how you share and uplift other beings? Or are you filling yourself with self-sabotaging beliefs? Or are filling yourself and your field up with all that is wrong in your life and the world? I keep sharing that we carry the ‘medicine’ of our helping spirits. Well, we carry our own ‘medicine’ too. And you and all life are healed by the ‘medicine’ you carry.

We join together to wish everyone a blessed solstice!


I  wanted to let everyone know I am posting regularly inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SandraIngerman  and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/991720834662313. The password is “Transfiguration”. “

I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.

Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy website page. Below is a link to that page.

Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:


Two upcoming webinars:

I am teaching a short webinar on shamanic journeying for the Theosophical Society on June 22. In our short time together I will teach how to journey to the Lower World, The Middle World, and the Upper World. People will leave with an introduction to the practice of direct revelation that they can utilize for the rest of your life. https://www.theosophical.org/program/webinars/experiencing-the-shamanic-journey

I am delighted to teach a webinar hosted by Shamans Portal on July 17. The webinar will be on tools for working through initiations. It is based on my new book Walking Through Darkness and will be very experiential. I am excited about sharing the work with the shamanic community.

From my heart I invite you to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit www.ShamansTV.com.  You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.

Years ago Judith Orloff would visit Santa Fe, and I got to know her. She is really a wonderful woman who really has a lot to teach about empathy.  Judith Orloff MD’s new book “The Genius of Empathy” she writes how empathy and being an empath has the transformative power to heal ourselves, strengthen our relationships, and help heal the world. Empathy is the medicine the world needs. More information at https://drjudithorloff.com/order-confirmed/genius-of-empathy-book-launch/


I really love Suzanne Geismann’s work. I think she brings true magic into her work creating big transformations for people. I am a true fan!! She has a new book ‘The Awakened Way, Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life’

Combining practical tools with powerful evidence and real-world examples, The Awakened Way demonstrates how living a divinely guided life can help anyone.  Long-time seekers (or those just starting the journey) who are committed to living from a higher perspective will find answers in this book.  People deeply grieving the loss of a loved one and desperate to know they still exist will experience the beauty of hope.  Those feeling the weight of despair will gain deeper insight from which joy will start to emerge and become a way of life. The book provides a template for permanent personal transformation, guiding readers from an emptiness that can’t be filled to a fullness that can’t be contained!

The Awakened Way is a ‘how-to guide’ with practical tools, techniques, and evidence to help people lift out of the emotional & physical confines of their earthly circumstances and see life from their Soul’s perspective – where a sense of calm, objectivity and even JOY prevails!

Go to www.theawakenedway.org to learn how to pre-order the book and receive free gifts as Suzanne’s personal ‘thank you!’

John Lockley does such brilliant work teaching South African shamanism. He is so filled with love and so much knowledge on healing to share with you. He will be doing a intro call and lecture on his work for the Shift Network. Here is the link for more information.


When I wrote Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins I fell in love with the work of Neil Douglas-Klotz. I loved how he shared how the Aramaic word for good and evil is “ripe” and “unripe”. That really shifted my perception about almost everything.

I just learned Neil Douglas-Klotz is teaching for the Shift Network and I felt a true desire to let you know about his work. His work changed so much for me on how I saw life. I quoted him quite a bit in Medicine for the Earth. I think I was probably the first person to sign up for his course after the intro call. I clicked on the  link and I bought it immediately.

According to Neil Douglas-Klotz,PhD, internationally renowned for his 40 years of pioneering work on the Aramaic words of Jesus (or Yeshua)…

… understanding what Jesus truly exemplified and said, in Aramaic, can set you free and help you build trust in your larger self and your own heart, expand your perspectives, and bring more joy into life.

His introductory call is over but you can still sign up for his course. Click on this link for more information.


Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

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