Back in the early 2000’s Isis gave me a powerful message. She said that since I come from a tribal ancestry, I wait for everyone to keep up with me on our walks into a new way of living. I have heard this from other psychics who did readings for me. They all chastised me for doing this. But of course, I would never ignore a serious and important message Isis shared with me.
I have thought a lot about this during the time we are in. For I really do believe we are walking into a new way of life together. But I have also written that you can’t save a drowning person, or you will drown too.
So I ponder on Isis’ message but also feel that this is a time for us to walk as a spiritual community together. It does not mean that we try to save everyone during our walk. But we can inspire them by giving them words of power and cheering them on. There have always been friends and relatives praying for a loved one going through an initiation.
I do believe we are creating a new paradigm that is one of the positive sides of social media in being able to show support across the landscapes and seas of this Earth.
I do believe that we have incredible potential as we walk together. We have all gained so many tools during the last few years as our collective initiation really went to a new level of challenging us to let go of our past, let our ego be stripped, and put on our true garment that is the most brilliant divine light that even our eyes can’t gaze upon.
There is so much brilliant work that everyone has done in their own way by transforming yourself through a course you took, or reading an empowering book, listening to lectures of old and new wise ones, meditating, spending time in nature and relating, truly connecting with it, and giving offerings of thanks in sacred reciprocity. And using direct revelation to allow your spirits to guide you and bring up the issues you must heal before going forward. Of course, many of you made big changes through your night dreams.
If you take some time to stop and reflect on where you started and where you are now you have to be in a state of awe of the deep work you have done. Will it change what is happening in the destruction of the collective – we know all the positive love that floods into the collective does create transformation but when is the question?
For us we can’t just focus on the dense side of the collective who has not been touched by the preciousness of every being living on this great Earth. But as we change we do step into a different dimension of reality and we don’t bring our worries with us. We bring with us what we love about life and the beauty and love that all of life came into here to experience.
To continue a bit on this theme Isis spoke to me about “connections”. She asked me to look at the connections I have made and what connections I need to let go of. And many of you contacted me about how profound the practice of staying completely present and focusing on your present feelings has been for you.
When we do stay present in this way we do need to make new connections to our present. Life is about connections. We are awed by all the information of how tree roots make connections with each other and help each other in times of trouble. We are amazed at all the fascinating information coming out on how mushrooms create such important life-giving support underground.
Are our connections healthy in our lives right now? Do we need to establish new connections for our health? How connected are we to Source and to our inner Source? How connected are we to Earth, Wind, Fire, Water? How connected are we to our helping spirits and our spiritual ceremonies? How connected are we to the land we live on even if we live in a city? Do you perform simple daily rituals to connect to yourself, your helping spirits, your ancestors, and the land?
In the times we live in there is an understanding about the gut and brain connection. If you have stomach issues, they affect your brain. And this is the most popular medical information being shared today. We are looking at how disconnected we are on so many levels – our bodies, our spiritual practices, our connection between our mind, ego, heart, and our inner spirit and soul.
I believe if we examine our connections and what is unhealthy and the new connections to be made, we will step into a new state of health on all levels. For we are experiencing so much disconnection in ourselves and to the world at large forging new connections might just bring us back to a state of harmony.
On this next full moon February 24, let’s deepen our transfiguration practice so that we do feel we have a robe or a costume over our brilliant divine light that once removed brings a new dimension of reality of life. Perform your preparation work. Don’t forget that it is the state you are in that allows the light to be absorbed by you and emanated in a way that holds all of life in the web of life in light and love.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please visit Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage to learn about our full moon ceremonies.
Although I am delighted about returning to in-person teaching in 2024, I also have a workshop I would like to teach online. When I teach my own workshops online through Sylvia Edwards hosting me, I only advertise through dedicated emails. If you would like to sign up for future courses, you have a better chance of getting in if you find out first through a dedicated email. If you are not signed up on my email list you might consider doing so.
Also Sabine our French translator is taking a sabbatical. So we are looking for another volunteer who is willing to translate the Transmutation News into French. If you are willing to help out to bring the column our French readers, please email Sylvia Edwards at info@sandraingerman.com
And please join me in thanking Sabine for her time and commitment and in wishing her all the best!
I wanted to let everyone know I am posting daily inspiration posts on my Authors Page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SandraIngerman and @ingermansandra on Instagram. I have been doing this since December and all the posts are still up. Reading and pondering what I am sharing is very inspiring. I hope you will check in.
And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/991720834662313. The password is “Transfiguration”. “
I love going to Shamans are Gardeners of Energy to rest from life and take in so much of the beauty that people post. It is my sacred space for getting away from the conditioned world.
My new book Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss co-written with Llyn Roberts will be coming out in February 13, but is now ready to preorder on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You could do me a favor by ordering off of my website under Books and Audio Programs.
Also Llyn Roberts and I will be doing a book release webinar through East West Books where if you register you will receive a free copy of our new book. The event will take place February 13, 2024.
In this release event for our new book, together, Llyn Roberts and I share how you can transform and grow through your greatest challenges, no matter what they are. Inspired by teachings from the land, the sky, the sea, and the spiritual world their sensitive and empowering guidance will help you open to your spiritual light.
Here is an imbedded link:
Here’s the full URL:
FYI – for people who have already purchased a book, when they receive the book from the event, they can just gift it to a friend on their own.
May the teachings in this book help you walk wakefully as you find your way back home.
My One Year Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training is full. And we have a long waiting list.
If you are interested in such a training taught by the teachers I trained please visit my website www.shamanicteachers.com where there are a variety of workshops that teach the same material, I am teaching in my One-Year Training.
And if you are looking for a shamanic practitioner or teacher that I have trained, refer to, and believe in please visit www.shamanicteachers.com. Teachers and practitioners are working in person or remotely.
Sylvia Edwards has generously compiled a list of the ceremonies that have been shared so far on the Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy webpage. Below is a link to that page. Once there, you will find all the past recordings with a description.
Thank you, Sylvia, for gifting us with this list:
From my heart I invite you to watch The Shamans Cave. Renee Baribeau and I are in our fifth year of our podcast, and we keep getting stronger and passionate about the topics we feel are important to discuss right now. For a schedule of our shows visit www.ShamansTV.com. You can really help us out by subscribing to our show and commenting when you watch or listen to it.
This new Etsy shop has two shamanic resources to help you enter the new year with greater intentions and more meaningful rituals: a year-end reflection and intention-setting workbook, and a moon medicine guidebook with monthly lunar calendar sheets. Use the code SHAMANICGIFTS to save 50% through the end of February. Juniper Stokes, one of our brilliant practitioner and teachers on www.shamanicteachers.com is stepping out and giving it a go on Etsy. Juniper is such a beautiful soul and creates amazing products. Please check out her site on Etsy!! You will be supporting a wonderful shamanic teacher getting her “magic” out into the world.
Link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Alchemessence
Bonus Program: Journeying to Heal the Wounds of the Feminine with Sandra Ingerman
In this guided process, I will take you on an inner shamanic journey to work with your guides to surface, understand, and heal key aspects of your feminine qualities as a soul. All of us have wounds from the last era around this dimension of our soul and I will invoke Isis to help in the healing of your female incarnations and/or feminine qualities. I will lead this in a way that allows you to take the journey whenever you need it to work with another layer arising for healing.
This session will be a bonus for a larger course on Mary Magdeline that I will not be teaching. The intro call for this course was on November 21. But you can still sign up.
You can register here for Walking the Path of the Magdalene: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/wtpmSI/ingerman/
Copyright 2024 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.