Our fate is dependent on how much inner work we do. And no one can do this work for us.
In my journeys for this month, I was shown that the upcoming change in seasons will be quite powerful. On June 20 those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere will move into summer and those in the Southern Hemisphere will move into winter. The summer is a time to birth all that has been germinating within. And the winter is a time to slow down and allow our inner landscape to regenerate. This is a rest period before we begin germinating new life again.
It is always important to remember that as we are nature our participation in the changes in the cycles of life is key. For many of us live such fast-paced lives we don’t take the time to deepen our connection with nature and opportunities to fully engage in these powerful changes and the cycles pass us by. We are simply taken along passively in a process where we don’t understand all that is occurring. But when we fully engage and participate in the changes then we have the opportunity to make choices to flow with the changes in a graceful way.
You are all aware of a variety of myths that come from different cultures about the Gods and goddesses sitting in the Upper World looking down on the Earth. And from their vantage point they would watch humans try to navigate life. There would be a variety of conversations that they would engage in while they looked down upon us. Some of the conversations would be filled with compassion for the trials/ tribulations and the suffering that comes with living life. And some would be quite insulting as the Gods and goddesses would criticize humans for the choices we make and how ignorant we can be to the mysteries and also the magic of life.
On June 20, which is the solstice I invite you to join our circle and perform a meditation or shamanic journey where you travel to the Upper World and let us gather as a circle who has the same vantage point and view as the Gods and goddesses of past and present traditions.
Once you get to the Upper World there will be a great amphitheater where you can take a seat. Or you might choose to stand. In the middle of the amphitheater there will be a large pool of water that sits in a beautiful sculpture. And in the ways of the ancients, we can see into the water. As we look into this great pool, we can see our lives from a different perspective.
I would suggest that you do not try to observe all life on the Earth. It might be too overwhelming to take in all that is happening during this time. But look from above into your own life. As you do this, observe your level of participation in life and the changes of cycles that the Earth is going through. Are you ignorant to the changes and just going along passively as the river of life carries you through life? Or are you slowing down your activity level and choosing to not get caught up in the stress that humans are now living due to all the demands on us. Are you making a choice to ride a different wave and slow down and live life more consciously? Are you making choices that lead you to living at a different vibration and frequency than mass consciousness? And are you fully participating in life?
These are important questions for you to answer. For life is speeding up, the situations in the world are getting more intense, and we can all easily be swept away by the river of life instead of riding the waves and currents with grace and consciousness.
After you have completed your journey or meditation let’s meet in the clearing at the altar we created in December of 2015. We created an altar where we have been leaving gifts, offerings, and prayers for yourself, others, and all of life on the Earth. Let’s meet here after being cleansed by the guardian spirits who care for our sacred ground in this place. Gather around the altar. Bring a gift of a word, thought, or a dream that you can share with our group. Feel the soft earth under your feet, smell the sweet fragrances of the trees surrounding us, listen to the song of nature as everything that is alive sings. You might wish to sing a song of blessing and celebration as we greet the solstice – a new time, a new cycle, a change in our own inner landscape. Feel the positive energy that is being shared and gaze upon the bright faces of our circle. Speak your word, thought, or dream for each other, all of life, and the Earth. Let us bless our circle and the Earth during this powerful time of change. Let us greet the power of this change with excitement for all that it brings for us in our lives. As we do this we become in closer relationship with ourselves which is Nature and with Nature itself.
Remember Nature is Intelligent and always knows how to meet the changes with full participation. We are Intelligent and know how to engage fully in the transitions we face now and those that are ahead.
Let us wish each other and all of life a powerful and joyful solstice.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News you can read the December 2015 column by clicking on the link https://www.sandraingerman.com/tndecember2015.html
Let’s also make a commitment to continue to visit our altar and leave gifts and prayers to create a stronger collective. You can bring a gift that speaks to your heart. You can visit the altar for comfort, or as a place to pray, meditate, or journey for yourself, others, for all of life and for the Earth.
June 20 is not only when we greet the solstice. It is also a time when we greet the full moon and continue our work to weave into being a radiant web of light. This light goes deep into the Earth and shines within and throughout the Earth.
Begin by doing your preparation work. To transfigure to a being of divine light that truly has the power to transform we have to embody the true vibration of divine light. Have you been doing this? If not, this is the next step of your work.
Let go of your day and leave your ordinary thoughts and burdens of life behind you. Take time to meditate, sing, dance, walk. Try doing such practices such as tai chi, yoga, or chi gong. Do something that lifts you out of the dense consciousness of the collective.
Travel within and experience your divine light. This light is brighter than any light you have experienced in this earthly realm. Let this light flow through you as it travels through the root system of the Earth. And let it flow within and throughout the Earth as we weave a shiny and ethereal textured web of life that brightens and lifts all of life into a vibration where unconditional love is manifested into form and into the world.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News, please visit “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage.
Please note: Due to my contract with the Shift Network I will need to send out one or two dedicated emails about my upcoming new teleconferencing course. If you do not want to read the emails, simply delete them rather than unsubscribing from my email list. Thanks!
I wish everyone a deep, rich, and joyous solstice!
Special Acknowledgement and Remembering Bob Edgar
I know that all of you who have been reading the Transmutation News for years know that my column was inspired by Bob Edgar. And for those of you who are new readers I would like to share the history of this column.
In 1997 after my visionary novel A Fall to Grace was published, my friend Bob Edgar encouraged me to start a monthly column. He so generously volunteered to help me put up the column each month originally on the website www.shamanicvisions.com. This website was designed for Carol Proudfoot Edgar (my dear friend, brilliant shamanic teacher and Bob’s beloved wife). I was not on email at the time. So, I would type the column and then fax it to Bob. In 2000 after Medicine for the Earth was published Bob helped me change the column to The Transmutation News. Eventually Sylvia Edwards helped me to create www.sandraingerman.com, and we moved the column to this website.
If it was not for Bob Edgar this column would never have come into being. I have been writing the column since 2000, and it has been translated (by volunteer translators) into a wealth of languages so we now have quite the global community reading the Transmutation News and working together.
On February 1 Bob Edgar died. He left such a wonderful legacy behind. He was a known scientist who was once nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. He was a loving husband to Carol, and an inspiration to others in the shamanic community as he participated in shamanic workshops and ongoing circles. And he created a men’s group of his own. He was also an amazing flute player.
What we all remember about Bob was how generous he was in inspiring others and helping others to get their work out. And of course, Bob loved to help others learn how to play the Native American flute. He had his own teaching page on www.shamanicvisions.com. He was such a humble man who did not talk openly about his accomplishments. I am not sure he ever knew how many people he helped and inspired. He was loved by so many. And I am proud to say that Bob was a friend.
I ask us all to take a moment to honor Bob Edgar for helping me to birth the Transmutation News and to have been such a loving and shining presence on this great Earth.
Please hold and send prayers for Bob’s life and his transition on June 4 when there will be a memorial for him done by the University of California, Santa Cruz with support from Carol. There have already been lovely shamanic ceremonies performed for him in Santa Cruz.
Copyright 2016 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.