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Obviously I wrote the November Transmutation News before the election in the United States, so I am sure there are all kinds of emotions flying around inside you as well as our collective.

No matter if you are happy or angry about the results the Medicine for the Earth work is a way of life that is unconditional and the practices and ceremonies continue whether we are happy or angry.

Ceremonies are a sacred act and are the shaman’s vehicle of change. We don’t stop doing the work.

The Transmutation News has been through different phases over the years. Originally the idea for a monthly column was seeded by Bob Edgar’s encouragement. Bob was the husband of Carol Proudfoot Edgar who was a brilliant shamanic teacher. She still is as she works with her local community. I became part of their website

At the time I had self-published a visionary novel A Fall to Grace. Each month I included an excerpt of wisdom from one of the helping spirits talking, and I suggested a journey to go with the teaching. I hand wrote each column and faxed it to Bob who typed it up.

Then in 2000 the monthly column was transformed to Medicine for the Earth. I wrote on the Medicine for the Earth work and was quite prolific. I had some monthly columns that were 5 to 10 pages with no announcements. Times were different then.

I also began our monthly ceremony, The Human Web of Light. The first year a Buddhist monk wrote me a letter saying that his monastery joined us each month. I received a letter from a pastor saying they wrote a song for the transfiguration ceremony, and they sang it and joined us each month.

It has been a rich experience for me to share the work with so many people from all different walks of life and backgrounds.

As the needs of our collective changed people no longer wish to read long blogs and newsletters. I also have less to share. The Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work are simple practices and ceremonies that immerse us in divine light, unconditional love, and Nature.

These practices and ceremonies although simple, take a lifetime to master in order to get the miraculous results possible. Levels of focus and concentration are needed that are beyond the scope of what people in our culture are trained to be able to hold. And performing ceremonies and your daily work cannot depend on the outer conditions of your life or the world. Mastery demands unconditional love in the midst of trauma and dissolution.

So there is not new material for me to write about except to remind you and inspire you to keep up the work.

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In this regards The Transmutation News is going through another phase of change.

I will continue to write The Transmutation News in the format we have now. And the columns are so generously translated into many languages.

To add to the offering each month I will prerecord either a journey for us to do together or a guided ceremony. Sylvia Edwards has agreed to record the offerings on Zoom and a link will be posted.

After time goes by, I will invite teachers listed on to record an offering. Their work is brilliant, and I want to introduce them to you. So at some point we will rotate. But I will do most of the recordings.

To be clear there will be one recorded journey or ceremony per month.

Then, the exciting news is Sylvia and I started a new Facebook page just for our global circle. The Facebook page name is Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy. If you have been reading the column you know this became my favorite teaching The Ancient Ones shared with me.

If you want to join, click on this link:

There is a question to join. The answer is “Transfiguration”.

This Facebook group is only open to people on my email list who have been in this circle. You can join the Facebook group now and I will participate in the discussions starting December 21 on the Solstice.

The focus of this new Facebook page Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy is to flood the collective and Nature with reverence, prayer, unconditional love, and light. Light is the highest frequency we can work with.

If your post does not reflect a positive attitude, honor, and reverence it will be removed. What will happen to our circle if we immerse ourselves in the same consciousness we want to live? Do you want to get lost in the noise or experience another choice; another way to live our lives?

I am very excited that we have a format to do some powerful work together and share it!

The full moon is November 30. Let’s concentrate and focus, after some good preparation work, on perceiving ourselves as a bright star in the night sky flooding the Earth and all of life with unconditional love and divine light.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.

November is when Thanksgiving is celebrated in America. Let’s use the power of gratitude in the United States and add to that energy for the good of all of life.

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