I am back from Europe and I had a wonderful trip. I hope you had a wonderful summer solstice. I completely lost track of time and forgot to acknowledge the summer solstice on the June Transmutation News. Time is moving so rapidly it is hard to keep up.

Last month I said that I would write a bit about my trip to Iceland. I really loved it there. It is a very unique part of the world and the land is quite beautiful. The land is relatively new compared to other locations in the world. What I found in this newness was a very clear psychic field. As I traveled around I could just close my eyes and have access to all non-ordinary information I was searching for. I really liked being in such a field. I felt like I could really sink my feet into connecting deep within the earth.

Fifty four percent of the residents of Iceland believe in the hidden folk. Out of the 44% who question their existence 37% are unwilling to completely discount their existence. Many of the people grew up on stories about the hidden folk so they are not willing to completely say they do not believe in them as the old myths and beliefs still exist.

I did have an opportunity to go to Elf School, which is run by Magnus Skarphedinsson. Magnus is a historian, researcher, and also a psychic. He is an incredible wealth of information when it comes to talking about the hidden folk.

We spent about four hours with him and he told one story after another. And I also had the opportunity to talk about shamanism.

Although Magnus does talk about 13 different types of elves, the existence of gnomes, dwarves, and fairies he mostly talked about the hidden people. There are three races of the hidden people and they are human like us, but the best way I can describe them is that they live in another dimension.

Magnus has a huge resource of stories that he has collected from around the world where the hidden people came through to make contact with humans of our time. He also has worked with mediums to make contact with these people.

The hidden people live a simple life and are in deep connection with the earth and honor nature. They have decided to remain hidden because they say humans of our world lie and cannot be trusted. I found that to be interesting.

There are many stories where the hidden people came through to help someone who needed help while hiking in nature and also people who needed some healing help. They seem quite sophisticated in their knowledge of healing. Many children have also had hidden people children as friends.

I asked Magnus if the hidden people had any messages for us. He said that they have stressed that we must protect nature. We must protect our karma and destiny by having good behavior towards others and ourselves. We must stop lying. We must learn how to love ourselves.

These are all things that we are all working on right now.

Iceland is a great place to visit. If you are interested in going you need to know it is very expensive so you must be prepared for that.

We stayed at a wonderful hotel in Reykjavik called the Hotel Phoenix (http://www.randburg.com/is/hotelfonix/). The hotel was the only part of our trip that was not too expensive. The owners really put themselves out to help make our trip wonderful. We have never experienced such care and service in our travels. Although they did not share our spiritual beliefs they had great fun humoring us.

Magnus Skarphedinsson runs Elf School on Friday afternoons. If you are interested in finding out more information here is the contact info for the school:

The Elfschool
Sidumuli 31
108 Reykjavik

phone 354 (country code) 894-4014.

The current email address I have is: salo@salo.is

But please be aware that they do not answer correspondence in a timely fashion.

Although Icelandic is spoken in the country most people speak English. And our hotel owners and Magnus also speak German. There are probably more languages that they speak, but these two I know they do.

Over the last couple of months I have written about working to raise your frequency. This is such important work for the times we live in. The dream of mass consciousness is so entrenched in our psyches we must work harder to wake up. As we wake up and move into a different frequency we have a different experience of life.

As I have already written you can raise your frequency by connecting with the true vibration of the earth. So when I work with this I ask to experience the true resonance beyond the concrete and beyond the illusions mass consciousness has projected onto the earth. I ask to go beyond illusion and be connected with the true vibration and just to experience that.

I know some of my students want to connect with these new frequencies and just do not know how to do so. I think the first step is to set your intention to do so and to ask for your own personal guidance in your journeys and meditations.

Personally I find that the setting of intention is key for me. Once I set my intention my prayers are answered and I can tap into the higher frequencies when I take the time to do so.

As with everything we are working with it is all about practice.

And please remember that you are already connected to the earth and you are earth. You are connected to new frequencies and you are the new frequencies. Drop the veils of illusion and delusion that separate you from that which you are. Experience and radiate the new frequencies now.

I wanted to let everyone know that my talk at the United Nations on Medicine for the Earth is still scheduled for July 27. I do not have more information than that right now.

My hope is that spiritual work is seen as an important element to blend with the political and environmental work being done today. I also want to bring through a message of hope. I hope you will keep a good thought that the message gets through to those who attend.

I will also talk some on soul retrieval as I think that this is such an important issue that so many people are dealing with today.

I could use some support too. I feel the lecture is important and I am happy to do it. But I must admit I am nervous about it. And I trust the spirits I work with will come through to help guide me with the words needed to touch the hearts of all who are present. I know I will not be alone during my talk. I trust in my spirits and I trust in the power of love and light.

Also the new edition of Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self with an added Afterword and new cover should be in bookstores around July 20. The cover is really quite beautiful and definitely holds a different frequency than the previous cover.

The full moon is July 10. Let’s continue to weave a vibrant web of light within and around the planet touching all of life with love and new frequencies to lift us into harmony and peace.

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