This is the month where love is celebrated almost universally. It would be a wonderful dream to focus on, of a world where people share love on a daily basis with each other and all of life.

In the past I have always taught that spirits take a form to incarnate on the Earth to manifest a unique talent they wish to express in this lifetime and to experience the beauty and wonder of having a physical form. Spirits can’t see colors, taste food, smell the fragrances of flowers, feel textures, or hear the sounds that bring us so much joy.

But recently I received such a beautiful message from my spirits. They told me that the true reason spirits take form is to be able to feel others’ heartbeats. I thought about this, and I feel this was such a profound message to share. For it is such a joy to experience the heartbeat of the Earth, all of life, and especially our loved ones.

There is so much about being human we just don’t understand. We give so much importance to collecting tangible things and accumulating more of what we don’t really need to find meaning and joy in life. We talk endlessly without appreciating the power of silence.

But we keep using phrases of the importance of evolving into beings that live a life of unconditional love while we tend to support power over, greed, and division.

And most of us are really seeing the devastating effects of so much division being displayed in the world right now. It is really sad to experience so much hate being sent into our collective when we came here to learn about love.

And truly “division” is what is creating our current initiation. For dismemberment happens by some destructive force breaking up life as usual so something new can be reborn out of the death of the life we once knew.

I always wonder how bad things have to get before people wake up to the power of unity, being a presence of light, and emanating love. Imagine how different our lives would if we lived in harmony with each other.

I have found myself disconnecting almost completely from what is going on in the world. There is an energy being projected that does not feel good to be part of.

I keep focusing on the work I have been sharing over the years to bring the feminine principle into balance as the masculine energies continue to run the world. Yes, the feminine can be fierce as we witness in the actions of Kali, Sekmet, and goddesses from other traditions. But the fierceness is to cut through illusion. And we are certainly caught in illusion right now.

When I read most of the arguments that people share about the Covid, politics, race, climate change, and ways of living, it actually seems like people are losing their minds. For so much being shared is from pure ego and not from a true place of spirit. We just have not been here on Earth long enough to understand the complexities and dynamics of spirit and the mysteries of the universe. But so many people are acting like they are privy to so much that we really can’t know in our limited perceptions of life.

I am finding a true state of inner peace by focusing on my spiritual work, spending time writing my new book, and being in nature.

I know many readers want to stay in the “the fight” and this is your destiny to try and engage in the collective and be a voice of change.

As I did this many times in my life, now I am learning about the beauty of silence and peace.

Recently my husband and I were turning off the TV to go to bed. But we got mesmerized by a program that was running on unusual sea creatures. The wonder of all the nature programs is that we can witness the amazing imagination and creativity that went into creating some nature beings. It is just remarkable how unique some of these beings are and you can’t help but be completely taken over with a feeling of awe and wonder when you see some of the beings we share the Earth with.

My favorite part of teaching courses on the Spirits of Nature through the Shift Network was the photos of unusual nature beings people shared. I was in continual wonder as I never imagined the wealth of nature beings most people will never get to see but who are extraordinary.

On the program we were watching one of the beings they were showing were Nautilus. This ancient being is over 500 million years old and has not changed in their evolution much like the dragonfly which I love writing about. These beings have been here so much longer than us, and adapted without making many changes to their form. And although they are impacted by environmental changes they still live their lives as they have for millions of years.

What intrigued me about the Nautilus was not just its unusual appearance but the fact that after spending its days on top of the ocean they drop 2000 feet into the sea to get deep and protected rest.

I was thinking about how I always write about the power of finding quiet and deep rest through silence. Silence is not something we get to experience in this world run by technology which is always creating sounds 24/7. We have to drop really deep into our Inner World as the Nautilus does at night.

And I have encouraged you to drop down deep into yourself to learn about the spiritual strength in your inner landscape and find the silence that not only allows you to rest but a state where you can listen to the directions of your soul and spirit.

I think the more we can do this, we get the energy to evolve, make changes in our lives, and adapt in these changing times.

So when we celebrate Valentine’s Day this year let’s think about all the beings that depend on us to create a new dream by allowing our hearts to open more, embracing all of life. For the continued division will certainly destroy all we love.

And the heartbreak of these times does expand our capacity for compassion, empathy, and love.

Let’s choose to hold the planet and all of life in love during our continuing intense times of the dissolution of a way of life as we have known it.

February 16 is the full moon. Let’s focus on opening our hearts in a way that shows our unlimited capacity to be a being of love and light. And let’s also focus on absorbing the love of the Creator and the creative forces of the universe. For loving ourselves is part of our evolution of consciousness. We tend to be so hard on ourselves which blocks our ability to be a true presence of love and light. For if you judge yourself too harshly how does this impact your presence in our collective energies.

Perform your preparation work so that you can step away from your humanness and transfigure into a divine being that only knows light and love. Emanate this throughout the collective. And feel your heartbeat merging with the love of our circle and the heartbeat of the Earth and the entire web of life.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage of this site.

Whether you are spending the day alone or with a loved one let’s wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day and know that you are truly loved!

For this month’s journey Fotoula Adrimi is bringing a huge gift of retrieving our essence. Fotoula lives and teaches In Scotland. She has a marvelous reputation with all her students. She is one of my trusted teachers, and is one of the teachers I asked to keep my work going when I am gone. I trust her so much and her commitment to responsibility, commitment and integrity.

To learn more about Fotoula and her work please visit her website

Here is what Fotoula writes about her recording:

In this recording, Fotoula, guides participants into a shamanic healing journey. The intention is to retrieve the primordial memory of wholeness and heal at soul level. Through the ancient practice of shamanism, the helping spirits offer us a way to retrieve the parts of our essence we are now ready to receive and incorporate into our life, so that we can walk our spiritual path towards the embodiment of our light. Fotoula shares how these ancestral ways were almost lost in her Greek family lineage and voices a heartfelt invite from the ancestors for us to remember this ancient spirituality of the Earth that is part of our human heritage.

To watch this month’s journey, click on

To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. 


Right now due to the Covid, and the massive airplane cancellations due to weather, lack of pilots, and staff, Isis’ statement she made in the 1990s is definitely relevant right now. She said there would come a day when students could not afford to travel to workshops or travel would start to become impossible. Therefore in 2004 I began training wonderful teachers teaching all over the world. Please visit to look at the wealth of workshops you can take and are probably close to where you live.

And on you can find shamanic practitioners from all over the world who trained with me who are doing remote healings right now. And many are working with people in person.

I am waiting until I know if I can complete a Practitioner Training while we are still dealing with the Covid and the danger of retreat centers having to close. I am waiting to see how things proceed for the Practitioner Training I will teach at a physical retreat center. As you know I believe teaching advanced healing workshops online is unethical and dangerous. The internet is not a way to transmit the ancient healing practices that can be the difference of life or death in a client’s life.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information.

Please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops.

And of course Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on  

You can really do me a big favor by just pushing the Subscribe button on Shamans TV. It is a way for Renee and me to get more support from You Tube.

Copyright 2022 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

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