Transmutatie Nieuws juli 2022

Je weet ook dat mensen zich erg rusteloos voelen en eigenlijk gewoon terug willen naar hun vorig leven waarin alles normaal leek. Natuurlijk ging niets harmonieus anders zouden we nu niet zo’n intensiteit van de ontwrichting zien.

Ik heb de commentaren van sommige van mijn vrienden en betrokken studenten gehoord. Zij zijn er echt klaar voor het volle leven weer aan te gaan. En zo velen die ik ken die zo’n strikt regime van meditatie, yoga en shamanic oefeningen aanhielden, vertellen me nu dat ze meer tijd besteden aan het leven weer oppakken, en daarmee hun oefeningen laten; of die komen op de tweede plaats als ze er tijd voor hebben.

Sommige kennissen beginnen hun dag met het nieuws in plaats van de oefeningen te doen die zoveel jaar hun leven geheeld en gevormd hebben.

Opnieuw, we raken onze prioriteiten kwijt.

We willen allemaal geloven dat het leven weer normaal wordt, hoewel niemand, denk ik, precies die term kan definiëren.

Voor mij, ik probeer een optimist te zijn, omdat ik al zo lang met mijn help-spirits heb gewerkt dat ik een groter en uitgebreider perspectief heb over wat er gaande is. Dat geeft mij handvaten hoe mijn eigen pad te blijven bewandelen in plaats van verloren te geraken in de gekte van het collectief. Door bij mijn spiritueel werk te blijven en de onrustgevoelens niet over te laten nemen, kan ik gecentreerd blijven, wetend dat er zoveel chaos en tragedie om me heen is. Ik geloof dat de enige kalmte die ik in dit leven kan creëren is de kalmte in mijn innerlijk landschap. Ik geloof dat de wereld zijn eigen bestemming heeft.

Wat ik steeds blijf zeggen, de wereld is gewoon te groot voor ons om alle tragedies op ons te nemen die op ons afkomen om ons groter te maken en onze prioriteiten te verschuiven. We moeten echt een stap terug doen en naar ons eigen leven kijken en hoe wij kunnen bijdragen aan onze gemeenschap.

Ik heb veel gesproken over “sensitieven” met Renée Baribeau in onze podcast de Shamans Cave. Ik spreek erover in presentaties tijdens topconferenties, en ik schrijf er nog veel meer over.

Onze gevoeligheid is onze kracht, het is niet onze zwakte! Het zijn altijd de fijngevoelige vrouwen en mannen geweest als shaman, mysticus, voorspeller, heler van onze gemeenschap.

Maar mensen die fijngevoelig zijn raken de weg kwijt in al het nieuws en gaan steeds meer cursussen volgen om een manier te vinden om af te komen van de gave die hen juist hier heeft geroepen om een heler voor de gemeenschap te zijn.

Dus fijngevoelig en voel je je beïnvloed door wat er allemaal gebeurt in de wereld, doe je spiritueel werk. Er ligt een andere dimensie achter de onze waar totale harmonie en balans heerst en samenwerking tussen natuur en mensheid. Wij kunnen die mooie energieën nu in ons eigen leven brengen middenin alle gekte als we ons spiritueel werk blijven doen en wanneer we de natuur onze toegang laten zijn tot die andere dimensie waar alleen maar schoonheid is.

Het is volle maan op 13 juli as. Laten we ons opnieuw aan ons spiritueel werk committeren. Het leven maakt ons wellicht een beetje meer lui, geïsoleerd, angstig, rusteloos enzovoort. Maar we kunnen nog steeds bij onszelf terugkomen. Onze spirit is ons thuis en één zijn met de creatieve krachten van het universum is de reddingslijn die we nodig hebben om een sterke band te hebben met onze eeuwige gezondheid en welzijn.

Wij kunnen een licht in de wereld zijn en verandering voor onszelf en het levensweb creëren. Maar we moeten dan actief in ons werk duiken met enthousiasme, passie, en met diepgaande voorbereiding.

Doe met mij en onze cirkel mee om samen te komen in volledige eenheid als een prachtig, briljant en stralend licht dat in de donkere delen van de Aarde schijnt.

Voor nieuwe lezers van het Transmutatie Nieuws lees ‘’Een menselijk web van licht creëren’’

via de homepage onder Dutch Ceremonies.

Sylvia hielp me een geleidde journey voor deze maand op te nemen om meer vrouwelijke energieën naar onze planeet en in ons leven te brengen om zo balans en harmonie te herstellen. Dit is de link naar de video recording:


*CD’s en boeken in meerdere talen
*Transmutatie-app gaat heten Healing your Thoughts
*practitioner en teacher training
*Ëvergreen Courses: ‘Dark Night of the Soul’
*Healing with Spiritual Light
*lijst shamanic teachers
*’Shamans are Gardeners of Energy’ op Facebook
*Shaman’s Cave
*diverse cursussen

Most of my books are published in multiple languages which is so exciting! And the languages my books are published are listed in the resource section on Books and CDs. But I am especially excited that a deal has just been made to publish How To Heal Toxic Thoughts in Vietnamese. It is selling so well everywhere right now. This simple book has so many important tools for all of us! The Vietnamese edition won’t be out for awhile as I just signed the contract.

I know I stopped talking about the updated version of the Transmutation App. We ran into quite a few technological issues. But the app will either be ready by the time this column is published or shortly after. Due to Android and IOS rules I actually had to change the name. So the app is now called Healing Your Thoughts. But the references in write ups on the app still say the Transmutation App. I will keep  you posted when the app is finished.

I am still waiting until the spirits give me the go ahead to create an in-person practitioner and Teacher Training. But there are resources for all of you to keep learning. I have once again engaged in the world and am doing some traveling again. So now my next step is finding a good retreat center for the in-person trainings I would like to do. Right now, it is not easy to find one that fits my needs.

I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times.

And Healing with Spiritual Light produced by Sounds True is a course that brings me the most feedback and how much it has changed people’s lives and ability to move with grace during these times.

On you can find shamanic practitioners from all over the world who trained with me who are doing remote healings right now. And many are working with people in person. And I have been training brilliant teachers since 2004, and you can find online workshops and in person workshops by visiting the website.

Please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. How to Heal Toxic Thoughts is selling incredibly well right now.

And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. I am back on this FB page. I had to leave FB for awhile just for a rest. But I began participating again.

And of course Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee!  Join us! Subscribe on  And subscribe on You Tube! Our show had completely taken off on You Tube, Buzz Feed, and Apple. We are getting the most amazing feedback on our podcast.

And if you have a topic you wish for us to address you can email I will receive your email and the topic is appropriate Renee and I will discuss it.

I will be teaching a new online course for the Shift Network, and I am excited about it as it will create a stronger community and more engagement from participants than in my other online courses.

First I will have an intro call with Stephen Dinan which many of you will find interesting as I will be talking about what we have gained and what we have lost by introducing shamanism to the Western World. I have been reflecting on this for months now. I have been so focused on how shamanism was practiced in the past and how it obtained such miraculous results. We are still getting miraculous results from the work. But something seems to be changing. So I will discuss this on Saturday, June 25th with Stephen and the call with be recorded.  

Before I start talking about this fascinating topic on the 25th I will share a message of hope for the spiritual community from my helping spirits.

In the actual course I will teach shamanic journeying to the Lower, Middle, and Upper Worlds to discover the compassionate spirits that are guiding us, protecting us, and willing to help heal us and perform our ceremonial work.

Once we are grounded in the core practices of shamanic journeying, we will start working in behalf of each other in small groups. I will choose a journey that speaks to current issues happening on the planet and then participants will discuss the wisdom they learned through their journeywork. In this way everyone gets to share different pieces of the puzzle. For we all only get certain pieces in our personal journeys.

And then we will break into small groups where each group will journey to help one person In their group who has asked for guidance or healing help. It is always exciting to see how much easier it is to journey on someone else’s issue and also to feel the power of the helping spirits working through you.

Of course I will include a session on transfiguration and how to teach this powerful practice in your community.

Participants will also be able to ask me questions.

I am very excited about this course. This course is designed to help bring shamanic work into your community. Again, my free introductory call will be in June 25. And then the 7-week course begins on July 12 and ends on August 23.

This course is perfect for those of you wanting to learn the art of shamanic journeying and is also great for seasoned journeyers who would like practice sessions to deepen your work and learn how to work with your community.

This will be different from my other online courses as there will be ways for people to work together in smaller circles. And the power of the course will be learning how to work in small groups so you can bring all the work I am teaching into your community.

This newsletter was published after my introductory call with Stephen Dinan on my new course. But there is a replay or if you just want to learn about the course you can click on the link below.

You can RSVP for free:

Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to be a guest on Cissi William’s podcast Let Spirit Lead. Cissi is really on fire with her work. She does wonderful shamanic work and teaches on the goddesses too. We were going to talk about soul retrieval. But found ourselves gracefully addressing different topics about shamanism in the modern world.

The episode is now up on Let Spirit Lead podcast, which is available on iTunes, Spotify and other places where you find podcasts, plus on Cissi’s website on

I have really loved all my conversations with Laura Dawn who is definitely working outside of the box. I have a lot of respect for the work she is doing.

Laura is thrilled to support the launch of @supportgrowmedicine.

Grow Medicine is a donation platform that makes it easy for the psychedelic and medicine community to step toward Right Relationship with the traditional knowledge holders of these sacred medicines.

A donation through Grow Medicine goes towards Indigenous-led initiatives that are strengthening communities in their efforts to conserve keystone plant medicines and traditional knowledge that they rely on for their healing and cultural survival.

Visit for more information.  Grow Medicine is a project of the IMC Fund.

Practicing Unshakable Joy With Brother Lawrence, the Friar d’Amour with Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD (June – July 2022)

I saw this talk advertised and it looked so interesting for me I decided to sign up and share it with you. I tend to like to really be attracted to stories from elders about getting through challenging times.

Each day, we’re bombarded with stressful news and other distractions — on our televisions and phones, in the conversations around us, and within our own quiet moments of reflection.

The wisdom our world needs right now, affirms Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, an award-winning translator of spiritual texts, can be found in the teachings of Brother Lawrence, the Friar d’Amour.

Brother Lawrence was a down-to-earth mystic, monastery cook, sandal repairer, and disabled veteran who limped painfully all his adult life.

He lived through a time that was strikingly similar to our own — marked by authoritarianism, political division, social and economic disparities, climate crises, hunger, plague, global death, and war.

As a result, his writings, found after his death in 1691, are filled with profound yet practical tools and wisdom that apply to our moment in history — equipping us to live more calmly and deeply as we connect with ourselves, others, and God.

You can hear a replay of the introductory call to discover more about Brother Lawrence’s gentle, simple practices for returning to love — and feeling more grounded in the midst of life’s biggest distractions and greatest challenges.

You can register here for Practicing Unshakable Joy With Brother Lawrence, the Friar d’Amour:

In Learn Advanced Techniques for Healing Yourself & Others: Tap Into the 4 Levels of Reality for a Multidimensional Approach with preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale…

… you’ll discover how to transform your everyday reality through the ming men doorway, a meridian-based energetic point, using gamma consciousness.

Cyndi’s upcoming year-long energy healing certification program, you’ll explore her comprehensive energy healing practice that blends modern, ancient, practical, and esoteric approaches — so you can heal yourself and others.

I wanted to share a course that looks good for those of you who are feeling burned out as a health care professional.  The Greater Good Training for Health Professionals: Science-Based Skills for Emotional Resilience and Well-Being is now open for enrollment.

This course was designed to reawaken a sense of meaning and purpose for those in the healthcare field. Broken into bite-sized micro-learnings consisting of content, exercises, and meditations, it is a complete toolbox to release yourself from the debilitating shackles of stress and burnout

Copyright 2022 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.

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