I have a wonderful friend who is going through one of those initiations that many of us are experiencing today. And she always brilliantly masters how to move through challenges. I love her teachings. Anna is one of the most innovative teachers and healers I have had the privilege to meet and get to know well.
We sometimes have these wonderful supporting emails flying back and forth between both of us. In one of Anna’s recent emails she sent me a story that has touched my heart in a way I can’t even describe.
I recently shared the story in my Shift Network course on shamanic journeying as we are looking at how we can share our work with our communities. I felt this story is so profound I wanted to share it with you too.
Nature truly is our greatest teacher. I hope you are touched by this story and find others that you can hold “paws” with right now. Honestly since I started creating this global community in the late 1990s I feel we have been doing some form of this. And maybe we can find ways to deepen our practice.
From Anna:
“A thing I used to share in circles was about fire ants. They live their lives going about their ant business. And when a flood comes that would wipe out one ant, they all join ant ‘paws’ and form a raft of thousands….that can stay afloat for months, until the floodwaters cede and they find themselves on dry land. There they unlink ‘paws’ and form a new colony.”
Anna feels strongly that those of us walking an initiatory path can be like fire ants and we can hold hands until the floodwaters ease.
I personally love thinking about this, feeling this, imagining it, and being it!
Anna is seeing clients and starting some new, very innovative circles that I feel are such a gift to those wishing to work with a brilliant teacher who has come through so much, she can help us find ways to explore life in a deeper and meaningful way. I am sharing more about Anna’s work in the Announcement Section.
The full moon is on September 9. It is the powerful Harvest Moon. Let’s imagine ourselves holding hands as a one large global community that is like the ant raft that Anna speaks about. And from this place of sacred love and unity let’s shine our light as bright as the stars in the night sky. As we shine our light throughout and within the Earth we start to fill the cracks that are appearing in the collective with the pure light of Source within and Source without. We are a raft of light uplifting all of life until we find steady ground.
If you are new to this circle please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage for instructions for our full moon ceremonies.
The equinox is on September 22. Fall of course is the season I most celebrate. I love the crispness in the air, the change in colors in nature as the Earth prepares to receive the old life that plants and trees release to be composted into deep rich soil for when it is time to grow new life again. And in the Southern Hemisphere of course it is time to start honoring the Earth’s cycle where growth begins to show itself after a long rest during the winter. I know so many of you light up completely as spring approaches.
Watch how you feel during the change in seasons. For you are getting information on how to change your actions and behavior as life brings in a new season.
An old acquaintance of mine once shared a story with me about rituals performed in some Northern European traditions. And one of them that touched me was during certain times of the year, a ritual would be done of physically sweeping your house while focusing on sweeping out old dreams that did not manifest, emotions, traumas, negative thoughts, all the seeds that did not take. It seems like a powerful way to clear the space for a new time to come.
She spoke how in Northern Europe the rituals and ceremonies were focused around the change in seasons. In our work with shamanism in the West I find this to be true of most shamanic cultures.
In our journey for this month I will lead you on a journey to begin to unravel a weaving of your life plan – unraveling the threads that need to be let go and reweaving in some new plans and dreams for yourself and all of life.
To participate in this journey, click on:
Please join as a loving community in wishing everyone a beautiful fall and spring equinox!
The Healing Your Thoughts app is officially out, and you can purchase it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. I am getting fabulous feedback! I have been using the original app Transmutation since 2004 and now the updated app Healing Your Thoughts and it is something I count on to change my mood as I asked to be notified every two hours to stop and reflect on what I am thinking about and transmute any negativity I am focusing on. There is a one time fee of $1.99 and there is no sign in. It is as simple as apps come!
I am still waiting until the spirits give me the go ahead to create an in person practitioner and Teacher Training. But there are resources for all of you to keep learning. I have once again engaged in the world and am doing some traveling again. So now my next step is finding a good retreat center for the in person trainings I would like to do. Right now, it is not easy to find one that fits my needs.
The reports I am hearing is that many are getting Covid from showing up to in person workshops. Some workshops everyone is getting Covid. So I am waiting a bit.
There are teachers on www.shamanicteachers.com who are teaching in person trainings, online advanced shamanic healing methods trainings with really small groups so everyone can be observed in their work, and there are hybrid courses of a mixture of online and person trainings.
I still have Evergreen Courses that are already recorded on Journeying and other topics. Check out my Training page for further information. And you have all received my dedicated email that all my Shift Network courses are now all digital and can bought by you to learn from at any time. “The Dark Night of the Soul” is such a powerful course and has great tools to get you through challenging times.
And “Healing with Spiritual Light” produced by Sounds True is a course that brings me the most feedback and how much it has changed people’s lives and ability to move with grace during these times.
There is a fabulous course on working with Nature which is one of my favorites “Shamanic Journeying with the Spirits of Nature”.
On www.shamanicteachers.com you can find shamanic practitioners from all over the world who trained with me who are doing remote healings right now. And many are working with people in person. And I have been training brilliant teachers since 2004, and you can find online workshops and in person workshops by visiting the website.
Please check out my books and audio programs. I have received such great feedback, and they include information and exercises I teach in my workshops. All my books sell well. But if you haven’t check out Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony. You might be missing some valuable shamanic tools and practices you can use in your life to receive guidance, healing, and to honor all the transitions and changes in life.
And don’t forget to visit our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page to post inspirational stories and images and also to be uplifted by what our community is sharing. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/991720834662313. The password is “Transfiguration”. I am back on this FB page. I had to leave FB for awhile just for a rest. But I began participating again.
And of course, Renee Baribeau and I have a popular podcast called the Shamans Cave. People love it!! I love doing the podcast with Renee! Join us! Subscribe on ShamansTV.com. And subscribe on You Tube! Our show had completely take off on You Tube, Buzz Feed, and Apple. We are getting the most amazing feedback on our podcast! I can’t believe the emails we are getting. People so appreciate our wisdom, humor, experience especially during these times.
And if you have a topic you wish for us to address you can email shamanscave@gmail.com. I will receive your email and the topic is appropriate Renee and I will discuss it.
Here is more about Anna’s work:
Anna has been teaching people how to connect with helping spirits and healing energies full time for 18 years, and she is a truly loving, joyful, and gifted being. you can meet her at ‘the dreaming otter’, where she creates amazing, customized deep dives for sensitive and magical women navigating the intensity of our times. her work is really unique – she’s brilliant at holding space, seeing and loving people as they are, and has an incredible gift for helping people live magical lives.
Many years ago I had the fun opportunity to present at Sounds True Wake Up Festival where I shared a cabin with some amazing teachers. Christine Stevens was one our roommates for the event. And she is such a bright light and put a smile on our faces everyday. She is just one of those wonderful people who makes you feel peppy and inspired.
On Saturday July 30, celebrated music therapist Christine Stevens shared how you can turn to the flute as a sacred sound-healing tool to help you deepen your spiritual journey — enhancing your connection with Nature, inspiring personal transformation, and so much more.
Although her intro call is over you can still sign up and listen to her talk and register for her class.
You can register here for Turn Your Flute Into a Sound-Healing Tool: Uplift Your Spirits & Experience More Joy: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/fsh/ingerman
If you are familiar with the work of Mirabai Starr you know she is probably one of the deepest woman I have met. I endorsed one of her books once, and it took me weeks to come back from the depth of her wisdom. I was changed by her writing. She teaches occasionally for the Shift Network and never disappoints.
In Navigate Your Divine Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Vibrant Human Holiness with interspiritual teacher and author Mirabai Starr, you’ll release outdated misconceptions about the spiritual path and celebrate a deeper connection with your sacred self — so you can experience the magnificence of your life.
Register here: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/ndmSI/ingerman/
In Journey Across Time to Bring Healing to Your Younger Self: How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds & Reclaim Your Soul’s Calling with Robert Moss. People love Robert’s courses.
Register here: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/jtSI/ingerman/
Copyright 2022 Sandra Ingerman. All right reserved.