Here we are again celebrating a New Year. This is a time when many feel that there is opportunity to begin again. It is important in honoring the nature of cycles to always see that there are times of new beginnings. We acknowledge and honor the events of our past. We hold the knowledge that our past has brought us to where we are now. There are no isolated events. We are on a continuum in our evolution.

Last month I asked you to create a dreaming space where you can begin to draw your energy within during this time of winter. So much has happened in the world around us during the last year. It is important we take the time to pull in a reassess our lives and where we are going.

During this dreaming time we have the opportunity to create a strong intention for the next year for our planet. It is time for us to review how we can best be in service to all life right now.

The times we live in seem to support people in looking outside of themselves for answers. The ancients for thousands of years have been teaching that all we need to know is within. We can be inspired by the work of others, but it is important not to give our power to others.

At this time there needs to be no weak links in our web. One of the issues that create weak links is people on a spiritual path who believe that others have more power or hold the answers. There is no hero or heroine to save us now. We all must add our power, energies, and light together to create a harmonious world. The more we can “step up to the plate” the greater the success of our work will be. We must be a strong community of people willing to hold and share the light. We must not depend on others to do this for us.

This means going within and gathering strength. This means going within and really getting in touch with our inner light so it can continue to shine forth in the world.

This is a powerful time for us to gather our light and shine it. Don’t get lost in the chaos of the outer world making you one of the weak links. Take the time to be strong in your inner knowing. Set a strong intention for the year. Intention is everything.

I will continue to teach and also to write The Transmutation News. But in some ways I feel I have shared what can be shared. For it comes down to practice. We must do our spiritual practices to go within and find the source of knowing and light. No techniques replace spiritual practice.

Over the years I have had many miraculous experiences with the elements. I don’t want to share all of what has happened as I don’t want to break the magic by analyzing it and talking about it. But I can say that I have had many experiences where it was truly clear water, or earth, or air, or fire was helping me out on a personal level.

These experiences have led me into a “love affair” with the elements. I know for certain that the elements are living beings that respond to the relationship I have created with them. All great partnerships demand a good relationship. This means time, honor, respect, communication, appreciation, and love.

One way that I work with the elements is by talking to them as friends especially in times when their behavior creates fear for me. In strong winds or rains I talk to the elements and share what is coming up for me, and I listen to what they have to say. Listening to the elements means “opening up my invisible ears” where I can perceive their messages to me.

I sing in praise of the elements. I thank them for all the help and life they have given me. And I do this daily and throughout the day. And from doing this they are responding back.

My suggestion to you this month is to pick one of the elements of air, water, earth, or fire that you have “issues” with. Set an intention to communicate with it this month as you walk through the world. This is not a journey or meditation. This is interacting physically with an element. Create songs of appreciation to the element and hum or sing it throughout the day. Listen for messages coming back to you. Notice if your relationship and understanding change. From my own experience I know it will.

In such a time of division in the world we must support all those on a spiritual path. I feel strongly that we need to transmute the belief in divide and conquer. This does not mean remaining silent if you see abusive and/or unethical behavior. We all live on the same earth and our heart beats are connected to the one source of life. It is in this letting go of division and feeding the energy and power of unity that we will finally see a shift in the world we live in.

Last month we gave thanks and appreciation to all those who work on this website to keep the information flowing around the world and keeping us connected.

This month I would like to thank all of you for your love and support. I do feel it! And let’s give thanks to the community of readers around the world for all you do to hold the light.

I know many of you loved the movie “What The Bleep”. Last month I saw another great movie called “I Heart Huckabees”. It is about the principle of oneness and the connection between all things. Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin play existential detectives. It is very funny and yet very profound. Check it out if you can.

I also wanted to remind you that “Miracles of the Earth” is now out. This contains a lecture on the Medicine for the Earth material as well as experiential exercises. You can order it at

If you are looking for some inspirational reading for the winter months ahead here are some ideas:

I recently had the incredible opportunity to meet with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee who writes and lectures about Sufism, dreamwork, and Jungian psychology. His depth of knowledge of the inner worlds is quite extraordinary.

Llewellyn has written a few books. The book I have finished reading is Working with Oneness. He writes about similar things to what I teach in the Medicine for the Earth work. But his wording of course is different. The second half of the book was true magic for me. The concepts he spoke of and the words he used to explain the teachings inspired me to go much deeper with my own work.

In February 2006 Llewellyn and I will do a one day event in the Bay Area. He feels strongly that spiritual teachers of other traditions must come together and create sacred space together for a real collective shift to happen.

His book is published by The Golden Sufi Center. You can visit for more info and how to get the book.

Dr. Edward Tick is a psychotherapist who works with the effects of war on many different levels. He works with veterans from all different wars. He is a key educator in the effects of the chemicals and bombs used in wars. He is on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners (check Important Links to find out more info about the society.)

He is known for his work with Vietnam Vets and bringing them back over to Viet Nam to heal. His work is incredible and I don’t know anyone receiving the same results as Ed is getting.

He has a website which I will be adding to the Important Links Section. The website is He has written books and articles and you can visit the site to learn more.

I met Dr. Edward Tick at the Bioneers Conference this year. I have never been so moved in listening to someone talk about the work he does with vets. I had no idea that this was going on. Many of you reading The Transmutation News have been impacted by the Viet Nam war. I feel it is so important to learn about what Ed is doing and what is happening in Viet Nam today. The people’s ability to forgive and love those who return is amazing and gives hope of the healing possible.

I have not read Ed’s books yet. I did listen to the tape of his lecture at the Bioneers called “War, Earth, and Soul, Apocalypse and Transformation”. I got the tape through Conference Recording at This lecture will make you cry in sadness and at the same time give hope that healing can happen.

I cannot recommend enough that you learn more about Edward Tick’s work.

And one of the most unusual books I have read also has a profound teaching in it: Agnostic Prayer by Paul Sutherland. It is a very small book, and I did find myself walking away from it saying “wow”. On the back of the book it says, “Agnostic Prayer…A story about love, chocolate, adventure, art, romance, Italy and France, and a man who sold his painting to an idiot.”
It is not your usual book, but I certainly did enjoy it. You can order it from Amazon. It is published by Karuna Press.

I recently wrote a chapter for a remarkable book called The Heart of Healing. I announced it a few months ago. This book gathers, in one volume, powerful strategies for getting well and staying vibrantly healthy. Concise chapters by Deepak Chopra, Dean Ornish, Joan Borysenko, Andrew Weil, Bernie Siegel, Larry Dossey, and others, explain their most powerful ideas. The book also unearths many little-known but powerful therapies from new, previously-unpublished practitioners, with approaches that give relief to people who have been helped by conventional medicine- and it gathers the most advanced thinking about the future of medicine. On the book’s website at you can read sample chapters and learn more about the book.

If you want to read the Transmutation News in German, Italian, Spanish, or Slovakian, please go the Important Links Section of this site. We now have a new French translator who is working on translating the Transmutation News. We will be able to add French again shortly.

The full moon is January 25. It is so important to keep weaving a web of light within and throughout the earth. Please join in with all the people around the world doing this work.

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