This book is the second part of Soul Retrieval. Sandra focuses on life after healing. After we have worked with what happened to us in the past, it is now time for us to see that we have new options to create a positive present and future. Sandra shows some steps to walk down this new path.
Sandra Ingerman’s deeply moving debut, Soul Retrieval, captivated readers with its introduction of shamanic journeying, an ancient tradition of healing. With the characteristic warmth, passion, and authenticity that have earned her worldwide recognition, Ingerman now continues to share her lifework with Welcome Home, an empowering action plan for creating a more positive future by truly letting go of blame and guilt.
This book is also translated into the following languages. Please order from your local bookstore:
Česky: “Vítej Doma” http://eshop.maitrea.cz/vitej-doma339
German: “Heimkehr der Seele” published by Ullstein.
Greek: “Η Ζωή μετά τη Θεραπεία – Ακολουθώντας το ταξίδι της ψυχής σου, που επιστρέφει” Available at http://www.therapeutic-blue.gr/.