According to Sandra Ingerman and thousands of years of shamans before her, it is not what we do but who we are and what we are willing to become that affects our happiness, the health of our communities, and ultimately the planet itself. The Shaman's Toolkit teaches us how to root out the beliefs that are limiting us, how to heal our inner lives and become the people we most want to be, and how to utilize ancient shamanic principles of manifestation to help shape the world we want to live in. This is shamanism with a kind of social change agenda. It's about having the happiest and most fulfilling life possible and becoming a truly effective world citizen and change maker. (This book was originally published in 2010 as How to Thrive in Changing Times.)
In a time when people feel overwhelmed by global problems Sandra Ingerman shares with us spiritual practices we can all engage in that have the power to create positive change. Readers will be guided toward living a conscious life; they will learn how their thoughts and words impact the world they live in and how their core beliefs influence what they believe is possible. They will learn different ways to release and dissolve limiting beliefs and to utilize ancient principles of creation and manifestation to usher in healing the planet. Readers will be encouraged throughout to perceive themselves as members of a growing global community of conscious change agents, because that, Ingerman believes, is how we will survive changing times and how the earth will be healed.
This book has been translated into the following languages. Please order from your local bookstore:
German: Gut leben in schwieriger Zeit: Schamanische Techniken für Gesundheit, Wohlstand und Frieden, published by Arkana.
French: Comment S’Epanouir en Periode De Crise: Des Outils Simples Pour se Realiser et Guerir la Terre, published by Tredaniel.